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科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001




1.What do you think the man is? Why?

[  ]

A.A policeman, because he works hard.

B.A postman, because he often works late.

C.A taxi driver, because he often works through the evening rush hours.

2.When were they having this dialogue?

[  ]

A.After the man finished his work.

B.After they got up.

C.Before they went out shopping.

3.How is the weather in New York compared with the weather in Florida?

[  ]

A.Colder.  B.Warmer.  C.Rainier.


4.What does the woman want to buy?

[  ]

A.Blouse.  B.Skirt.  C.Shoes.

5.What color does the woman like?

[  ]

A.Dark red.  B.Yellow.  C.Black.

6.Where did the woman's friend buy the pair of shoes last month?

[  ]

A.In the man's shop.

B.We don't know.

C.In her friend's shop.


7.When will the woman go shopping?

[  ]

A.Friday.  B.Saturday.  C.Sunday.

8.Why is the man's wife baking a cake?

[  ]

A.It's the man's wife's birthday.

B.It's the man's birthday.

C.It's their son's birthday.

9.When will the party begin?

[  ]

A.At 7 o'clock.

B.At 8 o'clock.

C.At 9 o'clock.


10.What kind of ticket does the woman have?

[  ]

A.A return ticket.

B.A single ticket.

C.A train ticket.

11.How much did a ticket to Pittsburgh cost last month?

[  ]

A.22 dollars.

B.20 dollars.

C.32 dollars.

12.When does the woman have to be at the station?

[  ]

A.At 12 o'clock.

B.At 2:15.

C.At 2 o'clock.


13.What does an ambitious person like to do when he gets older?

[  ]

A.To become successful and famous.

B.To live a comfortable life.

C.To become the owner of a big company.

14.Who will win the competition in all fields of work?

[  ]

A.Those who are clever and quick.

B.Those who are strong and healthy.

C.Those with the most training and experience.

15.What makes it easier for you to get a job today?

[  ]

A.Age.  B.Education.  C.Experience.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.How much cheaper are the small apples?

[  ]

A.10 cents.  B.14 cents.  C.30 cents.

2.Why does Chris look fresh and energetic?

[  ]

A.He swims quite often.

B.He slept well last night.

C.He went to fitness class.

3.What did the man do last night?

[  ]

A.He watched a play.

B.He saw a film.

C.He stayed at home.

4.What does the man really want to do?

[  ]

A.To read the advertisement.

B.To meet the manager.

C.To take the job.

5.Where are they talking now?

[  ]

A.At a hotel.

B.At the airport.

C.In the bookstore.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001




1.What do you think about the bread?

[  ]

A.It's soft.

B.It's not fresh.

C.It's delicious.

2.What does the man think the woman should do?

[  ]

A.She should throw it away.

B.She should eat it.

C.She should take it back to the supermarket.


3.Why didn't the girl go to the movies?

[  ]

A.She had to review her lessons.

B.She had seen the movie before.

C.She didn't want to go with the boy.

4.What did the boy think about the girl?

[  ]

A.She never studied hard.

B.She studied very well.

C.She couldn't pass the exam.


5.Whom does the man want to talk with?

[  ]

A.Mr White.  B.Jim.  C.Mr Smith.

6.Where is Dr Smith?

[  ]

A.He is in his office.

B.Nobody knows.

C.He went home.

7.Which number is correct?

[  ]

A.77231059.  B.77231058.  C.77221069.


8.What did the doctor do first?

[  ]

A.Gave the patient some medicine.

B.Took the patient's temperature.

C.Let the patient go home.

9.How long had it been bothering the patient?

[  ]

A.For a long time.

B.About 2 days.

C.More than one week.

10.What was the trouble with the patient?

[  ]

A.Had a fever, felt thirsty and couldn't sleep well.

B.Had a bad cough and couldn't sleep well.

C.Had a toothache.

11.What should the patient do then?

[  ]

A.Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.

B.Have the blood examined.

C.Take the medicine and go to the doctor's in three days.


12.What will most Americans do when they need advice?

[  ]

A.Turn to their parents.

B.Write to newspapers and magazines.

C.Ask people when they don't know.

13.How do most newspapers help people with problems?

[  ]

A.They publish their letters and ask readers to answer them.

