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科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  Dog training is a business for some people, a serious hobby for others, and a once in a life time experience for many.Individuals in all of these categories would probably agree that consistency(一致性)is a key element of success from the beginning.

  If puppies are to be socialized, they must learn to control the impulse to use the carpet as a bathroom, chew shoes, and nip at fingers.The first issue, bathroom training is more easily accomplished in warm weather.Try to feed your pup outdoors, and after he has finished eating, take him to a spot where you would like him to eliminate.If he cooperates, praise him generously with words and pats.Take him to the same spot after each meal, and eventually he will follow this routine himself.

  The sight of a small puppy chewing through a new tennis shoe will make you do well to remove the stolen shoe from the pup's mouth and firmly say “no!”.Provide your pup with some acceptable toys, such as a ball or a chew toy.

  Until your pup is well trained and trustworthy, don't leave him unattended unless he is limited to a small area.When he is young, you want to be sure someone will praise your pup for desired behavior and express disapproval when he does something you want to discourage.

  You will want your dog to learn to respond to the commands “Come”, “Sit”, and “Stay”.Again, consistency and praise will help you achieve this goal.Each time the dog responds as you wish, praise him.Whenever he ignores your command, make him do what you commanded and then praise him.

  Negative behavior must be attended to also.You can discipline most dogs without hitting them.Since they are usually anxious to please, most dogs are duty punished by cruel words and tone of voice.Remember to be consistent so your dog knows unquestioningly what is acceptable behavior.

  Although the first stages of dog training require great deal of time and patience, the reward of a socialized and obedient dog is well worth the effort.


Dog training is appropriately attempted by ________.

[  ]










What is negative behavior best handled by?

[  ]


A slap on the nose.


Tying the dog up.


A firm tone of voice.


Starving the dog.


The article deals with all of the following EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


chewing problems


barking at strangers


bathroom training


responding to commands


What might be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Tips on Training Your Dog


A Good Puppy


A Six-week Program to Train Your Dog


Leave Dog Training to the Professionals


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  JACKSONVILLE, Fla, Jan.10-A 14-year-old boy was arrested today after the rotten body of an 8-year-old girl who was his neighbor was found hidden in his bedroom.She had been stabbed and beaten.

  The boy, Joshua Earl Patrick Philip, admitted and was charged with murder in the death of the girl, Maddie Clifton, who disappeared on Jan.3, Sheriff Nat Glover said.

  Joshua, who has no criminal record, would not be eligible(符合条件)for the death punishment because of his age.Detectives found a knife and a baseball bat believed to be the weapons used to kill the girl, the Sheriff said.

  The girl had been stabbed at least nine times and was struck in the head, Sheriff Glove said at a news conference.The authorities did not say whether she has been attacked sexually, nor did they give motive for the attack.

  The boy's mother, Melissa Philips, grew suspicious after the police searched her home on Monday and detected an odor(怪味),the Sheriff said.This morning she pulled aside the frame of the bed, saw a child's feet and called an officer, he said.

  Maddie's body was found under a sheet of wood supporting the frame of the water bed, which was filled, Sheriff Glover said, adding, “He put her under the bed and taped her up in it.”

  Investigators believe the third-grader was killed in the boy's house shortly after she disappeared last Tuesday, touching off a widespread search.

  On Friday, Maddie's parents, Steve and Shelia Clifton, made an earnest request for her return.

  The boy's house, like others in the neighborhood, had been searched three times.During the third search on Monday, the mother had at first said she thought the odor came from family pets.

  Hundreds of volunteers had distributed thousands of leaflets with Maddie's picture since she disappeared that evening, about 30 minutes after she went out to play with friends.

  The girl's house is one of the well-kept, single-family homes in the older working-class of Jacksonville, Yellow ribbons still hung from the trees this morning.


It can be inferred from the report that ________.

[  ]


The boy won't be sentenced to death


The girl was stabbed many times and struck by a baseball bat


It is the first time that the boy has been charged


The girl was killed in the boy's home


The man, Sheriff Glover, may be ________.

[  ]


a reporter


a government official


the girl's father


a person in charge of the case


What does the underlined word earnest mean?

[  ]










科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  Recently, two professors of the University of Nebraska made a weekly television program in which they discussed worthwhile books.Even primary school graduates watched, listened and learned.Therefore, it is not true that ETV has not been taught in the United States.I doubt the statement that “programmes which inform and enrich the mind in a general manner are wasted in schools.”There is a need to teach directly by television if we take teaching in the broad sense of the term.

