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科目: 来源:江苏省无锡一中2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022


Shortly after the destructive earthquake happened in Fukushima Japan, the frightened people ________ from the dangerous area.(flee)


科目: 来源:江苏省无锡一中2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022


When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been, with stepping stones along the road so you did not have to step in the mud on   1   days.I saw several houses which were   2     3   wall paintings.I also saw the people who had been buried   4  .It turns   5   that after the ash covered the people who failed to flee the city, their bodies nearly completely   6   down and disappeared,   7   empty spaces in the ash.Years later,   8   were able to use these empty spaces to produce true-to-life   9   of the people who had died in the   10  


科目: 来源:广东省深圳市高级中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022

The pretty girl, though ________ ________(养育)in a rich family, behaves very badly at school.


科目: 来源:广东省深圳市高级中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022

On the way to school, Mary ________ ________ ________(突然遭遇)in the traffic jam.


科目: 来源:广东省深圳市高级中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022

The missing boy had nowhere to stay and ________ ________(结果为)sleeping in the railway station.


科目: 来源:广东省深圳市高级中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022

They spent a long time in going into practical details ________ ________(与有联系)the building of the stadiums for the 26th Summer Universiade(2011 Shenzhen).


科目: 来源:广东省深圳市高级中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:022


________ ________ ________(依照)natural resources, Japan is the poorest country in Asia.


科目: 来源:北京市海淀区2011届高三一模英语试题 题型:022


Our Fears Can Change the Reality of the Situation

  At times, our worries and anxieties can defeat us.In addition, our worried can change our understanding of what is reality and what is not.Here is a brief list of techniques that you can use to help gain a better viewpoint on things during your anxious moments.

    1   A person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do for a few minutes to get their mind off the problem.A person could get some fresh air, listen to some music, or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things.

  Remember that our fearful thoughts are made to seem worse and can make the problem worse.  2   When unexpectedly having thoughts that make you fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense.

  Be smart in how you deal with your fears and anxieties.Do not try to deal with everything all at once.When facing a current or upcoming task that makes your anxious, break the task into a series of smaller steps.  3  

  Remember that all the worrying in the world will not change anything.Most of what we worry about never comes true.  4   Everything else you can leave in the hands of God.

  It is not easy to deal with all of our fears and worries.When your fears and anxieties have the best of you, try to calm down and then get the facts of the situation.The key is to take it show.All you can do is do your best each day, hope for the best, and when something does happen, take it easy.  5  

A.Take it one step at a time and things will work out.

B.When feeling anxious, stop what you are doing and try to do something relaxing.

C.This will give you the confidence to manage your anxiety.

D.Instead of worrying about something that probably won't happen, concentrate on what you are able to do.

E.The next time you feel depressed, review your list and think about the good things that you have in your life.

F.A good way to manage your worry is to challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking.

G.Completing these smaller tasks one at a time will make the stress more manageable and increases your chances of success.


科目: 来源:上海市普陀区2011届高三一模英语试题 题型:022

Directions:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph.There is one extra heading which you do not need.


  While everybody enjoys fresh cut flowers around his house, few people know how to keep them for as long as possible.This may be done by keeping in mind a few simple facts.The key to keeping fresh cut flowers for a week or more without floral preservatives(which contain biocides that kill bacteria and fungus)is to keep the water fresh and the stems free of air pockets so they can continue to draw up water.


  An important thing to remember about cut flowers is that they are sensitive to temperature.For example, studies have shown that cut carnations(康乃馨)retain their freshness eight times longer when kept at 12℃ than when kept at 26℃.Keeping freshly harvested flowers at the right temperatures is probably the most important aspect of flower care.


  Flowers are not intended by nature to live very long.Their biological purpose is simply to attract birds or insects, such as bees, for pollination(授粉).After that, they quickly dry up and die.The process by which flowers consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, called respiration(呼吸), generates the energy the flower needs to give the flower its shape and colour.The making of seeds also depends on this energy.While all living things respire, flowers have a high level of respiration.A result of all this respiration is heat, and for flowers the level of heat relative to the mass of the flower is very high.Respiration also brings about the eventual death of the flower.Thus the greater the level of respiration, the sooner the flower dies.


  How, then, to control the rate at which flowers die?By controlling respiration.How is respiration controlled?By controlling temperature.We know that respiration produces heat, but the reverse is also true.Thus by maintaining low temperatures, respiration is reduced and the cut flower will age more slowly.


  Another vital factor in keeping cut flowers is the quality of the water in which they are placed.Flowers find it difficult to“drink”water that is dirty or otherwise polluted.Even when water looks and smells clean, it almost certainly contains harmful substances that can endanger the flowers.To rid the water of these unwanted substances, household chlorine bleach(含氯漂白剂)can be used in small quantities.It is recommended that 15 drops of chlorine bleach(at 4% solution)be added to each litre of water.The water and solution should also be replaced each day.


科目: 来源:上海市普陀区2011届高三一模英语试题 题型:022

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that is one word more than you need.

  Two-thirds of U.S.consumers have yet to finish their holiday shopping, and 41 percent expect to finish at least a week prior to Christmas, according to a new survey.

  One-fourth of   1   will be shopping the week leading into Christmas,   2   Christmas Eve, according to the first annual American Express Spending and Saving Tracker research report.

  “Actually, we found in this holiday season there is this game of watching and waiting…that deals will get sweeter as the clock winds down,”said Mona Hamouly, a spokeswoman for the report.

  Some 62 percent of consumers are waiting until the last minute to shop for the holiday.Thirty-one percent are waiting for the best deals before finishing their shopping, while about 20 percent plan to do so at the last minute because they are still saving or are busy, and one in 10 say they are waiting for that last pay   3   before the holidays.

  Hamouly said consumers seem to be“managing their cash flow and seeking out those great deals”this year.

  Over the next 30 days, 65 percent of people expect to spend the same or more than they spent in the past 30 days and one-third   4   to spend less, according to the survey prepared for American Express.

  Hamouly said the weak economy was a large factor in consumers'   5   toward shopping, with many feeling cash-strapped.

  In addition to a   6   sample of consumers, the survey targeted two sub-groups-those designated as“affluents”and“young professionals.”

  Affluents were   7   as having a minimum   8   household income of $100,000, while young professionals were those who were less than 30 years old, had a college degree and a minimum annual household income of $50,000.

  During the next 30 days, among consumers who expect to spend more, 56 percent say they will be spending the most on holiday gifts.

  More than 40 percent expect to spend less in the next month because they are trying to save money, the prices of goods have increased, or they want to maintain a   9  .One-third cite the need to reduce their debt.

  “Even for the affluent population, they want to get the best deals too,”Hamouly said.

  The two top items consumers will be buying over the next 30 days are groceries and holiday gifts.

