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科目: 来源:吉林省长春外国语学校2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:050


  Fucheng Garden Villas is situated along the North 4th Ring Road, just 2 kilometres east away from the Asian Games Village with easy traffic connection.It is 5 kilometres from the Beijing Lufthansa Centre.

  Fucheng Garden Villas occupies an area of 34.7 hectares, over 80% of which is covered by trees and green, just like a garden in the city.

  All the 108 villas were designed by American Company IDI, in American style, luxurious besides comfortable.

  All materials of the construction and decoration as well as equipment are famous American products.

  From now to July 31st, preferential(优惠)prices for sale and rent are offered.You can move into Fucheng Garden Villas on signing an agreement.

  Bank will provide a 50% mortgage for 5 years.

  Overseas sales License:NO.124.

  Developer:Beijing Hongda Read Estate Co.Ltd.

  60 East, North 4th Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

  Tel:(8610)64967050 64967049


(From Wednesday, June 25, 1997 CHINA DAILY)


The advertiser is ________

[  ]


Fucheng Garden Villas


Beijing Hongda Road Estate Co.Lid


American Company-IDI


The Beijing Luftthansa


How many hectares is Fucheng Garden Villas covered by trees and greens?

[  ]






More than 27.76




According to the advertisement, which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]


From June 25 to July 31,1997, you can buy or rent the Fucheng Garden Villas with a low price


You can’t move into Fucheng Garden Villas before signing agreement


If you haven’t got enough money at the moment, you can’t buy the Villas


Not only equipment but also all materials of the construction and the decoration are made in America


科目: 来源:吉林省长春外国语学校2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:050


  Our“Mommy and Me” time began two years ago.My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down.“I wish I could take one of my children out alone,” said Christie.

  Then we worked out a plan:When Christie takes one of her children out, I’ll watch her other three.And when she watches two of mine, I’ll take someone out.

  The children were extremely quick to accept the idea of“Mommy and Me” time.Christie’s daughter, McKenzie, went first.When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of questions.McKenzie was smiling broadly.Christie looked refreshed and happy.“She’s like a different child when there’s no one else around,” Christie shared with me quickly.With her mother all to herself, McKenzie didn’t have to make an effort to gain attention.

  Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie, I also discovered something different in each of my children during our alone times.For example, I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently.My stuttering(口吃的)son, Tom, doesn’t stutter once during our activities since he doesn’t have to struggle for a chance to speak.And the other son, Sam, who’s always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times together.

  The“Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each child-talking, sharing, and laughing, which has been the biggest gain.Every child deserves(应得到)to be an only child at least once in a while.


What is the text mainly about?

[  ]


The experience of the only child being with mother.


The advantage of spending time with one child at a time.


The happy life of two families.


The basic needs of children.


Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were ________.

[  ]










What is one of the changes the author finds in her children?

[  ]


The daughter acts like a leader.


Sam holds her hand more often.


The boys become better followers.


Tom has less difficulty in speaking.


The author seems to believe that ________.

[  ]


having brothers and sisters is fun


it’s tiring to look after three children


every child needs parents’ full attention


parents should watch others’ children


科目: 来源:山西省平遥中学2008-2009学年高二下学期三月质检(英语) 题型:050


  Botany, the study of plants, plays a strange role in the history of human knowledge.For many thousands of years it was one field about which humans had little knowledge.It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age Ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exists, a detailed learning of plants and their properties(特征)must be very ancient.This is reasonable.Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants.They have always been greatly important to the good of peoples, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, medicines, housing, and a great many other purposes.Tribes(部落)living today in the woods of the Amazon recognize hundreds of plants and know many properties of each.To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of knowledge at all.

  Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct relation with plants, and the less clear our knowledge of botany grows.Yet everyone comes unconsciously on a surprising amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose or an apple.When our New Stone Age ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10 000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer production the next season, the first great step in a new connection of plants and humans was taken.Grains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture:planted crops.From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than getting a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and the collected knowledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and close relations with plants in the wild would begin to disappear.


Which of the following assumptions(假设)about early humans is expressed in the passage?

[  ]


They probably had wide knowledge of plants.


