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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  “The world was one vast opportunity for him,”Lou Cannon wrote in his biography of the former US president Ronald Reagon, who died on June 5, aged 83.

  Lifeguard, sportscaster, movie star, governor, president——there wasn't (1) Reagon didn't do in life. Reagon's (2) years (3) him fight a losing battle (4) Alzheimer's disease (老年痴呆症). But his (5) attitude toward life has given hope to many people.

  Born in 1911 of a poor family in a small town, Reagon (6) the powerful optimism which made him believe (7) times lay (8) . As a teenager, Reagon spent summers (9) as a lifeguard at his local beach, (10) 77 lives in 7 years. He graduated from college in 1932 with a degree (11) economics and sociology. (12) in his lifeguard days, Reagon loved to play (13) hero during his film career. But he never became a leading star.

  Reagon became involved in(参与)politics in the 1950s, which led to him (14) governor of California in 1967. All the (15) Reagon was in California, he (16) his eye on the White House. In 1980, (17) 69, he became the (18) man ever elected president and the first president to serve two complete (19) after World War Ⅱ. Reagon remained positive even when he discovered he had an illness that would (20) him.


[  ]

A.nothing    B.everything

C.much     D.many


[  ]

A.final      B.past

C.following    D.latest


[  ]

A.noticed    B.watched

C.saw      D.made


[  ]

A.for    B.against

C.on    D.down


[  ]

A.positive    B.negative

C.right     D.proper


[  ]

A.grew      B.developed

C.grew into    D.developed into


[  ]

A.best     B.better

C.worst    D.worse


[  ]

A.ahead    B.alone

C.along    D.in front of


[  ]

A.on working    B.to work

C.working     D.work


[  ]

A.to save    B.saving

C.saved     D.have saved


[  ]

A.on     B.in

C.about    D.upon


[  ]

A.As     B.Like

C.When    D.Liking


[  ]

A.of    B.in

C.a    D.the


[  ]

A.selected    B.chosen

C.elected    D.being elected


[  ]

A.when     B.while

C.moment    D.times


[  ]

A.had      B.put

C.watched    D.noticed


[  ]

A.aging    B.aged

C.about    D.older than


[  ]

A.eldest    B.older

C.oldest    D.elder


[  ]

A.term      B.terms

C.semester    D.semesters


[  ]

A.damage    B.hurt

C.destroy    D.have destroyed


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  From doctors in Hong Kong to bankers in Finland and coastguards in Britain, the name Sven Jaschan means (1) . It was this 18-year-old German boy (2) invented a (3) computer program that made their machines turn (4) . His Sasser(震荡波)“worm”  (5)  computer systems (6) the Internet, (7) down emergency(紧急情况) services, (8) postal and banking services in dozens of countries.

However, it seems that Jaschan didn't mean (9) headaches for millions of personal computer users. According to reports, the shy boy may have been trying to help his mother's (10) computer business.

  After he was arrested(逮捕) on May 7, Jaschan told the police that he was trying to write an anti-virus (反病毒) program that would (11) viruses such as My-doom. But in the end, he gave (12) to pressure from his schoolmates and produced a more dangerous program.

  Peer(同等人的) pressure is one of the reasons (13) many teenagers write viruses. Teenagers often become virus writers because they see creating such programs (14) a technical challenge. Most of these teenagers have no idea what they are doing can (15) the wider world. Once they (16) that it can have an bad effect (17) other people, most of them grow out of it and stop. If they get (18) , though, the punishment can be (19) . Jaschan had just graduated from vocational(职业的)school and dreamed of going to college. Now he will have to pay fur his actions——and this could mean (20) five years in prison.


[  ]

A.trouble     B.mess

C.happiness    D.question


[  ]

A.whom    B.that

C.which    D.by whom


[  ]

A.dead     B.death

C.deadly    D.died


[  ]

A.up    B.down

C.on    D.off


[  ]

A.attracted    B.attractive

C.attacked    D.attacking


[  ]

A.by     B.in

C.using    D.through


[  ]

A.speeding    B.decreasing

C.reducing    D.slowing


[  ]

A.also     B.either

C.as well    D.as well as


[  ]

A.causing    B.to cause

C.giving     D.to give


[  ]

A.to struggle    B.struggling

C.to fight     D.fight


[  ]

A.fight    B.beat

C.cure    D.struggle


[  ]

A.out    B.off

C.up    D.in


[  ]

A.that    B.which

C.why    D.for


[  ]

A.be    B.being

C.is    D.as


[  ]

A.affect    B.effect

C.effort    D.affair


[  ]

A.recognize    B.realize

C.come true    D.come to


[  ]

A.in    B.to

C.on    D.over


[  ]

A.caught       B.catching

C.being caught    D.been caught


[  ]

A.light    B.heavy

C.low    D.high


[  ]

A.at most    B.until

C.up to     D.till


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  It was very late that Mr. and Ms. Davies took time off to do their Christmas shopping. There were only a few (1) more before Christmas, and of course the (2) and streets were terribly (3) , but they had to get (4) for their family and friends, so they (5) early one morning for the downtown, and spent several tiring hours buying the things they (6) in the big shops.

