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科目: 来源:广东省汕头市澄海中学2009-2010学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  America is a mobile society.Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change.Neither side feels hurt by this.Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while-then no more.If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship.This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending(延伸)sometimes deeply into both families.

  Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life.They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality(好客)easily.

  Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time.This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time.Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend.We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends.The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine.They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus.And they expect that we will phone them from there.Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real.We will find ourselves treated hospitably.

  For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters.So accept their hospitality at home!


The writer of this passage must be ________.

[  ]


an American


a Chinese


a professor


a student


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Friendships between Americans usually extend deeply into their families.


Friendships between Americans usually last for all their lives.


Americans always show their warmth even if they are very busy.


Americans will continue their friendships again even after a long break.


From the last two paragraphs we can learn that when we arrive in America to visit an American friend, we will probably be ________.

[  ]


warmly welcomed at the airport


offered a ride to his home


treated hospitably at his home


treated to dinner in a restaurant


The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean ________.

[  ]


strict with time


serious with time


careful with time


willing to spend time


A suitable title for this passage would probably be “________”.

[  ]


Friendships between Chinese


Friendships between Americans


Americans’ hospitality


Americans’ and Chinese’s views of friendships


科目: 来源:广东省汕头市澄海中学2009-2010学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours.This kind of loneliness is not serious.In fact, it is quite normal.For some people, though, loneliness can last for years.Now researchers say there are three different types of loneliness.

  The first kind of loneliness is temporary.This is the most common type.It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result or a particular situation-for example, a family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year.

  The third kind of loneliness is the most severe.Unlike the second type, chronic(长期的)loneliness usually last more than two years and has no specific cause.People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others.Unfortunately, many chronically lone people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.

  Psychologists agree that one important fact in loneliness is a person's social contacts, e.g, friends, family members, co-workers, etc.We depend on various people for different reasons.For instance, our families give us emotional support, our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our friends share similar interests and activities.However, psychologists have found that, though lone people may have many social contacts, they sometimes feel they should have more.They question their own popularity.

  Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons:they are unhappy and unable to socialize and there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease.While temporary and situational loneliness can be a normal, healthy part of life, chronic loneliness can be a very sad, and sometimes dangerous condition.


How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?

[  ]


Talk to friends


Just ignore it


Go to see a doctor


Ask your teachers for guidance


“It” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]


temporary loneliness


situational loneliness


a new place




The topic of the 4th paragraph is that ________.

[  ]


one problem of loneliness is a person's social contacts


we depend on various people for different reasons


lonely people don't have many social problems


lonely people don't have many friends


Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?

[  ]


Chronic loneliness can cause family problems


Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness


Chronic loneliness cannot be overcome


A, B, and C are all correct


What is the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Three kinds of Loneliness


Loneliness and Diseases


Loneliness and Social Contacts


Chronic Loneliness


科目: 来源:广东省汕头市澄海中学2009-2010学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


Dear SJ,

  Losing a best friend is never easy.Your problem, SJ is not just that you miss your best friend, it is that you feel empty and lost without her friendship.

  It takes time to get over a loss, and during that time, your mind is getting used to a new way of being.This is usually a good thing, even if it feels like a bad thing.

  Now that you are on your own, you are being forced to learn to be by yourself and to rely upon your own inner voice for guidance.I am sure that this feels strange for you, but if you can hang on for a bit, it may work to your advantage.

  Best friends are cool, but it is important to know the difference between missing someone and being too dependent upon them.

  At your age, girls do tend to stick together and having a boy friend may not yet be the better choice.Your friend is a little ahead of herself in leaving you, her best friend, for a boyfriend.Boy-friends are completely different from best friends; the distinction being that boyfriends come and go, while girl friends often stay in your life throughout high school, and even afterwards.It is a completely different sort of bond.

  I suggest that you take advantage of this period in your life to expand your horizons.Enjoy the freedom of having no best friend for a while, and hang with the group.By the time your former best friend breaks up with her boyfriend, you will be in a completely different place, a far better place; in your head that is.

  And, by the way, next time that you feel empty and lost, try to write about it in a diary or just simply on paper.In several months, you will look back and read it with curiosity about yourself.

  “Who was I then, and what could I have been thinking?”


Judging from the letter, SJ's problem was that she didn't know ________.

[  ]


whether to give up her best friend


what to do without her best friend


who to choose between two friends


how to stop missing her former friend


By “a new way of being”, the writer referred to the situation in which SJ had to ________.

[  ]


find a new friendship


live without a best friend


learn to give up


be independent


When the writer said “your friend is a little ahead of herself”, she/he meant SJ's friend ________.

[  ]


was acting without thinking


was doing something she might regret later


was too young to fall in love


was unwise to leave SJ so soon


The writer believed SJ would ________ by the time her former friend lost her boyfriend.

[  ]


grow physically stronger


do better at school


feel more independent and confident


win her best friend back


The last paragraph seems to suggest that ________.