They clearly divided knowledge into separate fields


They did not enjoy the study of botany.


They placed great importance on ownership of property.


According to the passage, why has general knowledge of botany decreased?

[  ]


People no longer value plants as a useful resource.


Botany is not recognized as a special branch of science.


Research is unable to keep up with the increasing number of plants.


Direct relation with a variety of plants has decreased.


In paragraph 2, the underlined word “marvel” is closest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, what was the first great step toward the practice of agriculture?

[  ]


The invention of agriculture tools and machines.


The development of a system of names for plants.


The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted.


The changing food of early humans.


科目: 来源:山西省平遥中学2008-2009学年高二下学期三月质检(英语) 题型:050


  If you don’t want people to know too much about you, then you had better keep your fridge contents secret according to a British market research document released last week.

  Researchers peered(凝视)into the fridges of 400 people in Britain and compared the contents with the owners’ lifestyles.They claim to be able to classify the nation’s people by fridge contents.

  They say those people can be separated into five categories:"nutrition nerds(no social sense)", "food faddies(whatever’s in style)","martyr mums", "fast food fanatics" and "restaurant regulars".

  "Nutrition nerds" care much about what they put into their bodies.Their fridges are stocked with fruit, vegetables and healthy meat.

  People in this category tend to be highly organized and usually work in law or accountancy.The vast majority are single, but if they have a partner, that person will be similar.

  A fridge full of vitamins-enriched juices implies its owner works in media or fashion.They tend not to eat the foods they buy.Known as the "food faddies", they just want to be seen as purchasing the latest important things.

  A fridge filled with everything from steak to frozen fish suggests the "martyr mum".Her fridge tends to be stocked with every kind of product, except what she herself would want.This fridge hints at difficulty balancing family and work life.

  "Fast food fanatics" always buy mineral water for soda pop; the nearest they will get to fresh fruit is tomato sauce.Their fridges hint at someone who works hard and plays hard.Also, someone who is not into long term planning.

  Finally, a fridge filled with nothing more than a bottle of white wine and some sparkling mineral water implies an owner who is single, lives in a big city and enjoys the finer things in life.The fridge is empty because this person regularly eats in restaurants.


We can know from the first two paragraphs that ________.

[  ]


some researchers are fond of staring at other people’s fridges


people don’t want others to know about their secrets


the food you put in the fridge has something to do with your personality


there are mainly five kinds of lifestyles among British people


According to the passage, people who belong to "food faddies"________.

[  ]


don’t care much about money when buying things


will try their best to stay healthy


often stay up late to finish their job


prefer to ask others about what to do next


What will those who often dine out put in the fridge?

[  ]


All kinds of food they like.


Only something to drink.


Fruit, vegetables and meat.


Food rich in vitamins.


What might be the most suitable title for the text?

[  ]


Keep your fridge a secret


You are what’s in your fridge


What to put in the fridge?


Be careful about your fridge


科目: 来源:山西省平遥中学2008-2009学年高二下学期三月质检(英语) 题型:050


  Several days ago, a Beijing-based IT company fired about 400 people overnight.No one had expected the job cuts, which broke with traditional ways of letting go of workers in China.Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift-the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”.

  The book-a bestseller in the US-is being used by men and women to deal with changes in their lives and work.Some large organizations, including Coca-Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.

  Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood-our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well.

  With China’s official entry into WTO, the whole nation will face up to more changes and challenges.So what should we do once this “cheese” on which we are so dependent is moved?

  “Whatever challenges and changes we meet, we should face up to them bravely” Jiang Hengwei, a civil servant said after reading the book.

  Professor Yang in Renmin University of China agrees.“We should change our way of thinking.The coming competitive foreign companies and products provide us with great chances to learn from them and improve our own products to meet international standards and be more competitive.”

  “With hard work and wisdom, we will create a much larger and better piece of cheese.”Zhang smiled confidently.


The whole passage is about ________.

[  ]


a bestseller in the US


what people think about China’s entry into the WTO


people’s attitude toward changes and challenges


how a book influences the Chinese workers


The company in Beijing gave each of the 400 fired workers a copy of “Who Moved My Cheese” in order to ________.

