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科目: 来源:志鸿系列训练必修一英语人教版 人教版 题型:001



第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What are the two speakers talking about?




2.What time will the football match start?

A.At 20∶25.

B.At 21∶30.

C.At 19∶00.

3.Where is the man going?

A.To the bank.

B.To the hotel.

C.To Oxford Street.

4.Which of Mary’s arms was hurt?

A.The left one.

B.The right one.


5.What’s the weather like now?




第二节 听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.What is Mary’s plan for Saturday?

A.Visit her mother.

B.Cook dinner for Tom.

C.Ask John and his wife to dinner.

7.What does John say to Mary about the invitation?

A.He’s not free.

B.He’ll certainly go.

C.He’s not sure.

8.What has John promised to do?

A.Phone back with an answer.

B.Persuade(说服)Jane to join him.

C.Visit Mary’s mother on Saturday.


9.Who was going to give a party for Mary?

A.Mr Green.

B.Mary’s friends.

C.Mrs Green.

10.When did the party begin?

A.At three o’clock.

B.Before three o’clock.

C.After three o’clock.


第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What do we learn from this conversation?

A.Lucy didn’t come to the party last night.

B.Lucy broke her glasses at the party last night.

C.Lucy couldn’t see things clearly without her glasses.

2.What’s Mary’s address?

A.1664 Garden Street.

B.1646 Buard Street.

C.1646 Garden Street.

3.What does Mary do at last today?

A.To go shopping.

B.To finish the report.

C.To go to the club.

4.Who always comes to school earliest?




5.What does the man want to learn?




第二节 听下面2段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。


6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Attending someone’s dinner.

B.Inviting a guest.

C.Buying a present.

7.What should one do if invited to dinner according to the dialogue?

A.He/She should make up.

B.He/She should bring a small present.

C.He/She needn’t bring anything.


8.How did Mr Brown travel?

A.By air.

B.By train.

C.By ship.

9.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Mr Brown was a friend of the manager.

B.Cindy was the manager’s wife.

C.It was the first time that Mr Brown had seen Cindy.

10.What did Mr Brown think of the flight?


B.Not good.



科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高一英语 人教社(新课标B 2004年初审通过) 人教实验版 题型:001




1.What time is it now?




2.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.there are few new films in the local cinema.

B.the man doesn’t like seeing the films.

C.papers often give wrong information.

3.When will the task be finished?

A.On Friday morning.

B.On Friday afternoon.

C.On Saturday afternoon.

4.What is the woman going to do on Friday?

A.Take an exam.

B.Study at home.

C.Go to the mountain.

5.What can we learn about the man?

A.He asked the woman to correct his mistake.

B.He doesn’t want to tell the woman where the Grant Hotel is.

C.He doesn’t know where the Grant Hotel is.



6.What did the man do at the weekend?

A.He watched TV.

B.He went to the cinema.

C.He visited his parents.

7.What does the woman think of the man’s roommate?

A.He is stupid.

B.He is strange.

C.He is careless.


8.What is the man interested in?

A.Light music.

B.Love stories.

C.Rock music

9.What does the man think of most plays?

A.They are badly written.

B.They are too expensive.

C.They are hard to understand.

10.Where do the two speakers finally decide to go?

A.to a concert.

B.to the library

C.to the theater.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高二英语 人教社(新课标B 2004年初审通过) 人教实验版 题型:001




1.What are the two speakers talking about in the beginning?

A.A football match


C.An exam

2.What can we know about the woman?

A.She isn’t as good as football as at science

B.She doesn’t like to watch TV

C.She is interested in football.


3.Why can’t the woman go to the party?

A.She has to work

B.She has to go to see a doctor

C.She will go to the man’s office

4.How many new workers does the man’s father’s company need?

A.Only 15

B.15 or more

C.Only 20

5.How long will the new workers work?

A.About 2 months

B.About 3 months

C.About 4 months


6.How long has the family car been a common thing in the United States?

A.About 100 years

B.About 50 years

C.About 20 years

7.In what way have cars changed Americans’ life?

A.People spend most of a day in their cars.

B.More people live outside the cities.

C.More people go abroad.

