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科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  When my twentieth birthday came, I was not in home.


In order to celebrate such important day with my


parents, I wrote a letter, in which I thanked him


for having raised me for twenty years, and expressed my


love for them. Later, mother talked me when she read the


letter, tears were filled her eyes. But father appeared


much cool. After that, he studied it alone carefully.


Then he put it up into a desk drawer. I can imagine


the scene clear because I know father. Being a man


with few words, he preferred to show his love for me in


a silent way.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Aeroplanes are slowly driving me madly. I live    (1)____

near a airport and passing planes can be heard      (2)____

night and day. The airport is built during the war,   (3)____

but for some reason it could not be used to then.     (4)____

Last year, however, it came into use. Over two hundreds (5)____

people must have been driven away from their home     (6)____

by the voice. I am one of the few people left. Sometimes(7)____

I think this house will be knocked down by a passing    (8)____

plane. I have offered a large sum of money to go      (9)____

away, and I am determined to stay here. Everybody     (10)____

says I must be mad and they are probably right.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receive     (1)____

a letter from a girl in her own age in Holland.   (2)____

Last year, we were traveling through the channel   (3)____

and Jane put a piece of paper with my name and   (4)____

address on it into a bottle. She threw it into sea.(5)____

She never thought it again, but ten months later,  (6)____

She received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both (7)____

girls write to each other regular now. However, they(8)____

decided to use the post office. Letters will cost   (9)____

a little more, but they will certainly travel fast.(10)___


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Once I bought a copy China Daily. After I took a quick  (1)

look at some of the headlines in the front page, I found it (2)

hardly to understand everything. So I went and asked our    (3)

English teacher about advice. She first introduced the paper(4)

to me, said that it had all the usual sections of a newspaper (5)

including Home News, International News, Business News, Sports(6)

News and so on. Then she gave me some advice on how read (7)

China Daily. When I read the paper again, I did as if our teacher(8)

has told me.I first read the important news and sports news.(9)

Since the latest news was not new with me, I found I could (10)

understand some. And I was very happy.

(1)____ (2)____ (3)____ (4)____ (5)____

(6)____ (7)____ (8)____ (9)____ (10)____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  As is known by all, the Internet is (1)

playing more and more important part in our(2)

daily life. On it, we can only read news (3)

at home and abroad but also get so much (4)

information as possible. We are often send e-mail or (5)

make telephone call to our families as well as our friends.(6)

However, we can go to school on the net, read different kinds  (7)

of books and even teach myself English. We can also enjoy (8)

music, watching sports and play computer games on the   (9)

net. We can do some shopping even without leaving our homes(10)

(1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ (4)_____ (5)_____

(6)_____  (7)_____ (8)_____ (9)_____ (10)_____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Get a good education is more important today than(1)

ever before. In Canada mostly children attend public(2)

schools. Public schools is mainly founded by governments(3)

through tax income. Students in Canada taught in  (4)

English and in French. The rests of Canadian children(5)

attend private schools, that are supported mainly by fees(6)

paying by parents. By law, the children must attend  (7)

school from age 5 and 16.There are several different(8)

levels in the Canadian education system The first was(9)

called Elementary Schools, which include kindergartens (10)

through grade 7 or 8.

(1)______ (2)______(3)______  (4)______

(5)______(6)______  (7)______(8)______

(9)______  (10)______


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Early one morning in April, 2003 ,it was raining hard. I was sitting in my classroom myself. “We shall soon leave Beijing


and go to Sichuan. You'll say good-bye to your new


classmates.”That my father told me the other day sounded


more again in my ears. Although I had studied at the school


for only two months, but I really loved every thing here. What's


more, the teaching conditions here are much more better than


that in Sichuan. As a child who was born in Sichuan, I knew


almost nothing about the world outside. Therefore, after I came


to Beijing, I saw many things I had never seen before and tasted


many delicious snacks(小吃). I thought I was quite unluckily


to have to leave Beijing so soon.


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  It is bad manners in the classroom to look for what our


neighbor had written, or try to see what mark he has received


without being permitted. It is good manners for them to help


each other if we have the same desire and the teacher allows to it.


In examinations and in certain kinds of written work, it is dishonest


and foolishly to help or to ask help from others. When one student


does so, much larger values are destroying. One may not agree


to examination system, but at present it is basically the only


measure that the teacher and the rest of the world can depend to


decide if or not each of us meets the requirement.



科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  Henry Royce did not like his car, that ran badly and often(1)

broke down. So he decided to make a best car himself,(2)

and in 1904 he produced his first new model. Charles Rolls,(3)

a car maker, was very interested in Royce's car, but soon(4)

Rolls and Royce go into business together. One of their first(5)

model was the Silver Ghost. In 1907, a Silver Ghost broke the(6)

world's record by drive 14 37l miles without breaking down (7)

once. After the drive, it was cost just over £ 2 to put the car(8)

back into perfect condition. This is not surprising that the Silver(9)

Ghost was regarded “the best car in the world”. (10)

(1)_____ (2)_____ (3)_____ (4)_____ (5)_____

(6)_____ (7)_____ (8)_____ (9)_____ (10)_____


科目: 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


Our net-school is very helpful on many ways. First of    (1)__

all the school can make teaching and learning be easy and(2)__

interested. Students can get more useful information and (3)__

knowledge in the class. We can also send e-mails at any  (4)__

time, and get latest information through Internet, which (5)__

is open to either teachers and students in the school. So(6)__

long as the student had a computer, he can study at home.(7)__

The net also help to improve our school management and   (8)__

meets the needs of build up our school into a modern one.(9)__

Interesting? You are welcome to study in our net-school.(10)__

