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科目: 来源:江西省南昌市铁路一中2011届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:030


W:Where are you going to s  1   your holiday this year, Bob?

M:We may go a  2  , but I'm not sure.

W:What do you mean?

M:Well, my wife's talking about Egypt recently.She may want to go there.I'd like to go there, too.

W:Yes, it's an interesting country to see.

M:But we can't make up our m  3   yet.You know, a round trip to Egypt c  4   a lot.

W:But you may go by sea.

M:You're right.It's cheaper, isn't it?

W:You may s  5   at least half of the money if you go by ship.

M:But don't you think it would t  6   a long time and…

W:But you can enjoy the scene of the sea and the r  7   sun.

M:Yes, I'll tell my wife.

W:You will definitely enjoy y  8  , I'm sure.

M:Don't be so sure.We may not go anywhere.

W:You always hesitate at everything.

M:It's not my f  9  , you know.Wife always worries too much.

W:Like what?

M:Well…Who is going to look after the house?Who is going to look after the garden?And who is going to look after the pets?We have these p  10   every year.And in the end we stay at home and look after everything.


科目: 来源:江西省南昌市南昌一中、南昌十中2011届高三第三次联考英语试题 题型:030



W:Hi, Mark, haven't seen you for a  1  .How are you doing?

M:I'm busy with my e  2   in the lab, but after work I often play some s  3  

W:Like what?

M:Like t  4  , running, and golf.

W:Golf?That's my f  5  .How often do you play it?

M:I u  6   play it about once a month.What about you?

W:I play e  7   Sunday.

M:Where do you go?

W:The Country Club.Do you know it?

M:C  8  .Listen, why don't you come with me?We can play t  9  

W:I'd love to.What time shall we meet?

M:Let's meet at the clubhouse at 1'30.

W:S  10   good.See you then.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目: 来源:江西省吉安三中2011届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030



M:Now we have five-day(1)c________ every week, so we have more spare time than before.

W:Yeah.How do you spend your spare time, Timmy?

M:I have an(2)i________ in playing the violin and I'll continue to(3)p________ playing it.

W:Do you often go to a concert?

M:Yes , I like(4)l________ to music.At present my major objective is to learn from others.

W:Do you like classical(5)m________ or pop?

M:I like both.How do you spend your spare time then, Lily?

W:(6)P________ the piano is my favorite activity.

M:Our hobbies are(7)s________ to each other.I hope we can often(8)e________ experience together.

W:So do I, but I'm weak in the theory of music.

M:Me, too.Would you like to go with me to my uncle's?He's a(9)p________ at the Institute of Music.

W:I'd be glad to go with you.I will ask him for his(10)a________.


科目: 来源:江西省吉安三中2010-2011学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


Mike-M; Kevin-K


M:Excuse me, are you a(1)c________ student?


K:Yes, I am.What(2)a________ you?


M:Me, too.Are your parents rich(3)e________ to afford your education?


K:No, certainly not.


M:Do you work during the(4)h________?


K:Well, last Christmas I worked for two weeks as a postman and a door-to-door salesman.


Then in the summer I(5)s________ four weeks picking fruit and I did a bit


of baby sitting.


M:Can you get enough money to finish your education by taking(6)p________ jobs?


K:(7)O________ course not.But I'm a top student and I can get a scholarship(奖学金)from the college.


M:Where do you live then?


K:I(8)s________ a flat with two other boys.It's not large but fairly tidy, and the


most important thing is that the(9)r________ is quite low.


M:(10)S________ not bad.Uh, this is my phone number.Call me if you have any problems.






科目: 来源:江西省师大附中2011届高三上学期开学考试英语试题 题型:030


  M:Well, this is it!What do you think of it?

  W:I can hardly believe it’'s real.I’'ve(1)d________ of seeing it ever since.I saw it in books when I was a child.Just thinking of all this being built by hand more than 2,000 years ago!No(2)w________ it’'s one of the wonders of the world.

  M:(3)A________ the started building is more than 2,500 years ago when China was divided into(4)v________ states.Three of the northern states built defensive walls along their borders to keep(5)o________ the enemies.

  W.But I always thought the wall had been built by Qin Shihuang, the first(6)E________ of China.

  M:Well, yes.In the way, you see, he united the(7)w________ country in the third century B.C.and one of the things he did was to join the(8)s________ walls into one big wall and to build more walls from the east coast right across the length of north China to the west.

  W:It is certainly something any nation could be proud of.I hear this is the only human(9)c________ on the earth that can be seen from the moon.By the way, how tall is the wall?

  M:The average(10)h________ is 7.8 meters; the average width is 6.5 meters at the base and 4.5 meters at the top.Would you like to go up to the top?

  W:Yes!I’'d like to have a look from the top.


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水三中2009-2010学年高二下学期第二阶段测试英语试题 题型:030


(Wang goes to Boston by train.Now he is at the inquiry咨询offices.)

Clerk:May I help you, Sir?

