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科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.What do we learn about the man?

A.He slept well on the plane.

B.He had a long trip.

C.He had a meeting.

2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening?

A.To wait for a call.

B.To watch a ball game on TV.

C.To have dinner with a friend.

3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?

A.A school bag.

B.A record.

C.A theatre ticket.

4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time?

A.Learn a language.

B.Do some sports.

C.Play the piano.

5.What did the woman like doing when she was young?

A.Riding a bicycle with friends.

B.Traveling the country.

C.Reading alone.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.At a booking office.

C.At a friend's house.

7.What will the man probably do in a few days?

A.Fly to another country.

B.Come to the same hotel.

C.Drive here to visit friends.


8.What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?

A.He might not find everything he wanted.

B.He might not have enough money with him.

C.He might not be able to carry the shopping.

9.How much should the man pay?




10.What did the woman do in the end?

A.She charged the man a little less.

B.She asked the man to pay her later.

C.She made a mistake in adding up the cost.


11.Where are the speakers?

A.In a classroom.

B.In a theatre.

C.In an office.

12.Why does the man plan to leave early?

A.He is going on vacation.

B.He is going to a performance.

C.He is going to the post office.

13.What does the woman offer to do?

A.Clean the office.

B.Pick up the man's son.

C.Finish the man's work.


14.How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?




15.What size bag does the woman want?

A.A 24-inch bag.

B.A 29-inch bag.

C.A 32-inch bag.

16.When will the woman leave for Mexico?

A.On Thursday.

B.On Friday.

C.On Saturday.

17.Where does the man work?

A.At a mail order company.

B.At an international travel service.

C.At the airport information desk.


18.Why did the woman not go to college?

A.She didn't pass the exam.

B.She wasn't interested in college.

C.She couldn't afford college education.

19.What job does the woman say she did?

A.She was a bus conductor.

B.She was a shop assistant.

C.She was a housekeeper.

20.What did the woman think of her friend's college life?

A.It was busy.

B.It was wonderful.

C.It was dull.


科目: 来源:Unit 6 The Internet and Telecommunications 题型:001




1What does the woman want the man to do?

ATo buy a computer for her

BTo crash her computer

CTo repair her computer

2What does the man want to do now?

ATo have a rest

BTo study

CTo play computer games

3What does the man mean?

APeter fixed the computer himself

BPeter asked others to fix the computer

CPeter was asked to fix the computer

4Why does the man surf the Internet so frequently?

ABecause he wants to play Internet games

BBecause he wants to search newspaper online

CBecause he wants to get more information

5Which of the following will the woman give her husband on Christmas?

ASome software

BA recorder

CA computer




6Which of the following is TRUE?

ASurfing the Internet isn't good all the time

BThe chatting room is safe all the time

CPeople's information will get lost when they surf the Internet

7What's smart surfing?

ATo keep your private information safely

BNot to chat in the chatting room

CTo spend as little time as possible on the Internet

8Which of the following is NOT mentioned?

AComputers can be used to find out the latest news

BComputers can be used to contact friends

CComputers can be used to send emails


9When did the man have his first mobile phone (手机)?

AIn the end of 1987

BIn the middle of 1987

CIn the beginning of 1987

10Where could the man use his mobile phone in February, 1988?

AIn Shanghai

BIn Beijing

CWithin Guangzhou

11What happened in the late 1990s?

APeople could use mobile phone in Guangzhou only

BChinese mobile telecommunication industry was expanded

CThe man had another mobile phone


12What can we learn from the conversation?

AWorking women do not have time to spend on the Internet

BStudents like surfing the Internet the most

CThe older people are, the more time they spend on the Internet

13How long do older people surf the Internet?

AAn average of 322.3 minutes a week

BAn average of 580.5 minutes a week

CAn average of 433.2 minutes a week


14When did the conversation probably take place?

ABefore October of 2007

BIn January of 2008

CIn February of 2008

15How much will China spend in expanding network capacity?

A10 million

B100 million

C100 billion

16What will happen in 2008 according to the woman?

ANew mobile operators will be in the market

BEvery farmer will have a mobile phone

CChina's telecommunication industry will become the most developed industry


17Why is the world smaller than before according to the passage?

APeople communicate more easily

BMore and more people learn foreign languages

CPeople take part in all kinds of activities

18What's the speaker's opinion about the Internet?