  Direct teaching by television has been explained as a series of television lessons directly related to a particular classroom textbook to satisfy the needs of pupils and teachers in a particular subject.A teacher specialist who also knows television production techniques and uses the modern technology in a television studio to put across his subject will prepare each lesson.

  Will such TV lessons do without the services of a classroom teacher or will they cost him his fame or job? No! In fact, without the classroom teacher to review the material, enlarge on it and answer questions that the students may bring up, such TV lessons would not be of very great value.

  The children who watch ETV do so with different results-from very good to fair.Possibly, the programs are too similar or too serious.Generally, they are not too long.Very likely, the children who benefit least are the slow learners.However, it is believed that there is a bright future for ETV inside and outside the classroom.The time may come, when bigger and clearer screens will be used in the classroom, bigger and better programs will be exchanged between countries and more foreign experts will be brought in, listened to and followed by newcomers in the ETV field.


Which of the following suggests the programme is popular?

[  ]


It was shown every week.


Even children enjoyed watching it.


It was made by university professors.


Worthwhile books were discussed in it.


Which of the following is true about ETV according to the text?

[  ]


It requires a good command of modern technology.


It can be valuable without classroom teachers.


It can meet all the needs of both teachers and students.


It is sure to help different students achieve good results.


The underlined phrase “to put across his subject” probably means ________.

[  ]


to explain his subject


to learn his subject well


to discuss his subject


to know what he is talking about


What would be the best title for the text?

[  ]


The Future of ETV


ETV-A New Way of Teaching


The Excitement of ETV


The Advantages and Disadvantages of ETV


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol.It is also referred to as IP Telephony.It is another way of making phone calls, though the “phone” part is not always present anymore, as you can communicate without a telephone set.VoIP is especially popular with long distance calls.The main reason for which people are so massively turning to this new technology is the cost.VoIP is said to be cheap, but most people use it for free.Yes, if you have a computer with a microphone and speakers, and a good Internet connection, you can communicate using VoIP for free.

  There are basically three ways of using VoIP one is to have a PC on both communicating sides; another is to have a Phone on one side and a PC on the other and the third is to have two phones.

  VoIP is a relatively new technology and it has already achieved wide acceptance and use.There is still a lot to improve and it is expected to have major technological advances in VoIP in the future.It has so far proved to be a good candidate for replacing the POTS(Plain Old Telephone Systems).It, of course, has drawbacks along with the numerous advent ages it brings; and its increasing use worldwide is creating new considerations surrounding its regulation sand security.

  The growth of VoIP today can be compared to that of the Internet in the early 90's.The public is getting more and more conscious of the advantages they can get from VoIP at home or in their businesses.Advertising campaigns, which are present everywhere on the net, are contributing a lot towards the popularization of VoIP which is not only giving facilities and allowing people to save, but also bringing in huge income for those who dived early into the new phenomenon.


More and more people would like to use VoIP because of ________.

[  ]


itss peed


its convenience


its cost


its advance


The author writes the passage mainly to ________.

[  ]


ask the readers to buy the new type of production.


tell us how fast the modern technology is developing


introduce a new type of IP technology-VoIP


teach the readers how to use VoIP


We can infer from the text that ________.

[  ]


VoIP will soon be more popular


the Internet will be replaced soon by VoIP


most users are not sure of the quality of the present VoIP


VoIP is a new technology comparatively


The underlined word “drawbacks” in the third paragraph most likely means ________.

[  ]






side effects




We can feel that the writer was ________ because of the growth of technology while writing the passage.

[  ]










科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  People go in for various kinds of physical training, and winter swimming is one of them.The special thing about winter swimming is that we can have cold wind bath, icy water bath and sunbath at the same time in the open air of winter.

  When we have undressed ourselves and are exposed to the cold air below zero and attacked by wind and snow, every cell, every blood vessel and nerve of our body are stirred up by the challenge, arousing in us a strong desire to go into the water.

  We dive into the cold water with enthusiasm and swim with vigor.We come out just when our hands and feet are beginning to feel numb(麻木).The massage and strong stimulus of the cold water make us concentrate on one thing-how to fight against the cold.At this moment our brain is relaxed and at rest.Every organ of our body goes through a test under special conditions, thus strengthening our metabolic(代谢)functions.We will be less susceptible to illness, and will also have curative effects on certain disease.

