 0  74825  74833  74839  74843  74849  74851  74855  74861  74863  74869  74875  74879  74881  74885  74891  74893  74899  74903  74905  74909  74911  74915  74917  74919  74920  74921  74923  74924  74925  74927  74929  74933  74935  74939  74941  74945  74951  74953  74959  74963  74965  74969  74975  74981  74983  74989  74993  74995  75001  75005  75011  75019  151629 

科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



Nicolette Morganti’s friends can’t understand why she joined a dating agency(婚姻介绍所).

She has a good job    1    a personal assistant with a television news agency, her own house, and a full social life. But she, a 29-year-old woman, who has a degree in English Literature(文学),is so    2    with British    3    that she joined the English Rose dating agency to get in touch with single American males.

“English men are usually materialistic and have    4    imagination,” she says.

“I have    5    years being bored by men who never do anything    6    .”

“I’m almost 30 now and I would really love to    7    a husband and have    8   .I’d like to live in London for six months of the year and in the States for   9     six months.”

In her search for the perfect man, Nicolette once    10    an advertisement in a magazine for    11    people and had 400 replies.

But she says, “I only met one or two of them.  12    of the others sounded very   13   .”

Nicolette joined English Rose about 18 months    14    and has met    15    then.

She says, “I    16    that American men are more romantic and thoughtful than British men. I rang   17    in the States, and afterwards he sent me 200 dollars to    18    the call.”

“I’ve met five so far but I’m looking for someone very    19   . I’d like to find a caring, well-educated, non-smoking, animal-lover with a professional job and a    20    of adventure.”

1.A.like                               B.being

C.as                                D.with

2.A.tired                               B.bored

C.pleased                           D.angry

3.A.men                              B.games

C.music                             D.master

4.A.some                              B.much

C.a little                             D.no

5.A.passed                             B.spent

C.entered                           D.wasted

6.A.exciting                           B.moving

C.interesting                         D.living

7.A.marry to                            B.accept

C.receive                           D.find

8.A.friends                            B.work

C.a home                           D.children

9.A.another                            B.some

C.the other                           D.other

10.A.wrote                            B.put

C.gave                             D.posted

11.A.single                             B.married

C.only                             D.lonely

12.A.Most                             B.Few

C.All                                D.Some

13.A.worrying                              B.encouraging

C.boring                               D.surprising

14.A.before                           B.later

C.more                                 D.ago

15.A.from                             B.since

C.after                               D.until

16.A.expect                           B.suppose

C.know                             D.feel

17.A.one                             B.it

C.them                                 D.him

18.A.pay to                            B.pay off

C.pay for                           D.pay back

19.A.ordinary                           B.handsome

C.special                            D.lovely

20.A.feeling                           B.sense

C.way                             D.kind



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells her students they each must do one hundred math problems   1   coming to school the next day. The   2   complain about so much home study. But one student does not   3   anything at all. That student is an eager beaver. He   4   to work out math problems, and does not mind all the  5  . Another eager beaver works as a salesman for a business. He   6   arrives at the office before anyone else, and is the    7   person to leave.

The man works hard, because he   8   his job. He is a true “eager beaver”.

The expression   9   the name of a hardworking animal, the beaver. Beavers are  10  creatures. They are like mice and rats, but much   11   . Some weigh more than twenty-five kilograms. Beavers have a large, black, flat tail to   12   them swim. They also have thick brown hair or fur to keep them warm in cold  13  .They have front teeth  14  enough to cut down large trees.

Beavers spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to form little   15   or pools. They work hard to cut down trees,   16   branches and put them across streams. They use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid.  17   other animals work so hard.

In fact, for two hundred years or more, the beaver was the most valuable animal in North America. And thus most of the beavers were killed. For a time, they were in danger of  18  completely. But laws were passed to   19   the beaver, and today, the    20   is rising.

And, like the animal, the expression “eager beaver” is in no danger of dying out.

