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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Last weekend I travelled to my uncle's by air the first
time in my life. I used to travelling by train or by bus.
It's both cheap and safer. And this was also a
short trip. In the beginning I did not feel very
happy. But this feeling did not last for long because
the trip was very excited. Soon I rose into the blue
sky between the clouds. The view of mountains, fields
and rivers were wonderful. When it was time for
me to end the trip, I have forgotten to be in a
plane but thought that I was flying across the clouds by myself.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Not all crows(乌鸦)can talk. But some can. One crow that talks named Pick. Why? Because he
(1) _____
picks things from people's pocket. He's a pick-pocketer.
(2) _____
  Sometimes Pick eats that he finds. But if he
(3) _____
finds nothing, he calls out,“Go to grass.”
(4) _____
One day Pick played a joke on a farmer, that
(5) _____
was driving his horse on a field, Pick sat in a
(6) _____
tree.“Whoa.”said the farmer. His horse stopped. Then,“Giddyap.”The horse started again.

  But then comes Pick's voice from the tree.

(7) _____
“Whoa.”The horse stops.“Go away.”called the farmer.
(8) _____
  Pick lives with Mr Beck for five years.
(9) _____
Then Mr Beck moved to a big city. Pick returned the woods, and lived with his friends.
(10) _____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  New York can be a very dangerous city-especial at
night. Many people dare not go out lonely into the
streets after dark. This problem are worse for a
single woman like Miss Green. As singer, she has to
drive to clubs lately at night. Then she has to drive
to home after the shows. She needs a“friend”when she
drives to work or back home. She has found a man shaped
balloon named Bob but sets him in the passenger seat of
his car while she is driving at night. People on the
street thinking the woman driver has a man with her and she feels safe.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Yesterday afternoon I went to Xuexiu Park. It happens
(1) _____
that I saw a moved event. At that time there were some
(2) ____
people boat in the lake. A girl and her parents were
(3) ____
taking photo. All of a sudden the girl fell into the lake.
(4) ____
She couldn't swim but was struggling in the water.
(5) ____
Her parents cried help. Hearing the cry, a young man
(6) ____
immediately jumped into water. He swam to the drowning
(7) ____
girl and managed to push the girl to the bank. The girl's
(8) ____
parents were so grateful the young man that they said
(9) ____
“Thank you”again and again. How a kind young man he was!
(10) ___


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Mrs Jackson is very old woman. She
(1) ________
had a very small room in an old house. She
(2) ________
has lived there in 1964. That was
(3) ________
the year when her husband death. He
(4) ________
had been ill for many year. After his
(5) ________
death Mrs Jackson had not some money at all.
(6) ________
She found out work in a factory. Her
(7) ________
job was to clean the offices. She had get up
(8) ________
at six in the morning. Last year she was
(9) ________
ill and her doctor said,“Not work so hard.”
(10) ________


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  The zoo of our city is one of the large zoos


in our country. There are hundred of kinds of animals


in it. We could see dozens of yellow, green, orange and


brown birds, that can sing nice songs. We can also see


big and little monkeys running and jump very actively just


like naughty children. The elephants, each with a long


trunk and big ears, is very kind to people. Our pandas,


which are rare animals, will always interest in the visitors very


much. They have good manners and are politely and friendly


to all the visitors. We'll certainly have good time there.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  I can't swim because I have a strong fear of water. Look
back at my childhood experience, I think that three reason
might explain the fear. The first reason is that I was not
allowed go near the water when I was a child, for my
mother had unreasonable fear of it. So, even as a child I was
taught to see the water as something danger. Second, my
eyes became bad ones when I was five. If I took off my
glasses in the water, I couldn't see anything, but this increased
my fear. The worst part of your experience is that as a child
of ten I see a neighbor drown. Since then I have been more frightened.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  I often read English aloud, and trying to learn something
important in heart. It helps me remember what I have learned
and form good habit of thinking in English. I listen
a lot and communicate with the others in English.
In this way, I improved both my listening ability and my
speaking English. I keep a diary in English every
day and my written English is becoming better and
better. I also try my best master the necessary grammar
knowledge. By this means, I can express me
correctly. That's why I have been learning English.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Tom wrote to a friend of him in England and told him that

(1) ___

he will go to London for a holiday. He asked his friend where he

(2) ___

could meet him. His friend promised to meet him at the airport.

But when Tom got there, he wouldn't find his friend. He walked

(3) ___

around for while, then went to a restaurant for a cup of coffee.

(4) ___

He had just started to read his magazine when his friend arrived at

(5) ___

with a young lady. Tom's friend made an apology and explained

what had been happened. He had arranged to meet the young lady

(6) ___

at six o'clock,but she got in a wrong train.After she had traveled

(7) ___

for several stops, she found out that she had made a mistaken. She

(8) ___

got off and hurried to the right station.On the time she got there,

(9) ___

she was nearly three quarter of an hour later.

(10) ___


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


I have arrived in Britain three months now.I find
(1) ________
some customs(习惯)new and interested.
(2) ________
People here do not shake hands as more as
(3) ________
we do in China. During the first a few weeks,
(4) ________
I was often surprising because people didn't
(5) ________
put out their hand when I met them. Men
(6) ________
raise their hats to women but do not to
(7) ________
each other. When you go to a friends' house
(8) ________
for a meal, it's not the custom say
(9) ________
“Thank you”at end of the meal like in China.
(10) ________