  After we get dried, our pink coloured skins are bathed in the winter sunrays which caress(抚摸)our slightly shivering body.The anion(阴离子)air improves our lungs and dissolves in our blood.Gradually we no longer feel the cold and spring seems to be near.After the three baths of air, water and sun, we feel extraordinary warm, relaxed and comfortable.Winter swimming is both beneficial and enjoyable.That is why more and more people have come to love and accept what was once regarded as something contrary to physiological nature.The sport is enjoying a popularity never known before.


If you like winter swimming, you can enjoy ________.

[  ]


three different kinds of swimming


swimming in three different ways


three advantages of the winter


three swimming tastes


What is the benefit of winter swimming?

[  ]


It can keep you warm.


It can do good both to your body and your mind.


It can only help you physiologically.


It can help you learn more about winter.


What is the function of the last paragraph in this passage?

[  ]


It serves as a summary of the whole passage.


It leads to more discussion about the topic.


It acts as a proof of the reasoning.


It develops the idea of the whole passage.


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


EARTH WEEK-A diary of the planet


  Several more rounds of fierce storms, tornadoes and floods struck many parts of the American Midwest and Northeast as had weather continued across the US for a second month.

  Monsoon Storms

  A south west monsoon has caused great damage in parts of Sri Lanka.Government meteorologists said that unexpected monsoon winds blew directly across the country from the southern part of the earth at about 100 km/h, producing several rounds of stormy weather.Nearly 250 houses in the capital Colombo were damaged.

  Mt Etna Erupts

  Sicily Mount Etna volcano erupted shortly after midnight on July 1, shooting “bombs” of lava(岩浆)on the eastern side of the mountain.The 30 minute eruption could he seen for several miles but did not threaten any nearby villages.


  Hurricane Blas lost strength as it moved over cooler waters in the Pacific Ocean to the west of Mexico.Bias formed off southwest Mexico during the last week, but the outer part of the storm swept western Michoacan State, killing four people when their wood and cardboard home fell down.

  Monkey Repellent

  After years of unsuccessful attempts to keep crop eating monkeys out of Japanese fields, a Tokyo research team believes that it may have finally found a way to prevent the damage caused by the monkeys.Animal ruins of crops were successfully prevented by shooting chili(辣椒)powder into the air, discomforting the eyes and noses of monkeys that passed in front of carefully placed warning sensors.“We've tried all kinds of preventive measures, but the monkeys are bright enough to outsmart the trick,” said Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station in western Tokyo.


The monsoon in Sri Lanka ________.

[  ]


was of average strength


destroyed more property than previous monsoons


was rare for that time of the year


affected only the outer areas of the nation


According to the information, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


The eruption of Mt Etna lasted for a second month.


Hurricane Blas was formed off the coast of Italy.


The American Midwest had fine weather throughout July 2005.


The eruption of Mt Ema did not destroy local villages.


Toshiaki Wada, Director of the Tokyo Forestry Experiment Station, would describe the monkeys as ________.

[  ]










The information in the “Earth Week” diary ________.

[  ]


tells people future weather patterns


gives advice on dealing with monsoons


shows that weather can change unexpectedly


show the effects that storms have on animals


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  I bought 10 sets of Christmas china that were marked at 75 percent off plus an additional 10 percent.It was an amazing deal.When I got them home, I found they took half a closet to store.I already have nice china I can use at Christmas.I decided it wasn't worth it to me to use that much space for something that I would only use a couple of times in the year.I took them back and now I have more money in my checking account as well as some luxury towels I have wanted for a long time.I would have saved myself the time of taking the china back if I had figured out beforehand what I really wanted, but it is sometimes hard to decide at the moment.This experience helped me to realize that you can actually save time and money by passing up bargains.

  The main advantage of getting things on sale is that you can afford luxuries that you can't afford at regular price.My Christmas tree is covered with beautiful handmade Santa Claus ornaments(装饰物).I found them at a store about 15 months ago and fell in love with them.I imagined how beautiful they would look on my tree.I wanted to buy some, but they were $13.95 each.It didn't fit into our Christmas budget, so I gave up the idea.Through the next few months the price kept dropping until it went down to $2.95.When I saw that price, I bought 25 of them right away.I waited another nine months to put them on my tree, but in the end, I got exactly what I wanted for an excellent price.Instead of paying around $350, I ended up paying around $75.Patience paid off.


Why did the writer take the sets of china she had bought back to the shop?

[  ]


Because they were of poor quality.


Because they were too expensive.


Because they were of no practical use for her.


Because they covered too much room.


The underlined phrase “passing up” in the first paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]


giving in to


letting go by


passing away


catching up


The author writes the passage in order to teach readers ________.

