 0  85766  85774  85780  85784  85790  85792  85796  85802  85804  85810  85816  85820  85822  85826  85832  85834  85840  85844  85846  85850  85852  85856  85858  85860  85861  85862  85864  85865  85866  85868  85870  85874  85876  85880  85882  85886  85892  85894  85900  85904  85906  85910  85916  85922  85924  85930  85934  85936  85942  85946  85952  85960  151629 

科目: 来源:江西省白鹭洲中学2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考(英语) 题型:050


  The Australian continent is a land like no other.Its animals, plants and landscapes have evolved(演化)over one thousand years, and there are about a million different natural species(物种)in Australia.More than 80 per cent of the country's plants and animals are unique to Australia, along with most of the fish and almost half the birds.

  Australia has more than 140 species of marsupials(有袋动物),including koalas, wombats and the Tasmanian devil, now found only in the Australian wilderness.More than 750 species of birds have been recorded in Australia, 350 of which are found nowhere else in the world.Among them are the kookaburra, the rainbow lorikeet and fairy penguins.There are also 55 differernt species of macropods-the kangaroo family-native to Australia.They vary greatly in size and weight, ranging from half a kilogram to 90 kilograms.

  The country has been making every effort to protect its natural heritage.Despite the large size of the continent, the majority of Australians live on the coast and in major cities-around 75 per cent of Australia's population lives in city areas.

  Australia is the driest continent on earth.Its center has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is dry.These dry areas extend from the large central deserts to the western coast.Soils in these areas are very poor compared to other deserts.This has given Australians a great challenge.They have to make the best use of the variety of regions to meet the competing demands of agriculture, economy and conservation.


What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

[  ]


Australia is a very large country.


Australia has a very long history.


Australia has its unique natural species.


Australia has the largest number of plants and animals in the world.


Wombats and the Tasmanian devil are the names of ________.

[  ]










About ________ kinds of birds can only be found in Australia.

[  ]










Most of Australians live ________.

[  ]


in the middle of the country


in the countryside


in the west of the country


in the coastal cities


科目: 来源:江西省白鹭洲中学2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考(英语) 题型:050


  Scientists have discovered 11 new species of plants and animals in Vietnam, including a snake, two butterflies and five orchid varieties, the World Wildife Fund said Wednesday.

  The new species were found in a remote region known as the“Green Corridor”in Thua Thien Hue province in central Vietnam, the international conservation group said.“You can only discover so many new species in very special places, and the Green Corridor is one of them,”Chris Dickinson, the WWF's chief technical adviser in the region, said in a statement.

  The new snake species, the white-lipped keel back, generally lives near streams and eats frogs and other small animals, the WWF said.It has a yellow-white stripe along its head, red dots on its body and can grow to more than 30 inches long.

  The new butterfly species are among eight discovered in Thua Thien Hue since 1996.One is a“skipper”, a butterfly that flies in a quick, darting motion.

  Three of the new orchid species are leafless, which is unusual for orchids, the WWF said.The other new plant species include one in the aspidistra family, which produces a black flower and can exist in low light, and arum(海芋属植物), which produces yellow flowers surrounded by funnelshaped leaves.

  “It's great news for Vietnam,”said Bernard O'Callaghan, Vietnam program coordinator for the World Conservation Union.“The jungles and mountains of Vietnam are fascinating places and they continue to surprise scientists.”The WWF said all the new species are exclusive to tropical forests in Vietnam's Annamits mountain range.It said all the species in the area are under threat from illegal logging, hunting and development.


Which would be the best title for this text?

[  ]


New Plants and Animals in Vietnam


Importance of New Species in Vietnam


Great News for Vietnam


New Plant and Animal Species Found in Vietnam


Which of the following is NOT false according to the passage?

[  ]


The new snake species was found in the“Green Corridor”in eastern Vietnam.


Chris Dickinson probably believes that the above mentioned species exist nowhere else in the world but tropical forests in Vietnam's Annamits mountain range.


The newly-found snake species lives near streams and eats small animals except frogs.


The Green Corridor is the only special place to discover so many new species.


By saying“The jungles and mountains of Vietnam are fascinating places and they continue to surprise scientists”, the author intends to ________.