B.They pass their letters to Abby and Ann Landers.

C.They publish letters from readers and answers from doctors, lawyers or educators.

14.What kind of advice can Americans get?

[  ]

A.Advice on family problems.

B.Advice on how to use weapons.

C.Advice on the use of drugs.

15.What can we learn about Abby and Ann Landers?

[  ]

A.They have had special training.

B.They have much experience.

C.They are well-known all over the world.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.Who is Mr White?

[  ]

A.A salesman.

B.A professor.

C.A repairman.

2.Where does the woman work?

[  ]

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a hotel.

C.At a department store.

3.What time does the man think they will leave?

A.7:15.  B.7:25.  C.7:35.

4.What did the man mean?

[  ]

A.He didn't like the work because it kept him working long hours.

B.He didn't like the work because it isn't interesting.

C.He liked the work very much.

5.What marks did the woman get in her exam?

[  ]

A.90.  B.95.  C.98.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001




1.Where is the woman going?

[  ]

A.To the post office.

B.To the museum.

C.To the fruit shop.

2.How can she find the bridge?

[  ]

A.Go down the street and turn left.

B.Go down the street and turn right.

C.Go straight forward along the street.

3.How long will it take the woman to get there?

[  ]

A.10 minutes by taxi.

B.10 minutes by bus.

C.10 minutes on foot.


4.How long is the dinner time at the restaurant?

[  ]

A.Five hours.

B.Six hours.

C.Seven hours.

5.What can we infer from this conversation?

[  ]

A.Mr Bryant is a boss of a company.

B.Mr Stone will treat his friends.

C.They will be having a meeting at dinner time.


6.Where does the woman live?

[  ]

A.In Britain.  B.In Caribbean.  C.In America.

7.How would the man travel round the world?

[  ]

A.By train.  B.By boat.  C.By plane.

8.Which statement is TRUE?

[  ]

A.The man is fond of traveling around the world by air.

B.The woman would like to go to Caribbean in summer.

C.The man would like to travel around the world by sea.


9.Why did the man call the woman?

[  ]

A.He lost his ticket.

B.He wanted to know where to buy a ticket.

C.He wanted to know how to get to the stadium.

10.What did the woman advise the man to do?

[  ]

A.To buy his ticket early.

B.To go early.

C.To stay at home.

11.How did the woman know the stadium would be crowded?

[  ]

A.She watched TV.

B.Someone told her about it.

C.She listened to the radio.


12.How could you best describe the weather for the southern states?

[  ]

A.Sunny.  B.Rainy.  C.Snowy.

13.How much rain was reported in Texas?

[  ]

A.Two inches.

B.Twenty-four inches.

C.Fifteen inches.

14.In which state were temperatures over 39 degrees?

[  ]

A.Florida.  B.Arizona.  C.Texas.

15.What was the weather like in the Rocky mountains?

[  ]

A.Hot.  B.Cool.  C.Cold.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.In which season does it often rain?

[  ]

A.In summer.

B.In winter.

C.In autumn and spring.

2.What are they going to do?

[  ]

A.To eat something at home.

B.To go out to eat something.

C.To have dinner at a restaurant.

3.What did the woman say?

[  ]

A.She has been to Germany.

B.She has been to America.

C.She is going to America.

4.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

[  ]

A.In a supermarket.

B.At home.

C.In a bookshop.

5.What is the weather going to be like?

[  ]

A.It is supposed to be warm.

B.The rain is not supposed to last long.

C.It's likely to be cloudy and cool.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001




1.Whom is the woman buying the gift for?

[  ]

A.Her cousin.

B.Her nephew.

C.Her brother.

2.How much does the woman want to spend on the gift?

[  ]

A.Twenty dollars.

B.Thirty dollars.

C.Fifty dollars.

3.What is the first gift the clerk suggests to the woman?

[  ]

A.A football.

B.A pen and a pencil.

C.A desk lamp.


4.What is the woman preparing?

[  ]


B.Afternoon tea.


5.What is the woman going to do?

[  ]

A.Lay the table.

B.Cut the bread.

C.Open the orange juice.

6.What's the possible relationship between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Host and guest.


7.How many flights to Munich are there on the evening of the fifteenth?

