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科目: 来源: 题型:053



  Harry Potter came to China! Not the mop-haired (头发蓬乱的), magic wizard wearing glasses and a black jacket, but a gentle boy with clear blue eyes, sunny smile, and a formal suit.

  He is Daniel Radcliffe, a 13-year-old teenager who has played Potter, the biggest and best hero in Britain since James Bond.

  Daniel visited China for the first time on December 21 and 22, 2003. He presented the premiere (首映) of“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”in Beijing and Shanghai. The film was released across China on January 23 this year.

  “I love China,”said Daniel in broken Chinese. He paid a visit to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City and was greatly impressed.

  Daniel was thrown into stardom overnight by the Harry Potter series. Right now, his salary, US $3 million from“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, makes him one of the highest paid teen stars in the entertainment world.

  “My life has changed surprisingly little. I'm just recognized sometimes, and people come up to me on the street. I'm honoured by all the fan letters I get, but I don't have a girlfriend,”Daniel said when asked how his life changed since he entered the world of“Harry Potter”.

  Fame and fortune may not be what Daniel cared bout most. He liked Potter and thought they two were similar, which is why he played the screen teen so well.

1.According to the passage, why did Daniel Radcliffe play Potter so well?

[  ]

A.He is a young boy and suitable for the role.

B.He is a clever boy and has a gift for acting.

C.He doesn't care about fame or fortune.

D.He likes Potter and they have a lot in common.

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

[  ]

A.Daniel Radcliffe had been to China before December 21,2003.

B.Daniel Radcliffe is one of the highest paid teen stars in the entertainment world.

C.Daniel Radcliffe wants to have a girlfriend.

D.Daniel Radcliffe is a British.

3.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

[  ]

A.Harry Potter visits China

B.Harry Potter is one of the biggest heroes

C.The greatest teen star

D.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  One of the greatest sea tragedies that have ever occurred was that of the steamship Titanic. It was the first trip of the giant ship. There were more than two thousand people aboard on their way to the United States from England. On the night of April 14,1912, the sea was calm. The weather was beautiful. People were dancing in the spacious salon. Music, laughter and singing could be heard everywhere. The thought of danger was far away. Suddenly, just before midnight, the sailor on guard cried,“An iceberg!”Before the ship could change her course, the iceberg had torn a huge hole in the bottom of the ship. Nothing could be done. The ship began to sink and the passengers tried to escape, but there weren't enough lifeboats. Another ship was passing nearby. The Titanic fired rockets into the air in order to get the other ships' help. It could have saved most of the passengers, but it did not even stop. More than two-thirds of the passengers went down with the Titanic. It was one of the greatest sea disasters of all time. The new ship went down the sea. More than fifteen hundred people lost their lives.

1.According to the text, which of the following statements is right?

[  ]

A.The sea tragedy occured in the nineteenth century.

B.All the passengers were killed in the sea accident except the captain.

C.The sea tragedy happened just because the thought of danger was far away.

D.The tragedy happened in such a burry that the shipmen could do nothing to stop it.

2.Before the ship sank, _____.

[  ]

A.the weather wasn't fine

B.the people were enjoying the beautiful night

C.the sailors were not on duty

D.there had been a big hole in the bottom of the ship

3.Which do you believe is the best opinion?

[  ]

A.If the ship wasn't new, the tragedy would not have happened.

B.In case the other ship gave a hand in time, more passengers would have been rescued.

C.If there had been more lifeboats on the ship, the ship would not have sunk.

D.On condition that there were no icebergs, then there must have been fewer passengers who lost their lives.

4.The Titanic fired rockets in the air _____.

[  ]

A.because another ship which was passing did not give any help

B.in order to calm all the frightened passengers on the ship

C.to send signals to ask for help from the land

D.in order to stop another ship for help

5.The best title of the story should be _____.