[  ]


express that scientists often get surprised at such jungles and mountains


warn people against walking in the jungles and mountains


say that scientists are eager to make important finds in the jungles and mountains


tell readers that scientists are afraid to go to these fascinating places


All these statements are true EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


“skipper” is one of the new butterfly species that can fly quickly


the new butterfly species was originally discovered in 1996


an arum is not a branch of the new orchid species


the local government has taken effective measures to protect these rare species


科目: 来源:江苏省扬州中学2008-2009学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:050


  For most of us, the purpose of the holidays is to bring peace, love, and goodwill towards all.Yet, for many, the holiday season often means stress, fatigue, pressure, disappointment and loneliness.

  These feelings, often known as the“holiday blues”, may be even more prevalent, due to the emotional turmoil(波折)of the past few months, not to mention the unsteady economy.Experts say even the more ritual tasks of shopping, decorating, late-night parties, cooking, planning and family reunions can be holiday stressors.In addition, the psychological phenomenon known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, may bring a specific type of depression related to winter’s shorter days and longer nights.

  “Certainly just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean people are going to be happy,”says Dr.Doug Jacobs of Harvard University.“And this will be a particularly hard holiday for some who are dealing with a lost job, debt, or even a lost loved one.”

  And with family reunions becoming less frequent events over the years, there is now the added pressure of getting just one chance to get it all right.“Families are much more different now.The disappointment and sense of alienation that often results from family gatherings, is actually a realization that the fantasy is not met.”says John Stutesman, a clinical psychologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

  Still, say experts, the blues should be addressed.The most essential step, says Stutesman, is for the individual to acknowledge their feelings and the reason for their withdrawal.“Denial will only compound the stress they’re feeling.”Stutesman recommends people do things that are normally comforting in order to get a handle on the holiday stress.“If they’re feeling a little blue, they should try to do things personally satisfying for them.Maybe this is exercise, cooking, reading a book, or massage.”Stutesman also advises that sometimes“avoidance is actually not such a bad idea.”In some situations, fulfilling social obligations may be self-destructive when the best thing may be to just stay home.The healthy choice has to do with taking care of oneself.”


What is the“holiday blues”?

[  ]


The feeling of disappointment and sense of alienation in family reunions.


Feelings such as stress, fatigue, disappointment and alienation in holiday.


Feelings such as peace, love, and goodwill in holiday.


The psychological phenomenon known as seasonal affective disorder.


Which of the followings is not the reason that causes the“holiday blues”?

[  ]


Summer’s longer days and shorter nights.


Emotional turmoil of the past few months.


Unsteady financial condition.


Ritual tasks of daily life.


Who are more likely to feel blue in holiday according to the passage?

[  ]


Those who are fond of family reunions.


Those who are dissatisfied with their relatives.


Those who feel frustrated in their work.


Those who feel hard to take care of themselves.


If you are feeling blue, what can you do to relieve the stress according to the passage?

[  ]


Deny that you are in low spirits.


Acknowledge the feeling and let it be.


Stay at home and do nothing.


Do exercise, cooking, reading or massage.


科目: 来源:江苏省扬州中学2008-2009学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:050


  We’ve found the simplest, most powerful steps you can take-without adding more jobs to your to-do list or expenses to your monthly budget-to protect your heart the way nature intended.

  It can be as simple as laughing at a bad situation rather than getting angry.It means going for walks after dinner, not watching game shows.It means giving an apple for dessert rather than apple pie, or spending 15 minutes sipping a cup of home-made cocoa curled up on the sofa with your family instead of watching the 11 o’clock news with a bag of chips.It’s doing a 5-minutes-a-day strength-training program while the coffee boils in the morning or taking a 3-second silent pause when the “you’ve got mail”alert sounds on your computer.

  Here is the plan that lets you take them all on and win.

  1.Focus on Small Changes for Big Results

  Fast, simple diet can cut cholesterol(胆固醇)by 30 percent.A 5-minutes-a-day weight-training program can replace 10 years’ worth of lost muscle tissue.

  2.Eat Fresh Foods

  Fresh, whole foods don’t have to cost more or take more time to prepare than the packaged stuff.There wholesome, delicious foods-fresh fruits and veggies, grains, fish, meats, dairy products, and even soy-not only taste good, they also protect your heart by greatly reducing blood fats, driving down raised blood sugar, fighting destructive free radicals.

