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科目: 来源:安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Some experts feel that cars are certain to fall into disuse They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all cars will be deserted and made useless Other experts however think the car is here to stay They hold that the car will remain a leading means of city travel in the foreseeable future

  The car will undoubtedly change greatly over the next 30 years It should become smaller safer and more practical and should not be powered by the gas engine The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types

  Unless changes take place in the power system the car in the future will still be the main problem in city traffic jams One suggested solution to this essential problem is the automated(自动的)system which seems to hold water

  When the car enters the highway system a small arm will drop from the car and connect with a rail which is similar to hose powering subway trains electrically Once joined to the rail the car will become electrically powered form the system and control of the car will pass to a central computer The computer will then monitor all of the car's movements

  The driver will use the telephone to dial instructions about his position and the place he heads for into the system The computer will find the best way and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway The driver will be free to relax and wait for the call that will warn him of his coming exit It is believed that an automated highway will be able to deal with 10.000 cars per hour compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 cars can be carried by a present-day highway


What is the main concern of the author of the passage?

[  ]


How to make cars pollution-free


How to make cars smaller and safer


How to solve the problem of traffic jam


How to develop an automated subway system


We can infer from this passage that ________

[  ]


the car connected to the rail on the highway will be powered by electricity


the lack of oil is forcing people to find new means to power automobiles


the driver under the system will be told where to get out of the highway


the future car will become larger faster prettier and less expensive


What provides cars with electric power in an automated highway system?

[  ]


An engine


A rail


A computer controller


A small arm


Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The driver puts his information in the system by e-mail


The new system can deal with 10 times as many cars as the present one


After entering the automated system the driver needs to do nothing but relax himself


Some experts are not confident of the future while the author is in favor of the opposite view


科目: 来源:安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  A historical change is taking place in middle-school education Teachers are being asked to answer as never before for how well they serve their students It has become as common in middle schools for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students In fact student ratings(评价)have become the most widely used and in many cases the only important in formation on teaching effectiveness In comparing three studies of the same 600 middle and high schools in more than thirty states it was found that the number of schools using student ratings to evaluate teachers had climbed from 29 percent to 68 percent to 86 percent No other method of evaluation got that degree of usage and other studies have found similar results

  One reason that student evaluations of easy to put to wrong use If they are expected to throw meaningful light on teachers' performance the ratings must be sued in a way that shows at least some of what we've learnt about them from research and from experience

  Research and experience have shown us for example that student ratings should never be the only basis for evaluating effectiveness There is much more to teaching than what is evaluated on student rating forms When ratings are used we know that students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used in a course are up to date or how well the teacher knows the subject matter of the course There judgments that require professional background are best left to the teacher's fellow workers On the other hand students should be asked to comment what they have learned in a course and to report in the classroom relationship with the students ability to develop interest in the subject and ways to encourage students to teach themselves


The central idea of the passage is that ________.

[  ]


student ratings are the only way to learn about teaching effectiveness


other methods are better than student ratings in evaluating teachers


it is quite right to make student ratings popular in the country


student ratings are very popular and should be properly used


In Paragraph 2,the underlined expression“throw meaningful light on teachers' performance”means ________.

[  ]


judging teachers' teaching ability and understanding of the course


making teachers' performance clear and understood to all


having a mean opinion of teachers' performance


speaking highly of the teachers' performance


Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Students should not be asked questions that require professional background


Student evaluations are popular because they are extremely accurate


Student ratings can be used in all the schools in any case


Student ratings are already used in almost every school


In student ratings all the questions can be asked except“________”

[  ]


Can the teacher make himself easily understood?


How does the teacher deal with the students?


Are students interested in what is taught?


Is what is taught by the teacher new?


科目: 来源:安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Some houses are designed to be smart.Others have smart designs.An example of the second type of house won a Prize of Excellence from the American Club of Architects(建筑师).

  On the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the prize-winning beach house was built to replace one destroyed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.In September 1989.Hugo struck South Carolina, killing 18 people and damaging or pulling down 36, 000 homes in the state.