[  ]

A.The Most Dangerous Voyage

B.A Sea Tragedy

C.The Terrible Iceberg

D.A Regretful Ship


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Twenty five years ago, Muhammed Yunus, a Bangladeshi economics teacher, was visiting a village when he met a woman who made bamboo stools. She couldn't afford to buy the bamboo to make the stools, so she had to borrow the money from the bamboo sellers and then pay them a large part of the profit from each one she sold. There was so little money left for her to keep that she couldn't afford to buy more bamboo, so she had to borrow more money. And so the cycle continued with no way out for her. She couldn't borrow money from friends or family because they were as poor as she was. She couldn't borrow from the bank because she had no collateral (property or land) to guarantee that she would pay back the loan.

  Yunus went around the village and found forty-two people who were in the same situation--trapped in a cycle of poverty with no escape. When he added up the amount of money that they needed to break free of the cycle, it came to just twenty-seven dollars. As Yunus says“I felt ashamed of myself for being part of a society which could not provide even twenty-seven dollars to forty-two hardworking, skilled human beings.”

  He lent them the money and told them to pay it back whenever they could. He got all of it back, so he went to other villages and did the same thing. He always got his money back. The official banks didn't want to get involved in what he was doing, so Yunus started his own bank. The Grameen bank was born, and with it a new approach to lending moneymiero-credit.

1.Which of the following correctly shows the“cycle”the poor woman had to go through?

[  ]

A.      B.

C.       D.

2.Why were official banks unwilling to lend money to the poor villagers?

[  ]

A.There wouldn't be much profit.

B.The villagers might not be able to pay it back.

C.The villagers live too far away from the cities.

D.The villagers needed too much money.

3.Which of the following is not stated but can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]

A.The Grameen bank would be a complete failure.

B.The villagers were hardworking people.

C.The villagers were skilled people.

D.The villagers were honest, trustworthy people.

4.This passage shows Muhammed Yunus was _____.

[  ]

A.kind-hearted   B.very rich

C.an expert banker D.excellent teacher


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  “There is no arguing about taste”--runs the Latin proverb. But taste did not just happen. Cultural, historical, biological and environmental events have interacted to cause frogs, for example, to be viewed as delicious in southern China but to be regarded with revulsion(厌恶) in northern China. Even though much remains unknown, tastes cannot be dismissed as inarguable or illogical(不合逻辑的); an attempt will be made here to discover why, as Lucretius put it,“What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.”

  Among the thirty million tribal(部落的) people of India, a total of 250 animal species(物种) are avoided by one group or another. Most of these people will not eat meat from a tiger or any of various snakes. Although they say they feel a relationship with these animals, it is obvious that both are highly dangerous and that hunting them regularly would be foolish.

  Monkeys are avoided, probably because they look like human beings in appearance; in these tribes, man-eating is viewed as extremely cruel. An unwillingness to eat some female animals is believed to have been caused by respect for the mother's role, but it could also be due to a policy of allowing the females to reproduce and provide more young for people. Many tribes avoid eating any animal that has died of unknown causes, a wise attitude in view of the possibility that the animal might have died from a disease that could spread to humans. Animals that eat waste food are similarly avoided, an adaptive(适应性的) step that prevents contact with parasites(寄生虫), and that might explain why members of one tribe eat any of twenty-one different species of rats, but not the house rat.

1.We can infer from the first paragraph that _____.

[  ]

A.people from different parts of China never share the same food

B.taste is illogical and inarguable and cannot be explained

C.all the people in Southern China eat frogs

D.the author does not quite agree with the Latin proverb

2.The tribal people in India don't eat snakes or tigers because _____.

[  ]

A.they feel a relationship with them

B.they have parasites on them

C.they think it safe to leave them alone

D.they may spread disease

3.The members of one tribe eat many species of rats except the house rat because _____.

[  ]

A.house rats are not green food

B.house rats look terrible

C.house rats are their friends

D.house rats eat waste food

4.The Indian tribes' choice of food shows that their decision is based on _____.

[  ]

A.their Gods' teachings

B.their own safety

C.where they live

D.their tastes


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  In 1959 an ordinary American family paid $989 for a year's supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1311. Why does food cost so much?

