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科目: 来源:湖南省岳阳市一中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions:Read the following passage.Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.WRITE NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

  Many students eat their breakfasts on the way to school or in the dinning-room.But some of them don't really know how to eat well when eating out.

  Here is some important advice.The first is to eat less fast food.The most obvious harm of eating too much fast food is weight gaining because of too much fat.Young people and adults are at risk of diseases related to weight.

  Too much fast food can drag your body down.French fries, for example, were recently found to contain much more acryl amide(丙烯酰胺)than other food.This may cause cancer.Actually, deep fried food all contains acryl amide.So don't eat it too often.

  Soda is another thing you should watch out for.Cokes and other sodas contain a lot of sugar and can slow down a person's calcium absorption, so it's best to drink as little soda as possible.

  Food in the dinning-room may not be as tasty as fast food, but it's actually easier to make healthy choices.Human bodies need variety.You can have a meal that balances lean proteins, vitamins and complex carbohydrates(碳水化合物).In other words, a meal with fish or meat, vegetables and some bread or rice will provide you with most nutrients that the body needs.

  Some snacks, on the other hand, will help keep you going until your next big meal.It is natural for teenagers, especially boys, to feel hungry during school time.Don't forget to take some foods, like whole-grain biscuits or low-fat milk in your school bag.


科目: 来源:湖南省岳阳市一中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions:Complete the following passage by using ONE word that fits the context.

Because neither she nor her husband smoked, Mrs.Trench was surprised to see cigarette ash on her doorstep as she entered the house.When she opened the living-room door, she was astonished to see a strange man fast   1   in an armchair!Taking care not to disturb him, Mrs.Trench left the house at once.She called a taxi and went   2   to the police station.When she got there, she lost no time to explain   3  had happened and added that the man   4   have got into the house   5   an open window.Mrs.Trench returned home   6   a police car together with two policemen.But it was too late:the man had disappeared.Hurrying upstairs, she went to her dressing-table.She smiled   7   relief when she saw the only thing that man had taken was an imitation diamond necklace that was almost   8  !


科目: 来源:湖南省浏阳一中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions: Complete the following passage in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context.

  Tom is a boy with physical 1.________ and he can't walk as 2.________ normal boy.In order to offer him more convenience, his mother bought him a robot

  3.________ name is Jimmy yesterday.Jimmy accompanies Tom every day after his parents leave for work, 4.________ care of him.Tom suffers from a rare disease.He can't stand up.Instead, he has to sit on an armchair all the day.Jimmy shows sympathy to Tom and tries his best to make him happy.Some days ago, he took Tom to the park.He tried to protect him from being harmed.He gave Tom encouragement to have a try to walk.So Tom 5.________.But to Jimmy's disappointment, Tom fell on the ground, causing some other boys nearby to make fun of him.“Don't laugh at the disabled!” Jimmy turned 6.________, warning those boys.They felt sorry and ran away immediately.The next day, Jimmy took Tom to the park once again.This time, Tom was 7________ to the circumstance and didn't feel clumsy(笨拙的)any longer.He gets back his own confidence 8.________ he is still a disabled boy.


科目: 来源:湖南省衡阳八中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

  He always rose early to enjoy at least two hours of staying alone in the house before the   1   of the family came down.In winter he spent most of the time reading.In summer he liked to get out of doors to work in the garden or to take the dog   2   a walk in the neighboring woods and fields.  3   the weather was like, there was plenty for him to do.He wrote book reviews regularly for two of the national weeklies.He worked hard   4   his special subject, Indian history, and was thus one of the world experts on it; he collected modern abstract paintings and so had a circle of friends among artists; there was hardly anything he did not know about traditional jazz and he often entertained   5   Britain and American jazz musicians.He was a good   6   and knew a lot about French and German food.His family admired him and in a sense he was spoiled by them.At first glance you would have   7   him for a retired army officer-his hair was cut short, he was very particular about his clothes,   8   were always clean and neat.He hardly watched TV, but enjoyed a good film and an occasional evening at the theater.


科目: 来源:湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions:Read the following passage.Complete the diagram by using the information for the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer

  Life policies(人寿保险)differ from other forms of insurance in several ways.They are not contracts of indemnity(补偿合同), so there is theoretically no limit to the amount of insurance, or the number of policies, that may be taken out on a particular life.

  There are some forms of life policy.

  An endowment policy is a useful way of saving.It is property that may be used as security against a loan, and after a few years it acquires a surrender value(退保金):in other words you can cancel the policy and get back a large amount of money you have paid.

  Participating, or with-profits endowment policies are even more attractive, since the sum assured is increased every year by a bonus based on the profits made by the company.The bonus can be paid as a lump sum(i.e.an amount of money that is paid at a time and not on separate occasions)at the end of the insurance, or used to reduce the annual premium(保险费).It can even be fixed sum which is agreed ahead of time, without regard to actual profits.

  Another special type of life policy, often taken out by people who have no dependants, is the annuity.In the simplest form you pay a lump sum to the insurance company, and then receive a fixed annual payment until your death.Clearly this is something of a risk, but the risky element may be removed if the company offers to pay a fixed sum either to you or your heirs(继承人)for a fixed number of years.Other forms are the deferred annuity, when payment does not start until so many years after the premium is paid, and the reversionary annuity, which is payable on the death of a third party.All annuities, however, must be considered somewhat risky and decreasing money values.


科目: 来源:湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第四次月考、英语试卷 题型:022

Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

  I'm interested in advertising and media.I have many options.But it's hard to see what all these things are about until you've seen   1   the jobs are like.I haven't yet applied   2   anything.I hope things will go well,   3   I know that the reality is pretty terrible.There is a lot of disappointment.You don't walk out with a degree and find that's it; you can't earn lots of money.