Wang:Yes, I'd like some information about the trains to Boston.

Clerk:  1   Wang:Tomorrow.I have to be there well before lunch time.

Clerk:There's a train at 6 am.It'll get you there at 11am.  2  

Wang:And I have to get up very early too.  3  

Clerk:Yes, There's one at 8∶30 am train.That arrives in Boston at 11∶40 am.

Wang:I think the 8∶30 train will be my best choice.  4  

Clerk:Do you want to buy a single fare(车费)or round trip ticket?

Wang:What's the difference?

Clerk:A round trip ticket saves you about 15 percent of the fare.  5  

Wang:A second class.

A.Where do we pay the fare?

B.But there are many stops along the way.

C.What's the fare?

D.When do you want to go?

E.Do you prefer a first class ticket or a second class?

F.Are there any non-stops to Boston?

G.I've got plenty of pocket money.


科目: 来源:河北省藁城市冀明中学2011届高三10月考试英语试题 题型:030


-Do you mind if I sit here?It's the only empty seat here.

-No, not at all.Why, isn't it Thomas?

-Betty?Is this you?  1  

-That's right.It's a long time.I didn't know you were here in town.  2  

-About five months ago.After graduating from university in Hong Kong.I continued my studies in Britain for two years, in London actually.


-The studies, yes, but the food and weather, no.  4   What have you been doing?

-I've been busy with social work since graduation.  5  

-I'm not surprised.You were always keen on that kind of work, if I remember rightly.

-Yes.It's most satisfying.It gives one a sense of achievement.

A.When did you get back?

B.I didn't recognize you.

C.I haven't seen you since university.

D.What about you?

E.Did you like it there?

F.It's hard to find a suitable job.

G.I work at a service center for disabled people.


科目: 来源:四川省成都石室中学2010届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:030


(M=Mike B=Ben)

M:Hi, Ben.My dad and I are going boating tomorrow.

B:Wow!That’s cool!

M:What’s your plan for the long weekend?

B:I’ll watch late night shows on TV and get up as late as I like.

M:  1  

B:Maybe not.But these are the two most enjoyable things I can think of.

M:  2  

B:What do we need hobbies for?We don’t even have enough time for schoolwork.

M:  3   But hobbies can help you to relax.

B:  4  

M:Well, take baseball for instance.You simply must get schoolwork out of your head while standing in the outfield.

B:Otherwise I’ll either get hit or lose a catch.

M:  5  

B:Exhausted, but satisfied.

M:You feel that you have finished a job.

B:You bet!

M:There!See what I mean?

A.How are you today?

B.That isn’t much of a plan, is it?

C.You may have a point there.

D.And how do you feel after each game?

E.Are hobbies that great?

F.Oh?Tell me how it works.

G.Don’t you have a hobby?


科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第九中学2010届高三第四次高考模拟考试英语试题 题型:030


Crossroads International

1How does Crossroads work?

Crossroads is a resource networkWe take goods Hong Kong doesn’t want and give them to people who badly need themWe collect those goods and give them out in the welfare arena(福利院)in Hong Kong, Mainland China, elsewhere in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa  1  

2Who do we help?

  2   They are grass-root groups who have seen a need and tried to meet itThey can’t get the job done without back-up, though, so our task is to help them do their taskOur warehouse is full of goods, from computers to high chairs, clothing to books, stationery to medical provision, cupboards to dining setsThey send us a list of their needs and we try to match it with the resource we have in stock

3  3  

Crossroads itself also operates on a low budgetWe do not buy the goods we sendThey are donated  4   Nobody in our organization receives a salaryEven our full-time staff work on a voluntary basis

Those that donate goods and services:

●Factories        ●Manufacturers

●Hospitals        ●Hotels

●Educational Institutions  ●Householders

●Transport Companies   ●Offices

●Other Charities

  5   While we receive large quantities of goods and there is never a short supply of requests for them, we are always in need of hands to help sort and prepare them for shipping

A.One resource that we are always in need of is people

B.So Crossroads is just that:a Crossroads between need and resource

C.What can I do?

D.The welfare agencies we help do not run on large budgets

EHow do we operate?

FAll volunteer work is done at our warehouse

G.Similarly, rather than raising funds for freight(货运), we ask transport companies to donate their services.


科目: 来源:河北省唐山一中2010年高考模拟英语试题(三) 题型:030


-Good morning.  1  

-Yes.I’d like some information about English courses in your college.  2  

-Yes, there’s a beginners’ course on Monday evenings at 7∶30.

-On Monday?  3  

-Yes, I’m afraid so.

-Well.  4   But do you think you’ll have a course on some other night in the future?

-Well.  5   Perhaps we will offer one in the future.

A.I work on Mondays, so I’m afraid that’s no good for me.

B.Do you have any courses for complete beginners?

C.Is that the only course you’ve got?

D.Why not come earlier?

E.Can I help you?

F.I want to have English lessons.

G.Wait for some time, please.

