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科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Ask Steveland Morris, and he will tell you that blindness is not necessarily disabling. Steveland was born prematurely and totally without sight in 1950. He became Stevie Wonder--composer, singer, and pianist. The winner of ten Grammy awards, Stevie is widely acclaimed for his outstanding contribution to the music world.

  As a child, Stevie learned not to think about the things he could not do, but to concentrate on the things he could do. His parents encouraged him to join his sighted brothers in as many activities as possible. They also helped him to sharpen his sense of hearing, the sense upon which the visually disabled are so dependent.

  Because sound was so important to him, Stevie began at an early age to experiment with different kinds of sounds. He would bang(敲) things together and then imitate the sound with his voice. Often relying on sound for entertainment, he sang, beat on toy drums, played a toy harmonica(口琴) and listened to the radio.

  Stevie soon graduated from toy instruments to real instruments. He first learned to play the drums. He then mastered the harmonica and the piano. He became a member of the junior church choir and a lead singer. In the evenings and on the weekends, Stevie would play different instruments and sing popular rhythm and blues tunes on the front porches of neighbors' homes.

  One of Stevie's sessions was overheard by Ronnie White, a member of a popular singing group called the Miracals. Ron nie immediately recognized Stevie's talent and took him to audition for Berry Gardy, the smash hit“Fingertips”in 1962 at age twelve, and the rest of Stevie's story is a music history.

1.The best title for the passage is _____.

[  ]

A.Music for the Blind

B.Stevie Wonder

C.Grear Musicians

D.Blind People

2.By saying“Stevie soon graduated from toy instruments to real instruments”, the author means that _____.

[  ]

A.Stevie finished his study at a toy instrument school

B.Stevie began to study in a real instrument school

C.Stevie gave up all his toy instruments and began to buy many real instruments

D.Stevie started to play real instruments

3.The author mentions all the following facts except that _____.

[  ]

A.Stevie's neighbors could often enjoy his playing and singing

B.it was Ronnie White who recognized Stevie's talent and led him to a successful career

C.Berry Gordy helped him to set up his own recording compan

D.Stevie's parents played a very important part in training his sense of hearing

4.The phrase“smash hit”in the last paragraph refers to _____.

[  ]

A.a popular autobiography

B.a music record that turns out to be a great Success

C.a music record which is especially noisy

D.an interesting novel


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Elderly people respond best to a calm and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to provide as their behaviour call sometimes be irritating(恼人的). If they get excited or upset, then they may become more confused and more difficult to look after. Although sometimes it can be extremely difficult, it is best to be patient and not to get upset yourself. You should always encourage old people to do as much as possible for themselves but be ready to lend a helping hand when necessary. At the same time it is also important that you don't make them feel like children.

  Failing memory makes it very difficult for the person to recall all the basic kinds of information we take for granted. The obvious way to help in this situation is to supply the information that is missing and help them make sense of what is going on. The information has to be constantly repeated to make up for the poor memory. You must use every opportunity to provide information but remember to keep it simple and straightforward(易懂的).

  Confused old people need aids all the time to compensate for their poor memory. Encourage them to use and refer to reminder boards or diaries for important forthcoming events and label the contents of different cupboards and drawers.

1.Elderly people will be most cooperative when _____.

[  ]

A.they are in good health

B.they are encouraged

C.they are taken best care of

D.they are not excited or upset

2.According to the passage, elderly people are difficult to look after for _____.

[  ]

A.their behaviour sometimes easy be irritating

B.you should always encourage them as much as possible

C.they need a environment which is calm and unhurried

D.they don't like to be treated as children

3.One can help memory failing old people by _____.

[  ]

A.providing plain and straightforward information

B.continuously repeating until they remember

C.supplying detailed information

D.making things sensible

4.Visual aids can help elderly people by _____.

