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科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:022


She gave a wonderful p________(演出)on the tour, leaving the fans wanting more.


科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:022


The pollution is so serious in this area that many rare animals are d________(消失).


科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:022


European s________(定居)began in 1840 when the British arrived.


科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:022


It’s o________(明显的)that he is likely to get the job because of his advantages in this area.


科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:022


His story of success a________(影响)me so deeply that I decided to achieve my dream.


科目: 来源:福建省福州八中2009届高三第四次质量检测英语试题 题型:022


  In our   1   world, mobile phones are becoming more and more popular, but students in America are not a  2   to use them in class because of many d  3   and harms.

  Mobile phones have become a part of our life now.With mobile phones, we can   4  (连接)our friends and family conveniently and call for help easily when in   5  (麻烦).

  However, it also has a   6   effect on our studies and minds.

  Some students are absorbed in using it to play g  7   during class so that they cannot   8  (集中注意力)on the teachers’ words.Other students talk t  9   phones every night till midnight.It does great harm to their h  10  .Besides, students may even be cheated by some strange messages.


科目: 来源:2009年高考英语冲刺阶段专题专练 题型:022


  The expression“kick the bucket”is almost 200 years old.A   1  (believe)is that it started when an English stableman committed suicide by   2  (hang)himself while standing on a pail or a bucket.He put a rope around his neck and tied it   3   a beam(横梁)under the ceiling, and then kicked the bucket away from under him.After a while, to die in any way   4  (call)“kicking the bucket”.

    5   old expression that comes from England is to kick over the traces and its meaning is to resist the commands of   6   parents or to reject authority.Traces were chains that held a horse or mule(骡子)to a wagon or a plow.Sometimes an animal rebelled and kicked over the traces.

  The word kick sometimes is used to describe complaint or some kind of   7  (dissatisfy).Workers,   8  example, kick about long hours and low pays.Sometimes, the workers are forced to kick back some of   9   wages to their employers.This kickback is illegal.  10   is another kind of kickback, a secret payment made by a supplier to an official who buys supplies for a government or a company.


科目: 来源:2009年高考英语冲刺阶段专题专练 题型:022


In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet.When I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait   1   it boots up completely, and then I go online.I usually check my email first and then write a few messages   2   family and friends.I sometimes scan the local news headlines at   3   favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news.This Website often provides video news clips that   4   can view online.I sometimes order products or service online to save money and time instead of going to a store and   5  (buy)what I'm looking for.For example, I   6  (order)a digital camera online the other day and saved about $50.Whatever I do, I realize that there are problems   7   using the Internet including scams, identify theft, and viruses, so I'm very careful not to give out my   8  (person)information.Furthermore, I don't download or open files I don't recognize.Using the Internet can be fun and   9   convenient way of shopping and finding out new information,   10   you just need to be careful


科目: 来源:2009年高考英语冲刺阶段专题专练 题型:022


  A big fire broke out in a clothing factory in our city last Wednesday.At 9∶18 that morning, when the employees   1  (work)busily in the 4-storeyed building, heavy smoke was seen   2  (come)out of the windows on the second floor.In a while, the whole building was in flames.The fire lasted nearly an hour, during which the   3  (major)of the 345 employees managed to escape from the deadly scene.Unfortunately, 7 were killed, and 23   4  (injure), lightly or seriously.

  Some workers complained that aids came too late, but the firemen   5   come just 10 minutes after the fire was reported.To rescue everyone from the burning and smoking building in such a short time was too difficult.  6   only two exits of the big building were not enough for so many people to withdraw(撤退)in a hurry.

  The cause of the fire, according to an investigator, was   7   someone broke the no-smoking rule in the factory, because some cigarette ends were found.If the smokers   8  (have)a stronger sense of security, the fire wouldn’t have happened.Next two weeks, 15 inspection teams will be working in all the factories   9   turn, aiming to clear away the possibility of more fires.  10  (hope)no disasters like this will happen again.


科目: 来源:2009年高考英语冲刺阶段专题专练 题型:022


    1   a cold winter morning, I buried myself into my coat and rushed out of my home.At 6∶30 am,   2   seemed to be nobody in the street, but I was so excited   3   I rode a new bike.

  I saw an old man riding in front of me.He rode freely,   4  (hum)a tune.Soon, I passed him.But   5   long I noticed him ahead of me again.  6   could that be?I speeded up, trying to pass him again.  7   next ten kilometers didn’t seem to be long, as we were racing against each other.At the end of the journey, we gave thumbs   8   to each other.Indeed, I was thankful for his   9  (accompany)me for such a long way.I think our lives won’t be boring if someone   10  (will)stays with us all the way.