ASurfing the Internet wastes a lot of time

BThere are no bad things on the Internet

CIt's a useful tool

19What's the speaker's advice on surfing the Internet?

ANever to chat with strangers

BTell the good things and bad things when we surf the Internet

CNever to surf the Internet

20What's the passage mainly about?

AHow to surf the Internet

BThe uses of the Internet

CThe bad things on the Internet


科目: 来源:Unit 5 A Lesson in a Lab(必修一) 题型:001




1How many courses did the woman take in primary school?




2Where does the conversation take place?

AIn a bookstore

BIn a hospital

CIn a clothes store

3What does the man mean?

AAluminum is widely used in industries

BAluminum is hardly used in industries

CAluminum is seldom used in industries

4What does the woman mean?

AThey don't have to go to the concert

BThey will have to rent a car as early as possible

CThe subway is fine with her

5What does the woman mean?

AShe can't make it because she broke her chest

BShe can't make it because she's already eaten out

CShe can't make it because she's short of money




6What did the man think of the experiment?




7What materials did the man need to do the experiment?

ATable and water

BTable and salt

CTable salt and water

8How much did the water's boiling temperature rise when the man put a teaspoon of salt into a half gallon of water?





9What's the relationship between the two speakers?

ATeacher and student

BManager and worker

CDoctor and patient

10Why didn't the woman feel electricity in the water when she put a coin in salt water?

AThere is no electricity in the salt water

BThe amount of electricity is too little

CThe electricity did not travel through the water

11What are they talking about?

AAn experiment

BA story

CSalt water


12Which of the following is NOT a physical change?

AOxygen is produced

BThe substance moves around

CThe substance becomes larger

13Which of the following is a chemical change?

AThe temperature of the substance rises

BThe substance becomes colder

CA new substance is produced


14What's the purpose of the experiment?

ATo see if plants need water

BTo see whether roots of a plant always grow downward

CTo see how much water plants need

15What method did the woman use to do the experiment?




16What's the conclusion of the experiment?

APlants do know which way is up and which way is down

BPlants need a lot of water to grow up

CPlants need sunlight to grow up


17What happened thousands of years ago?

AThere was no salt in the world

BSalt was as expensive as gold

CThere was too much salt

18What will happen if you put some salt by the door of your house?

AAnts will walk across the salt

BAnts will circle the salt

CAnts won't enter your house

19What will happen if you use some salt when you cook apples?

AThe apples will be delicious

BThe apples will be softer

CThe apples will stay fresh

20What's the passage mainly about?

AHow to produce salt

BThe history of producing salt

CUses of salt


科目: 来源:Unit 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood(必修一) 题型:001




1Where are they talking now?

AAt a hotel

BAt the airport

CIn the bookstore

2Why does the man refuse the woman?

ABecause he doesn't have a car

BBecause he'll be using his car

CBecause the woman can't drive well

3How many times has the man been to Tai Shan?




4What does the woman mean?

AShe accepts the man's invitation

BShe doesn't want to visit London

CShe can't go to London

5What can we learn from the conversation?

AThe man is very busy at the moment

BThe man doesn't want to fly to California tomorrow

CThe man will fly to California tomorrow




6When did the man arrive in Qingdao?

AOn January 14, 2008

BOn February 14, 1994

COn February 14, 2008

7What is the first reason why Qingdao is developing rapidly?


BSports events


8What does the man think will happen during the coming Olympics?

AThe scenery of Qingdao will become more beautiful

BThe number of visitors will increase

CThe natural environment will be better


9Where does the woman probably come from?




10How did the woman feel when she stayed in Xiamen?




11Where does the name of Gulangyu come from?

AThe sounds of waves

BA kind of drum

CThe culture there


12Why does Julia want to leave her present job?

ABecause she does not like the job

BBecause she wants to do something different

CBecause she wants to teach English abroad

13Which of the following countries will Julia most possibly go to if she is given a job there?





14What is the relationship between the two speakers?

AHusband and wife

BDoctor and patient


15Where can we find the stone that looks like Ashma?

AIn the Greater Stone Forest

BIn the Lesser Stone forest

CIn the Outer Stone Forest

16Who was Ashma?

AA girl liked by the Sani people

BA beautiful stone

CA beautiful guide


17How large is Guilin?

C4,185 square kilometers

C4,195 square kilometers

C4,295 square kilometers

18What does a multi-national city mean?