[  ]


keeping a diary helps correct oneself


SJ will get over her problem soon


unhappy experiences are easy to forget


one shouldn't forget the past experiences


科目: 来源:广东省汕头市澄海中学2009-2010学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Do you like to eat out?Do you like to eat quickly?Do you like inexpensive food?Some people go to fast-food restaurants for these reasons.In the past, people usually went to diners(小餐馆)for these reasons.In fact, many people in the States still go to diners today for the same reasons.

  A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872.It wasn't a real diner.It was only a food cart.People on the street walked up to the cart to buy food.These carts served late-night workers who wanted a cup of coffee and a late-night meal.The meal was a sandwich or boiled eggs.In 1887, Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside.However, they did not sit down.Later, people built diners with counters and stools, and people sat down while they ate.

  Before long, many diners stayed open around the clock.In other words, people were able to eat in diner at any time.Diners changed in other ways, too.The original menu of sandwiches and coffee became bigger.It included soup, favorite dishes, and a breakfast menu.In addition, diners soon became permanent buildings.They were no longer carts on wheels.

  Diners today look similar to the diners of the early 1900s.They are usually buildings with large windows.Inside, the diners have shining counters with stools, booths, and tables and chairs.People can eat all three meals in a modern diner.

  Today, many people eat in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's and Burger King.However, the diner remains an American tradition, and thousands of people still enjoy eating there.It was popular a century ago, and it is still popular today.


A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872.Why is the word “diner” in quotation marks(引号)?

[  ]


Because it is spelled differently from “dinner”.


Because the first diner was not what it is now.


Because diner was a new word.


Because it is a special kind of restaurant.


What meals did the first diners serve?

[  ]


Only breakfast


Only lunch


Only night-meals


All of the above


According to paragraph 3, diners changed in ________.

[  ]


two ways


three ways


four ways


five ways


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Diners existed before a fast-food restaurant.


Today's diner menu included more food than sandwiches and coffee.


Burger King is a fast-food restaurant.


Sandwiches became bigger.


The main idea of the passage is that ________.

[  ]


The diner is a traditional, popular place to eat in the United States


Samuel Johns built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside


American diners serve many types of food 24 hours a day to their customers


Diners are different from fast-food restaurants in many ways


科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2009-2010学年度高三第一学期期中考试(英语) 题型:050


  An open-jaw flight is one that, in the simplest terms, flies from point A to point B, then from point C home to point A.Points B and C are often neighboring airports, or at least in the same general area.A sample open-jaw itinerary(旅程)might be a flight from Atlanta to Seattle on the way out and from Portland, Ore to Atlanta on the way back.

  Another open-jaw flight is to fly into and out of the same destination city, but your starting and finishing points are different, thus:fly from Point A to Point B; then fly Point B to Point C.

  An open jaw is appealing to travelers who are planning to cover a lot of ground during their trip and who don't want to waste time returning to their original airport.Perhaps you fly into San Francisco and then drive down the coast of California to Los Angeles; an open-jaw fare would allow you to fly home out of Los Angles instead of making your way back up to San Francisco.

  Despite the fact that an open-jaw itinerary isn't quite a classic round trip, most airlines treat it as such and charge you half the roundtrip fare of what each leg of the trip would cost you.So if the Atlanta-Seattle round trip would cost $400 and the Portland-Atlanta round trip would cost $500, you end up paying of $450 roundtrip.The resulting total fare will typically offer many savings over the cost of two separate one-way flights.

  The most common limitation on an open-jaw itinerary is that the part of your trip that you don’t fly must be shorter than the shortest leg of the trip that you do fly.


The text mainly tells us ________

[  ]


how to save the cost of travel


how to use an open-jaw flight


how to choose a travel itinerary


how to organize your travel


According to the passage, having an open-jaw flight means that ________

[  ]


travelers open their mouths during the flight


travelers have to return to the starting points by air


there’s a short trip that travelers don’t fly


travelers can cover as many travel sites as possible


If you take an open-jaw flight a→b→c→a, which of the following shows the right route?

[  ]






How many advantages can you benefit from an open-jaw flight according to the passage?

[  ]










科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2009-2010学年度高三第一学期期中考试(英语) 题型:050


  A store that sells husbands has just opened in Ottawa where a woman may go to choose a husband from many men.The store consists of 6 floors and the men increase in positive attributes(属性)as the shopper goes up the flights.There is, however, a catch.As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to leave the building.

  So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband.On the first floor, the sign on the door reads:Floor 1-These men have jobs.The woman reads the sign and says to herself."Well, that's better than my last boyfriend, but 1 wonder what's further up?"

  So up she goes.The second floor sign reads:Floor 2-These men have jobs and love kids.The woman remarks to herself, "That's great, but I wonder what's further up?"

  And up she goes again.The third floor sign reads:Floor 3-These men have jobs, love kids and are extremely good looking."Hmm, better." she says."But I wonder what's upstairs?"

  The fourth floor sign reads:Floor 4-These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good looking and help with the housework."Wow!" exclaims the woman, "Very attractive.But, there must be more, further up!"