   (7) , Mr. Davies was carrying parcels of all shapes. He could hardly (8) where he was going (9) he and his wife left the last shop on their way to the railway station (10) home. Outside the shop they had to cross a busy street, which was made even (11) than usual by the thousands of people who had come (12) to do their Christmas shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Davies had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green, (13) as Mr. Davies could not see (14) in front of him, he gradually moved forward into the street without realizing (15) . Mrs. Davies saw this and became (16) . Many times she told him to (17) off the street, but (18) .

  Finally she shouted in a voice above all (19) ,“Henry! If you want to stand in that dangerous (20) a moment longer, give me the parcels!”


[  ]

A.hours    B.days

C.weeks    D.months


[  ]

A.roads     B.city

C.houses    D.shops


[  ]

A.crowded    B.full

C.beautiful    D.noisy


[  ]

A.food      B.clothes

C.presents    D.money


[  ]

A.started out    B.set down

C.put out      D.go up


[  ]

A.liked    B.wanted

C.hadn't    D.admired


[  ]

A.However     B.Fortunately

C.By the way    D.By lunch time


[  ]

A.know    B.find

C.see     D.understand


[  ]

A.as      B.while

C.before    D.till


[  ]

A.to    B.at

C.for    D.from


[  ]

A.safer     B.busier

C.dustier    D.dirtier


[  ]

A.by bus    B.by train

C.by car    D.by bike


[  ]

A.and    B.so

C.then    D.but


[  ]

A.anything    B.anybody

C.exactly     D.well


[  ]

A.them    B.her

C.it      D.him


[  ]

A.worried     B.excited

C.surprised    D.angry


[  ]

A.go over     B.come back

C.leave out    D.turn away


[  ]

A.much trouble     B.no hurry

C.without success    D.too noisy


[  ]

A.voice     B.noise

C.sounds    D.things


[  ]

A.traffic    B.situation

C.way     D.spot


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  In history, a real cowboy was a simple farm worker on horseback. He spent a long time a day outdoors working with cows. The work was dirty, tiring and not very well paid.

  People in the western states had to (1) cattle at low cost and send them by railway to the eastern (2) . But someone had to (3) the cattle and get them to the nearest railroad. This was the job of a cowboy. Sometimes the (4) was more than a thousand kilometers away and it could take as (5) as six months to move the cattle. The (6) was long but the cattle were driven (7) as not to lose (8) . Then they could be sold at a good price.

  Most cowboys were young (9) men. A good horse (10) their job of moving cattle much easier. A good cowboy (11) cows and knew how to control them. At night, he (12) to the cows to keep them calm.

  In the late 1800s, America was changing from a nation of farm to one of (13) and cities. The cowboy seemed (14) compared with other Americans doing ordinary jobs.

  Today, the (15) of cowboys has (16) greatly. One change is the use of trucks. The job is not so hard (17) it used to be. And cowboys are better (18) now. They are (19) to be married. Some of them are farmers or teachers or truck drivers Some work for big companies. (20) at night and on weekends, they become cowboys. These part-time cowboys increase the total production of meat, keeping the beef price low.


[  ]

A.get    B.buy

C.sell    D.raise


[  ]

A.markets    B.countries

C.cities     D.stories


[  ]

A.deal with    B.find out

C.look after    D.pay off


[  ]

A.road    B.railroad

C.state    D.farm


[  ]

A.good    B.much

C.long    D.far


[  ]

A.journey    B.trip

C.tour      D.travel


[  ]

A.hurriedly    B.smoothly

C.slowly     D.carefully


[  ]

A.mind    B.direction

C.head    D.weight


[  ]

A.unmarried    B.proud

C.strong      D.educated


[  ]

A.had     B.made

C.found    D.helped


[  ]

A.recognized    B.understood

C.owned    D.kept


[  ]

A.whispered    B.shouted

C.cried      D.sang


[  ]

A.towns      B.factories

C.companies    D.villages


[  ]

A.free    B.brave

C.easy    D.pleased


[  ]

A.manner     B.job

C.life      D.mind


[  ]