AA city with many nations

BA city with a long history

CA city attracting many people

19What's Guilin famous for?

AIts history

BIts scenery

CColorful dresses

20Which river is winding through the city according to the passage?

ALi River

BXiang River

CTan River


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.Why does the woman go to bed so early?

A.Because she has to get up early to prepare her reports.

B.Because she has to get up early for her early bus to work.

C.Because she feels very tired these days.

2.What are they talking about?

A.They are talking about snow.

B.They are talking about the weather.

C.They are talking about the radio.

3.Where is the man leaving for?




4.What do you think they are doing?

A.They are reading.

B.They are having a class.

C.They are having dinner.

5.What happened this afternoon?

A.Mr Smith’s dog was hurt.

B.Mr Smith hit a dog.

C.Mr Smith was bitten by his dog.




6.Where does the dialogue take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bookstore.

C.At home.

7.What does the man order?

A.A hamburger and coffee.

B.A coke and a cake.

C.A hamburger and a coke.

8.How much does it cost?





9.How did the woman come?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

10.When does the office usually close?

A.At 7∶00 p.m.

B.At 6∶00 p.m.

C.At 5∶30 p.m.

11.What did the woman’s boss ask her to do?

A.He asked her to write some letters.

B.He asked her to post some letters.

C.He asked her to do up some letters.


12.Where is the smoke coming from?

A.A house near the forest.

B.A village near the forest.

C.A fire in the forest.

13.Who are having a picnic?

A.Some students.

B.Some hunters.

C.Some tourists.

14.What will the two speakers do?

A.Telephone the fire fighters.

B.Put out the fire themselves.

C.Telephone the police.


15.What size is the man wearing?

A.Size 13.

B.Size 14.

C.Size 15.

16.What most probably happened after the dialogue?

A.The man got the jacket.

B.The man didn’t buy the jacket.

C.The man bought a cheaper jacket.


17.What’s the weather like in Beijing?




18.What’s the temperature in Hong Kong?

A.32 ℃.

B.30 ℃.

C.31 ℃.

19.Which of the following places is a perfect place for winter sports?

A.Hong Kong.



20.Where is the speaker giving the weather report most probably?

A.On the radio.

B.In the magazine.

C.On the telephone.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.When did the plane take off?




2.Which bus goes to the zoo?




3.How does the man usually go to work?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

4.What does the man want?

A.A pair of brown shoes of Size 6.

B.A pair of black shoes of Size 6.

C.A pair of brown shoes of Size 9.

5.According to the man, when will the woman return the book?


B.Next Friday.

C.Next Tuesday.




6.What is the possible relation between the speakers?

A.Good friends.

B.Mother and son.

C.Teacher and student.

7.What did the boy often do at school?

A.He was often late for school.

B.He often fell asleep in class.

C.He often stayed after class.

8.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The boy prefers to go out and work.

B.The boy has neither much interest in school nor in work.

C.The boy is discouraged(泄气的)because he hasn’t passed the exam.


9.What sports does the man like to play after work?

A.Table tennis, running and golf.

B.Tennis, jogging and golf.

C.Tennis, running and golf.

10.How often does the man play golf?

A.About once a week.

B.About once a month.

C.About once a year.

11.What time will they meet at the club?

A.At 1∶30 p.m.

B.At 1∶30 a.m.

C.About 2∶30 a.m.


12.What can we know about the woman?

A.She is Australian.

B.She hasn’t been to Australia.

C.She is Chinese.

13.What is the best season to visit Australia?





14.How long does the woman’s son usually go to school?

A.Less than 12 hours.

B.More than 12 hours.

C.Only 12 hours.

15.How does the woman’s son usually go to school?

A.By car.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

16.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At school.

B.In the office.

C.In the street.


17.What are the students doing?

A.Having a class.

B.Visiting a college.

C.Attending a meeting.

18.What is the total number of departments in the college now?




19.Which department is the largest in the college?




20.Where do the teachers in the English department mainly come from?

A.England and America.

B.America and Australia.

C.America and Canada.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.What are they going to do tonight?

A.Go to see a film.

B.Go to buy some rings.

C.Go to a lecture.

2.How did Joan tell Susan that she would come for a holiday?

A.By telephoning.

B.By writing a letter.

C.By sending an email.

3.When is the training period over?

A.In three months.

B.In two weeks.

C.In two months.

4.How long will they have to wait for the flight?

A.Three hours.

