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科目: 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:001




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The Summer Palace.

B.The radio.

C.The weather.

2.What had they planned to do before they heard the storm warning?

A.Go sailing.

B.Play tennis.

C.Go bicycling.

3.Where does the man work?

A.In a shoe store.

B.In a factory.

C.In a movie studio.

4.What is the man doing now?

A.Making a phone call.

B.Seeing the eye doctor.

C.Making an appointment.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He doesn’t usually get calls here.

B.He wants a telephone of his own.

C.He’s looking for a new job.




6.Where is Peter’s dad?

A.In the garden.

B.In the street.

C.In the park.

7.What is Ann doing?

A.Having dinner.

B.Watering the flowers.

C.Playing with her dog.


8.What’s the woman?

A.A police officer.

B.A passer-by.

C.A taxi-driver.

9.What’s the problem with the man?

A.He misunderstood the sign.

B.He didn’t catch sight of the sign.

C.He saw the sign and made a turn.


10.What kind of sweater does the man buy at last?

A.A wool sweater.

B.A cotton sweater.

C.A silk sweater.

11.How much does the man pay for the sweater?

A.75 dollars.

B.65 dollars.

C.67.5 dollars.


12.What does the woman want to do?

A.To interview the man in the gym.

B.To take some exercise to get fit.

C.To sign up a PE class.

13.How often does the man suggest the woman work out at last?

A.Twice or three times a week.

B.Three or four times a week.

C.Four or five times a week.

14.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.She is eager to start the class.

B.She doesn’t like weight-lifting.

C.The woman has done some exercise recently.


15.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Making friends with each other.

B.Talking about their friends.

C.Introducing their friends to others.

16.What is Rich like?

A.He is able.

B.He is outgoing.

C.He is athletic.

17.What does Alice like to do?

A.Play table tennis.

B.Go swimming.

C.Go outing.


18.When is the speaker talking?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

19.Who are the listeners?




20.What is the purpose of the speech?

A.To introduce the program in hospital.

B.To welcome the patients.

C.To announce the hospital rules.


科目: 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:001




1.What is the woman going to do this evening?

A.Go to dance.

B.Go to see a play.

C.Go to see a film.

2.Where can the woman find teacups?

A.In the cupboard.

B.Near the teapot.

C.Behind the kettle.

3.When did the man begin waiting at the station?

A.At 7∶00.

B.At 6∶30.

C.At 7∶30.

4.Where is Mr.Martin?

A.At his office.

B.In No.1 Middle School.

C.At lunch.

5.Why is the woman worried?

A.Kate is going to drive a long way.

B.Kate plans to go to Colorado where there may be a heavy snow.

C.Kate will spend her holiday in Colorado.




6.What’s the matter with Jack?

A.There is a pain in his throat.

B.He has a headache.

C.He can’t speak well.

7.Why doesn’t Jack want to go to see the doctor?

A.He has taken some medicine.

B.He is short of money.

C.He doesn’t want to miss any work.

8.What’s the woman’s opinion of missing 2 or 3 days?

A.It’s worth resting 2 or 3 days to cure his illness.

B.It’s hardly worth staying in bed.

C.It’s better to stay at home for 10 or 20 days.


9.What’s the woman going to buy?

A.Some modern musical instruments.

B.Some records of modern guitar music.

C.Some modern guitars.

10.What happened to the records given by Father?

A.The woman dropped them on the ground and broke them.

B.The woman left them in the shop.

C.The woman sat on the case and broke them.

11.Where are the Bream’s records now?

A.In the shop window.

B.On the shelf.

C.In the suitcase.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.On a train.

B.Near a bus stop.

C.In the department store.

13.What did the man do?

A.He hurt the woman.

B.He helped the woman carry the bags.

C.He knocked the bags to the ground.

14.What’s the woman like?

A.She is kind.

B.She is rude.

C.She is apologetic.


15.What’s the suggestion from the person in the hotel?

A.The man is hiring some bikes from the shop.

B.The man is walking to the island.

C.The man is buying a motor bike.

16.What does the shop owner think of a motorized bike?

A.Runs faster.

B.Runs slower but steadily.

C.Costs less but lasts longer.

17.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The hotel is far from the shop.

B.The shop sometimes hires out bikes for half a day.

C.The man will get the pushbike tomorrow morning.


18.Why do Robert and Joanna not go to school?

A.Because they don’t like school.