A.changed    B.developed

C.improved    D.realized


[  ]

A.that     B.as

C.which    D.what


[  ]

A.known    B.paid

C.treated    D.dressed


[  ]

A.afraid     B.eager

C.worried    D.likely


[  ]

A.Because    B.And

C.When     D.But


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  Police try to remove troublemakers before the Europe Football tournament(锦标赛)kicks off. They are the infamous(臭名昭著)fans that can be found at football grounds (1) Europe. They are young and energetic and (2) every important game. But, (3) real fans, football hooligans(流氓)are not there (4) football All (5) they want to do is (6) rival hooligans. For this reason, they create front page news, and are widely (7) as a headache by police and host cities. They (8) the nickname:“football's terrorists”. Football hooligans first (9) in England in the early 1980s and rapidly spread to (10) European countries. They are regarded as a serious (11) social problem. Football hooligans can be (12) into various groups (13) on the teams and countries they support. Sometimes, (14) football teams are playing a cut-throat(残酷的)competitive game, at the same time fans for each side are fighting (15) their fists in the stands. Their war often spills into the streets after the match. (16) keep football hooligans (17) Euro 2004, the Portuguese Government has (18) security measures. Portugal has (19) over 2,000 people permission to visit the country during Euro 2004. (20) specialists from several other countries will come to Portugal to help.


[  ]

A.through    B.on

C.across     D.over


[  ]

A.take part    B.join

C.attend     D.join in


[  ]

A.as     B.unlike

C.like    D.unless


[  ]

A.watch     B.to watch

C.watching    D.to be watching


[  ]

A.that     B.what

C.which    D.where


[  ]

A.fight     B.fighting

C.to fight    D.to be fighting


[  ]

A.regarded     B.looked

C.regarded on    D.looked up


[  ]

A.take    B.read

C.get    D.hear


[  ]

A.seemed    B.turned

C.looked    D.appeared


[  ]

A.any other    B.other

C.all       D.the other


[  ]

A.international    B.national

C.internal      D.nationality


[  ]

A.separated    B.divided

C.considered    D.thought


[  ]

A.accords    B.according

C.depends    D.depending


[  ]

A.before    B.after

C.when     D.while


[  ]

A.for    B.against

C.by    D.with


[  ]

A.In order that    B.In order to

C.So that      D.So as to


[  ]

A.out of    B.in

C.from    D.away


[  ]

A.decreased    B.reduced

C.took      D.strengthened


[  ]

A.invited    B.accepted

C.taken     D.denied


[  ]

A.Hooligan    B.Anti-hooligan

C.Energetic    D.Young


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Georgia in 1929. When he was (1) a boy Martin learned that his (2) , the black Americans, were (3) treated differently from most of (4) fellow Americans. Many could not attend good schools, (5) good jobs, or live in nice houses because of the color of their (6) . Martin knew that in a free country this was (7) . He wanted to help his black brothers, (8) he decided to go to school and became (9) minister. He became a pastor(牧师)in Montgomery, Alabama. This is (10) Martin Luther King's “peaceful fight” first began.

  Dr. King worked (11) equality in other cities. He knew that the (12) way people could win their rights was to remain peaceful, (13) in face of danger. Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievements and (14) .

  The whole (15) mourned(哀悼) the terrible event that (16) on April 4,1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Martin Luther King Jr. was (17) . The man who had preached(倡导)nonviolence died (18) .

But Dr. King's dream can never (19) . Many Americans are still (20) to make that dream come true.


[  ]

A.already    B.still

C.such     D.not


[  ]

A.family    B.friends

C.people    D.country


[  ]

A.seldom     B.sometimes

C.some time    D.often


[  ]

A.his    B.its

C.our    D.their


[  ]

A.get    B.look for

C.lose    D.to do


[  ]

A.faces     B.skin

C.bodies    D.clothes


[  ]

A.even worse    B.better

C.wrong      D.reasonable


[  ]

A.as    B.because

C.so    D.but


[  ]

A.the      B.one

C.another    D.a


[  ]

A.where    B.why

C.what     D.whether


[  ]

A.with    B.in

C.by     D.for


[  ]

A.only     B.other

C.wrong    D.second


[  ]

A.expect    B.even

C.if      D.also


[  ]

A.honor     B.victory

C.courage    D.failure


[  ]

A.country    B.state

C.nation     D.place


[  ]

A.passed     B.he did

C.happened    D.they managed


[  ]

A.Defeated    B.shot

C.caught     D.put into prison


[  ]

A.bravely    B.violently

C.quietly    D.nonviolently


[  ]

A.die      B.be believed

C.realize    D.fail


[  ]

A.wanted     B.working for

C.prepared    D.struggling


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  The best advice young men and women can hear is“Go West”. Those who (1) to make their fortune or, at the very (2) , find good jobs, have a better chance of doing so in China's western provinces (3) in the increasingly crowded eastern cities. Along the eastern coast, cities are (4) with newcomers looking for work. They seek (5) from the lowest-level unskilled jobs to the instant-millionaire Internet chance of lifetime. (6) have found the later and few ever (7) .