  3.Find Joy

  Accumulated researches link impatience and complaints with poor heart health; in contrast, forgiveness, friends, and optimism are linked with healthier hearts.Do you have a heart-threatening personality type? Find out and learn how to live a more joyful life.


As is suggested in the passage, you will keep a healthy heart if you ________.

[  ]


often dine out with friends in restaurants


laugh off unimportant bad happenings


watch late evening news eating a bag of chips


have packaged foods instead of wholesome foods


________ person is more likely to have a poor heart.

[  ]


A bad-tempered


A cold-hearted


An ill-mannered


A broad-minded


The best title should be________

[  ]


Economical Ways of Keeping Fit


The Path to a Healthy Heart


Making a Difference-Small Changes


Fresh Foods-Key to a Healthy Heart


科目: 来源:江苏省扬州中学2008-2009学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:050



11 Windrift Circle

Methuen, MA



Seek special education, primary school, or middle school math teaching position.


Rivier College, Nashua, NH

Bachelor of Arts in Education-May, 2006

Major: Elementary Education

Have successfully completed PRAXIS I and PRAXIS II.Meet highly qualified testing requirements for Massachusetts and New Hampshire.


November, 2005-January, 2006

Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH

Student Teacher

  Developed and completed student-centered lessons in all subject areas for various groups of fifth grade special and regular education students.

  Adapted lessons to meet student’s needs by reviewing their backgrounds and learning needs through IEPs.

  Communicated with parents on a regular basis via newsletters, daily or weekly progress reports, phone calls, and email, resulting in increased parental participation at home.

August, 2005-November, 2005

Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH

Student Teacher

  Taught reading and writing through Language Experience Approach methods.

  Introduced a Writer’s Workshop appropriate for first grade students to help them to develop their writing skills.

  Developed learning stations in reading and science, enabling students to be more independent learners.

Spring, 2005

Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH

Designed and taught a unit on Insects and Spiders, based on New Hampshire Standards to 23 self-contained, third and fourth grade students with disabilities.

Fall, 2004

Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH

Taught a class of 24 third grade students with a wide range of abilities.


  After-School Aid, Amherst School District, Amherst, NH(2004-2005)

  Summer Camp advisor, YMCA, Nashua, NH(Summers, 2002 and 2003)

  Big Brother/Big Sister Volunteer, Nashua, NH(2002-2005)


What kind of job does Linda want to get?

[  ]


A Big Brother/Big Sister Volunteer.


A middle school math teacher.


A special education advisor.


A summer camp advisor.


Linda has worked for the following schools EXCEPT________.

[  ]


Rivier College, Nashua, NH


Wilkins Elementary School, Amherst, NH


Charlotte Avenue Elementary School, Nashua, NH


Amherst Street Elementary School, Nashua, NH


What can we know about Linda according to the passage?

[  ]


She was merely interested in developing student’s math abilities.


She was not active in participating in after-school activities.


She is permitted to teach in any high school of New York.


She has plenty of experience in teaching.


Which of the following is NOT included in the ways Linda used to communicate with the students’ parents?

[  ]




Phone calls.


Face-to-face talks.


Daily or weekly progress reports.


科目: 来源:江苏省扬州中学2008-2009学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:050


  President Barack Obama has apologized for a gaffe(失言)in which he described his bowling skills as akin to participants in the Special Olympics, a sports program for people with intellectual disabilities.

  Obama made the mistake during an interview on Thursday night on “The Tonight Show”with host Jay Leno, the first time a sitting U.S.president had been on the show.

  Talking about living in the White House, Obama said he had been practicing his bowling in the home’s bowling alley and had scored a 129 out of a possible 300.

  It was an improvement on the embarrassing 37 he had rolled during a stop on the presidential campaign trail a year ago.“It’s like-it was like Special Olympics or something,”Obama said.

  The Special Olympics is a global nonprofit organization serving some 200 million people with intellectual disabilities, with a presence in nearly 200 countries worldwide.

  Soon after the Jay Leno interview, Obama telephoned Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver to apologize.

  Shriver told ABC’s“Good Morning America”television show that Obama had apologized“in a way that I think was very moving”and that he said “he did not intend to humiliate(羞辱)the population, didn’t want to embarrass or give anybody any more reason for pain or kind of suffering.”

  Shriver said people should gain a lesson from the incident.