B.Because they live too far away.

C.Because their families are too poor.

19.What must each child have in order to have classes?

A.A special radio.

B.A room with blackboard.

C.A big car.

20.How do the teacher in “the center” of Australia teach?

A.Teach without using any textbooks.

B.Teach by speaking only.

C.Teach by speaking but can’t hear the students’ voice.


科目: 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:001




1.What is the man’s advice?

A.He knows what is wrong with the watch.

B.The woman should get a new watch.

C.The jewelry store can probably repair the woman’s watch.

2.What will the woman probably do?

A.Go to the beach with her friends.

B.See Professor Jones after class.

C.Give a speech in Professor Jones’s class.

3.What does the man mean?

A.He hopes to leave before the woman does.

B.His office is an hour’s walk away from his home.

C.He will leave the office in about an hour.

4.What are they talking about?

A.Driving in England.

B.How to drive a car.

C.Whether to have the right to drive a car in England.

5.What are the speakers doing?

A.They are buying a newspaper.

B.They are hurrying to the train station.

C.They are catching a train.




6.Why did the woman make the telephone call?

A.To find out the best way to go to New York.

B.To find out some information on traveling by bus.

C.To find out the cheapest way to get to New York.

7.Is the woman going to take the bus?



C.Hard to say.


8.What is the possible relation between the two speakers?

A.Good friends.

B.Mother and son.

C.Teacher and student.

9.What did the boy often do at school?

A.He was often late for school.

B.He often fell asleep in class.

C.He often stayed after class.

10.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The boy prefers to go out and work.

B.The boy has much interest neither in school nor in work.

C.The boy is discouraged because he hasn’t passed the exam.


11.What is Mary going to do that afternoon?

A.Go to the library.

B.Go swimming.

C.Study in the library.

12.What does Bob have to do Monday morning?

A.Recite a long poem.

B.Hand in a composition.

C.Write a long poem.

13.What subject is Mary good at?




14.What is Mary going to do after she comes back from swimming?

A.Help Bob with his maths.

B.Meet Bob at the school gate.

C.Meet him at his home.


15.When did Paul’s trouble start?

A.The day before today.

B.The other day.

C.The day before yesterday.

16.What illness has Paul got?




17.How often must he take the medicine?

A.Three times a day before meals.

B.Three times a day after meals.

C.Three times a day with meals.


18.What is the purpose of the talk?

A.To introduce a new teacher.

B.To explain changes in the arrangement(安排).

C.To describe an exam paper.

19.At what point during the term does this take place?

A.At the beginning.

B.In the middle.

C.At the end.

20.What will happen at next Wednesday’s class time?

A.A reviewing lesson will be given.

B.An exam will be given.

C.Class will be canceled(取消).


科目: 来源:必修二导练英语外研 外研版 题型:001




1.How is the woman going to the airport?

A.By taxi.

B.By bus.

C.By train.

2.Who is Jack?

A.A waiter.

B.A guest.

C.A salesman.

3.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Husband and wife.

4.What does the man mean?

A.Alice will not come on time.

B.The woman is too anxious.

C.He is eager to see Alice.

5.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman visited the Sydney Opera House.

B.The woman has been to America recently.

C.The woman likes beautiful buildings.




6.Who is the speaker?

A.A teacher.

B.A visitor.

C.A guide.

7.Which place will they visit in the afternoon?

A.The Forbidden City.

B.The Wangfujing Street.

C.The Great Wall.

8.Where are they now?

A.On the Great Wall.

B.At the hotel.

C.On the bus.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the police station.

B.In the customs office.

C.In the tourists center.

10.What is the purpose of the woman’s trip?

A.Visiting her parents.

B.Returning to her hometown.

C.Attending a conference.


11.How much does the woman spend in the end?




12.What do you think of the woman?

A.She is a brave woman.

B.She makes a reasonable choice.

C.She comes from a poor family.


13.What problem does Julie have?

A.She has a dentist appointment.

B.She had to clean the room.

C.She has to hand in her report.

14.When will Susan pick up her brother?

A.At 2∶00.

B.At 4∶30.

C.At 5∶30.

15.What can we conclude from the conversation?

A.Susan can accept the invitation of the man immediately.

B.The man is eager to spend Saturday with Susan.

C.They will do the housework together this Saturday.


16.Where can you hear the announcement?

A.On the flight.

B.In the train.

C.At the airport.