1. A. when       B. instead of       C. as          D. while

2. A. children        B. teachers        C. parents        D. headmasters

3. A. do         B. speak       C. ask           D. say

4. A. loves         B. refuses        C. hates          D. fails

5. A. physical labor       B. easy job

C. homework           D. housework

6. A. seldom       B. sometimes      C. always          D. never

7. A. most eager      B. last        C. only           D. first

8. A. has to do       B. needn’t do       C. loses         D. enjoys

9. A. comes from       B. is separated from

C. is given to         D. has nothing to do with

10. A. tailless       B. good-looking      C. strange-looking     D. kind-hearted

<?p>11. A. smaller        B. larger       C. quicker         D. better

12. A. make         B. watch        C. let            D. help

13. A. rain         B. land       C. water         D. ice

14. A. fearless        B. smooth       C. quick         D. sharp

15. A. lakes         B. pipes       C. gardens          D. parks

16. A. grasp         B. suck        C. remove          D. climb

17. A. All          B. Most       C. Many         D. Few

18. A. running away       B. disappearing       C. missing       D. losing

19. A. feed            B. raise       C. catch        D. protect

20. A. condition      B. population     C. quality         D. safety



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


It happened that a young man named Henry was wandering through the street. He had come to Britain only by   1   . Being homeless and jobless, he looked pale and hungry. Walking along the street, he suddenly caught   2   of and apple thrown away by a boy. The poor fellow was so hungry that he was thinking   3   picking it up to eat. Just as he was   4   out his hand, he heard a voice calling him, “Young man.” He looked up and saw two   5   on a balcony(阳台).Then he was led into a big house to meet the men. Having made sure that he was as   6   as a church mouse, the two men decided he was the   7   man they needed. Then they gave him a letter and told him that he was not to open it   8   two o’clock. They said, “Nothing but money in it.”

It was then only five minutes to one. “   9   there is money in it, why    10    go and have a good lunch?” Henry said to himself. At this   11   , he entered a restaurant and asked the waiter for meat and eggs, and a bottle of beer. Then he ate happily. When he had finished eating, it was only half   12   one. There was still half an hour before he could open the letter and so he called the waiter and asked for some   13   . Afraid that he could not afford to   14  the bill, the boss told the waiter to give him a   15   portion(一份). As he was forced to pay, he had to open the letter a few minutes earlier than he had   16   . To his great surprise, he found a million-pound note. Taking a look at the note, the boss gave a low whistle. He couldn’t believe his own  17   . However, it was true. At once the boss  18   his tune(调子)and smiled. He asked the millionaire to come   19  he pleased and to have whatever he liked. As for the bill he  20   that it should be forgotten.

1. A. chance        B. surprise     C. turn           D. plane

2. A. sight         B. hold       C. half           D. sign

3. A. about        B. over        C. of            D. through

4. A. putting        B. extending      C. reaching          D. letting

5. A. peasants        B. gentlemen      C. scholars        D. managers

6. A. rich            B. hungry        C. strong        D. poor

7. A. very            B. just           C. worthy       D. able

8. A. before          B. until       C. after          D. at

9. A. Because       &nbsp;   B. As        C. Where         D. Since

10. A. never          B. do you       C. not         D. don’t

11. A. thought         B. condition      C. situation         D. note

12. A. passed          B. to        C. past           D. for

13. A. water           B. more      C. money          D. rice

14. A. spend          B. count       C. write          D. pay

15. A. big            B. smaller        C. rich         D. full

16. A. promised        B. hoped        C. thought         D. decided

17. A. master          B. waiter       C. note       D. eyes

18. A. raised          B. lowered        C. changed       D. struck

19. A. when          B. whenever        C. if          D. whether

20. A. suggested        B. insisted          C. asked      D. required



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


There were two lazy men who   1   did any work at all. They  2  spend the whole day sitting in the sun and sleeping  3  talking about what they would do when they were  4  .Many years went  5  in this way and the two men  6  poor. One summer’s day as they were sitting   7   on a bench in the sunshine, one of the men jumped   8   his feet without warning and exclaimed, “We can’t go on  9  this. We’ve got to do something to   10   some money.”

  11  for instance?” asked his friend in a  12  voice.

“We’ll go to the mountains and  13  snails(蜗牛),” said the first man.

The second man didn’t want to go out at first. But in the end his friend  14  him. They each took a bucket(桶)and set  15  for the mountains. They walked extremely slow. When they reached the hill, they looked  16  it might have a lot of snails on it. The first man said, “Let’s work  17  . I’ll go up this side with my bucket, and you go up the other side with  18  , we’ll meet at the top.”

They  19  snails all day and in the evening they met on top of the hill. “How many did you get?” asked the first man. “Two,” said the second man. “I  20  got three, but one got away.”

