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科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


The Status of Liberty was erected ________ the entrance of New York Harbour.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


We usually use the front entrance ________ the building but there’s another entrance ________ the back.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


If you prepare yourself, you will be able to grasp ________ for broader experience when it appears.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


Don’t throw this ________ away; it won’t come around again.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


In order to apply his new discovery ________ the products, he applied ________ his boss ________ a sum of money.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


  We all worry at times, and there is probably no way to stop worrying forever.There are some ways to stop right now, however.The following tips on how to stop worrying come from experience, because I’ve always been a bit of a worrier, and I had to learn some good techniques for stopping this energy-sucking habit.Here are five of the best.

  1.________.Any action towards a goal tends to diminish(使减小) worry.Thinking too much about your goals or plans will cause you worry and stress.Of course you should plan well, but when planning is carried towards worrying, it’s time to start doing something positive.

  2.________.When you want to stop worrying too much about a problem, you need to make decisive decisions, and even bad decisions may be better than doing nothing.Often you will immediately resolve(解决)the stress when you, for example, finally decide to give up that job, buy that house, or make that phone call.Nothing makes you with worry as much as decisions waiting to be made.Make them now, or at least start gathering the information you need to make them.If they proved to be bad decisions, just make new ones.

  3.________.Too many things going on in your head?Put them on lists and you may feel better.It works well for many of us worriers.When you are thinking too much about something, and you stop to plan a time to work on it, or just put it on a list, it is easier to let go of it for now.Write down that phone call you have to make on tomorrow’s list, and you’ll feel less worried now.You’re basically creating“mental categories”.In fact, just saying to yourself,“There’s nothing I can do about this until Monday,”can put a worry into a category of“nothing to worry about right now.”

  4.________.To get away worry when there are real problems, try to face them head-on(正面的/地), and decide them quickly.I once had to sue(起诉)someone over a business matter, and I was worrying about it for weeks.When I finally just filed the papers, got on the phone, and came to an agreement, my stress was gone.Actually, my worrying began to disappear as soon as I started acting.

  5.________.Planning in mind is a great way to relax and to stop worrying, but what if you don’t have the time for more involved meditative practice?Don’t worry.Just try this:close your eyes, let the tension out of your body and take several deep breaths through your nose.That’s it.Want even easier meditation?Try brain wave entertainment CDs that do all the work for you.Just pop on the headphones and they’ll relax you by slowing your brain waves.

  Try the above techniques.Make habits out of whichever ones work best to stop your worries.They need to be habits because nothing works if you forget to use it.In fact, until they become habitual, you may want to carry a list of your favorite techniques for eliminating worry.

A.Make decisive decisions

B.Deal with problems directly and quickly

C.Plan in mind to get worry away

D.Use mental categories

E.Put worries on the lists

F.Take action now


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


Can you match these captions ________ the photos?


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


He worked hard ________ the maths problem,but he still couldn’t work it ________.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


Don’t judge a person ________ his clothes.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


She has also been an important figure ________ fighting ________ animal right.

