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科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


The aliens say they come from Zeton and ________(travel)for 2 years.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022



(1)He ________ the two pieces of wood together with glue.

(2)All the countries ________ to fight diseases and poverty.

(3)Efforts and confidence ________ to make a full man.

(4)This path ________ the highway up ahead.

(5)Two atoms of hydrogen ________ with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022



(1)A ________ of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.

(2)High mountains covered with snow and green grass are the best ________ of Shanga-ri-la.

(3)He has a strong but gentle ________.

(4)What are the ________ that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?

(5)A big-hooked nose is her most impressive ________.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


1.In 1996, I moved to Canada with my husband and I have been living there since then


2.Liu Fang has played the pipa since the age of six



科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


1.The same is true of my second instrument, the guzheng.


2.…so it isn’t surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles.


3.It’s the same with classical Chinese music.



科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


1.There is a lot of concern among us ________(关于)the problems of medicine safety.

2.Education should be ________(结合)with entertainment.

3.We see each other at regular ________(间隔).

4.We have a growing population and ________(因此)we need more food.

5.Her mother strictly ________(规定)how much TV she can watch.

6.Poetry helps to ________(诠释)the value and meaning of life.

7.The medicine brought me ________(痛苦的减轻).

8.Your sweater will ________(缩水)if you wash it at high temperature.

9.Light music can get you ________(使放松)after a whole day of work.

10.The last two lines of this poem don’t ________(押韵)properly.

11.I have a large ________(收藏)of stamps.

2.I like the song-Don’t hurt me again by Zhang Zhenyu; it has a slow and beautiful(旋律).

13.She is one of my few close ________(亲戚)in Shanghai.

14.She does ________(自愿的)work for the Red Cross two days a week.

15.I didn’t feel ________(使沮丧)though faced with a lot of trouble.

16.________(除了……之外)playing the guitar, I also enjoy playing the electric organ.

17.Consideration is one of her attractive ________(特点).

18.The sound of footsteps ________(回响 round the hall.

19.At the end of the sports meeting, the headmaster ________(赠送)medals and gifts.

20.One of his ________(志向)is to become the president of the Motor General.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


1.The question set off a ________ discussion.

2.He is ________ proof of the wonders of modern medicine.

3.The President’s speech was broadcast ________ to the country.

4.The boy gave a ________ description of what happened just now.

5.Many people are still buried ________ after the earthquake.

6.The little girl is so ________ that I call her a little angel.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


Lin Hai:I can’t wait to get my(1)d________ license(执照)! Then I can

buy my own car.There are so many cars(2)a________

because prices have really(3)f_______.It’s great!

Wang Jun:Are you serious? The increase in new cars has(4)b________ our roads and has made pollution even worse here.

Lin Hai:More cars mean(5)l________ prices.I like that!

Wang Jun:What about the environment? With more cars on the road, traffic problems, accidents and pollution will get much worse.

Lin Hai:Hmmm, you either don’t like cars or you don’t know much about them.

Wang Jun:Yes, I do.I know cars can be useful, but they can(6)c_______ a lot of damage.

Lin Hai:People need cars, and if cars do so much damage, they won’t be(7)a_______ on the roads.

Wang Jun:Hmmm, I don’t think you have read much about this problem.

Lin Hai:No, and I don’t need to, because I don’t think there is a problem.

Wang Jun:Yes, there is.It’s reported in the newspaper that there are more cars on our roads now than at any time in history.There are millions of possible car buyers, and car makers are busy(8)m________ cars for them.

Lin Hai:So what?

Wang Jun:By 2020, there will be seven times the(9)n_________ of cars on our roads, and the effect of these cars will be the pollution,(10)e________ in big cities.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


(below, under, underneath)

(1)We looked down from the mountain to the valley ________.

(2)The coin rolled ________ the piano.

(3)She was wearing a woolen coat, with a cotton blouse ________.

(4)His income is well ________ the average.


科目: 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:022


It was a race ________(争分夺秒的)to stop people dying from starvation.