  “I think it’s important to see that words hurt.Words do matter.And these words in some respect, can be seen as humiliating or a put-down to people with special needs, do cause pain.And they do result in stereotypes,”Shriver said.

  White House spokesman Bill Burton said Obama“made an offhand remark making fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to look down upon the Special Olympics.”

  “He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world,”Burton said.


What does the underlined word“akin”in Paragraph 1 mean?

[  ]










Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Obama loves sports and is especially gifted at bowling.


Obama apologized for his remarks via ABC’s TV show.


The Special Olympics are for various disabled people.


The Special Olympics don’t intend to make any money.


What does Shriver mean by saying people should gain a lesson from the incident?

[  ]


Disabled people cannot be humiliated.


One should be careful with his words.


An apology for wrong words is wanted.


Words matter even more than actions.


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


Obama receiving a TV interview


Obama looking down on the disabled


Obama apologizing for his gaffe


Obama being attacked for his words


科目: 来源:江苏省武进高级中学2008-2009学年度高一3月月考英语试题 题型:050


Why I Don’t SpareSpare Change

  “Poor but honest.”“The deserving(值得帮助的)poor.”These words always come to my mind when I think ofthe poor.”But I also think of people who, perhaps through alcohol()or drugs, have ruined not only their own lives but also the lives of others in order to give way to their own pleasurePerhaps alcoholism(酗酒)and drug addiction(吸毒上瘾)really arediseases, as many people say, but my own feelingbased, of course, not on any serious studyis that most alcoholics and drug addicts belong to theundeserving poor.”And that is largely why I don’t give spare change to beggars

  But surely among the street people there are also some who can rightly be calleddeserving.” Deserving what? My spare change? Or simply the government’s assistance? It happens that I have been brought up to believe that it is proper to make contributions to charity(慈善机构), but if I give some change to a beggar, am I making a contribution to charity and thereby helping someone, or, am I perhaps simply encouraging someone not to get help? Or, maybe even worse, am I supporting a cheat?

  If one believes in the value of private charity, one can either give to needy people or to charitable organizationsIn giving to a beggar one may indeed be helping a person who badly needs help, but one cannot be certain that one is giving to a needy personIn giving to an organization, on the other hand, one can feel that one’s money is likely to be used wiselyTrue, facing a beggar one may feel that this particular unfortunate person needs help at this momenta cup of coffee or a sandwichand the need will not be met unless I put my hand in my pocket right nowBut I have come to think that the beggars whom I meet can get along without my spare change, and indeed perhaps they are actually better off for not having money to buy alcohol or drugs

  I know nothing about these beggars, but it’s my impression that they simply prefer begging to workingI am not generalizing about street peopleI am talking about the people whom I actually meetThat’s why I do not givespare change, and I don’t think I will in the future


What does the author think of beggars who take drugs?

[  ]


They should be given a check-up


They really need money to live


They have no pleasure in life


They are not worth helping


Why doesn’t the author give money to street people?

[  ]


He doesn’t think they need help


He doesn’t have enough money to give


He is not convinced they will use it rightly


He believes they can get help from the government


In the second paragraph, the author presents his idea by ________

[  ]


asking questions for people to think about


giving examples to support his argument


raising questions and answering them


expressing his opinions directly


Which of the following opinions does the author accept?

[  ]


Drug addiction is a disease


Some street people are poor and needy


Most beggars have received enough help


Charitable organizations handle money properly


科目: 来源:江苏省武进高级中学2008-2009学年度高一3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Compassion is a desire within us to help othersWith effort, we can translate compassion into actionAn experience last weekend showed me this is trueI work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderlyThese old people are our main customers, and it’s not hard to lose patience over their slownessBut last Sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lessonThis untidy man walked up to my register(收款机)with a box of biscuitsHe said he was out of cash(现金), had just moved into his room, and had nothing in his cupboardsHe asked if we could let him have the food on trustHe promised to repay me the next day

  I couldn’t help staring at himI wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before, and what he would be like if luck had gone his wayI had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the worldI told him that I was sorry, but store rules didn’t allow me to do soI felt stupid and unkind saying this, but I valued my job

  Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke upIf anything, he looked more pitiable.“Charge it to me, was all he said

  What I had been feeling was pityPity is soft and safe and easyCompassion, on the other hand, is caring in actionI thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed eitherThen I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myselfI reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion


The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the biscuits________

[  ]


promised to obey the store rules


forgot to take any money with him


hoped to have the food first and pay later


could not afford anything more expensive


Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?