[  ]

A.clearing up their confused mind

B.improving their understanding of the basic things in life

C.making up for their poor memory

D.making things easier for them to see


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  Everywhere, you will find“the white haired boy”, sometimes called“the fair haired boy”. He gets special treatment, as if he were above everybody else. You will find him in school, in college, at home, or where you work.

  In school, he is teacher's pet, her darling who can do nothing wrong. Sometimes she lets him do little jobs for her. He comes to class in the morning, all shiny and clean. He is always raising his hand, ready with an answer to teacher's questions. And he knows all the answers. He gets into your hair, especially if you are at the bottom of the class and the teacher thinks you are stupid. How you hate the brat.

  At college, he walks--more often strides-across the school grounds as if he owned them. Sometimes he wears a colorful football or basketball shirt or sweater, with a bright red, or green or yellow college letter proudly worn on the front of it. What broad shoulders, what muscles he has! He makes the girls happy by just smiling at them. He has the mark of success on him.

  At home,“the fair-haired boy”is mother's choice, her favorite. Sometimes, he is the oldest son--at times, the youngest. If you are in between, you are out of luck.

  Then, you discover that there are others who share your feelings, ready to“let their hair down”--to tell you their private thoughts. One of them asks,“What does he have that I haven't got?”You ask yourself the same question.

  Finally,there comes a day when you decide to stop hating him. Is it perhaps because he has been made boss and find yourself working for him?

1.From the passage, we can know that“the white-haired”boy is _____.

[  ]

A.a boy with white hair

B.a boy treated with favor

C.a very bright boy

D.a more experienced boy

2.In the 2nd paragraph, the underlined part of the sentence“He gets into your hair”means _____.

[  ]

A.he upsets you

B.he ruins you

C.he plays a joke on you

D.he pulls your hair

3.Which of the following is considered to be the most unlucky child at home?

[  ]

A.The first-born child.

B.The Iast born child.

C.The middle child.

D.The only child.

4.In the last but one paragraph, the writer indicates that the“white-haired boy”is _____.

[  ]

A.loved by all people

B.unpopular among ordinary people

C.easy to get along with

D.too hard on the employees


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  A new study says one part of the human brain may become smaller as the result of a condition known as jet lag. Jet lag results from flying long distances in an airplane. People with jet lag may feel extremely tired for several days. They may also have problems thinking clearly and remembering.

  Recently a researcher at the University of Bristol in Britain reported the findings of his jet lag study,which involved twenty young women who worked for international airlines. They had served passengers on airplanes for five years. These flight attendants flew across many countries and at least seven time zones. In the study, the flight attendants had different amounts of time to recover from jet lag. Half the women spent five days or fewer in their home areas between long flights. The other half spent more than fourteen days in their home areas.

  The researcher took some saliva from the women's mouths to measure levels of a hormone(荷尔蒙) that increases during stress(紧张). He tested them to see if they could remember where black spots appeared on a computer screen. And he took pictures of their brains to measure the size of the brain's temporal lobes(脑叶).

  It was found that the women who had less time between flights had smaller right temporal lobes. This area of the brain deals with recognizing and remembering what is seen. The same group performed worse and had slower reaction times on the visual memory test. And their saliva samples showed higher levels of stress hormones.

  The researcher believes the brain needs at least ten days to recover after a long trip. He says airline workers told him their ability to remember got worse after working on planes for about four years. Other studies have shown that increased feelings of stress can cause a loss of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory.

  Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain. They want to find out if too much jet lag could permanently(永久性的) affect memory.

1.According to the text, jet lag _____.

[  ]

A.can cause difficulties in speaking

B.can make people feel tired for a few weeks

C.can be only found in flight attendants

D.can be caused by flying over several time zones

2.It can be inferred from text that _____.

[  ]

A.the conclusion is refused by many scientists

B.scientists fear that this research is not done properly

C.every scientific conclusion needs the support from many tests

D.the women who were examined in the research were not healthy

3.From the result of the research we can see that _____.

