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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


I prefer reading cartoon books,and as usual, parents


are against my favorite things.I have to read these book


at night when other people fall asleep.One night I became


so interested in reading it that I forgot to do my Chinese


homework. On my way school I had a good idea. So when


my Chinese teacher, he is very strict, asked me why I


have not handed in my homework, I stood up and said


softly, “Last night when I was doing my homework, my


little brother played a trick on me and spilled the ink all


over my homework, so ...”On hear this,my teacher asked,


“Aren't you the only son in your family?”



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Today I visited the Smiths--my first time visit (1)_____

to a American family. They live in a small     (2)_____

town. It was very kind for them to meet me     (3)_____

at the railway station and drove me to their home. (4)_____

The Smiths did his best to make me feel        (5)_____

at home. They offered me coffee and other      (6)_____

drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing   (7)_____

together. They eager to know everything about    (8)_____

China, and asked me a lot of question. In fact,    (9)_____

they are planning to visit China in next year.   (10)_____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


I am very happy that we have PE classes again. Last


year, when I was in junior high school, our teachers ask us to


work hard in a classroom all day long. Because we had


no time to take any physical exercise, most of them felt very


tiring every day. We couldn't sleep well at night and often


caught cold. It had such a bad effect on us which some students


even had to leave school because illness. Now, however, we


can take part in sports of all kind in PE classes. In this way,


our health is great improved. All the students in our class are


full of energy and we are enjoying ourselves at our school.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage

   I have enjoyed reading too much since I
was a little schoolboy. Much of my spare time is
spent in reading instead off watching TV. As a
middle school student, I very busy with my lessons
So I had little time, during the weekdays, to read
those books I am interested in them. On Sundays,
however, I often seat at my desk reading for hours.
Sometimes, I lose myself usually so deep in the books
that I forget to have my meals. Reading bring me a
lot of knowledge, strength, as well as pleasant.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage

  I received your letter dated April 16, day before
1. ___
yesterday. Every of our family members are greatly
2. ___
delighted to learn how you are getting along very
3. ___
well with your lessons. Time passed quickly. In scores of
4. ___
Days, you will finish middle school. What please us
5. ___
most is that you have made up mind to take college
6. ___
entrance examination this summer. What wonderful
7. ___
it is! Dad is with you, as well as I. We hope you
8. ___
to make good use of your time. The fuller preparations
9. ___
if you make, the surer success you'll be.
10. ___


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage

  Two friends went to England on a holiday one year,
and a beautiful spring morning they went for
a walk in the country. They walked along a small
road for a few miles, and then they climb over
a gate and walked the green fields. There
Were cow everywhere, but they were eating grass
so did not look at the men. They were crossing a
big field of beautiful grass while an angry bull came
Away from behind some small trees and ran towards them.
One of the men saw them and ran away quickly.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage)

  A library is a place you can borrow books of all


Kinds--school-books, story-books, dictionaries and


other books. The librarian sits at his desk gives out and


taking down in books. He is in charge of the library.


There have long rows of shelves, and in some libraries


we can go round and choose that we want, in others


we must write a number of the book, its title and the


name of the author in a piece of paper, sign it, then


hand it to the librarian in order to borrow the book. You


can usually borrow it for one week, or perhaps two, before


taking it back.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage

  During the weekend I traveled by the air for the first
time in my life. I usual travel by train or bus. It' s
both cheaper and safe. But to fly in the sky was
something new to me. At the very beginning I felt a
little nervous. But very soon I become excited when
I found me high up in the sky among the clouds. I
too found that mountains, fields, rivers and so on
were interestingly small. I enjoyed the frightening and
comfortable journey very much. At all, it is more
interesting take a plane than to take a train.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes in the passage

  It was Sunday today. Early in the morning my
classmate and I went to the park by bus to plant
trees. As soon as we got there, we began work.
Some were digging, some planted, and there were
still some watering. Both of us were trying hard to
plant as much as we could. Each of us was afraid of
falling behind. After work, we were all wet over.
Looking at lines of young trees, we forgot our tiredness.
We came back at 12. It is not only does us a lot
of good, but also benefit the people.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009

Correct the mistakes

  Before he was a teacher, Bob told me that what he
would like to do a lawyer when he was at school.
He had worked very hard at his lessons and try to
enter into a famous university, but something unhappy
happened to his family, which made necessary for him
to work for a life. As a young man, he had been a
bus-driver, a dust-man and a salesman. But he spent his
spare times studying and finally became a college
teacher. “Young people,” he often said, “ full of
wishes and hopes after they step into society.”
(10) ______