[  ]


kind and lucky


poor and lonely


friendly and helpful


hurt and disappointed


The writer acted upon the store rules because ________

[  ]


he wanted to keep his present job


he felt no pity for the old gentleman


he considered the old man dishonest


he expected someone else to pay for the old man


What does the writer learn from his experience?

[  ]


Wealth is more important than anything else


Helping others is easier said than done


Experience is better gained through practice


Obeying the rules means more than compassion


科目: 来源:江苏省武进高级中学2008-2009学年度高一3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  CBC is a famous air company which has over twenty planes carrying passengers and goods, flying along 12 fixed lines all over the worldIts service is very good but some passengers are still not satisfied with it and that is why in 2003 and 2004 the company received letters of complaints from consumers or passengers who pointed out over a dozen kinds of problems which are divided in groups in the following tableThose about passengers’ things carried by the plane are Baggage problemsCustomer service refers to service work with passengers are not satisfied withOversales of seats are about the fact that more seats are sold and as a result the plane is too crowded to be safeRefund problems appear when passengers fail to receive the money paid back to them because of what they have lostFares are problems about the price of tickets

  Consumer Complaints Received By the CBC


If the circle graphs below show total consumer complaints for 2003, which graph shows a dark part that is about Flight problems and Refund problems together?

[  ]






Which of the following statements can be inferred from the table?

aIn 2003 and in 2004, complaints about Flight problem, Baggage, and Customer service together took about 50 percent of all consumer complaints received by the CBC Company

bThe number of Special passengers complaints was unchanged from 2003 to 2004

cFrom 2003 tober of Flight problem complaints increased by more than 2 percent

[  ]


only a


only b


a and b


a and c


From the passage we can know that ________

[  ]


customers are not satisfied with CBC


sometimes CBC sells more tickets than its plane’s fixed seats


CBC has more than twenty planes which fly to all the capital cities of the world


customers can only buy tickets with ready money


科目: 来源:江苏省武进高级中学2008-2009学年度高一3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  What's your dream vacation? Watching wildlife in Kenya? Boating down the Amazon? Sunbathing in Malaysia? New chances are opening up all the time to explore the worldSo we visit travel agents, compare packages and prices, and pay our money

  We know what our vacation costs usBut do we know what it might cost someone else? It's true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income(收入)Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local people more than it helps them

  It might cost their homes and landsIn Myanmar, 5, 200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas(佛塔)in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas

  Tourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignityLocal workers often find only menial(卑微的)jobs in the tourist industryAnd most of the profits do not help the local economyInstead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries, When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums(贫民窟)Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos

  Problems like these were observed more that 20 years agoBut now some non-government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting themTourists, too, are putting on the pressure

The result is responsible tourism, orethical tourism.” Ethical tourism has people at its heartNew international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the people's lands, homes, economies and culturesThe beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex

  But take heartThe good news is that everyone, including us, can play a part to help the local people in the places we visitTour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages

  They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotel, restaurants and guide servicesThey can share profits fairly to help the local economyAnd they can involve the local people in planning and managing tourism

  What can tourists do? First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizensWe can then make our choices and tell them whyAnd while we're abroad, we can

  Buy local foods and products, not imported ones

  Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain(讨价还价)for the cheapest price

  Avoid flaunting(炫耀)wealth

  Ask before taking photographs of people

  They are not just part of the landscape!

  Let's enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too


What is probably the best title for the article?

[  ]


Tourism Causes Bad Effects


Tourism Calls for Good Behavior


Vacations Bring a Lot of Fun


Vacations Cost More Than You Think


Which of the following is not mentioned?

[  ]


Local people were well paid to leave their lands


Tourists may stay in hotels opened by local people


Local people are mainly provided with low-paying work


Tourists could bargain with local people for a reasonable price


The underlined phrasetake heartmeans________”.

[  ]


pay attention


take care


cheer up


calm down


According to the passage, the writer thinks________

[  ]


tourism is not a promising industry


dream vacations should be spent abroad


the problems caused by tourism are easy to settle


tourists should respect local customs and culture