[  ]

A.the women who have longer rest at home show better memory

B.the women who fly in short time have smaller right temporal lobes

C.the women who have longer flights failed the memory test

D.the women who rest more than 14 days produce less hormones

4.What is the subject discussed in the text?

[  ]

A.The cause of jet lag.

B.A story of a group of flight attendance.

C.The importance of having enough rest after long flights.

D.A research about the effects of jet lag on the brain.


科目: 来源: 题型:053


  All right! Enough cookies, cola, and chips! It seems that junk food is all that the children want to eat these days. Television controls their tastes. The kids see well-known personalities eating potato chips, candy and other processed food,and they want to be like their heroes. How do they do it? They eat the same food. I wish there were more characters like old Popeye, the sailor, who ate spinach and not French fries.

  Now I don't expect my children to eat healthy food because I like brown rice, beans, and fresh vegetables. I'm glad to cook traditional meals of meat and potatoes for them. I really can't be too upset with the kids because most adults aren't careful about what they eat. The other night, my wife and I went to a party where there was plenty to drink but very little for us to eat. They served hot dogs and hamburgers. I can't eat hot dogs, with all those preservatives, and hamburgers are filled with chemicals so that they look better. Besides the meat, they had sugar filled cookies and cake, and of course, chips. I don't want the world to change because of me, but I think people should realize that there are alternatives(选择) to eating meat. They always tell me that I probably don't get my essential(必要的) proteins. I feel better than ever and I'm sure that it's because I'm a vegetarian. I would really like to see more television advertisements which show the benefits of good, healthy, natural food.

1.According to the passage, it seems that _____.

[  ]

A.canned food is the only one that the kids enjoy most

B.the children like to have fried chicken only

C.the kids prefer to have cold drinks, not junk food

D.the children like nothing better than junk food: cookies and chips

2.Hamburgers look better _____.

[  ]

A.but taste bad

B.because they are treated with chemicals

C.and the writer expects the children to eat them

D.so the writer prefers them to hot dogs

3.The writer is a vegetarian, so people doubt very much _____.

[  ]

A.why he goes to the party

B.whether he gets enough proteins

C.whether he allows his children to eat meat

D.whether he is healthy and strong


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Your first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place with pleasant surroundings near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.

  Next you will find an excellent builder, and together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It will show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your house. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and everything else that must be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate must be corrected and revised. His estimate is based on existing prices, but prices of such things may change, and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.

  When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too high!)You may find that some of the features you wanted at first cost too much, or that you can spend a little more and add something to your plan. The builder's estimate depends on the plan but the final plan depends on the builder's estimate.

1.The best title of this passage is _____.

[  ]

A.Building a House Costs Much Money

B.Estimate Is Important

C.Planning a House

D.Depend on the Builder

2.The first thing for a person to build a house is _____.

[  ]

A.to get as much money as possible

B.to find a suitable piece of land

C.to work out a plan

D.to make an estimate

3.The phrase“draw a plan”in this passage means _____.

[  ]

A.making a picture of a building or a room

B.making a plan

C.working out a plan

D.pulling a picture out of a room

4.What's the relationship between the estimate and the plan?

[  ]

A.The plan depends on the estimate.

B.The estimate depends on the plan.

C.The plan has nothing to do with the estimate.

D.The estimate and the plan depend on each other.


科目: 来源: 题型:053



1.The output of _____ in 1997 increased over 1996.

[  ]

A.tea, meat, fruit, cloth, steel and cars

B.cow milk, grain, color TV sets and micro-computers

C.fresh water products, coal, fruit and cigarettes

D.cotton, rapeseeds, electricity and coal

2.Which of the following saw the greatest change over 1996?

[  ]

A.Metal cutting machine tools.

B.Fresh water products.



3.The output of grain in 1997 was _____ that in 1996.