1. A. always     B. never       C. often        D. seldom

2. A. used to     B. was used to     C. got used to       D. became used to

3. A. or       B. and            C. but         D. with

4. A. old        B. ill            C. rich         D. poor

5. A. on        B. with            C. by         D. down

6. A. appeared       B. proved        C. continued       D. remained

7. A. calmly        B. quietly        C. nervously       D. nearly

8. A. up        B. down         C. off         D. to

9. A. as         B. like           C. with          D. about

10. A. steal       B. rob          C. exchange        D. make

11. A. How          B. However       C. What        D. Whatever

12. A. tireless         B. tiring        C. tired         D. tiresome

13. A. catch       B. take         C. get        &?


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


    Antonia left Athens and came to America to make her  1  She wanted to be a famous  2  ,so she went to live in HollywoodCalifornia

   At firstAntonia had very little  3  so she was 4  to watch every penny  5  visiting the movie agents’ officesFor over a yearshe worked only in small  6  She found life extremely  7 . She had to take buses or  8 everywhere, and she ate only one  9  a dayEven though she worked at nights as a 10  ,Antonia could not really make ends meet

11  one daythe star of the film became  12and the director asked Antonia to    13    the partHer acting was wonderfulAfter the premiere(首映)of the filmshe became an overnight successShe received many  14  for future starring roles

Since thenAntonia has   15  her whole way of lifeNow she wears    16    furs and drives a Rolls—RoyceShe lives in a twenty—seven room mansion(公馆)in Beverly Hillswith seven  17  All her needs are  18    forFor AntoniaAmerica was truly the land of streets paved with gold  19  her hard workshe had earned the fame she  20  so much

1. Afame       Bchance    Cfortune     Dadventure

2.Amodel     Bsinger    Cdesigner    Dactress

3.Asuccess     Bmoney    Climit      Denergy

4. Aforced     Bable      Casked       Dready

5. Aand      Bwhile      Cif      Dor

6.Aplaces     Bplays     Cparts        Dstudios

7. Aunfair     Bsimple    Cdifficult     Dhard

8. Adrive     Bwalk      Cstay      Dsleep

9. Ameal     Bdinner     Cdiet       Dfood

10. A nurse    Btypist    Csalesgirl    Dwaitress

11. AGradually  BSuddenly    CFortunately   DStrangely

12. Aold     Bugly      Cill     Dfriendly

13. Atake      Bfill      Cjoin       Dcharge

14. Ainvitations   Borders    Cletters      Doffers

15.Achanged    B.started   Cimproved    Drealized

16. Avaluable   Bexpensive    Cbeautiful    Dcolorful

17. Afellows    B. sisters    Cservants    Dfriends

18. Acared      Blooked    Csent      Dattended

19. ABy     BWith      CUnder    DThrough

20wished    Bbegged    Cdesired    Dadmired



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  By the year 2005, the world population will have increased to six thousand millionBabies born in Britain now have a  1 life expectancy(估计寿命)than 2 born twenty years agoBut families in Britain are smaller now and so the increase in population is not very  3  .Mothers-to-be are able to 4  classes at nearby hospitalsto prepare them  5  childbirth(生小孩)and child  6  .At these classesthey learn techniques(技巧)to help them suffer less  7 they give birththey are shown  8  to breastfeed their babiesand they can talk to other women who  9  babies

Dr Jolly is a doctor who studies children's health and behavior(行为)Perhaps go to him for help and  10  about bringing up children

  “When a child is playing quietly  11”says Dr Jolly“ he becomes tired and uninterested very quicklyHe calls to Mumbut she doesn't reply  12  he shoutsThenwhen he shoutsshe comesSoin factshe has said to him,13 you shout  14 meI won't come’And then she comes to me and saysI've got a child who 15’Then you find that in fact she's trained him to shout

  It’s better to  16  the child when he is playingIf the parent encourages good behavior and takes no notice of bad behaviourthe child  will  17  the bad behaviour because it doesn't get any encouragementThe emphasis today is 18   helping parents understand what goes on in a child’s    19   and if they do thisas Dr Jolly says, “Parents can have great 20 with their children.”

1. A. long        B.longer     C.old          D.older

2. A.this         B.these      C.that        D.those

3. A.great        B.big      C.large       D.much

4. Ajoin       Btake part in   Cattend      Dget

5. Afor        Bwith      Cby       Dfrom

6. Aattention     Bcare     Cnotice      Dmind

7. Asince        Bbefore      Cafter       Dwhen

8. Ahow        Bwhen     Cwhat        Dwhere

9. Aexpect       Bare expected   Care expecting    Dwould expect

10. A.advice        B. an advice   C. advices     D.many advices

11.Ahis own      B. himself      Calone      Dlonely

12. Aas soon as      B.when      Cuntil      Dafter

13.AIf          B.Because     CUnless     DWhen

14. Ato         B. at        Cfor        Dbehind

15. Ais always shouting  B. has always shouted

   Calways shguted   Dwill always shout

16. A leave        Bleave behind    C stay behind    Dstay with

17.Afall        Bdrop       Close       Dlearn

18. Afor        Bwith       Con       Din

19. Amind        Bheart       Chead       Dbody

20.Apain       B.sadness       Cjoke       Dfun



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


   When I was 16 years oldI made my first visit to Disneyland in AmericaIt wasn't the first time I had been 1Like most English children I learned French 2 school and I had often been to Franceso I  3  speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand  4  But  5 I went to AmericaI was really looking forward to 6 a nice easy holiday without any 7 problems

8  wrong I was! The misunderstanding began 9 the airportI was looking for a  10  telephone to give my friend Danny a 11 and tell her that I had arrivedA  12  old man saw me looking lost and asked 13 he could help me.