  Before Hugo, many new house built along the shore were poorly constructed, and the instructions for building were not strict, according to architect Ray huff, who created the cleverly-designed beach house.All new houses are required to follow stricter instructions after the terrible experience in Hugo.The new houses on he is land should be able to stand a terrible hurricane with the strongest win do 179to 209 kilometers per hour.

  At first sight, the house on the island look anything but hurricane-proof.Its redwood roof makes it look like“a large bright ball”at night, according to one observer.But looks can be not true.The wooden formation of the house is supported with long steel sticks to give it huge strength.To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on wood pilings, part of which were buried in the sand.In fact, they are strong enough to bear the weight of the house.They also lift the house above the sea water brought by the hurricane.The pilings allow the sea water to run under the house instead of running into it.“These waves of water come ashore at treat speed and cause most of the damage done to the beach-front buildings,”said Huff.


After the disaster caused by Hurricane Hugo, new houses built along South Carolina's shore line are required ________

[  ]


to be easily constructed


to look smarter in design


to meet strict building standards


to be designed in the shape of lamp


Huff raised the house 2.7 meters off the ground on wood pilings in order to ________

[  ]


put stronger pilings in the sand


break huge sea waves in to small ones


stand the strong wind of about 200km/hr


prevent water from rushing into the house


According to the passage, which statement CANNOT be true?

[  ]


The report above was written in 1999, ten years after Hugo.


The house designed by Ray Huff lay on the coast of South Carolina.


When a hurricane strikes, waves of water come ashore at a great speed.


The formation of the new house can make it stand a terrible hurricane.


科目: 来源:安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Brazil and Barcelona forward Ronaldinho has been named the 50th European Footballer of Year at great party in Paris held towards the end of 2005.

  Ronaldinho, 25 years old, became the third Brazilian to win the title after Ronaldo, who won it in 1997and 2002, and Rivaldo, who won it in 1999.

  “To be here with all those great players is a dream.This gives me huge encouragement to keep working and try to do well.I have the chance to do for a living what I like most in my life, and that's playing football.I can make people happy and enjoy myself at the same time,”said Ronaldinho after receiving the golden cup at the party.

  The was no way Ronaldinho cold not succeed, as he was always full of uncontrollable desire for football.He would play on the dirt, in the wood, even in his living–room-noting else staved in his mind.He began to shine on the international games when he was 17, helping Brazil win the Under-17 World Championship(锦标赛).He was on his way to becoming one of the world's greatest players, with his role in Brazil's World Cup victory in 2002.With 22 goals in his first in Barcelona, he received football's most valuable honor in 2004:the FIFA World Player of the Year.

  “He isn't only able to win games on his own, he keeps our spirits high because he is always in a good state of feelings,”says his captain.“You can challenge him, push him, trip him and even prevent him on purpose-nothing can stop him.And it shows in his games.He's not satisfied with moving the ball from one point to another, he has to dance it away.And with every match, Ronaldinho creates a new signature move.When noting seems possible, he can do.”


The nationality of Rivaldo is ________.

[  ]










How old was Ronaldinho when he first joined Barcelona?

[  ]


17 years old


25 years old


20 years old


Less than 25 years old.


We can conclude from the passage that the author wants to give us an introduction of ________.

[  ]


the great honors he received in recent years


a great and gifted Brazilian football player


a famous sportsman in the world


European Foot baler of Year


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


At the age of 17 Ronaldinho helped his country to win the World Cup.


Ronaldo won the title-European Footballer of Year twice.


He is more interested in football than in anything else.


His fans want to get his signature after every game


In the opinion of his captain, Ronaldinho ________

[  ]


has to sign his name before every football game


is not satisfied with every mach he played in


is able to do almost everything possible


can make his teammates in high spirits.


科目: 来源:安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Our town is in the eastern part of our country.Once a year, we elect a girl to show how beautiful and great our town is.All the girls are eager to get this position in an effort to become popular.