[  ]


be more competitive with foreign firms


find an excuse for their job cuts


let the workers make a living on their own


encourage the fired workers


The word “cheese” in the passage can refer to ________.

[  ]


something we depend on for a living


a most important kind of food


change or challenge


way of life


From what Hengwei and Professor Zhang Yang said, we can know that ________.

[  ]


they have different opinions on changes and challenges


people are not afraid of competition from foreign companies


the Chinese people are ready to face any changes and challenges


they are both greatly encouraged by the book


科目: 来源:山西省平遥中学2008-2009学年高二下学期三月质检(英语) 题型:050


  Dr Wiseman started “the laugh lab” project in September 2001.It is the largest study of humour.Participants(参加者)are invited to log on to the laugh lab website, give a few personal details, tell their favourite jokes and judge the jokes told by other people.

  The project will last for a year, and the organizers hope to finally discover the world’s funniest joke.But there is also a serious purpose.The researches want to know what people from different nations and cultures find funny.And they want to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humour.The idea is that if we want to understand each other, we have to find out what makes us laugh.

  This is a subject that has long interested psychologists(心理学家)and philosophers(哲学家).Most of the time, people are not completely honest.We do things that society expects us to and say things that help us get what we want.But laughing cannot be controlled.When we laugh, we tell the truth about ourselves.

  By December 2001 over 10,000 jokes had been submitted.This gave the scientists enough evidence(证据)to make early conclusions.It seems that men and women do have different senses of humour, for instance.

  “Our findings show the major differences in the ways in which males and females use humour, ”said Dr.Wiseman.“Males use humour to appear superior(优越)to others, while women are more skilled in languages and prefer word play.”

  Researchers also found that there really is such a thing as a national sense of humour.the British enjoy what is usually called “toilet humour”.But the French like their jokes short and sharp:“You’re a high priced lawyer.Will you answer two questions for 500?”“Yes.What’s the second question?”

  The Germans are famous for not having a sense of humour.But the survey found that German participants were more likely to find submitted jokes funny than any other nationality.Perhaps that proves the point.Is this joke funny? I don’t know, but let’s say yes, just to be safe.

  Dr Wiseman and his workmates also submitted jokes created by computer.But none of those who took part in the survey found any of them amusing.Perhaps this is relief.Computers already seem like they can do everything.At least they should leave the funny stuff to us.


Scientist started“ the laugh lab” project ________

[  ]


to find the funniest joke in European countries


to know what funny people are from different nations and cultures


to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humour


to get more personal details about participants


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


most of the people all over he world are completely honest


psychologists and philosophers take interest in the “laugh lab” project


ordinary people are not interested in “the laugh lab” project at all


people tell the truth about themselves only when they laugh


What is the main idea of the 4th and 5th paragraph?

[  ]


Man and woman have different senses of humour.


male and female have similar senses of humour.


About 10,000 jokes have been submitted from September 2001 to December 2001.


Scientists have collected enough evidence to make conclusions.


The writer gave the examples of the British, the French and the Germans ________.

[  ]


to show that French people have a better sense of humour


to prove the British people have a sense of “toilet humour”


to show people from different nations have different senses of humour


to prove that the Germans have no sense of humour


Which statement is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The jokes by computer are less funny than those by humans.


The Germans cannot find the submitted jokes amusing.


Males are better at word play compared with women.


Females like to use humour to show that they are superior.


科目: 来源:山西省平遥中学2008-2009学年高二下学期三月质检(英语) 题型:050


  218 Chestnut Street

  Philadelphia, PA28774

  May 7th, 2002

  Social Security Administration

  2119 Main Street

  Philadelphia, PA28000

  Dear Social Security,

  I am applying for a new Social Security Card.