  Some 160 years ago, young men and women moved (8) into New York, Philadelphia, Boston——the United States' equivalent of China's Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. All of these young people were (9) for work, for riches, for fame. Few found any of them. The (10) joined the masses, working hard at low-level jobs (11) to support themselves and their (12) .

  Horace Greeley, a well-known American newspaper editor of the period had (13) advice for those seeking work.“Do not,”Greeley said,“ (14) in the cities! There is room and health in the country, away from the (15) of idlers(懒惰者)and imbeciles(低能者). Go west.”

In the mid-19th century, when Greeley called (16) people to go west, America was just to develop its regions—— (17) as China today. There the unemployed could find jobs.

  One thing more should be (18) to Horace Greeley's advice to the youth of his time: Go West——but go (19) .

  What are you (20) for!


[  ]

A.hate     B.hope

C.doubt    D.refuse


[  ]

A.point    B.moment

C.most    D.least


[  ]

A.as well as    B.besides

C.than      D.except


[  ]

A.living     B.filled

C.reducing    D.satisfied


[  ]

A.something    B.anything

C.nothing     D.everything


[  ]

A.Few     B.All

C.Many     D.None


[  ]

A.do    B.will

C.did    D.could


[  ]

A.slowly     B.suddenly

C.especially    D.continuously


[  ]

A.waiting     B.meaning

C.searching    D.leaving


[  ]

A.rich    B.poor

C.rest    D.lucky


[  ]

A.considering    B.managing

C.trying      D.preferring


[  ]

A.families    B.wives

C.parents     D.children


[  ]

A.friendly    B.sound

C.further     D.new


[  ]

A.belong to     B.fall asleep

C.stand about    D.have a walk


[  ]

A.crowds    B.groups

C.much     D.little


[  ]

A.at     B.on

C.for    D.out


[  ]

A.different    B.the same

C.much     D.little


[  ]

A.mentioned    B.told

C.increased     D.added


[  ]

A.well-known    B.well-meant

C.well-trained    D.well-found


[  ]

A.looking    B.begging

C.heading    D.waiting


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  Scientists say Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is (1) by a new virus (2) the family of corona viruses(冠状病毒), (3) also causes the common cold. The World Health Organization says the main symptoms of SARS are (4) fever (over 38℃), dry cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. SARS may be associated with other symptoms, (5) chills(寒战), headache, muscular stiffness, loss of appetite, malaise(不舒服), confusion, rash and diarrhoea(腹泻). The disease has an incubation(潜伏)period of (6) two-to-seven days, (7) three-to-five days being more common, before victims start showing flu-like symptoms. There is currently no (8) cure for the disease. Doctors say if treated (9) most patients (10) other serious illnesses can recover. WHO(世界卫生组织)and Hong Kong experts say the virus (11) through droplets by sneezing or (12) and such direct infection(传染)can usually happen (13) a radius(范围) of around three feet. The virus can also spread (14) as it can (15) outside of the human body for three to six hours. (16) with any object that is tainted (感染) by droplets containing the virus could (17) infection if a person then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.

  With the WHO's announcement, life in China has returned to (18) . All students in Beijing will (19) to school after more than two months of (20) at home. And travelling has again become a big plan for the summer holiday.


[  ]

A.caused    B.cause

C.reason    D.reasoned


[  ]

A.in    B.on

C.by    D.from


[  ]

A.that     B.in which

C.which    D.in that


[  ]

A.high    B.low

C.hot     D.cold


[  ]

A.including    B.included

C.include     D.with


[  ]

A.between    B.among

C.in       D.on


[  ]

A.in    B.with

C.by    D.have


[  ]

A.special     B.common

C.specially    D.specific


[  ]

A.late     B.early

C.lately    D.earlier


[  ]

A.with    B.have

C.has     D.without


[  ]

A.spread    B.pass

C.passes    D.spreads


[  ]

A.coughing    B.crying

C.shouting    D.watering


[  ]

A.within    B.under

C.from     D.to


[  ]

A.indirectly    B.directly

C.mainly     D.main


[  ]

A.Live    B.survive

C.kill     D.hurt


[  ]

A.Touch    B.Contact

C.Get     D.Feel


[  ]

A.leading    B.lead at

C.lead in    D.lead to


[  ]

A.normal     B.abnormal

C.common    D.uncommon


[  ]

A.come    B.go

C.return    D.return back


[  ]

A.staying    B.stay

C.living     D.live


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  After putting a man in space for the first time in October last year, China (1) train female astronauts for (2) voyages, the country's largest (3) organization confirmed(确定)Sunday in Beijing.