B.Six hours.

C.Four hours.

5.What is the woman busy doing now?

A.She is busy dressing the children.

B.She is busy preparing breakfast for the children.

C.She is busy sending the children to school.




6.Where do you think the dialogue take place?

A.In a shop.

B.At home.

C.In the street.

7.What is the possible relation of the speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

8.What will they buy for Dick?

A.Some records.

B.A toy suit.

C.A space suit.


9.What is the possible relation of the speakers?


B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

10.Why do the English people like to talk about weather with strangers?

A.Because it’s interesting.

B.Because they feel friendly by doing so.

C.Because they want to know the weather condition.

11.What will possibly happen if strangers talk about politics?

A.They will not agree with each other.

B.They will not be safe.

C.They will have to stop their talk soon.


12.What can we learn about the couple?

A.The husband likes to sit in the same chair.

B.The wife does not like to travel.

C.They went on a trip last year.

13.How long does the voyage they talked about last?

A.10 days.

B.10 weeks.

C.21 days.

14.Why doesn’t the wife like the kind of voyage?

A.It may cost a lot of money.

B.She doesn’t like to go to so many places with so much money.

C.She doesn’t think that they will be well served at the hotels.


15.Where do you think the dialogue takes place?

A.In a hospital.

B.At the doctor’s.

C.At home.

16.What can we conclude about the woman and the man?

A.The woman is a nurse.

B.The man caught a cold.

C.The man doesn’t have a cold at all.

17.What did the woman do with the man’s trouble?

A.She told him to go to bed.

B.She took some hot water for him to use.

C.She telephoned the doctor at last.


18.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in learning a foreign language?




19.Which is suggested as a good way to learn a new language?

A.To learn through use.

B.To learn by heart the long lists of words.

C.To study the dictionary.

20.What is mainly discussed in this passage?

A.Good memory is the most important point in learning a language.

B.Grammatical rules are the key to the success of language learning.

C.The general way to learn a foreign language completely.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.What’s the man’s opinion about the woman’s dress?

A.He thinks it pretty.

B.He thinks it bad.

C.He thinks it kidding.

2.What’s the man’s job?

A.A traveler.

B.A teacher.

C.A news reporter.

3.What’s the girl wearing?

A.A blue dress.

B.A red dress.

C.A yellow dress.

4.What are the man and the woman going to do?

A.Work in the library.

B.Spend some time outdoors.

C.Visit a museum.

5.Where did the man see the film?

A.In a cinema.

B.On TV.

C.In a shop.




6.According to the regular time schedule,when should the bus come to this bus stop?

A.Twenty minutes earlier from now.

B.Twenty minutes late.

C.At twenty past nine.

7.What’s the girl’s name?




8.What does the boy want to be when he leaves the university?

A.An engineer.

B.A professor.

C.A lawyer.


9.What were the man and the woman going to do tonight?

A.They were going to see an exhibition.

B.They were going to attend a lecture.

C.They were going to a concert together.

10.What does the man have to do tonight?

A.To have dinner with a friend.

B.To teach the students.

C.To accompany some guests.

11.What does the woman think of the result?





12.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are close friends.

B.They are customer and mechanic.

C.They are customer and saleswoman.

13.What happened when the man was driving?

A.The car suddenly stopped.

B.The car ran down the hill.

C.The car suddenly caught fire.

14.What’s probably wrong with the car?

A.Something’s wrong with the battery.

B.It runs out of petrol.

C.Something’s wrong with the distributor.


15.What are the two speakers doing?

A.They’re talking about each other’s family.

B.One is asking about the other’s family background.

C.One is interviewing the other.

16.Why didn’t Mr Stone continue his study after he finished his school?

A.A friend of his father’s offered him a job.

B.He had to work to support his family.

C.His father didn’t like him to study art.

17.What was Mr Stone’s place in the family?

A.He was the bread earner in the family.

B.He was the oldest son in the family.

C.He was his father’s favourite son.


18.Why did Dr.Turner decide to leave his present job?

A.Because he had never been trusted.

B.Because he believed it offered little hope for his future.

C.Because he thought the hospital would like him to leave.

19.What did the two doctors spend most of the afternoon talking about?

A.Things of no interest to Dr.Turner.

B.Health matters.

C.Food and drink.

20.What did the story suggest?

A.The two doctors would become friends.

B.The two doctors would not work together.