[  ]


how to avoid unwise deal


when to go bargain hunting


how to make your budget


when to get what you are eager for


Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

[  ]


The writer prefers to buy what is needed at the superstore at a bargain price.


The writer likes things on sale which are of high quality.


The writer paid about $75 for a Christmas tree with beautiful ornaments.


Patience led to the writer's success in getting what his family would like.


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  When your grandfather was a boy, he probably took your grandmother to an ice-cream parlor(小售货亭).Here, for a little more than a dime(ten cents), he could treat the young lady to an ice-cream soda, a sundae, a malted milk, or some other delightful dessert.Probably, the ice-cream parlor was situated in a corner of a drugstore.There were containers of many kinds of sweet liquid.The person behind the counter was the master of such delightful combination of ingredients as the brown cow, a root-beer soda with ice-cream floating in it.

  The name soda water tells something of its origins in US.Naturally carbonated(含二氧化碳的)water flows out of the ground in mineral springs around the world.These mineral springs have long attracted people in search of a cure for some ills.Then in 1767, the scientist Joseph Priestley created the first soda water not taken from natural mineral springs.Soon other experimenters were finding new ways to create the bubbly(冒气泡的)water that is the basis of so many soft drinks.In 1825, Elias Durand decided to catch the public interest in sparkling waters.He opened a drugstore in Philadelphia that served carbonated water, at that time still considered a helpful medicine.

  A few years later, another Philadelphian, Eugene Roussel, decided to bottle soda water of different tastes.His first offering was a popular lemon soda, sold at the fountain of his perfume shop.Other manufacturers entered the race, and new tastes were introduced.Meanwhile, at soda fountains, adventurous owners added sweet cream to make the drink more appetizing.

  Then came one of the most important events in the history of soda water.In October 1874 at the semi-centennial celebration of Philadelphia's Franklin Institute, a salesman named Robert Green sold so many soda-water drinks with cream that he ran out of cream.He rushed to a nearby shop to buy some straw-berry ice-cream.He planned to melt the ice-cream and use it as cream.His customers were too thirsty to wait, and so he put the ice-cream right into the soda water.The ice-cream soda was born.It has never lost its popularity.

  Not far away, Charles E.Hires was experimenting with selling dried roots, bark, herbs.and flowers for making a drink he called root beer.He also made his own.By 1892, more than two million bottles of his soft drink were being sold annually.Then came a host of other drinks:Moxie, Dr.Pepper, and Coca-Cola.When the drink-business society in the 1890s forbade the sale of alcohol, the soft-drink market exploded.

  The soft-drink market today is a huge business, with many competitors pushing their products on television and in newspapers and magazines.There are still many fast-food places where ice-cream sodas may be ordered.In every corner of the land there are machines pouring out soft drinks.But the old-time ice-cream parlor in a corner of a drugstore is largely a thing of the past.


According to this passage, the ice-cream soda was born ________.

[  ]


through the genius of Charles E.Hires


in a drugstore in Philadelphia


in the year of 1825


quite by accident


The underlined sentence “the soft-drink market exploded” means that ________.

[  ]


Americans preferred fast-food shops to ice-cream parlors


soft drinks were suddenly more popular than ever


only certain kinds of soda were getting popular


the sale of soft drinks was gradually falling off


The best title of this passage could be ________.

[  ]


The Reason Why the Soft-drink Industry Is Popular in US


The Invention and Development of Carbonated Water


The Ice-cream Parlor and the History of Soda Water


The Key Moment in the Production of Soda Water


The author of this passage would probably ________.

[  ]


feel unhappy with Robert Green's actions


prefer root beer to lemon soda


hope for a job advertising soft drinks


like to see ice-cream parlors return


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  “I can't play any musical instrument!” This sad comment, often heard in other wise musical families, is an untruth.The reality is that there is one musical instrument that everyone can play:the kazoo.If there were an advertisement for openings in a kazoo band, it would have to say, “No talent needed.”As Barbara Stewart, a kazoo expert, says, “It takes about four seconds to learn.For slow learners, it may take six seconds.”

  Nearly everyone is familiar with the kazoo, “an open-ended tube with a membrane-covered side hole.”Many people have, at one time or other, actually played a kazoo.As writer Ben Fanton has said, “It has often been used as a stocking-stuffer at Christmas time by parents who've deeply regretted their action about an hour after sunrise on Christmas morning.”The father may hit the roof, but the kids go on playing very happily.

