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科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


Don't quarrel with him , after all, he is your little brother.

=Don't ________ ________ ________him, after all, he is your little brother.


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


We are expecting to meet you again..

=We are________ ________ ________ ________ ________ again.


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


The teacher impressed us with his strange hair style.

=The teacher impressed ________ ________ ________ ________ ________us.

=We are impressed ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


The river is three times longer than that one.

=The river is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________that one.

=The river is________ ________ ________ ________ ________that one.


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


There is a computer and a special screen in the classroom.

=The classroom ________ a computer and a special screen.


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


1.极好的adj ________

2.以前的adj ________

3.描述n ________

4.流利的adj ________


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


1.行为,举动n ________

2.助手,助理n ________

3.热心的adj ________


科目: 来源:山西省孝义三中2010-2011学年高一单元测试(一)英语试题 题型:022


1.尴尬的难堪的adj ________


3.鼓励,激励n ________


科目: 来源:辽宁省本溪市高中2011届高三暑期补课阶段考试英语试题 题型:022


  There is an English saying that goes,“he who laughs last, laughs the hardest.”High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.  1  , because he was always the smallest in his class and was laughed at because he had a big space between his teeth.In sixth grade, Efron's basketball team made it to the league championships.In double overtime(两个加时赛), with three seconds left, he rebounded the ball and passed it-to the wrong team!  2  

    3   Now at 21, Efron is one of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People, graces(荣登)the cover of Entertainment Weekly, Hollywood's most influential magazine, and is traveling the world promoting the third High School Musical film.Director Adam Shankman described Efron as“arguably the biggest teen star in America right now.”Simply google“Zac Efron”, and you get more than 14 million responses.Yes, it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.

  Efron was born and raised in California.  4   According to Efron,“he would flip out(发疯)if he got a B and not an A in school, and that he was a class clown.”It was his father who encouraged him to act.  5   He also took singing lessons.He graduated high school in 2006 and was accepted at the university of Southern California to study film.But he put it off-why study movies when you can star in them.Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business.And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.

A.He owed it a lot to his father that he succeeded.

B.But history, as they say, is a thing of the past.

C.He took part in school performances and acted in a local theater.

D.When he was young, Efron was an unqualified basketball player.

E.He took school seriously.

F.They scored and his team lost the game.

G.As a young boy, Efron was picked on(欺负)by his classmates.


科目: 来源:江苏省如皋市丁堰中学2010-2011学年高二学情抽测英语试题 题型:022


  Health researchers have noticed that some groups of people are more consistently healthy than others, and wonderedIs it race?Income?Where you live?In the United States, these disagreements in health outcomes have been the focus of intense research for the past several decades

  Harvard University health policy researcher Ellen Meara says scholars have found some clues as to why some groups of people have more or less disease than othersShe says one important factor in people's health is the amount of education they have

  In her most recent paper, Meara looked at data from the United States censusThese counts of people occur every 10 yearsMeara and her colleagues examined data from several decades

  “We looked at life expectancy(预测寿命)at age 25,Meara says

  “How many additional years can you expect to live if you arrive at age 25 and your education has stopped at high school, or sooner?Versus how many years, can you expect to live if you've reached aged 25 and you've gone on to at least some college…”

  Meara says they found that in 1990, a 25-year-old who only had some secondary school could expect to live for a total of 75 yearsIn 2000, a 25 year old with some secondary education could also expect to live to the age of 75

  In contrast, for a better educated 25-year-old, they could expect to live to the age of 80 in 1990Someone with a similar education level in the year 2000, could expect to live to be more than 81 years, 81.6 years to be exact

  Meara says, not only do better-educated people live longer to begin with, but in the past ten years, more educated people has made gains in the length of their livesMeanwhile, the life expectancy hasn't changed for less educated people

  Some of these gains can be explained.Meara says researchers know that people who are more educated are more likely to quit smoking cigarettes, or not start at all, compared to people with less education.

  “I think it's a reminder not to be satisfactory,Meara says.“Just because a population overall appears to be getting healthier, it doesn't always mean that those advantages and successes that many people have enjoyed really extend into all parts of the populationAnd I think that's something to really pay attention to regardless of whether you live in the US or elsewhere.”

  Meara points out that education can often determine income - people with more education frequently make more moneyThis makes them aware of health care, and purchase other resources and services that can keep them healthierBut the data on income do NOT show that people who make more money are automatically healthier

  Meara says education is key.People need to be educated in order to take advantage of opportunities for better health.