  “Yes”I said“I want to give my friend a ring”“Wellthat's nice”he said“Are you getting 14 But aren't you a bit young?”“15 is talking about marriage?”I replied“I just want to give my friend a ring to tell her I've arrivedCan you tell me  16  there’s a phone box?”“Oh!”he said“there's a phone downstairs

   When at last we did meet upDanny explained the misunderstanding to me“Don't worry”she said to me“I had so many  17  at firstThere are lots of words

which the Americans 18 differently in meaning from us BritishYou'll soon get used to  19  funny things they sayMost of the  20  Britishand American people understand each other!”

1. Aout  &nb?sp;    Baway      Coutside   Dabroad

2. Afrom     Bduring      Cat     Dafter

3. Aget used to   Bwas used to   Cused to   Dused

4. AEnglish   BFrench      CRussian    DLatin

5. Awhen     Bwhile       Cif     Dfor

6. Abuying    Bhaving      Cgiving   Dreceiving

7. Atime      Bhuman      Clanguage  D. money

8. A. Too     B. What       CWhat   DHow

9. Awith     B. to        Cover    Dat

10. Acheap      Bpopular      Cpublic    Dgood

11. A. letter     B. ring        C. news     D. information

12A. friendly    B. strange      C. stupid    D. tough

13Athat    B. if         C. where    D. when

14A. to marry   B. to be married    C. marrying    D. married

15AYou    BShe        CWho     DHe

16Awhere    Bin which     Cover there   Dthat

17. Atrouble   Bdifficulties     Cthings    Dfun

18. Awrite    Bspeak       Cuse     Dread

19. Aevery   Bthese        Csome   Dall the

20. Achance    Bsituation      Ccondition    Dtime



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


My friend Alice decided to be a nurse when she was four years oldShe always wanted to play“doctors and nurses” with her playmatesWhen she left school last yearshe still wanted to be a good nurseOne day she found an advertisement in the newspaper:





Alice filled the coupon(广告上的附单) with her name and address. She got it out and   1   it at once.

Last October she   2   her studies in a big hospital in New York. She had to work very hard. She went to    3   every day and studied late till night.  Then a really important day came: her first   4   in a ward(病房).At last she was really helping the   5   people, not just sitting in classes or learning from   6  .

At first student nurses do lots of odd jobs(杂事)in the   7  . They help to   8   meals or wash the patients. They also keep the ward tidy and make the  9They can't give injections(注射) or help the 10  .

One of Alice's first jobs was in a ward of 11   people. She   12   to clean all the patients'   13    teeth. She collected all the teeth and took them to the bathroom.   14   cleaning each set of teeth one by one, she put all of them into one big   15 .

 “It'll be   16   this way,”she said to herself , “then I can give back everyone's teeth   17   a few minutes. ”

Give back everyone's teeth! Alice stood in the middle of the ward   18   a big bowl of teeth. She had no  19    which teeth belonged to   20   old man.

1 A. posted         B. kept      C. threw        D. sold

2 Afinished       Bused     Cstarted        Dmade

3. Aoffices       Bwork     Chospital        Dclasses

4. Atime       Bturn      Cpatient        Dday

5. Ayoung        Bold     Csick        Dgood

6. Ateachers      Bbooks     Cdoctors        Dradios

7. Award        Bclassroom   Chospital      Dschool

8. Acook       Bprepare    Cserve        Dhad

9. Amoney       Broom     Cbeds       Dpeace

10. Ateachers     Bpatients     Cpoor        Ddoctors

11. Aold       Byoung      Cugly     Dkind

12.Awas ordered    Bwas told     Cwas forced   Dwas reported

13. Adirty       Bbad     Cgood        Dfalse

14. ABecause of      BBefore     CInstead of   &nbsp;  DWhen

15. Abowl       Bbathroom    Cbag        Dbox

16. Afaster        Bcleaner      Cquicker     Deasier

17. Ain         Bwithout     Cafter        Dof

18. Awith       Bin      Cbefore        Dbeside

19.  Aproblem      Bidea     Cway        Dmind

20. Awhat        Bthat    Cwhose       Dwhich</span>



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Before the 20th century the horse supplied day to day transportation(运输) in the USA.