  Vegetables cost more when they have been washed and cut and sometimes even cooked before being packaged. Chicken costs more when it has been cut into pieces by someone other than the one who buys it. A family should expect to pay more when several“TV dinners”are taken home from the store. These are fully cooked meals, including meat, vegetables, and so on, all arranged on a metal dish. The dish is put into the fire and heated while the housewife is doing something else(cleaning the house, perhaps, or resting or watching TV). Such a convenience costs money. It transfers(转换) much of the time and work of meal preparation from the kitchen to the food plant.

  Economists tell us that many modern housewives have jobs outside their home. They make money that helps to pay the family food bills. The housewife naturally has less time and energy for cooking after a day's work.She wants to buy many kinds of food that can be put on her family's table easily and quickly.

  “If the housewife wants all kinds of these,”the economists say,“that is her right, but she must be prepared to pay for those who make her work easier.”

1.The price of food increased by _____ in the United States from the year 1959 to 1972.

[  ]

A.about fifty percent

B.about twenty percent

C.nearly one third

D.nearly two thirds

2.According to the passage,“TV dinners”are usually _____.

[  ]

A.expensive food sold by TV stations

B.meat mixed with vegetables

C.fully-cooked food sold in shops

D.heated vegetables cooked on TV

3.The reason why food costs so much in America now is that _____.

[  ]

A.the price of everything has increased as well

B.a lot of work of food preparation has been done by food plants

C.American housewives have less time and energy

D.there isn't enough food for so many people


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  In the 1970s, with ever-increasing international travel and tourism, the United States Department of Transportation decided to design a set of symbols(符号)for airports, stations, and public facilities(设施). The aim was to design symbols that would be clear to people in a hurry and to those who can not read English. Therefore, the set of symbols shown below was designed. Then the designers planned an experiment with an international sample(抽样调查) of 8-year-old children from Sweden. Japan, France, Canada, and Britain. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how clear the symbols would be to the children, who were not experienced international travelers.

  The children were shown the set of sample symbols, and were then asked to explain to the experimenters what the symbols meant. The researchers thought that if the international sample of children could understand them, the grown-up travelers would probably also recognize their meanings. The following graph(图表) shows the percentages of correctly explained symbols.

  The experiments discovered that most of the children easily understand the telephone receiver and cigarette symbols. However, there were some interesting differences in their answers to the other four symbols. The Japanese children most easily understood the symbol standing for“coffee shop”. The experimenters thought that this fact showed children in Japan are more familiar with such shops than children in Sweden and Canada. The Japanese, French, and Canadian children all equally recognized the idea of“information”showed by the question mark.

  Interestingly, the French and Canadian children understood the symbol referring to“campground(露营地)”better than the other children. Again, the researchers thought that recognition of a symbol shows how common the activity is in a country.

  One particularly difficult symbol was that of the umbrella and glove used for“lost and found”, which was correctly explained by less than 50% of the children in four of the five countries. On the basis(基础) of this finding, the experimenters decided to add a question mark to make this symbol easier to understand.

1.Which of the following shows the correct meaning of(X), (Y), and (Z) in the graph above?

[  ]

A.Campground, Coffee Shop, Lost and Found.

B.Lost and Found, Campground, Coffee Shop.

C.Coffee shop, Lost and Found, Campground.

D.Telephone, No smoking, Information.

2.If we compare the Japanese and French children's understanding of the question mark and cigarette symbols, then we can find a difference of _____ between these symbols.

[  ]

A.0%   B.10%

C.80%   D.90%

3.The _____ symbol was the most difficult for the Japanese children to understand.

[  ]

A.cup   B.question mark

C.tent   D.umbrella and glove

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The experimenters thought Japanese children drink coffee.

B.The most difficult symbol was changed to make it clearer.

C.The question mark symbol is the least difficult in all five countries.

D.The researchers thought children would know as much as grown-ups.


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  Shundagarh is a village on India's east-facing coast. It is a village of simple mud and grass houses built on the beach just above the waterline. The Khadra Hills rise immediately behind the village, to a height of one hundred and fifty meters. A simple, good-hearted old man, whose name was Jalpur, farmed two small fields on the very edge of these hills. From his fields he could see the fishing boats that travelled up and down the coast. He could see the children playing on the sands; their mothers washing clothes on the flat stones where the Shiva River flowed into the sea; and their fathers landing the latest catch or repairing nets and telling stories that had no end.