8.Why have smaller cars become common?

A.Because the cost of petrol has increased.

B.Because they are cheaper.

C.Because they run faster.

9.What foreign cars do Americans like to buy?

A.Japanese and Chinese

B.British and German

C.German and Japanese


10.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A fire

B.A car accident

C.An earthquake

11.How many people got skilled in the fire?




12.Who called the firefighters about the fire?

A.An old man

B.A student

C.A worker


13.What can we know about the speaker?

A.Her husband died.

B.She worked on the train with her husband.

C.She used to be a nurse.

14.What does the speaker have for the breakfast?

A.An egg and juice

B.A cup of tea.


15.What does the speaker do before lunch?

A.Have a cup of tea while listening to music

B.Take a rest after watching breakfast television.

C.Have a chat about the news with others.



A university professor found out the monkey was 16.________ than other animals.The monkey was put in a 17.________ where there were several 18.________.The professor wanted to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the 19.________.The monkey was 20.________ at the professor through the other side of the door.


科目: 来源:101网校同步练习 高二英语 人教社(新课标B 2004年初审通过) 人教实验版 题型:001


1.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At a hospital

B.At a department store

C.At a restaurant

2.How much is the food and drink?




3.What’s the man doing?

A.Watching TV

B.Turning down the TV

C.Answering the phone

4.According to the man, what does he like to do if possible?

A.To visit museums

B.To make a good plan

C.To visit the Modern Museum

5.What news did the woman get from the man?

A.Sam will leave New York very soon.

B.Sam’s sister will leave for Los Angeles very soon.

C.Sam’s sister will leave for New York very soon.



6.Who could the man be?

A.A manager

B.A policeman.

C.The woman’s husband

7.Where was the wallet found?

A.In the restroom.

B.Under the table.

C.On the table


8.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Buying a car.

B.Choosing a gift.

C.Using a computer.

9.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife

B.Professor and student

C.Salesman and customer

10.What do we know about the person mentioned by the speakers?

A.Maybe he likes something expensive.

B.He is surely over sixty years old.

C.He must be fond of learning.


11.Why does the girl borrow money from her father?

A.To see a film.

B.To watch a play.

C.To go to a concert.

12.How much money does the girl need?

A.Eighteen dollars.

B.Thirty-six dollars.

C.Fifty-four dollars.

13.How many children want to go to the concert?





14.What are the two speakers’ nationalities?

A.British and Chinese

B.Chinese and French

C.Chinese and American

15.What problem was a newspaper article about?

A.The problem of rapid growth of cars in cities in America.

B.The problem of rapid growth of cities in America.

C.The problem of rapid growth of skyscrapers.

16.Do Americans carry out a birth control policy?

A.Yes, they do.

B.No, they don’t.

C.We can’t know.

17.What attitudes do most Americans take towards having children?

A.Most Americans decide not to have any children.

B.Most Americans decide to have as many children as they can.

C.Most Americans decide to have only one or two children.


18.Why does the speaker give the lecture?

A.To give some advice on the cycling tour.

B.To explain the advantages of the cycling tour.

C.To tell the listeners what to take for the cycling tour.

19.What should the cyclists not do during the cycling tour?

A.Ride as far and quickly as possible.

B.Take water in summer.

C.Enjoy the riding itself.

20.In cold weather what should cyclists do first when they stop riding?

A.Enjoy nature.

B.Put on warm clothes.

C.Drink plenty of water.


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001



1.What did the woman do during the Chinese New Year?

A.She visited her uncle.

B.She often went out.

C.She met her friends at home.

2.Where was the man last weekend?

A.In his sister's.

B.At home.

C.On 4th Street.

3.What're these people going to do?

A.Call her at once.

B.Go to look for her at once.

C.Wait a little longer.

4.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.A teacher and a student.

B.A student and a classmate.

C.A librarian and a student.

5.What did the man tell the woman?

A.There is another cat that looks like his.

B.She has mistaken it for his dog.

C.He never loosens the dog.




6.What did the man want?




7.Who was the woman?

A.The man's friend.

B.A shop assistant.

C.A customer.

8.Where is the product made?

A.In Switzerland.