  It was not an easy choice this years, since there were eight girls to choose from.The elder judge finally decided that either Sara or May would get the position.Both girls were beautiful with extraordinary appearance.Besides, they had a good education and cared about how pollution had a bad effect on the earth.Most important, both girls got up early to eat eggs at their breakfast.Eggs were important to people of the east because our economy depended mainly on the production of eggs.

  “Either girl will win,”my father said,“But someone will cry in the end”

  “Either will be fine,”I said,“They are both great girls.”

  The final round was held at the east edge of our town.Sara lived nearby so she did not need to get up early to arrive.However, she was the first person there.“You know what they say about the early bird,”she said with a smile.

  However, May arrived fifteen minutes late to the competition.“It's the taxi driver's fault,”she said.“I told him to head east, but he was in one ear and thought I said Bread Cheese.”You know, Bread Cheese was the name of our neighboring town.

  I thought May would certainly lose because she was late, but to my surprise, she turned out to be this year's winner.The judges liked her answer to their last question,“If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?”Sara had replied,“World peace.”May, on the other hand, said,“Better market to have our eggs sell well”.


Why was it difficult to make a choice this year?

[  ]


The girls just looked alike.


People had to choose from eight girls.


All the girls wanted to get the position.


The judges couldn't agree with each other


In the passage the underlined sentence“You know what they say about the early bird.”means ________.

[  ]


she liked the early bird very much


she was sure that she would succeed


she lived nearby, so she should get there early


she wanted to showoff her good language knowledge


Why was May chosen in the end?

[  ]


Because her answer was clever and exact


Because she gave a different answer from Sara's


Because she looked more beautiful than the other girl


Because her answer was more practical than the other girl


According to the passage, which of the following maps is correct?________


科目: 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  Sometimes we hear things from those we love and trust, and what we've heard becomes a fact without question when it truly was a lie.It's worse when the lie was never intended as a lie, but as a true belief passed on as training.

  Lie 1:We don't get anywhere in life without working hard.

  Lie 2:The more we work, the more we make.

  Lie 3:What we do is who we are.

  Lie 4:There's no better way to kill time than work it to death.

  We spend more time working than doing other activities.Most of us sleep less than 8 hours a night, yet we work more than 8 hours per day.Our most important relationship is with those who love us most at home.Yet we spend most of our time, with colleagues who love us less.Those at home get only the tired remains of the best self that we tried to be all day

  I was on the fast track in the newspaper business with a great job.As a young man, I had climbed much of the social ladder in a field that demanded 24-hour-a-day response.When the phone rang, no matter what time, I had to respond.No matter whether I was celebrating a holiday or a child's birthday, I was on call.But I had a good job.People respected me.I was providing for my family.I believed in all the four lies, though something had to change.I needed new answers.I had to throw out old rules.I had to discover what work was to me.

  Answers came.Answer 1:The key to getting somewhere is knowing where you want to go.

  Answer 2:Work smarter, not harder.

  Answer 3:We are what we believe.No more, no less.

  Answer 4:There's a much better way to kill time than just to work.Enjoy it.


The author tries to tell us that ________

[  ]


we are living in a world of lies


working hard will never lead to success


all old rules are to be kicked away


some commonly accepted beliefs are doubtful


Which of the following statements has the closest meaning to the underlined part?

[  ]


Those at home get tired and we remain at our best all day.


We should remember those who love us most are tired.


We show the best of ourselves at work and come home tired.


The remaining part that we show to the loved ones is the best.


In the last two paragraphs, we learn the author intended to ________

[  ]


show how great his job is


reconsider his life


find a way to higher position


discover more lies


The author holds the view that ________

[  ]


the more we work, the more we make


the key to getting somewhere is working


the best way to kill time is working


it's wise to labour less and think more


科目: 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  You've decided you need some kind of self defense device to protect yourself from possible crime situation.But with so many defense products on the market it's not an easy choice.Read on to find out the difference between self defense products, how they work and which one meets your needs most.There are two main categories of defense items:pepper sprays(胡椒雾剂)and stun guns(电晕枪).