C.Dr.Turner decided to take the job.


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.Why can’t the woman take a walk?

A.She doesn’t like it.

B.She has just come back from a walk.

C.She has to prepare the meal.

2.What will the woman do?

A.Help him take notes.

B.Lend him some paper and a pen.

C.Buy some paper and pens.

3.What day is it today?




4.How did the man like the movie?

A.It was interesting.

B.It was bad.

C.It lasted too long a time.

5.Where are they?

A.On a bus.

B.In the Grand Exhibition Hall.

C.In a shop.




6.Where are they talking?

A.At home.

B.Outside the classroom.

C.It doesn’t tell.

7.What do you know about the pictures?

A.The man is interested in taking pictures.

B.Kate is good at taking pictures.

C.The pictures were taken in China.

8.What else do you know about Kate?

A.She doesn’t know Chinese.

B.She has got some Chinese friends.

C.She teaches the man a little Chinese.


9.Which bus does the woman take?

A.The bus to the station.

B.The No.13 bus.

C.The No.30 bus.

10.Why does the man also get on the same bus?

A.Because he is going to the post office.

B.Because he is going the same way.

C.Because he is going to the station.

11.How far is it from the bus stop to the railway station?

A.A few minutes’ walk.

B.Ten minutes’ drive.

C.Not told.


12.What’s Bob going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A.To go back home.

B.To try some seafood.

C.To go to the Science Museum.

13.What does Bob think of the Zoo?

A.He likes it very much.

B.He thinks very little of it.

C.He doesn’t think much of it.

14.Why does Joan suggest that Bob take a bus tour?

A.Because it’s pleasant.

B.Because it’s the best way to get to know about the city.

C.Because it’s cheaper.


15.How does the woman know what he wants?

A.The man often comes to the store.

B.The man told him all about it.

C.The man wrote them all in a list.

16.What did the man forget to bring?

A.A basket.

B.A bag.


17.What’s the woman going to find for the man?

A.A basket.

B.Some eggs.

C.Some plastic bags.


18.Christmas Eve is ________.

A.the night before December 24

B.the night of December 24

C.the night of December 25

19.Father Christmas comes into the house through ________.

A.the window

B.the door

C.the chimney

20.On the morning of Christmas Day,children often wake up their parents very early and say“________”.

A.Good morning!

B.Happy New Year!

C.Merry Christmas!


科目: 来源:设计必修一英语外研 题型:001




1.When will the man leave?

A.On Monday.

B.On Tuesday.

C.On Thursday.

2.What is the woman going to do this afternoon?

A.To attend a meeting.

B.To see a film.

C.To meet her old friend.

3.Where is the Science Museum?

A.To the east of the zoo.

B.Next to the People’s Park.

C.In the People’s Park.

4.How will they go to the West Hill?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.By train.

5.What will Kate do?

A.Visit Disneyland.

B.Have a test.

C.Go with the man.




6.What did Dad ask Mary to do?

A.To answer the phone.

B.To write a letter.

C.To call Kate.

7.What is Kate doing?

A.Watching TV.

B.Washing her hair.

C.Writing a letter.


8.Which of the following is TRUE about the dialogue?

A.They don’t know each other.

B.They are good friends.

C.They know each other.

9.What did the man go to Hong Kong for?

A.On business.

B.For sightseeing.

C.To meet a friend.

10.How did the man find the trip?





11.What is the woman?

A.A manager.

B.A waitress.

C.A doctor.

12.What is the man asking for?

A.The key to his room.

B.Some help.

C.A new roommate.

13.When did the woman begin to work there?

A.Yesterday morning.




14.What is the man looking for?

A.Somewhere to study.

B.Somewhere to stay.

C.Somewhere to sing.

15.When do the banks close?

A.At 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

B.At 7∶30 in the evening.

C.At 7 o’clock in the evening.

16.What does the man want to do at the bank?

A.To get some changes.

B.To draw some money.

C.To change some money.


17.What is the date in the story?

A.Saturday,May 12.

B.Saturday,March 12.

C.Sunday,March 22.

18.What happened last night?

A.A taxi driver saw a man stealing the computer.

B.A thief stole a computer from the school.

C.A thief stole a taxi driver’s computer.

19.Which is the right number to ring?




20.What time does the new Sports Centre open tomorrow?

A.At 9∶30 a.m.

B.At 3∶00 p.m.

C.At 9∶13 a.m.