  “China will soon start to (4) its own (5) astronauts,” Gu Xiulian, president of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), (6) at an awarding ceremony(典礼) for the country's female model judges Saturday afternoon in Beijing, (7) the day before the“March 8”International (8) .

  While officials (9) China's manned space flight (10) were yet to be reached for confirmation, high-ranking sources with the ACWF confirmed Gu's announcement.“Following the country's first successful manned space flight last year, I put (11) the suggestion (12) women should also (13) for space travel, and this suggestion has been (14) by the central authorities(权威人士),”Gu, also vice chairwoman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Chinese parliament, added.

  China (15) Russia and the United States in the elite(精英) club of manned space-flight last October (16) the home made Shenzhou-5 spacecraft, piloted (17) Yang Liwei, a former fighter (18) of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) (19) force, orbited Earth 14 times and (20) safely.


[  ]

A.plan to    B.plans to

C.would    D.can


[  ]

A.air       B.sky

C.spaceship    D.space


[  ]

A.women    B.women's

C.woman    D.woman's


[  ]

A.train    B.have

C.own    D.teach


[  ]

A.male    B.female

C.boy     D.girl


[  ]

A.said    B.spoke

C.told    D.announced


[  ]

A.as     B.only

C.just    D.so


[  ]

A.Woman Day    B.Woman's Day

C.Women Day    D.Women's Day


[  ]

A.in charge of    B.in the charge of

C.charged for    D.charge of


[  ]

A.subject    B.title

C.club     D.program


[  ]

A.forward    B.on

C.in       D.to


[  ]

A.what     B.that

C.which    D.all that


[  ]

A.train      B.trained

C.be trained    D.training


[  ]

A.accepted     B.received

C.answered    D.got


[  ]

A.attend    B.joined

C.add     D.and


[  ]

A.as     B.so

C.and     D.but


[  ]

A.with    B.to

C.by     D.under


[  ]

A.driver     B.cyclist

C.solider     D.pilot


[  ]

A.air     B.land

C.sky     D.plane


[  ]

A.returned    B.returned back

C.gone      D.came


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and (1) everything you want in life. (2) just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life (3) .

  Successful people (4) how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are (5) your life. It's like having a (6) to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are (7) drivers. One has a destination in mind which can be found on a map. She can drive straight there without any (8) time or wrong turns. (9) driver has no goal or destination or map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, (10) she drives (11) around, never getting anywhere, just (12) gas. Which driver do you want to be?

  Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want in life and then get there by making (13) and setting goals. (14) people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set——and they aren't difficult to reach. It's up to you to find out (15) your goals really are. You are the one who must (16) what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.

  Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more (17) to achieve it. Written goals can be (18) regularly, and have more power. Like contract with yourself , they are harder to neglect or forget. Also (19) you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously (20) situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.


[  ]

A.experience       B.offer

C.make         D.supply


[  ]

A.Because of      B.Instead of

C.In spite of       D.In addition to


[  ]

A.important      B.easy

C.happen       D.mean


[  ]

A.imagine      B.discuss

C.experience     D.show


[  ]

A.going on with

B.taking control of

C.getting along with

D.taking advantage of


[  ]

A.guide      B.friend

C.map       D.sign


[  ]

A.two       B.such

C.some      D.good


[  ]

A.free       B.dull

C.fixed      D.wasted


[  ]

A.Another     B.Other

C.The other     D.The second


[  ]

A.or       B.for

C.but       D.so


[  ]

A.difficultly   B.directly

C.hopefully   D.aimlessly


[  ]

A.running of   B.using up

C.turning off   D.paying for


[  ]

A.plans     B.money

C.friends    D.maps


[  ]

A.Lucky    B.Young

C.Ordinary   D.Unsuccessful


[  ]

A.what     B.where

C.which     D.that


[  ]

A.practise    B.change

C.admit     D.decide


[  ]

A.willing    B.anxious

C.likely     D.clever


[  ]

A.improved   B.reviewed

C.set      D.reached


[  ]

A.although    B.until

C.when      D.unless


[  ]

A.aware of    B.worried about

C.familiar with   D.understood