17.What is the weather like in Seattle now?





18.Why does the girl come to the man’s house?

A.To ask for help.

B.To borrow money.

C.To be a babysitter.

19.Who is Kelly’s financial advisor?


B.Her mother.

C.Her father.

20.What are the two speakers probably talking about?





科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.On which floor is the Doctor's office?

A.On the fifth floor.

B.On the sixth floor.

C.On the ninth floor.

2.Why is the man speaker going to the States?

A.His company is holding an exhibition in the States.

B.He is going sightseeing in the States.

C.His company is going to show computers at the exhibition in the States.

3.How long will the man stay in this hotel?

A.Just one month.

B.32 days.

C.34 days.

4.Why will the man take a heavy sweater with him?

A.He loved it very much.

B.The weather is very cold.

C.He might need it at night.

5.How do you think Sally most probably went to the park last Sunday?

A.By train.

B.By car.

C.By bus.




6.What are their plans?

A.They are going to the cinema.

B.They are going to a ball.

C.They are going on a trip.

7.When are they going to do it?

A.This evening.

B.Tomorrow evening.

C.The day after tomorrow.


8.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a department store.

B.In the street.

C.In a bank.

9.What are they talking about?

A.A radio.

B.A TV set.

C.A clock.

10.What will the man have to do at last most likely?

A.Take his money back.

B.Change another one.

C.Show her the receipt.


11.Where was the woman's money most probably stolen?

A.At the bank.

B.At a subway station.

C.At a bus station.

12.What did the woman go to the bank to do?

A.To post some money.

B.To fetch some money.

C.To exchange some money.

13.What do you think the woman most probably is?

A.A native citizen.

B.A foreign visitor.

C.A Chinese visitor.


14.Why does the man's father take pictures of animals?

A.Because he wants to win a lot of prizes.

B.Because he enjoys taking pictures of animals.

C.Because he wants to make some money.

15.When do you think the woman will most probably get up the next day?

A.At 6∶00 a.m.

B.At 6∶30 a.m.

C.At 6∶45 a.m.

16.What pictures does the man's father want to take this time?

A.Some pictures of cats.

B.Some pictures of birds.

C.Some pictures of deer.


17.What is the speaker?

A.A radio announcer.

B.A doctor.

C.An actor.

18.What will be shown on TV on Oct.10th?

A.A program about the plane.

B.A program about the grains.

C.A program about the brain.

19.What will be the main purpose of the program?

A.To explain the working of the brain.

B.To show the latest use of computer pictures.

C.To increase people's knowledge of farming.

20.Why should the program be easy to follow?

A.Because it's for children.

B.Because it's for scientists.

C.Because it's a public show.


科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.Where will the woman probably go first?

A.To a shop.

B.To a restaurant.

C.To a post office.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The necessity to write to Mr.Johnson.

B.The person who will meet Mr.Johnson.

C.The arrangement of the Wednesday meeting.

3.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Playing a ball game.

B.Cheering for Oxford.

C.Watching a football match.

4.What did the man do last night?

A.He went to a school.

B.He talked with his friend.

C.He saw a film on TV.

5.What does the man think of the woman?

A.She can make money.

B.She doesn't like money.

C.She's careless with money.




6.What does the woman think the weather will be like in the afternoon?




7.How will the man get the weather information?

A.He'll make a telephone call.

B.He'll ask the weatherman.

C.He'll listen to the radio.


8.Where does this conversation take place?

A.At an airport.

B.On a road.

C.In a hotel.

9.When will the woman have to check out tomorrow?

A.At 12∶00.

B.At 2∶00 p.m.

C.At 2∶30 p.m.

10.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Leave earlier.

B.Keep her room clean.

C.Leave at 5∶30.


11.What has made working at home possible?

A.Personal computers.

B.Communications industry.

C.Living far from companies.

12.Why do some people prefer working at home?

A.To save time.

B.To get more jobs.

C.To make more money.

13.What might happen in the future?

A.British firms could move to Belfast.

B.People could call for the labour in Spain.

C.People might work at home for foreign companies.


14.Who is Frank Stone?

A.A patient of Dr.Milton's.

B.A friend of the woman's.

C.A visitor to the clinic.

15.Why won't Mr.Stone come to the clinic tomorrow?

A.He can't spare the time.

B.The clinic will be closed.

C.Dr Milton won't come to work.

16.When is the clinic open?

A.From Monday to Friday.