[  ]

A.over 20 million tons less than

B.about 11.8 million tons less than

C.12 million tons more than

D.almost as much as


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  Bird flu has puzzled scientists by striking millions of chickens in several Asian countries within a very short period of time, with the worst hit areas in Thailand, China and Viet Nam and by February 10,2004 at least 13 people were reported to have died.

  The following is a chronology of the most recent bird flu outbreak in Asia, which also suffered outbreaks in 1997 and 1998:

  Dec. 15, 2003--South Korea confirms a highly contagious type of bird flu at a chicken farm near the capital, Seoul, and begins a mass killing of poultry(家禽) when the virus rapidly spreads across the country.

  Dec. 31, 2003--Taiwan reports its first case of the virus. It later destroys thousands of chickens suffering from a mild form of bird flu.

  Jan. 8, 2004--Viet Nam confirms that bird flu has been found on many of its poultry farms.

  Jan.11, 2004--Japan says 6,000 chickens have died of bird flu on a farm, and says it is the first time the disease has been confirmed in the country.

  Jan. 13, 2004--The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that the deaths of three people in Viet Nam are linked to bird flu.

  Jan. 23, 2004--Cambodia confirms an outbreak of bird flu at a farm on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.

  Jan. 25, 2004--Indonesia discovers an outbreak of bird flu among chickens but has no evidence that the disease has spread to humans. Pakistan says 2 million chickens have died of a mild form of bird flu.

  Jan. 26, 2004--Thailand confirms the death of a six-year-old boy, its first human death from bird flu.

  Jan. 27, 2004--The bird flu virus kills ducks in southern parts of China, which begins a killing of 14,000 birds to stop the spread. The agriculture ministry in Laos confirms bird flu in the area around Vientiane(万象).

  Jan. 30, 2004--China says tests confirm the H5N1 virus in Hubei and Hunan provinces as well as the southern region of Guangxi.

  Feb. 1, 2004--China's state television reports five more areas with suspected cases of bird flu in poultry. The WHO says two sisters have died in Viet Nam after contracting bird flu and they may have caught the virus from their brother, who had also died.

  Fed. 2, 2004--An 18 year-old person dies of bird flu in Ho Chi Minh City, bringing to nine the fatalities (死亡事件) in Viet Nam. A Thai woman dies of bird flu, taking that country's toll from the virus to three. The total number of fatalities stands at 12.

1.In how many countries and regions in Asia has bird flu broken out by Feb. 2, 2004?

[  ]

A.8.      B.9.

C.10.      D.11.

2.What does the underlined word“chronology”probably mean?

[  ]

A.A list of events in the order in which they happen.

B.A list of dates.

C.All kinds of bird flu.

D.A list of countries where bird flu has broken out.

3.Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Three people died of bird flu in Thailand.

B.Nine people died of bird flu in Viet Nam.

C.Tests confirm the H5N1 Virus in eight areas in China.

D.Japan says it's the first time bird flu has broken out in the country.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.Millions of chickens killed in Asia

B.Many people dying of bird flu in Asia

C.Scientists finding out the cause of bird flu

D.Bird flu spreading in Asia


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  Lisa is ten years old. She is handicapped(残疾) because she has brain damage. She could not do even the most simple thing until a year ago. She could not comb her hair or feed herself. Her parents loved her. But they treated her like baby.

  Mr Ching has a daughter and a son. They are both grown. They live far from their father. Mr Ching felt lonely. He decided to do something about it. He decided to become a foster grandfather to a handicapped child. And that was how he met Lisa.

  Foster grandparents are grandparents who are not related by birth. But foster grandparents love the children they care for. They love them just as natural grandparents love their grandchildren.

  The foster grandparents also help the handicapped children in special ways. They help to dress and feed the children. They read to them and tell them stories. They also help with the handicapped children's therapy. Therapy is the treatment of a disease or disorder. It helps the children overcome their handicaps.