  I lost my old one last week.I was walking home from the subway station, and I pulled a tissue(纸巾)out of my pocket and lost my wallet at the same time.My card was in my wallet.Please send me a new card.If you can get the card to me within two weeks, please sent it to the address at the top of the page.If it will take longer than this, then you will have to send it to my new address.I am moving on May 23rd to:

  103 Walnut Street

  Philadelphia, PA28445

  If you can send my new card within two weeks, I would be very pleased.I am applying for a new job at Ventura Savings Bank, and I know they will want to have my Social Security Number.Unfortunately I have forgotten it, so I will need my card to find out.On my old card I was called Victoria Matthews.Since then I have gotten married.Please issue my new card in my married name:Victoria Villata.In case you need more information about me to hunt down my old number, my date of birth was September 11,1985.Thank you very much.


  Victoria Villata need


Why does Mrs.Villata need a new Social Security Card?

[  ]


She is moving.


She lost the old one.


She has just gotten married.


She doesn’t remember her Social Security Number.


Why does Mrs.Villata give the Social Security Administration her date of birth?

[  ]


She wants them to know how old she is.


She is afraid they may have lost her Social Security Card.


She thinks it will help them track down her Social Security Number.


She thinks that the older she is, the more Social Security she will get.


Which part of Victoria Villata’s letter is LEAST important to the Social Security Administration?

[  ]


The fact that she has changed her name.


The fact that her card should be mailed to a new address.


The fact that she needs a replacement Social Security Card.


The fact that she lost her wallet while pulling a tissue out of her pocket.


科目: 来源:重庆市西南师大附中2009届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Businesses are expected to cut spending dramatically through much of 2009.A number of economists, including those National City and Wachovia, don’t expect business investment, which make up about one-tenth of US economic activity, to decline through 2009.According to a survey of 679 chief financial officers by Duke University and CFO Magazine this month, US businesses expect to cut capital spending by more than 10% in the next 12 months, a sharp decrease from September, when the CFOs expected business investment to increase slightly.

  John Graham, finance professor at Duke and director of the survey, says businesses are finding ways to repair existing machinery and buildings rather than replace equipment or move.They likely won’t increase their spending until they see concrete evidence that the economy is improving.

  Those planning meeting for late winter and early spring are either buying fewer or less-expensive items, or they’re not buying at all.One client who usually spends about $ 80,000 on a conference each year is spending half that.Robert Coen, director of forecasting at media-analysis firm Magna, predicts a 4.5% drop in ad spending to $ 259 billion in 2009 on the heels of a 3.2% drop in 2008.“A recovery in US ad budgets will probably not get underway until 2010,” he says.Another negative for 2009:There aren’t any big ad-spending events such as the Olympics or national elections.

  Declining business spending will hurt a number of industries but will be especially tough for the manufacturing sector.Nearly two-thirds of manufacturers expect revenue(税收)to be unchanged or lower in 2009 than 2008, a survey from the Institute for Supply Management found.


According to John Graham, how did businesses to deal with the economy crisis?

[  ]


They are spending less.


By increasing their business spending sharply.


By replacing old equipment with the new equipment.


By moving into the cheaper offices.


Why are the managers buying less – expensive items for their meetings?

[  ]


To save money themselves.


To cut down on expenses and save for the companies.


To see the concrete evidence that the economy is on the mend.


To save money so they spend more on advertisements.


It can be inferred that in a year Olympics are held, many companies ________.

[  ]


contribute more money to the poor


give the participants money


spend more money on advertising


cut down on advertising budgets


The best title for the passage is ________.

[  ]


Predictions about Buying New Equipment in 2009


Predictions about Conference Planning in 2009


Predictions about Advertising Spending in 2009


Predictions for Business Spending in 2009


科目: 来源:重庆市西南师大附中2009届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  In the past, young people in Japan were expected to take on responsibilities to support their parents and grandparents.Now they expect to be supported well into young adulthood.The “new breed”, born since the 1960s, have never known anything but richness.Youth are seen as resistant to entering society as mature adults, to becoming social citizens.Once the great objective of reconstruction after the Second World War was accomplished, a new generation lost the motivating power that had united the nation together.

  Japan’s birth rate has been falling rapidly, partly because of economic decline, and the job and financial insecurity that it has caused.In 1999, the figure was 1.38 children per woman, the lowest ever recorded.At the same time, youth crime, although still especially low by western standards, rose to its highest level since record – keeping began 32 years ago.Likewise, the proportion of students dropping out before graduating, at 2.5% also very low by western standards, has never the less been rising.