B.In France.

C.In England.


9.When does the man call?

A.In the morning.

B.At lunch time.

C.In the afternoon.

10.Who is the man speaking to?

A.A doctor.

B.A hotel manager.

C.A nurse.

11.What's one of the main symptoms(症状)?

A.Something is stuck in his ear.

B.His ears are ringing.

C.He's in considerable pain.


12.Where does the conversation most probably happen?

A.In a street.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

13.Where should the man turn right?

A.At the bus stop.

B.At the end of the road.

C.At the first crossing.

14.How soon will the man get to the bus stop?

A.In about half an hour.

B.In about one hour.

C.In one and a half hours.


15.What is the woman asking the man about?

A.Whether he feels happy about his life.

B.Whether he feels happy about his present work.

C.Whether he feels happy about his boss.

16.Why has the man changed his job?

A.Because the work is hard.

B.Because the people in that section are not nice.

C.Because the work is boring and the people are hard to get along with.

17.What's the man's next plan?

A.To look for another job.

B.To continue his present job.

C.To expect the bank to take him back.


18.What does the man want to mail?

A.Some tapes and food.

B.Some tapes and books.

C.Some books and food.

19.How long does it take if it goes by ordinary mail?

A.About ten days.

B.About twenty days.

C.About thirty days.

20.How much does the man have to pay in all?

A.30 yuan

B.10 yuan

C.25 yuan


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001

W:John, I thought you were going to leave early today to take your son to the show.

M:I'm still planning to.But I can't leave until I finish typing all the letters.

W:Can you leave that until tomorrow?

M:No.The boss wants them finished tomorrow morning.

W:How many have you got left?

M:About five.

W:Why don't you just go ahead, John?I'll do the letters for you.

M:Thank you very much, Janet.You're so kind.


Where are the speakers?

[  ]


In a classroom.


In a theatre.


In an office.


Why does the man plan to leave early?

[  ]


He is going on vacation.


He is going to a performance.


He is going to the post office.


What does the woman offer to do?

[  ]


Clean the office.


Pick up the man's son.


Finish the man's work.


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001



1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A film.

B.A book.

C.A record.

2.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Playing a ball game.

B.Cheering for Oxford.

C.Watching a football match.

3.Why will the man go to Edinburgh?

A.To drive the woman there.

B.To have a meeting in Glasgow.

C.To meet some important people.

4.What did the woman do yesterday evening?

A.She ate out.

B.She saw a film.

C.She visited a friend.

5.When is the pop show?

A.At 7∶30.

B.At 8∶20.

C.At 8∶30.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At an airport.

B.On a road.

C.In a hotel.

7.When will the woman have to check out tomorrow?

A.At 12∶00.

B.At 2∶00.

C.At 2∶30 p.m.

8.What does the man suggest the woman should do?

A.Leave some time earlier.

B.Keep her room clean.

C.Leave at 5∶30.


9.What does the woman think the weather will be like in the afternoon?




10.How will the man get the weather information?

A.He'll listen to the radio.

B.He'll ask the weatherman.

C.He'll make a telephone call.


11.Who is Frank Stone?

A.A patient of Dr.Milton's.

B.A friend of the woman's.

C.A visitor to the clinic.

12.Why won't Mr Stone come to the clinic tomorrow?

A.He can't spare the time.

B.The clinic will be closed.

C.Dr.Milton won't come to work.

13.When is the clinic open every week?

A.From Monday to Friday.

B.On weekdays except Thursday.

C.During the whole week.

14.What time has finally been fixed for Mr Stone to come?

A.5∶30 p.m., Wednesday.

B.6∶15 p.m., Wednesday.

C.6∶15 p.m., Thursday.


15.What has made working at home possible?

A.Personal computers.

B.Communication industry.

C.Living far from companies.

16.Why do some people prefer working at home?

A.To save time.

B.To get more jobs.

C.To make more money.

17.What might happen in the future?

A.The British firm could move to Belfast.

B.We might work at home for a foreign company.

C.We could call for the labor in Spain.


18.Where does the speech probably take place?

A.In a museum.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In the speaker's home.

19.What is the kitchen like?

A.It's full of wooden tables.