B.On weekdays except Thursday.

C.Throughout the whole week.

17.What time has finally been fixed for Mr.Stone to come?

A.5∶30 p.m., Wednesday.

B.6∶15 p.m., Wednesday.

C.6∶15 p.m., Thursday.


18.Why does a bus move slowly in London?

A.There's always speed limit.

B.There's usually a lot of traffic.

C.There's many bikes on the road.

19.What is one of the disadvantages in taking the underground in London?

A.The stations are farther.

B.It costs more money.

C.It wastes more time.

20.What is the speaker's purpose in going to work by bike?

A.To save time and money.

B.To keep in good health.

C.To keep himself safe.


科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.How much is the radio now?




2.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a library.

B.In a shop.

C.In a college.

3.What is the man going to buy?

A.Some flowers.

B.A box of chocolate.

C.A music CD.

4.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and student.


5.What does the man feel about the interview?







6.How many American writers have they mentioned?




7.When did Jack London go to Canada?

A.In 1916.

B.In 1876.

C.In 1897.

8.What is the man mainly talking about?

A.Jack London's life.

B.Jack London's books.

C.American culture.


9.How many times has the woman been sailing before?




10.How will the woman pay for her trip?

A.By cheque.

B.With cash.

C.By credit card.

11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man is planning a trip for the woman.

B.The woman is going to climb mountains.

C.They are talking about their travel experience.


12.Who is the woman?

A.A teacher.

B.A friend.


13.Where did the man live three months ago?

A.In a student house.

B.With a family.

C.In his own house.

14.What is the man's problem in studying?

A.The student house is too noisy.

B.The computer room is busy.

C.The course is too difficult.

15.What can we know about the woman from the conversation?





16.What is the conversation about?

A.Computer sales.

B.A job interview.

C.An Internet meeting.

17.What do we know about the man in the conversation?

A.He knows nothing about computers.

B.He is very clever at answering questions.

C.The woman will offer him the job.


18.Who is the man speaking to?

A.People who are interested in computers.

B.Students who like designing furniture.

C.People who enjoy learning languages.

19.How can we benefit from the Fair?

A.You can get free books and free tickets.

B.You'll get a lot of information about new jobs.

C.Experts will talk about the best way to learn language well.

20.How much will a student pay for the Fair?





科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Doctor and patient.

2.When will they meet again?

A.On Sunday.

B.On Saturday.

C.Not known.

3.What is true about Mary and Jack?

A.They spent a week having honeymoon.

B.They went on their honeymoon a week after their wedding.

C.They thought a honeymoon of one week was too short.

4.What's John's opinion about his boss?




5.Why didn't the woman see the movie last night?

A.She had to stay with her cousin at home.

B.Her cousin just stopped to buy something.

C.She had already seen it before.




6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?


B.Wife and husband.


7.What will the woman do if the telephone rings?

A.Call the man home.

B.Answer the phone.

C.Go to the neighbor's.

8.How can we describe the man?

A.He's angry.

B.He's disappointed.

C.He's excited and anxious.


9.When does the man start his winter holidays?

A.Both the second and third week of January.

B.Either the second or third week of January.

C.Neither the second nor third week of January.

10.What sport is the man's favorite sport?




11.Why doesn't the woman like to spend her weekend with the man?

A.Because she likes to stay at home.

B.Because she dislikes the cold weather.

C.Because she doesn't like any outdoor sports.


12.Where is Mary going?


B.To the park.

C.Waiting for a bus.

13.Why doesn't Mary like walking through the streets?

A.It's too cold.

B.The park is too far.

C.It isn't interesting.

14.When does the conversation take place?

A.Late in the morning.

B.Late in the afternoon.

C.Early in the morning.


15.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A high school.

B.A French teacher.

C.A teaching post.

16.Where is the high school?

A.In France.

B.In England.

C.In Scotland.

17.What does the man think of the job?





18.Which part of a baobab tree can be used to make ropes?



C.Skin of the tree.

19.Which of the statements about the baobab tree is correct?

A.Its empty trunk can be used by people to store things.

B.Its flowers can turn into a kind of cucumber.

C.Its leaves and branches can keep the rain water cool and clean.

20.Which of the following can be the best title for this text?

A.The baobab-unusual but useful

B.The baobab-a tree that people can make good use of

C.The baobab-a strange tree that can make ropes


科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.What did the woman's teacher do?

