 0  78842  78850  78856  78860  78866  78868  78872  78878  78880  78886  78892  78896  78898  78902  78908  78910  78916  78920  78922  78926  78928  78932  78934  78936  78937  78938  78940  78941  78942  78944  78946  78950  78952  78956  78958  78962  78968  78970  78976  78980  78982  78986  78992  78998  79000  79006  79010  79012  79018  79022  79028  79036  151629 

科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  One day, I was cooking in the kitchen as the    (1)_____ 

telephone rings. I went to answer it immediately.   (2)_____ 

She was my close friend, Lisa. When we were talking   (3)_____ 

on a phone,the fire alarm sounded. I dashed hack to the(4)_____ 

kitchen. The room full of smoke and the beef was badly (5)_____ 

burnt. I quickly turned off the gas, opening all the   (6)_____ 

windows, and then rushed out of the house. In my     (7)_____ 

surprise, two fire engines were outside my house. I    (8)_____ 

was rather worried. I told about the firemen that it   (9)_____ 

was my careless cooking which caused the heavy smoke.  (10)_____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  British public libraries are connect by computers. If your


nearest library in London doesn't have the book you want to


borrow, a librarian will go on-line to see whether some of the


other nearby libraries have. If no library in London has the


book in store, the librarian will search for further, connecting


libraries in other city like Manchester. If a copy of the book


is located, arrangements will be made for it to be sent your


library, and within a day and two, you will be able to check it


out. It is also possibly for keen readers to borrow books from


university and college libraries even if we are not students.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Dear Editor,


  I have some problems with reading in English. When I read

in English, I always want to understand every one word,

(1) ________

so I spend a lot of time look up words in my dictionary. (2) ________

This made reading rather difficult for me because

(3) ________

by time I've looked up the word in my dictionary,

(4) ________

I've forgotten what the rest of the sentence is about.

(5) ________

I like reading short stories in English, and there's one thing

(6) ________

I find it very difficult in English. I'm never quite sure whether

(7) _______

the writer is serious or not. Several times I read everything

(8) ________

Seemed serious but later I found out it was supposed to be funny.

(9) ________

Could you give me some advice on my problem?

(10) ________

Yours truly,

Li Hua


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  There are advantage for students to work
(1) ________
while studying at school. One of them was that
(2) ________
they can earn money. For the most part,
(3) ________
students working to earn money for their own
(4) ________
use. Earning their own money allow them
(5) ________
to spend on anything as if they please.
(6) ________
They would have to ask their parents for
(7) ________
money or for permission to do things by
(8) ________
the money. Some students may also to save
(9) ________
up for our college or future use.
(10) ________


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  I have a good friend who's name is Liu Mei. She is our

(1) ________

monitor and one of the excellent students in our class.

(2) ________

Clever as she is, but she works very hard. We have a

(3) ________

lot on common and have a lot to talk about. One evening she

(4) ________

told me that something happened when her parents was out.

(5) ________

She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when

(6) ________

she smelt something burning. She stopped look out

(7) ________

of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out

(8) ________

of her neighbor's house. She called 119 immediate. Ten

(9) ________

minutes later, the firemen came and put out fire. Her neighbor

(10) ________

was very thankful for her help.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Ladies and Gentlemen, may I pay your attention, please?
(1) ________
Now we are looking for a passenger. Mr Brown, he is from
(2) ________
America. And he is now leaving Beijing to America by
(3) ________
Flight 2748. But we told that Mr Brown left his passport
(4) ________
as well as his wallet in the Friendship Hotel where he had stayed at.
(5) ________
The manager of the hotel has just called tell us
(6) ________
about it. The manager had sent his secretary to bring
(7) ________
the passport and the wallet there and she will arrive
(8) ________
soon. Will Mr Brown go to the gate of our airport
(9) ________
and wait for your passport and wallet? It will arrive in about ten minutes.
(10) _______


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Dear Jim,


  I'd like to tell you something more

(1) ________

about our school sports meet. It was holding on Oct. 6, which was a fine day.

(2) ________

There were over 1000 students and

(3) ________

teachers attend it. Wang Lin, a student

(4) ________

from my class won the 100-metre race. He finish the race in 12.6 seconds and

(5) ________

broke in the school record. The sports

(6) ________

meet was really success. That was because

(7) ________

we were all trying to do my best.

(8) ________

Although I was not one of the winner, I

(9) ________

was proud of that we had done.

(10) ________

  Looking forward to receiving your letter.



Li Ping


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Once I bought a copy China Daily. After I      (1)____ 

took a quick look at some of the headlines in the front page, I found it                         (2)____

hardly to understand everything. So I went and     (3)____

asked our English teacher about advice. She first introduced the paper                          (4)____

to me, said that it has all the usual sections of a    (5)____

newspaper, including Home News, International News, Business News, Sports                       (6)___

News and so on. Then she gave me some advice on how read(7)____

China Daily.When I read the paper again,I did as if our teacher                          (8) ____ 

has told me. I first read the important news and     (9) ____

sports news. Since the latest news was not new with me, I found I could understand some.And I was very happy.        (10) ____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  I received your letter dated April 16, day

(1) ________

before yesterday. Every of our family

(2) ________

members are greatly delighted to learn how you

are getting along very well

(3) ________

with your lessons. Time passed quickly.

(4) ________

In scores of days, you'll finish middle school.

What please us most is that you

(5) ________

have made up mind to take the college

(6) ________

entrance examination this summer. What

(7) ________

wonderful it is! Dad is with you, as

(8) ________

well as I. We hope you to make good use

(9) ________

of your time. The fuller preparations if

(10) ________

you make, the surer of successful you'll be



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  It's easier to go downhill than climb uphill; so   (1) ___

It's easier to fall into bad habits than into good one   (2) ___

Bad habits not come suddenly. They come little by      (3) ___

little. Schoolboys first picked up a little in school and(4) ___

on the streets. When they cannot write them homework,    (5) ___

they copy from their schoolmate. If they see bigger    (6) ___

boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. When   (7) ___

they get bigger, the habits become more stronger and   (8) ___

stronger, so that they can no longer getting rid of    (9) ___

them. What necessary it is that we get rid of the     (10) ___

bad habits in the beginning!