  Some people take the kazoo seriously.Barbara Stewart is not one of them, though she collects kazoos in all shapes, sizes, and in many different materials.She is a professional kazooist, who has formed “the world's largest kazoo group”.It's the largest because it actually has five members! Members of the group have, at times, been serious music students, but when they join the group, fun of playing kazoos conquers all.Her group is dressed in formal jackets-but is barefooted! The group has appeared on the Tonight show; Good Morning, America; PM Magazine; and other television programs.The performers create fun at serious music.At their performances, audience members enter the spirit of fun and throw socks at them.“I once got a really nice pair,” Barbara proudly declares.

  Despite her fun with the kazoo, Barbara Stewart has a serious reply when asked why people should trouble themselves with the kazoo.“It's fun! People are ready for a good time, and it's a good-time instrument.Everybody can do it and a lot of people have wanted to do something musical and have gone through the terrible experience of grade-school music where they are asked not to sing.Playing the kazoo brings out creativity.”

  Indeed, throughout the country, senior citizens form kazoo bands that entertain patients in nursing homes and perform in shopping malls and other places of assembly.To see the look of the serious concentration and great satisfaction on the faces of these performers is to realize that the kazoo has a place in music.

  If you'd like to become a kazoo performer yourself, you may benefit from the advice offered by Barbara Stewart.“Practice, Practice, Practice.But not near the neighbors.”


The writer of this passage mainly wants to tell us ________.

[  ]


something about Barbara Stewart and her kazoo band


how to collect, practice and perform kazoos


that the kazoo is a favorite gift at Christmas


that the kazoo is an instrument for everyone


Barbara Stewart called her group of five “the world's largest kazoo group” because she probably intended ________.

[  ]


to give some explanations


to give some descriptions


to offer some amusements


to make some comments


Parents at Christmas may regret their choice of stocking-stuffer because of ________.

[  ]


lots of expense


the destroyed roof




much noise


Which of the following sentences can best describe the author's appreciation of the kazoo?

[  ]


Fun of playing kazoos conquers all.


It takes about 4 seconds to learn the kazoo.


Barbara Stewart has a serious reply.


Audience members throw socks at them.


科目: 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:050


  The CBS-TV “National Drivers' Test” shows that many UK drivers have a lot to learn.Here are some reasons.

  CBS picked 1799 sample drivers to take the test in TV studios in Nottingham, Birmingham and Liverpool.More than two out of five drivers failed the test.And the average score was the lowest passing grades-51 points out of a possible 80.

  Liverpool drivers did the best with an average of 53 points.Nottingham drivers came next with 2 points lower and Birmingham drivers got 50 points-a failing score.Drivers with 50 or less rated “poorly informed” by the judges.

  Here are some of the test results:

  (1)Are men drivers better informed than women ones?

  Yes.Men averaged 52 points while women got an average of 49.

  (2)Are older drivers better informed than younger ones?

  No.Drivers under 26 averaged 52 points.Dri-vers from 27~45 averaged 51, drivers over 45 failed with a 48 points average.

  (3)Does education make a difference?

  Yes.College graduates averaged 52 points.High school graduates averaged 50.Those without full high school education got 48.And people who got driver education courses scored an average of 53 points-three more than those who hadn't.

  (4)Does driving experience make a difference?

  Yes.Drivers with three or more year of experience averaged 51 points.Drivers with less experience averaged 49.

  Some surprising facts about the test are also listed:

  (1)More than one out of three drivers didn't know that a blinking red light means a full stop.

  (2)Three out of ten drivers didn't know that an eight-sided sign means stop.

  (3)More than two out of three drivers didn't know what to do when being tailgated(追尾)The answers are very simple:slow down, drive to the left, and let the drivers behind pass.

  The test results have been turned to the National Safety Council and they will help future safety planning.


The author's purpose to write this passage is to ________.

[  ]


prove that men are better drivers than women


give us more directions about driving safety


tell us the results of a national drivers' test


require us to get a driving education


Which of the following as a group was rated “poorly informed” by the judges?

[  ]


All men taking the driving test.


High school graduate drivers.


Drivers from 27~45 years of age.


Drivers with 3 or more years of experience.


From the information in this passage, which of the following is correct?

[  ]


Older drivers are better informed than younger drivers.


Experience makes a difference among drivers.


Most drivers failed the test and got very low scores.


Most people don't know what a blinking red light means.


The test covered the following areas about drivers except ________.

[  ]


education background


years of driving experience


sex difference


health condition