Trains were used for long distance transportation.

Today the car is the most   1   sort of transportation in all of the   2  .It has completely taken the place of the horse as a   3  of  everyday transportation. The Americans use their cars for nearly 90   4   all their   5  .Most Americans are   6   to buy cars. The average(平均)   7   of a car was 2050 in 1950,2740 in 1960 and up to 4750 in 1975. During this period, American carmakers   8   improving their products. As a   9  ,the income of the average family   10   from 1950 to 1970   11   than the price of cars.  12  ,buying a new car takes a smaller part of a family’s   13   income today. In 1951, it   14   8.1 months of an average family’s income to buy a new car. In 1962,a new car   15   6.43 months of a family’s income. By 1975,it   16   took 4.75 months’ income.  17  ,the 1975 cars were technically   18   than those of the previous(先前的)   19  .

That’s why cars are so   20   in the USA.

1.A.useful           B.valuable           C.cheap              D.popular

2.A.United States      B.world             C.year              D.continent

3.A.development       B.journey            C.sign              D.means

4.A.percent           B.years               C.miles             D.dollars

5.A.trips             B.lives              C.buissness          D.time

6.A.permitted          B.encouraged          C.anxious           D.able

7.A.value            B.cost              C.price             D.money

8.A.suggested         B.enjoyed             C.made up            D.started

9.A.tool              B.result              C.drive             D.producer

10.A.reduced          B.increased  &nbsp;        C.received            D.needed

11.A.more slowly      B.smaller            C.faster              D.less

12.A.However         B.For example         C.Instead            D.For this reason

13.A.low            B.high              C.monthly            D.total

14.A.needs           B.took              C.spent              D.saved

15.A.spent            B.paid              C.cost            D.took

16.A.might            B.really              C.only            D.would

17.A.Otherwise       B.Besides         C.But             D.Finally

18.A.improved        B.better              C.lighter              D.smaller

19.A.months         B.years              C.cars            D.families

20.A.popular          B.expensive          C.cheap             D.good



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

We spent a day in the country, picking wild flowers.   1   the car full of flowers we were going home. On our way back my wife    2   a cupboard outside a furniture shop. It was tall and narrow.    3   it, my wife said at once. We’ll carry it home on the roof rack(行李架). I’ve always    4   one like that.

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was $20   5  , and the cupboard    6   onto the roof rack.. It    7   six feet long and eighteen inches square, quite heave, too.

In the gathering darkness I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed unusually    8   that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us    9  . Carrying furniture was a good idea.

After a time my wife said,There’s a long line of cars   10  . Why don’t they pass us, I wonder?In fact a police car did pass. The two officers inside   11   us seriously as they passed. But then with great kindness, they   12   us through the rush hour traffic. The police car stopped   13   our village church. One of the officers came to me. Right, sir, he said.   14 need any more help? I was a bit   15  . Thanks, officer, I said.You have been very kind. I live   16   beside the road.

Then he   17   our car; first the flowers, then the cupboard. Well, well, he said, laughing. It’s a cupboard you’ve got there! We thought it was   18   else.

My wife began to laugh. Then the   19   struck me like a stone between the eyes. I laughed at   20 . Yes, it’s a cupboard, but thanks. I drove as fast as I could, still thinking over this funny experience.

1. A.Filling            B.Making             C.On                D.With  

2. A.found            B.noticed            C.watched&nbsp;           D.observed

3. A.Buy             B.Hold              C.Make              D.Own

4. A.wanted          B.found              C.required            D.noticed

5. A.shorter          B.less               C.fewer              D.poorer

6. A.was wrapped     B.was hung          C.was tied            D.was passed

7. A.looked           B.measured           C.appeared           D.seemed

8. A.careful           B.polite             C.frightened          D.attentive

9. A.past             B.across             C.out               D.through

10. A.along           B.behind             C.ahead             D.together

11. A.looked at           B.shouted at          C.glared at            D.smiled at

12. A.took            B.directed           C.pointed            D.led

13. A.in              B.before             C.on                   D.with

14 .A.Do you          B.Will you           C.Could you         D.Would you

15. A.surprised           B.frightened          C.worried           D.excited

16. A.nearly          B.just               C.straight                D.almost

17. A.searched           B.struck             C.examined           D.watched

18. A.anything         B.everything         C.nothing                D.something

19. A.problem         B.truth             C.matter             D.incident

20. A.my wife         B.the officer         C.myself            D.the cupboard 