  All Jalpur owned in the world were the clothes he wore day in and day out, the miserable (蹩脚的)hut that he slept in at night, a few tools and cooking pots, and his fields. The corn that he grew was all that made life possible. If the weather was kind and the harvest was good, Jalpur could live happily enough--not well, but happily. When the sun was fierce, and there was little or no rain, then he came close to the line between life and death.

  Last year the weather had been so kind, and the harvest promised to be so good, that Jalpur had been wondering whether he could sell all that he had and live with his son farther up the coast. He had been thinking about doing this for some years. It was his dearest wish to spend his last days with his son and his wife. But he would go only if he could give; he would not go if it meant taking food out of the mouths of his grandchildren. He would rather die hungry than do this.

  On the day when Jalpur decided that he would harvest his corn, sell it, and move up the coast, he looked out to sea and saw a huge wave, several kilometers out, advancing on the coast and on the village of Shundagarh within ten minutes everyone in Shundagarh would be drowned. Jalpur would have shouted, but the people were too far away to hear. He would have run down the hill, but he was too old to run. He was prepared to do anything to save the people of Shundagarh, so he did the only thing that he could do: he set fire to his corn. In a matter of seconds the flames were rising high and smoke was rising higher. Within a minute the people of Shundagarh were racing up the hill to see what had happened. There, in the middle of his blackened cornfield, they found Jalpur, and there they buried him.

  On his grave they wrote the words: Here lies Jalpur, a man who gave,living; a man who died, giving.

1.Which of the following could Jalpur NOT see from his fields?

[  ]

A.Mothers washing clothes.

B.Fathers taking their corn to market.

C.Fishing boats traveling on the sea.

D.Children playing on the sands.

2.Why didn't Jalpur live well?

[  ]

A.He didn't work hard.

B.He had too many children to feed.

C.He only depended on good weather and harvest for survival.

D.The villagers kept taking his corn.

3.Jalpur's dearest wish was to _____.

[  ]

A.move away from his son

B.take a vacation up the coast

C.make a great deal of money in order to live an easy life

D.spend his last days with his son and his wife

4.What did Jalpur do when he saw the huge wave?

[  ]

A.He set his corn on fire so the people of Shundagarh would leave the beach.

B.He screamed loudly to get the villagers' attention.

C.He ran down the hill to tell the people.

D.He stood still, not knowing what to do.


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  If you ask some people,“How did you learn English so well?”You may get a surprising answer,“In my sleep!”

  These are people who have taken part in one of the recent experiments to test“Learn-While-Sleep”methods, which are now being tried in several countries, and with several subjects, of which English is only one.

  Specialists say that this sleep-study method speeds language learning greatly. They say that the average person can learn two or three times as much during sleep as in the same period during the day and this doesn't affect his rest in any way. A word of warning, however, sleep teaching will only strengthen in your mind what you have studied already while you are awake.

  In the experiment, lessons were broadcast over the radio. Each lesson lasted twelve hours, from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.. The first three hours of English grammar and vocabulary were given with the student awake. At 11 p.m. a lullaby(催眠曲) was broadcast to sent the student to sleep and for the next three hours the radio whispered the lesson again into his sleeping ears. At 2 a.m. a sharp noise was sent over the radio to wake the sleeping student up for a few minutes to review the lesson. The soft songs sent him back to rest again while the radio went on. At 5 a.m. his sleep ended and he had to go through the lesson again for three hours before breakfast.

1.Compared with other methods of learning, the Learn-While-Sleep method is _____.

[  ]

A.slower      B.quicker

C.very simple    D.very tiring

2.By this method, one _____.

[  ]

A.starts to learn a new lesson in sleep

B.learns how to sleep better

C.is made to remember his lessons in sleep

D.can get more knowledge over the radio

3.In the experiment the first part of the lesson was given _____.

[  ]

A.around midnight

B.after lullabies were broadcast

C.while the student was awake

D.all through the twelve hours

4.Before each lesson finishes, the student has to _____.