  Mr Ching became a foster grandparent to Lisa when she was nine years old. At first, Lisa was shy. She was afraid because Mr Ching was a stranger. But he came to see her every day. Gradually, she began to trust him.

  At last Lisa let Mr Ching do things for her. He came at lunch time and fed her. One day he handed her the spoon and guided it to her mouth. He told her she must learn to feed herself.

  “Most of that lunch ended up on us instead of in Lisa's mouth,”Mr Ching remembers.“But it was a start for Lisa. She learned to feed herself in a few months.”

  Then Lisa was ready for more therapy, thank to Mr Ching. She had learned to do one simple thing. She could learn to do other simple things. Mr Ching was trained to help with Lisa's therapy.

  To become foster grandparents, people must be at least sixty years old and in good health. They must be willing to give their time to handicapped children. They are volunteers, so they are not paid. They are given money for expenses, such as transportation.

  Mr Ching speaks for most foster grandparents when he says,“We all benefit. The handicapped children benefit because we help them live more useful lives. And we benefit because we know the children need us and love us. For any person, there's no greater happiness than that!”

1.Why did Lisa need help?

[  ]

A.She was a baby.

B.She had brain damage.

C.She did not want to do anything.

D.She was a blind girl.

2.How often did Mr Ching visit Lisa?

[  ]

A.Every day.      B.Every other day.

C.Every week.      D.Twice a week.

3.Which five things do foster grandparents do for handicapped children?

a.love them      b.dress them

c.live in their homes   d.feed them

e.charge them money  f.read to them

g.tell them story    h.make fun of them

[  ]

A.abdef      B.acefh

C.bcdfg      D.abdfg

4.What does the word“foster”mean?

[  ]


B.related by birth

C.not related by birth


5.How did Lisa first feel toward Mr Ching?

[  ]

A.shy      B.friendly

C.angry      D.happy


科目: 来源: 题型:053



  In the old days, children were familiar with birth and death as part of life. This is perhaps the first generation of American youngsters (年轻人) who have never been close by during the birth of a baby and have never experienced the death of a family member.

  Nowadays when people grow old, we often send them to nursing homes. When they get sick, we transfer them to a hospital, where children are forbidden to visit terminally (一定时期地) ill patient--even when those patients are their parents. This deprives (剥夺) the dying patient of significant family members during the last few days of his life and it deprives the children of an experience of death, which is an important learning experience.

  Some of my colleagues and I once interviewed and followed approximately(大约) 500 terminally ill patients in order to find out what they could teach us and how we could be of more benefit, not just to them but to the members of their families as well. We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of their serious illness were quite aware of its potential outcome(结果,成果).

  It is important for family members, and doctors and nurses to understand these patients' communication in order to truly understand their needs, fears and fantasies. Most of our patients welcomed another human being with whom they could talk openly, honestly and frankly about their trouble. Many of them shared with us their tremendous need to be informed, to be kept up-to-date on their medical condition and to be told when the end was near. We found out that patients who had been dealt with openly and frankly were better able to cope with the approach of death and finally to reach stage of acceptance prior to (优先的) death.

1.The elders of contemporary(当代的,同时代的) Americans _____.

[  ]

A.were often absent when a family member was born or dying

B.were quite unfamiliar with birth and death

C.usually witnessed the birth or death of a family member

D.had often experienced the fear of death as part of life

2.Children in American today are denied(否认,拒绝) the chance _____.

[  ]

A.to learn how to face death

B.to visit dying patients

C.to attend to patients

D.to have access to a life

3.Five hundred critically ill patients were investigated with the main purpose of _____.

[  ]

A.observing how they reached to the crises of death

B.helping them and their families overcome the fear of death

C.finding out their attitude towards the approach of death

D.learning how to help them and their families

4.The need of a dying patient for company shows _____.

[  ]

A.his desire for communication with other people

B.his fear of approaching death

C.his pessimistic attitude towards his condition

D.his reluctance to part with his family