  Pepper sprays:the content in pepper sprays is a natural, oily substance taken from hot peppers, the same peppers used to heat up spicy foods.Pepper sprays cause an almost immediate burning sensation of the skin and a burning, tearing, and swelling of the eyes.If spray is breathed in, it will result in short, shallow breaths.

  Stun guns:the way a stun gun works is by interrupting the communication signals from the brain to the body.A stun gun does not harm a person permanently; it only disturbs the body functions for a limited time.A stun gun won't cause damage in the long run although the electricity shocks a person's body, because the charge(电荷)is not strong enough to cause any long term damage to the person.

  So what to choose? Stun gun or pepper spray? For jogging, walking on the streets I'd say pepper spray, since it's smaller in size than a stun gun and easy to carry.Cell phone stun gun can be used if you don't want anyone to know you have a self defense device.If you are in a car, stun stick can be useful, since you can stick it out of the window into an attacker's face.Most crimes happen in the dark and in that case flashlight stun gun with alarm can be used.

  At First Home Security, you can find different types of pepper sprays, stun guns and many more self-defense products at discounted prices.


The passage is ________

[  ]


a scientific report


a protective plan


an advertisement


a research programme


Pepper sprays have the following effects Except ________

[  ]


burning of the skin


swelling of the eyes


short, shallow breaths


breaking of the bones


According to the writer, a stun gun ________

[  ]


can interrupt communication


is not intended as a deadly weapon


harms a person in the long run


won't cause any damage to one's body


It can be learned from the passage that ________

[  ]


a cell phone stun gun can be used to call for help


a flashlight stun gun is only for night use


a stun gun can be made into different shapes


a stun gun is more useful than pepper sprays


科目: 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  Escalators(自动扶梯)have long been a safety worry for children.New research shows the escalator is increasingly a danger to the elderly as well.

  According to a report published this month in the public health journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, nearly 40 000 older adults were injured on escalators from 1991 to 2005.The average age of the injured was 80, and three out of four of the injured were women.The risk of escalator accidents among the elderly was about eight injuries per 100 000 people.Although most accidents were not deadly serious, about 3 000 people were taken to the emergency room.

  Many of the accidents were the result of careless behavior by elderly escalator riders.One older rider fell because he tried to squeeze(硬挤)past a wheelchair user and his nurse, who shouldn't have been using the escalator in the first place.

  “What really surprised us was the careless behavior of some older adults on escalators,” said the researcher Dr.Steele.“Obviously, the wheelchair should not have been on the moving stairs.And of course, the injured old man should not have attempted to force them down the stairs.”

  Older adults who have difficulty walking or keeping balance should use elevators rather than escalators, the study authors warn.And when elderly people do ride escalators, they should use extra care when stepping on or off the moving steps.

  “They should not try to walk up or down a moving escalator, carry large objects, or wear loose shoes or clothing while riding, since these appear to be associated with an increased risk of falling,” said the co-researcher Dr.O'Neil.“Injury should be viewed as a ‘medical illness’ alongside heart disease.We have to stop thinking of unexpected injuries as accidents.Escalator injuries, like auto crashes and many other so-called accidents, can be prevented.”


From 1991 to 2005 nearly ________ elders injured on escalators received immediate treatment.

[  ]










From Paragraphs 3 and 4, we can see that some of the older adults are ________

[  ]


too slow to use the stairs


too anxious to act properly


too weak to go outside


too quick to go downstairs


The passage mainly draws our attention to ________

[  ]


the careless behavior of escalator users


the safety problems of elderly escalator users


the accidents on the moving stairs


the increased injuries of escalator riders


Dr.O'Neil's idea is that ________

[  ]


escalator accidents are linked with heart disease


unexpected injuries and accidents can't be prevented


old citizens shouldn't be allowed to use escalators


actions should be taken to prevent escalator accidents


科目: 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  Although Francisco, a 14-year-old freshman with fantastic hair and sunglasses, qualifies(有资格)for a free lunch at a high school here, he was not eating.He scanned the picnic table full of his friends in a school courtyard one day a few weeks ago, and said, “I'm not hungry.”