[  ]

A.get up and take breakfast

B.be wakened by a loud noise

C.listen to the lesson again in sleep

D.review the lesson by himself

5.The sleep-study method in being tried in many countries to teach _____.

[  ]


B.grammar and vocabulary

C.a number of subjects



科目: 来源: 题型:053



  More than 3 million years ago, our ancestors were already on the march, rising on two legs to search for food, seek greener lands and, above all, to grow in body and brain. Let's meet some of them:

  1.Australopithecus afarensis

  They had apelike faces and their brains were a third the size of modern humans' brains. They lived 3~3.9 million years ago. Fossils (化石) were found in Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚) in 1974.

  2.Paranthropus boisei

  Covered with fur, they had strong arms and gorillalike faces. They lived 1~2.5 million years ago. Fossils were found in Tanzunia (坦桑尼亚) in 1959.

  3.Homo habilis

  Homo habilis, which actually means“handy man”, was the first species to make and use primitive stone tools. They lived 1.6~2.2 million years ago. Fossils were found in Tanzania in 1960.

  4.Homo erectus

  With skeletons very similar to those of modern humans, they were probably the first to use fire. They lived 30,000~1.8 million years ago. Fossils have been found in Africa and Asia since 1893.

  5.Homo heidelbergensis

  They were skilled hunters who used spears to kill animals. Their bodies were similar to ours, although more muscular and larger boned. They lived 200,000~500,000 years ago. Fossils have been found in Ethiopia, Germany, France and Spain since 1921.

  6.Homo Neanderthal

  Their brains were at least as large as the average modern humans', while their smaller bodies helped them deal with cold climates. They lived 30,000~230,000 years ago. Fossils have been found in France and Iraq since 1856.

1.What is considered more important in the development of the human?

[  ]

A.Man could stand on two feet.

B.Man's brain became big enough.

C.Man's arms became strong.

D.Man could use the stone tools.

2.Handy man's fossils were found in _____.

[  ]

A.Tanzania in 1960

B.Germany in 1921

C.France in 1856

D.Tanzania in 1959

3.Which of the following lived earliest on the earth?

[  ]

A.Homo Neanderthal.

B.Homo habilis.

C.Paranthropus boisei.

D.Australopithecus afarensis.


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  They start handing out the free food at 9:00 a.m., but the queue starts forming hours earlier. By dawn, there is a line of cars stretching for about one kilometer. This is the closest thing to a traffic jam that the small city of Logan, Ohio, and many other places in the United States have a traffic jam driven by poverty (贫穷) and hunger.

  Outside, the US is regarded as the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, but back home it is being eaten away from the inside by persistent (持续的) and rising poverty.

  About 3 million Americans have lost their jobs since George W. Bush took office in January 2001 and have yet to find new work in a largely jobless economic recovery. There is not much left to keep them from falling further.

  Last year alone, another 1.7 million Americans slipped below the poverty line.

  That brought the total to 34.6 million, or one in eight of the population. More than 13 million of them are children.

  In fact, the US has the worst child poverty rate and the worst life expectancy of all the world's industrialized countries. And the conditions of its poverty are worsening.

  Two years ago, about 31 million Americans were considered“food insecure”(they did not know where their next meal was coming from). Of those, more than 9 million were said by the Agriculture Department to be experiencing real hunger.

  And that was before the recession (经济的衰退期) really began to hit.

  Partial surveys suggest the problem has got considerably worse since then. In 25 major cities, the need for emergency food rose to an average of 19 percent last year.

1.From the first paragraph we can know that _____.

[  ]

A.everyone in America need get free food

B.free food is offered to drivers everywhere in America

C.hunger is a big problem in America

D.people have to use cars even to get enough food

2.More American people are becoming poor because _____.

[  ]

A.they don't love their President

B.they don't like their jobs

C.they can't get enough jobs to do

D.they spend too much on their cars

3.The author's feeling towards the situation of poverty in the USA is _____.

[  ]

A.angry       B.puzzled

C.worried      D.nervous