A.He suggested the woman not take the course.

B.He asked the woman to study history.

C.He gave a talk to the history class.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.She wants the man to see the computer first.

B.She can't see the computer now.

C.She is eager to see the computer.

3.What has happened to the speaker's husband?

A.He has become thinner because of illness.

B.He has lost weight by taking exercise.

C.He has been ill because of losing weight.

4.What will the woman do?

A.Stay up all night.

B.Finish her paper.

C.Go to bed right now.

5.What does the woman think of the restaurant prices here?







6.What will the man do in the evening?

A.Go to London.

B.Meet somebody.

C.See the woman again.

7.Where are the speakers?

A.In the street.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a taxi.


8.What will the man have to do tomorrow?

A.Do some cleaning.

B.Fix his car.

C.Go to the seaside.

9.Where will the woman go tomorrow?

A.To Seattle.

B.To see her parents.

C.To the seaside.

10.When will the woman come to the man's home?

A.This afternoon.

B.This evening.



11.What were the two speakers talking about?

A.What kinds of food they ate.

B.How much they enjoyed their food.

C.What caused their discomfort.

12.Which food didn't the man eat?

A.The peaches.

B.The soup.

C.The fish.

13.Who washed the peaches?

A.The man.

B.The woman.



14.How does the man feel about David's way of sleeping?

A.It's effective.

B.It's strange.

C.It's the best.

15.How many hours does David sleep a day?




16.What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?

A.People should develop a habit like David's.

B.People need longer hours of sleep.

C.People have different hours of sleep.


17.Why did Mr.Brown want to find a house in the country?

A.Because he thought life in the country was more convenient.

B.Because he was tired of the life in the big city.

C.Because he wanted to get to the office early.

18.What did the sentence“It was within a stone's throw of a railway station”mean?

A.It was close to the railway station.

B.Anybody can throw a stone to the house from the station.

C.The newspaper was making fun of people.

19.Why did Mr.Brown decide to have a look at the house?

A.Because the house was very cheap.

B.Because the house was in a good place and the price was reasonable.

C.Because the house was rather quiet.

20.What can you learn from the speaker?

A.Mr.Brown didn't expect the house was so far away from the city.

B.Mr.Brown would buy the house he saw at last.

C.Mr.Brown thought the house agent was telling a lie in the newspaper.


科目: 来源:必修一全优英语外研版 外研版 题型:001




1.What do we know about the man?

A.He can't reach there on time.

B.He will try his best to reach there.

C.He cannot promise the woman to go there.

2.What will these people do in a month?

A.Go to college.

B.Begin a new term in a middle school.

C.Find a job.

3.How much does the woman pay for the sweater?




4.What are they talking about?


B.Making money.

C.Cashing checks.

5.What was the weather like before the conversation?







6.Which team does the man think will win the game?




7.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Ronaldinho is the best player in the world.

B.Brazil is the best team in Europe.

C.The speakers didn't come to an agreement.


8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Boss and secretary.

B.Police and witness.

C.Teacher and student.

9.What was the woman doing when the accident happened?

A.Standing outside the bank.

B.Crossing the street.

C.Coming up York Road.

10.What's the speed of the car when the accident happened?

A.10 miles per hour.

B.20 miles per hour

C.30 miles per hour.


11.Which film are the speakers going to see?

A.Action Man 4.

B.Mad Doctor Brown.


12.What are they going to do first?

A.Eating something.

B.Seeing the film.

C.Meeting at the cinema.

13.When will the film begin?

A.At 6 o'clock.

B.At 18 o'clock.

C.At 8 o'clock.


14.What's the topic of the conversation?

A.About smoking.

B.About rights.

C.About health.

15.What's the woman's attitude toward smoking?




16.What's the man's opinion about smoking in public places?

A.Smoking is bad for health.

B.No one has the right to smoke.

C.He has the right to smoke whenever he wants to.


17.What's discussed in the passage?

A.Prisons in Britain.

B.Cooking or cleaning.

C.Work or study.

18.What will become of the law-breaker?

A.He will be asked to do some homework.

B.He will be ordered to do some cleaning.

C.He will be paid for what he does.

19.How many hours can a prisoner in the closed prison spend outside?

A.2 hours.

B.12 hours.

C.8 hours.

20.How will prisoners in open prisons spend the night?

A.They are free within the prison grounds.

B.They can study out of the prison grounds.

C.They are locked up during the night.