B.It can hold hundreds of people.

C.It is a big room with a high ceiling.

20.What does the speaker mainly suggest?

A.The home design tells us about social changes.

B.The kitchen is always the center of family life.

C.The family kitchen should be well designed.


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001

M:The telephone plays an important part in our daily life today.But do you know who invented it?

W:It was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876.

M:Were people interested in it at the beginning?

W:No.When Bell showed his first telephone at an exhibition, no one seemed interested.It was regarded as a toy.

M:Why did the telephone become famous then?

W:That's because of the Emperor of Brazil.He came to the exhibition and tried the telephone.When he heard the voice on the receiver, he dropped it in surprise and said,“It talks!”

M:I think the emperor made an advertisement for Bell.

W:Yeah, that's useful.


How did people like the telephone at first?

[  ]


They took it as a toy.


They warmly welcomed it.


They regarded it as something magic.


Why did Bell's invention become famous?

[  ]


It was shown on television.


Bell sold it to an exhibition.


An important person used it.


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001

W:You watched the basketball match on TV, didn't you?

M:How do you know?

W:Michael Jordan is your favourite basketball star.How can you miss the game?

How does the woman know the man watched a basketball match?

[  ]

A.She was told by someone.

B.She saw the man watching it.

C.She just makes the guess according to the man's interest.


科目: 来源:教材全解 高中英语 必修3 冀教版 题型:001



1.What does the girl student want to do?

A.To do one more experiment.

B.To do the same experiment again.

C.To get the result of the experiment.

2.What's the population of Hawaii?

A.About 1,000,000.

B.About 100,000.

C.About 10,000,000.

3.Why is the man not satisfied with the operator's explanation?

A.She thought he dialed the wrong number.

B.She didn't want to serve him.

C.She didn't give him a reasonable answer.

4.Why is the woman in a hurry?

A.Because she has to go to the post office.

B.Because she has to be at her piano lesson.

C.Because she has to go home.

5.Where did the woman meet Tom?

A.Outside the bank.

B.In the bank.

C.In the post office.


6.Why does the man travel a lot?

A.On business.

B.On holidays.

C.For pleasure.

7.How long have the man worked for the company?

A.6 years.

B.15 years.

C.25 years.




6.Why does the man travel a lot?

A.On business.

B.On holidays.

C.For pleasure.

7.How long have the man worked for the company?

A.6 years.

B.15 years.

C.25 years.


8.Why is Jeanie here?

A.To meet Jack.

B.To have a test.

C.To see her school once more.

9.What did Jeanie say about the test?

A.It will be difficult.

B.It will be easy.

C.It will be surprisingly difficult.

10.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.This is Jeanie's first term of school.

B.She has failed in a test.

C.She has studied hard all week.


11.Where did the conversation most likely take place?

A.In a supermarket.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a clothing store.

12.What is the man's size?

A.Extra, extra large.


C.Extra large.

13.What kind of shirt did the man want?

A.A green shirt which is expensive and extra large in size.

B.A blue or yellow shirt which is inexpensive and large in size.

C.A blue shirt which is inexpensive and extra large in size.


14.What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

A.Two sports fans.

B.A foreign tourist and his guide.

C.A customer and a shop assistant.

15.Why did the man come to speak to the woman?

A.To talk about his favorite sports.

B.To buy a pair of carpet slippers.

C.To invite her to watch games with him.

16.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman didn't like sports.

B.The man was really a very good sportsman.

C.The man was interested in watching games on TV.


17.What does the notice inside the entrance of the supermarket say?

A.Twice a week, one of the customers doesn't have to pay for the shopping.

B.Once a week, one of the customers doesn't have to pay for the shopping.

C.Once a week, two of the customers don't have to pay for the shopping.

18.Why did Mrs.Edwards buy so many things from the supermarket?

A.Because Christmas was in two weeks.

B.Because she needed the things to feed her family.

C.Because she wanted to become the lucky customer.

19.What did Mrs.Edwards forget to buy one Friday morning?

A.Some apples.


C.Some eggs.

20.What did Mrs.Edwards get for free finally?

A.A full basket of thing.

B.Some tea.


