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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  The Yellow River, China's second larger river was the most


polluted one among the nation's seven major rivers during the first


half of the year. The latest monthly report shown the water quality


in the Yellow River improved in July and the branch water quality


was still poor.

  One of the major reasons for the seriously pollution in the river


is the reduction of water flow and it is in the lowest level in fifty


years. The 5 464-kilometre Yellow River run from Qinghai and Tibet


winds through many places before reaching to the Bohai Sea. The river


provides water twelve per cent of the population of our country and


irrigate twelve per cent of our farmland. So we should take good care


of our “mother river”.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Beijing Weekend is an English newspaper, that   (1)___

is liked by foreigners worked in Beijing as      (2)___

it is their “favorite, completely guide to      (3)___

that is happening around the town over the     (4)___

next seven days”. If they want have dinner out    (5)___

they will find many places to go to there.They can(6)___

choose among different kinds of Chinese food     (7)___

and foreign food.There are yet articles about   (8)___

Chinese arts. In going on section, concerts,     (9)___

dance, movies are all listed.It is good guide   (10)___

for your weekend activities.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  There are advantage for students to work   (1)__________

while studying at school. One of them was that(2)__________

they can earn money. For the most part,     (3)__________

students working to earn money for their own  (4)__________

use. Earning their own money allow them     (5)__________

to spend on anything as if they please.     (6)__________

They would have to ask their parents for    (7)__________

money or for permission to do things by     (8)__________

the money. Some students may also to save   (9)__________

up for our colleges or future use.        (10)__________


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  During this summer holiday I took part in special     (1)

summer camp with some of my classmate. There we       (2)

made some new friends who were senior students from     (3)

Canvey, a town in the Thames, lying to the east of London.  (4)

As hosts, we showed him round many places of interest     (5)

in Beijing, such the Palace Museum, the Great Wall and    (6)

the Summer Palace so we told them about the changes     (7)

which have been taken place in Beijing. They said that    (8)

Beijing was quite different with what they had heard of and (9)

it was as beautifully as Canvey. I think the summer camp    (10)

is of great value.

(1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ (4)_____ (5)_____

(6)_____ (7)_____ (8)_____ (9)_____ (10)_____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Last summer I decided go to Shenzhen in the        (1)

hope of getting a holiday job there. When I reached to   (2)

there. I found Shenzhen is really a charming         (3)

place. The streets were clean, and the roads were wide.    (4)

I tried many times to get a job, but turned down again   (5)

and again. Not until then 1 realize that to earn money   (6)

was not a easy thing. Half a month passed, the money     (7)

in my pocket nearly ran out. I felt such sad that the city (8)

seemed to be a little chilly. Think of the fact that I'd   (9)

have to leave school, I couldn't help cry in the streets. (10)

(1)______ (2)______ (3)______ (4)______ (5)______

(6)______ (7)______ (8)______ (9)______ (10)______


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  When I found out that my train would three hours     (1)___

late, I changed my idea and would get a bus instead     (2)___

I was about to rush out of the train station while a    (3)___

well-dressed o1d man took me on the arm“Young        (4)___

lady,”said the gentleman“shouldn't you find out  (5)___ 

the bus schedule(时间表)after you rush to catch the    (6)___

bus?”I stared at him with my mouth opened How did      (7)___

he read my mind? Before I could say something more, he   (8)___

added,“You see, my train is still running lateThe same   (9)___

idea came to me But I think good conversation help pass(10)___

the time Before you know it, your train will be here”


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Boys and girls,

  It gives us a great pleasure to get together here with our guests from Australia. First in all, allow me, on behalf (1)____

of all the students present here, express our       (2)____

warmly welcome to our guest——Mr Jackson.       (3)____

Mr Jackson, a headmaster of the Jackson High       (4)____

School in Canberra, has much knowledge or experience.  (5)____

His school takes in overseas students, some of them   (6)____

are Chinese. To make his school better know,      (7)____

he is here not to introduce the school to us but to   (8)____

tell us anything about their system of education.   (9)____

Now, may Mr Jackson make a speech to us?        (10)____



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  You say you'll have two-week summer holiday and decide to travel


a lot and visit such many new places as possible. I don't think it a good idea.


I'll tell you a story about my friend Mr Bell, who last July he was


in Europe. Europe is very beautiful, and his holiday wasn't very nice.


He visited four countries, and was in each of the country only three


days. He visited a great deal museums and famous places, and was always


in a hurry. Bell is on the train or on a bus almost every day. When he


returned back, he was very tired. So I suggest that you spend your holiday


in different ways. You'd better travel with a friend to one country, and visit


only one city. Choose a city off the coast and you'll be able to have a good rest on the seaside.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Mr. Green called the doctor on midnight


one day. “Come here quickly, doctor. You know, my wife often sleeps for her mouth open. Unluckily, a


mouse has run into her mouth!”“I will be with


you when in about ten minutes,”answered the doctor.


“Until I arrive, and try holding a piece of


cheese in front of her mouth. This may bring a


mouse out.”When the doctor arrived, Mr. Green was holding a


piece of cheese. He was holding a fish in front of his wife mouth.


“What are you doing, Mr. Green? asked the doctor. “Mice doesn't like fish.”


“You know, said Mr. Green,”but I have to



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Police yesterday arrested two Irishmen whom    (1)_____ 

they thought putting a bomb in the Queen's car last  (2)_____ 

week. The police said,“Last week the car went to a  (3)_____ 

factory in south London to have new wheels fitting,  (4)_____ 

and we believe the bomb has placed in the car there.”(5)_____ 

The two Irishmen worked on this factory, and two days (6)_____ 

after the bombing, they went on holiday to Ireland.   (7)_____ 

We think the bomb had a clock in it, which meant to   (8)_____ 

explode at eleven o'clock outside of the palace. Luckily(9)_____ 

for the Queen, the bomb exploded before she had left the car.(10)___