  Today, the US Department of Agriculture spends $ 8.3 billion a year to provide free and reduced-priced lunches for 30.6 million children whose families are at or below the national poverty level.Most primary-school children like free lunches, but when they enter middle school, the problem of social status(地位)appears.And at lunchtime, as students choose with whom to associate, many students from poor families either pay cash or go hungry if they do not bring lunches from home.

  “I know kids need to eat but they don't want to be identified with free food,” said Kenneth Block, a track coach and security guard who watches the lunch-time order.The National School Lunch Act forbids the segregating(隔离)of students or any obvious identification of any child.

  Mr.Geist, the student president, does not qualify for a free meal.But he said he was struck by how many of his Spanish-speaking and African-American friends who could benefit from the program avoid it.“It is meant to help them,” Mr.Geist said.

  But one group has fewer problems accepting free food:foreign-born students.Teenagers from Thailand, Hong Kong as well as American-Born Chinese said they appreciated the free lunch.A senior from India, said she felt no shame.“It doesn't really matter,” she said.“The food is good.” An official believed more eligible students would eat if all schools offered free meals to everyone, regardless of economic status, but that is too expensive.“Kids who wear nice shoes and nice clothes, ”said Mr.Geist, “don't want to be linked with food that says ‘I'm not able to provide for myself.’”


14-year-old Francisco was not eating because he ________

[  ]


hated to be known as a free-meal taker


was not hungry at that time


disliked the food served in the school


was watching his weight


Which is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Some American-Born Chinese students enjoy free lunches.


Many students from poor families avoid free meals.


Many kids from poor families want to appear cool.


Primary school children worry about their social status.


The underlined word “eligible” here means ________

[  ]




excellent at all subjects


qualified to be chosen




The best headline for this news report may be ________

[  ]


Free Lunch Isn't Cool, So Some Students Go Hungry


$ 8.3 Billion a Year to Provide Students Free Lunches


Foreign-born Students Appreciate Free Lunches


National School Lunch Act Forbids Segregating Students


科目: 来源:天利38套《2009高考模拟试题汇编附加试题》、英语 题型:050


  It’s Friday morning in the year 2025, and you're running late.You get distracted(分心的)watching the music video that is playing in the corner of your bathroom mirror while you are brushing your teeth.How will you get to your office on time?

  A quick check of your Internet-connected screen tells you your train which travels at a speed up to 400 kilometers an hour is a bit behind schedule, too.So you decide to drive your environmentally-friendly hydrogen fuel car instead-or rather, let your car drive you.It's programmed to know the way, and it will get you there without speeding, getting lost, or crashing.

  Settling into your office chair, which changes color to match what you're wearing, you pick up yesterday's newspaper.Printed on reusable electronic paper, it instantly rewrites itself with today's headlines.Now it's time for your big meeting.Uh-oh! You've left your handwritten notes at home.No problem.The digital ink pen you used has stored an electronic copy of what you wrote.

  Your wristwatch videophone suddenly rings.Your best friend's face turns up on the small screen, asking what you're doing this weekend.Will you wear your 3-dimensional contact lenses(三维隐形镜)and play soccer with the U.S.Olympic team? No, no, your friend replies.So you have to take the new nanotube(纳米的)elevator(which is made of materials many times stronger than steel)and travel 96 000 kilometers high into space.

  Could this scene really take place in just a couple of decades? The researchers who are currently developing all this stuff think so.These devices may be as common in 20 years as cell phones and DVD players are today.


This passage most likely appears in a ________

[  ]


sports weekly


business journal


science magazine


entertainment monthly


It can be inferred in the passage that in 2025 ________

[  ]


it can be hard to get on a train


there will be no gas for cars


a driver can sleep while driving


traffic will be more difficult


Which of the following will NOT probably happen in future offices?

[  ]


The color of furniture will be changeable.


Newspapers will pile up on your desk.


Your pen will have memory function.


Handwriting notes will still be in use.


From the last two paragraphs, we know that in 20 years ________

[  ]


wristwatch videophones will be out of date


the researchers will invent DVD players


everyone will wear 3-dimensional contact lenses


space travel will be possible for common people