[  ]

A.One.  B.Two.  C.Three.

8.Which flight does the man want to take?

A.4:45  B.5:45  C.7:00

9.What does the woman promise him to do?

[  ]

A.Phone to tell him about the booking.

B.Send him the ticket he has booked.

C.Pick him up and take him to the airport.


10.Why is the man asking about Professor David?

[  ]

A.The man is going to take the professor's course.

B.The man is going to ask the professor some questions.

C.The man is going to work for the professor.

11.How old is Professor David?

[  ]

A.In his sixties.

B.In his fifties.

C.In his forties.

12.What's Professor David like?

[  ]

A.Short and fat.

B.Tall and thin.

C.Old and untidy.


13.What was the speaker?

[  ]

A.A student who was about to graduate.

B.A student who graduated years ago.

C.A student who had just entered the school.

14.What made the speaker feel sad as well?

[  ]

A.To have no chance to learn.

B.To begin a new life.

C.To be separated from each other.

15.What was the main purpose of the speech?

[  ]

A.To say good-bye to their school.

B.To thank their parents and teachers.

C.To encourage all the schoolmates.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.Where is the conversation taking place?

[  ]

A.In the Great Wall Company.

B.On the phone.

C.In the hotel.

2.When will the school term begin?

[  ]

A.September 12.

B.September 20.

C.September 22.

3.What's the matter with the woman?

[  ]

A.She hurt her leg.

B.She can't dance.

C.She can't join in the party.

4.How long will the man wait at the airport?

[  ]

A.Half an hour.

B.Fifteen minutes.

C.Forty-five minutes.

5.Who hasn't been to the zoo for a long time?

[  ]

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.Both of the two.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.Who are the two speakers?

[  ]

A.A doctor and a patient.

B.A teacher and a student.

C.Two students.

2.Why does the man call the woman?

[  ]

A.To hand in his roommate's paper.

B.To ask for a leave for his sick roommate.

C.To ask her to see his sick roommate.

3.What does the man have to do in the afternoon?

[  ]

A.Have a meeting.

B.Meet the secretary.

C.Visit the woman.


4.How long will they have to wait before they can see Jack?

[  ]

A.Fifteen minutes.

B.Twenty minutes.

C.An hour.

5.What are they going to do first?

[  ]

A.To go to have lunch with Jack.

B.To make a telephone call to Jack.

C.To go to a bookstore.

6.When does the conversation take place?

[  ]

A.In the morning.

B.At noon.

C.At night.


7.What is the man going to do?

[  ]

A.He is going to buy a new house.

B.He is planning to have a job.

C.He is moving to another school.

8.When will the man do so?

[  ]

A.At the beginning of the term.

B.In the middle of the term.

C.At the end of the term.

9.Which school does the woman introduce to the man?

[  ]

A.Southlake High School.

B.Northlake High School.

C.Southeast High School.

10.What is the woman's name?

[  ]

A.Julie.  B.Jenny.  C.Jane.


11.Where is the woman from at first?

[  ]


B.The United States.


12.How old was the woman when her family moved to the United States?

[  ]

A.7 years old.

B.10 years old.

C.5 years old.


13.About how old was the man when he returned to the United States?

[  ]

A.7 years old.

B.10 years old.

C.17 years old.

14.What did the man want to know?

[  ]

A.He wanted to know where they were.

B.He wanted to know what was in the sky.

C.He wanted to know why the sky was strange.

15.Why didn't Phil tell him?

[  ]

A.Because he had drunk too much.

B.Because he was in a strange town.

C.Because he didn't see anything in the sky.


科目: 来源:课堂三级讲练高中英语必修① 题型:001



1.What will the two speakers do first?

[  ]

A.Search for the book.

B.Fix the shelf.

C.Paint the shelf.

2.When does the conversation most probably take place?

[  ]

A.After a class.

B.After an examination.

C.After a sports meet.

3.Which dress did the woman wear?

[  ]

A.The new one.

B.The one that the man likes.

C.The more comfortable one.

4.What are they going to do this weekend?

[  ]

A.Go swimming.

B.Go shopping.

C.Go skating.

5.What does the man ask the woman to do?

[  ]

A.To go to a concert with him.

B.To help him with paper.

C.To visit him tomorrow.

