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科目: 来源:陕西省长安一中2012届高三第四次教学质量检测英语试题 题型:030


Robert:How do you keep m touch with your aunt in America?

Emma:Oh.I make a phone call once a month.

Robert:  1  


Robert:  2  

Emma:I have never thought of it.Is it convenient and cheap?

Robert:Sure.  3  

Emma:Oh? It may be wonderful lo send e-mails through the Internet.

Robert:Yes.In addition, you can make a phone call through the Internet, too.

Emma:Reailly?   4   But I don't know how to get access to the Internet.Could you

show me?

Robert:  5  .I'll show you.

Emma:I appreciate it very much.

A.No problem.

B.I'm so glad to hear that.

C.It's very expensive, right?

D.No wonder it's so popular.

E.Why not send e-mails through the Internet?

F.Do you know how to send e-mails through the Internet?

G.You can send e-mails to each other every day through the Internet.


科目: 来源:四川省南山中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030


  -Good evening.Grandma's Restaurant.May I help you?

  -Good evening.  1  

  -Thank you.May I have your name, Miss?

  -Mary Brown.

  -  2  

  -I'd like to order the “Free Matching Dinner for 2”.

  -Yes, you may choose two soups, two drinks and four main courses from the menu.

  -  3  

  -Are you ready? What kind of soup do you want?

  -Chicken soup and tomato soup.

  -  4  

  -I'd like a plate of noodles, two chicken wings, some beef and a bowl of rice.

  -  5  

  -Just a coke and some green tea, please.

  -May I have your address, please?

  -Sure, 6A Kingston Court, Belair Cardens, Shatin.

  -Okay, your food will be delivered in half an hour.Thanks for calling.


科目: 来源:四川省南山中学2012届高三三诊模拟测试英语试题 题型:030


  -Well, Bob, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!

  -Hello, Ann!________ 61 ________ Wasn't it a year ago, the last time we saw you?

  -You know, I think you are right.How are your wife and the children?

  -Oh, they're fine.Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago.________ 62 ________

  -Wasn't Joey learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that.

  -________ 63 ________ He's all excited about sports now.

  ①And your wife, what is she doing these days?

  ②She is going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays.She's studying French now.But last year she studied typing and sewing.________ 64 ________ Next it'll probably be cooking.

  ③How nice for her!________ 65 ________ But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you?

  ④Sure I will, and remember me to your husband.Gookbye.


科目: 来源:2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试西工大附中第六次适应性训练英语试题 题型:030


Mary:Welcome to our interview, Mr.Smith.

Smith:  1  

Mary:So, you’re an Australian theater actor, but you’ve just come back from making a film in Los Angeles.

Smith:That's right.

Mary:  2  

Smith:Well, I was working in a play in Sydney and the director of the film came to see it.Actually, she came to see another actor in the play.

Mary:I see.And then what happened?

Smith:  3  

Mary:I see.But how about you?

Smith:And my dressing room was next to his, so after talking to him, she talked to me.

Mary:And what did she say to you?

Smith:She said, “Why don't you fly to Los Angeles and we'll give you a screen test.”

Mary:  4  

Smith:I said, “Yes, of course! ” So I went to Los Angeles and did a screen test.Then I flew back to Sydney and carried on with the play.

Mary:  5  

Smith:When she rang, I was sleeping.Anyway, I stopped doing the play and flew to Los Angeles again.

A.How did you get the part?

B.And what did you say to her?

C.What role did you play in the film?

D.She asked if I'd like to play a part.

E.Oh, thanks.It's very nice to be here.

F.What were you doing when you heard you had got the part?

G.She talked to another actor at the end of the play.


科目: 来源:陕西省宝鸡市2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:030


  Bruce:Hello, Zhou Lan.This is Bruce.Excuse me for ringing you so late, but I' v e only just got home.

  Zhou Lan:  1  

  Bruce:I would like to ask you about some stamps.Do you still have the cock year stamp? You had it when I last saw you.

  Zhou Lan:I'm afraid I don't have it any more.I sold it last week.