  Entrepreneurial(企业家的)role models are few and far between.Bill Gates is often mentioned, but a foreign model can only have so much influence.The problem is that Japanese culture discourages people from revealing details of personal life, including such difficult or painful experience as starting a company.In the past, successful companies such as Honda or Hitachi provided role models of a sort.But today they have been faded by the downturn, and few others have risen to take their place.

  By the same reason, young people often feel isolated from their fathers, who worked too hard at their jobs to establish much of a relationship with their children.“The one thing they’re sure of is that they don’t want to be like their fathers.And the girls don’t want to be with boys who are like their fathers, so the boys are sure not to be,” says Professor Morishima.


According to the passage, young people were formerly expected to ________.

[  ]


enter society before adulthood


hold together


work hard and support their families


study hard and find a good job


The author takes the two examples of the youth crime and students’ drop-out rates to show ________.

[  ]


Japanese youth are overburdened


the educational system in Japan is not working


public security and order in Japan are bad


young people in Japan have lower standards than previously


Today, entrepreneurial models are rarely found in Japan because ________.

[  ]


Japanese culture discourages people talking about how to start a company


western models are considered to be better


people lack experience in starting up complaints


the “new breed” don’t want to work hard


The passage mainly discusses ________.

[  ]


the decline of the Japanese economy


the great change of the ethnical and value concept of youth in Japan.


the existence of generation gap between young people and their parents


the increase in birth rates in Japan.


科目: 来源:重庆市西南师大附中2009届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050



  Cover Price:$59.88 Price:$12.00 ($1.00/issue) You Save:$47.88(80%)

  Issues:12 issues/12 months


  Dog Fancy is information driven and provides opportunity for reader interaction.The features are complemented by beautiful four-colour photography.Every issue includes a fold-out four-colour poster featuring different breeds.Your complete guide to help you better understand, care for and enjoy your dog.

  Dog for Kids

  Cover Price:$23.94 Price:$12.99 ($2.17/issue) You Save:$10.95(46%)

  Issues:6 issues/12 months


  Dogs for Kids offers interactive and educational editorials and engaging activities, which is geared towards children(ages 8 to 12)who love dogs and puppies.Each full-colour issue has training tips, different breed descriptions, fun activities to do with dogs, games, puzzles and posters.Dogs for Kids has received the Maxwell Award for Special-Interest Magazines from the Dog Writer’s of America for 2 years in a row.


  Cover Price:$19.80 Price:$15.00($2.50/issue) You Save:$4.80(24%)

  Issues:6 issues/12 months


  Dog owners BEWARE! Bark magazine is dedicated to everything related do canine(犬齿的)culture.Each issue includes stories, essays, poetry, reviews, interviews and artwork related to the relationship between humans and dogs.Bark is not a how-to-care-for-your-dog magazine.It’s a magazine about living with dogs, which is your magazine:charming, touching, smart and simply wonderful.


  Cover Price:$48.88 Price:$15.00($1.25/issue) You Save:$33.88(69%)


  Dog World is written for the serious dog enthusiast, including professionals in the pet industry-breeders, kennel operators, groomers, veterinarians, and pet shop retailers-as well as hard-core dog lovers.Articles entertain and educate readers about canine health-care, nutrition, appearance and grooming, training and behaviour, breeding and the law.Dog World is a must read for its devoted, loyal, involved and influential dog-loving readers.


Who would be the most interested in the magazines described here?

[  ]


People dedicated to protecting animals.


People who are afraid of dogs.


People who keep dogs as pets.


People working with pets.


Which of the following is TRUE about The Bark?

[  ]


It’s a complete guide for kids to better understand dogs.


It has received the Maxwell Award for Special-Interest Magazines.


It’s a how-to-care-for-your-dog magazine.


It’s dedicated to everything related to canine culture.


Which magazine is the most popular with children?

[  ]


Dog Fancy


Dogs for Kids


The Bark


Dog World


You are likely to find the passage ________.

[  ]


on the Internet


in a medicine magazine


in a textbook


on a notice board

