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科目: 来源: 题型:009

It was a half past five in the afternoon when                         1._____

Mr Jones closed his shop,buying a paper and                           2._____

then walked to nearest bus stop.When a bus                         3._____

came,Mr Jones got in.He found a empty seat                            4._____

near the front of the bus and sit down in it.He                       5._____

opened his paper and began read it.After a                           6._____

little minutes a lady got into the bus.She came and                     7._____

stood in the front of Mr Jones.He saw her                          8._____

and got out of his seat,but the lady pushed him                       9._____

to back into it again.                                         10._____


科目: 来源: 题型:009

The super hybrid makes that possible to produce one-third more of the crops in the same fields.


科目: 来源: 题型:009

The number of private cars are growing very fast.


科目: 来源: 题型:009

English is now an international language.It used at many                           1._________

international meetings.We would speak English when we                           2._________

do business with foreigners.But how can we learn English well?                     3._________

Most important of all,we should interested in it.                             4._________

Then we ought go out to learn,to speak, to read and                              


to write.Furthermore,we should practice use it                                 6._________

whenever possible.In class we should answer questions actively.After the class              7._________

we should talk with our classmates with it.                                    8._________

If we come across foreigners,we should learn them.                             9._________

If we keep on practising like that,we will be sure to master the English language at the end.  10._________


科目: 来源: 题型:009

Watch the actor close and then copy what he's doing.


科目: 来源: 题型:009

A group of scientists went to our area and did a                  1.    ?

scientific research to find out whether environment                 2.    ?

of the country had polluted.On arrival,they began to                3.    ?

check the air or water.To their surprise,they found                 4.    ?

how terribly the situation was.They could see the                   5.    ?

serious pollution.Having looking into the cause they                 6.    ?

persuaded the local government to make some steps               7.    ?

protect the environment and keep the balance of                   8.    ?

nature.Now everything is changing.Birds have                    9.    ?

come back because of trees are growing much better.               10.    ?


科目: 来源: 题型:009

At first I was not quite willing to sit down and?

watched the 90?minute football match.Usually I just                1.    ?

checked the results because I thought that was dull                2.    ?

to watch a game in which players kicked a ball each                 3.    ?

other.Therefore,my father loves football.During the                4.    ?

World Cup in 2002,my dad stays up late just to watch              5.    ?

his favorite sport.Seeing his strong interest in this                   6.    ?

game of 22 men run after a ball,I decided to sit down               7.    ?

to watch the game.I found the game excited,and my               8.    ?

dad explained for the rules.We shared our joy.Football               9.    ?

is not too badly as long as I watch it with my dad!                   10.    ?


科目: 来源: 题型:009

Body language is sometimes more much important             1.    ?

than word.Your friends feel happy when you                         2.    ?

say “hello” and smiling.But not all the body                      3.    ?

language means same thing in different countries.                     4.    ?

In India nodding heads means not “Yes”,                       5.    ?

but “No”.In European countries,people kiss each other             6.    

when they meet,for example in Russia and French.               7.    ?

But in China,people doesn't kiss each other.                     8.    ?

People from English ?speaking countries don't feel each            9.    ?

other.Those who are seating in coffee?shops talk in a certain distance.  10.    ?


科目: 来源: 题型:009

His family is all fond of popular music.


科目: 来源: 题型:009

He is possible to win the first place in the contest.