  Bruce:Oh!  2  

  Zhou Lan:I'm sorry.I didn't know you wanted it.What a shame!

  Bruce:  3   I only decided to get one today.It's a pity I didn't think of it earlier.

  Zhou Lan:Do you want me to find one for you?

  Bruce:Yes, please.  4   I' ve been working so hard recently that I haven't had any time for collecting new stamps.

  Zhou Lan:OK.  5  

  Bruce:Thanks very much.Bye.

  Zhou Lan:Goodbye.

A.That would be kind of you.

B.I' 11 ring you if I have any news.

C.What a pity!

D.Please remember my phone number.

E.That's OK.

F.I' 11 see you tomorrow.

G.It doesn't matter.


科目: 来源:陕西省长安一中2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:030


W:  1  

M:Yes, he has.He sold it last week.

W:Has he moved into his new house yet?

M:No, not yet.He's still here.  2  

W:When? Tomorrow morning?

M:No, tomorrow afternoon.I shall miss him.  3  

W:He's a very nice person.  4  

M:When will the new people move into his house?

W:I think they will move in the day after tomorrow.

M:Poor Mr.West!   5  

W:No, he didn't want to, but his wife did.

A.He's always a good neighbor.

B.Has Mr.West sold his house yet?

C.He didn't want to leave his house.

D.He's going to move tomorrow.

E.We shall miss him.

F.His new house was very beautiful.

G.He always refused to help us.


科目: 来源:陕西省长安一中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:030



W:  1  

M:Yes, I am looking for a nice shirt for my son.

W:  2  

M:Blue.Boys get dirty easily, don't they?

W:That's right.But…what size would you like?

M:Size 6.

W:  3  

M:It looks very nice.How much does it cost?

W:It's $35.

M:Oh,   4  

W:  5   We have sold a lot of these.

M:Yes, it's very nice.I think I will take it.

A.What colour do you prefer?

B.I prefer the colour.

C.May I help you?

D.How about this one?

E.That's expensive.

F.I think it is very cheap.

G.How about this one? It's only $16.66.


科目: 来源:浙江省曹宅高级中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030

补全对话:根据对话内容, 从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

A:Hi, Alice.I have two tickets to the film tonight.  1____  

B:Sure.I’d love to.  2____  

A:It will begin at 7∶00.

B:What is it about?

A:  3   It shows people how to care

for animals in danger.

B:Sounds wonderful.  4____  

A:Let’s make it 6∶30

B:  5_____  

A:At the school gate.


科目: 来源:陕西省西安市第一中学2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:030



A:Any good news?

B:Not really.  1   So I was left behind after school yesterday.

A:  2  

B:Sometimes I do.The day before yesterday, I was quiet in my history class but I still had to stay after school.

A:  3  

B:Because I fell asleep.But it wasn’t my fault.  4  

A:I advise you to take school more seriously.If you don’t pass your exam, you will have to drop out and work as a result;

B:  5   If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day.But now I am in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day.

A:Something must be wrong with you.Go to the psychologist first.

A:You are lazy.

B:I don’t understand.

C:You made your teacher angry.

D:Better keep quiet in class.

E:The lesson is dull.

F:I don’t think it makes much difference.

G:I was talking without being asked in class.


科目: 来源:甘肃省嘉峪关市第一中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:030


-I saw a beautiful fish in the street market the other day.It was orange and blue.I'm thinking of buying some next Sunday.

-Where would you keep them?


-It's a bit small, isn't it?


-I think you should get a tank(水箱)if you want to keep fish.


-Yes, You should never keep fish in a small round bottle.They don't get enough air.I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank.


-Check the prices before you buy one.And you ought to get a few large rocks to put in the tank.Fish love swimming round the rocks and through holes in them.


-Yes, you need to get some underwater plants.For one thing they keep the water clean.Also they make the tank look much prettier.

A.I haven't decided at all.

B.In that round bowl over there.

C.Is there anything else that I ought to get?


E.So are the fish.

F.That might be quite expensive.

G.What else should I do then?