  I don't want to do any   4   just for the money and end up sending faxes all day.That's what graduates get at the moment and it's really embarrassing.  5   I don't do a job that's heading somewhere, I'll go mad.That's when you feel cheated, when you end up doing something like selling things by telephone.That's desperation, and I don't want to be   6   that situation.

  In quality-of-life terms, walking into an office at 8 in the   7   and leaving 12 hours later is not an attractive prospect.Even if you earn lots of money, you don't have enough   8   to enjoy it.The best thing is to work on a project, and see something through.So you're more focused instead of being unknown.


科目: 来源:广东省增城中学2010届高三第四次综合测试、英语试卷 题型:022



  Necessity is the mother of invention.This proverb just means that there is nothing like   1   urgent need for setting people to work to find a way of meeting it.  2   we could get all we want from nature, we should not bother to invent anything.As we can't, we   3  (force)to find out ways and means to satisfy   4   needs.

  In the early days of mankind, the necessity of communicating   5   one another led men to the invention of languages.Later, the necessity of keeping some record of   6   people did or said led to the invention of writing.Later still, the necessity of spreading the   7  (late)news and knowledge led to the invention of printing.And now, working and studying efficiency   8  (increase)since computers were invented.After the Internet was invented, information can be so easily got that the world now seems more to be a village.

  These are only a few illustrations to prove that from the very   9  (begin)of human life people have been making inventions and discoveries out of necessity.Therefore, we recognize “necessity”   10   the cause of progress for the human race.


科目: 来源:辽宁省营口市2009-2010学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:022


Well-done on an Exam

  Do not underestimate the power of revision in the days and hours before an examination.The closer you are to the exam, the more chance you have of storing and attaining key information.But do not overdo it.  1   An effective daily routine can help you through an exam period, so in the days leading up to your first exam, get into the habit of being up and read to work.It can be a shock to the system after months of working to your own timetable to be mentally alert at that time if you have not prepared for it.

  On the day of the exam, have a good breakfast, pack everything you need(pens, pencils, erasers, etc), then make your way to the examination hall in good time.  2  

  Once in your seat, simply pause for a few seconds and collect your thoughts.Close your eyes and take in a few slow, deep breaths to help you relax.When you turn over the test paper, spend a short period reading through all the instructions and questions, paying particular attention to key verbs such as“discuss”,“compare”and“evaluate”.  3   It is always wise to allow 10 minutes at the end of the exam to give yourself time to go back over your answers.Once you have selected the questions you wish to tackle, begin by attempting the one you think is your strongest.It will give you more confidence when you see a well-answered question down on paper.Also remember to write clearly, and do not be afraid to express the unexpected:after all, examiners can get very bored marking stereotypical(模式化的)answers.

    4   If you need something else to focus on to help you collect your thoughts, choose a fixture in the room, such as the ceiling or anything else that will not allow you to be distracted.

  Finally, once you have finished, never hang around outside afterwards to attend the discussion by other students.  5  

A.Try not to look at those around you, or at the clock.

B.When you get home, read the examination paper through and look up the other words you didn't understand.

C.Sleep, exercise and relaxation are all just as important.

D.Map out a quick plan of points you wish to make and how much time you should spend on each question.

E.Go and have a well-earned rest-then prepare the next exam.

F.Do not arrive too early, though, as other people's anxiety can be contagious(传染性的), and you may suffer from undue panic.

G.If possible, you can arrive early and communicate with those worried students and help them overcome their anxiety.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省龙东南七校2009-2010学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题 题型:022


  Exercise takes time.That's a given(众所周知的).People always don't have enough time.That's a given too.________1 Here are some ways to do it:

Do exercise in your daily life.

  Who says,“exercise”has to be done in a gym?Fitness experts use the term“lifestyle exercise”to describe everyday activities that are good for us.________2

  Wear a pedometer(记步器)

  Wearing an equipment that counts your footsteps can be surprising-either because you walk a lot more than you thought or a lot less.Whatever the case, you'll be encouraged either to build on your accomplishments(成就)or make up for lack of effort.In one recent study at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, people with arthritis(关节炎)who received instructions on using a pedometer increased their daily walking much more than those who received only arthritis self-management education.


  If you jump in the car for every neighborhood thing or visit to your friend down the street, you'd better make some chages.________4

  Use waiting time.

  Looking at your computer screen when waiting for the download to finish doesn't burn any energy.________5.Anytime you're waiting to meet a friend at the mall, for example, look for opportunities to go for a short walk, or perform some other physical movement.

A.You can walk or use bicycles for short-distance travel

B.And just stand there waiting for your turn.

C.But you can do some exercise in the place where you are waiting

D.But it's still possible to do some exercise in you daily life.

E.Don't always drive cars.

F.Examples include walking while shopping, and dancing

G.Drive to the places.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省鹤岗一中2009-2010学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:022


  In so many ways, cyberspace(网络空间)mirrors the real world.People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips.  1   Still others look for friendship, or even love.

  Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen.Identity(身份)and appearance mean very little in cyberspace.  2   So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.

  Usually, this “faceless” communication doesn't create problems.Identity doesn't really matter when you're in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies.In fact, this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation(对话).  3  

  But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with.  4   Is cyberspace a good place to find love?That answer depends on whom you ask.

    5   Others fail miserably.

A.Rather, a person's thoughts-or at least the thoughts they type-are what really count(重要).

B.Others buy and sell products.

C.They're looking for serious love relationships.

D.But cyberspace is different from the real world in some aspects(方面).

E.(AB)Some of these relationships actually succeed.

F.(AC)Where else can so many people come together to chat?

G.(AD)Chatting online isn't always reliable(可靠的).