  And again she heads up another flight.The fifth floor sign reads:Floor5-These men have jobs, love kids, are extremely good-looking, help with the housework and have a strong romantic character.''Oh, mercy me!But just think…hat must be awaiting me further on?"

  So up to the sixth floor she goes.The sixth floor sign reads:Floor 6-You are visitors 3,456,789,012 to this floor.There are no men on this floor.Thank you for shopping Husband Mart and have a nice day.


The underlined word "catch" in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.

[  ]


a hidden difficulty


something you get


something from which you benefit


a tool for fastening something


Women tend to go up the floor until they reach the top floor because ________.

[  ]


they think the husbands downstairs are not suitable


they are sure that the best husbands are on the top floor


they think even better husbands may be upstairs


they know the catch very well


The writer intends us to believe that ________.

[  ]


husbands are hard to shop


women are hard to please


women think they are better than men


women can’t be too careful when choosing husbands


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


women are romantic


more women will leave the shop alone


women are more greedy that men


women are not good at shopping husbands


科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2009-2010学年度高三第一学期期中考试(英语) 题型:050


  The phone is ringing at the other end of the line and it clicks as it is being answered.A voice says quickly,“Hello.Will you hold, please?”Then there is another click, followed by silence.It seems like hours before someone comes back on the line-that is, if you don't hang up first.

  Office calls are, perhaps, the most difficult and the most important part of a secretary's work.The first impression that a man receives about a business is very often through a telephone contact.A caller who is left hanging on “hold” will get the feeling that he or she has been forgotten or ignored.If a call is answered rudely, the caller may become angry.And if the call is not routed directly to the right person, the caller may feel that he or she is getting the“runaround”.

  Laura Needham is a secretary in the executive office of a large manufacturing company.As a good office secretary, Laura knows that all phone calls must be answered without delay and handled efficiently.She knows that a secretary must be pleasant and helpful, no matter how busy she is or what kind of mood she may be in.She knows she must keep calm if a caller gets impatient or becomes angry;also, of course, she knows she can never allow herself to lose her temper.If she does not have the information the caller asks for, she must know who does have the information.Finally, she knows that one of her most important responsibilities is to“screen telephone calls”and to know which calls to refer to her boss, which calls to refer to other people, and which calls to handle herself.

  A well-handled telephone call will give the caller a good impression of the company he or she is dealing with.For this reason, an office secretary who can handle telephone calls cheerfully, tactfully(老练地), and efficiently is a valuable asset to any organization.


Good secretaries find it ________ to handle office calls well.

[  ]


very boring


very important


quite necessary


extremely difficult


The underlined word “runaround” here means ________

[  ]


a flat refusal


a not-so-warm welcome


an unpleasant refusal


an unhelpful response


In Laura's opinion a secretary can never be a good one until ________

[  ]


she often asks her boss how to answer a telephone call


she knows how to please all the people


she has the information that others need


she can keep calm and never loses her temper


This passage is mainly about ________

[  ]


well-handled telephone calls


an efficient office secretary called Laura Needham


the importance of how office calls are dealt with


a secretary being a valuable asset to her company


科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2009-2010学年度高三第一学期期中考试(英语) 题型:050


  American schools are looking for ways to save money on bus transportation because of high fuel prices.More children may have to walk, ride their bikes or find other ways to get to school.

  But, as another effect of the high prices, they may not have to go to school as often.Some schools, especially in rural areas, are changing to a four-day week.That means longer days instead of the traditional Monday through Friday schedule.

  Beginning in the fall, students in the Maccray school district in Minnesota will be in school Tuesday through Friday.Each school day will be sixty-five minutes longer.

  Superintendent.(教育厅长)Greg Schmidt says the district expects to save about sixty-five thousand dollars a year in transportation costs.The district has about seven hundred students living in an area of nine hundred square kilometers.

  State officials have agreed to the plan for three years.They may change their minds before then if learning suffers.In Custer, South Dakota, students have been going to school Monday through Thursday since 1995.Superintendent Tim Creal says the change has saved an estimated(估计)one million dollars over just the past eight years.

  But he sees other benefits, too.Students get more instructional time.And activities that used to prevent classes are now held on non-school days.

  He says that in the future, the growth of online classes could make it possible to require even fewer days in school.High fuel prices are driving college students to take more online classes.And in some states, high school students can take them, too.

  A four-day school week sounds like a great idea for students and teachers.But working parents may have to pay for child care for that fifth day.In agricultural areas, though, it can mean an extra day of helping on the family ranch.

  In New Mexico, the first school district changes to a four-day week in 1974 because of the Arab oil boycott.Now, seventeen out of eighty-nine districts use it.

  The Lake Arthur School District has just one hundred and sixty students.Lake Arthur used a four-day schedule for twelve years.But a few years ago it went back to five days.Michael Grossman heads the district.He says two studies there failed to show any real educational improvement using the four-day week.And he says not much instruction was taking place during the last hour of school, because teachers and students were too tired.


Which of the following is NOT the effect high fuel prices have on American schools?

[  ]


It will take less time to go to school.


More money will be spent on bus transportation.


Walking or riding to school will be more popular.


Alternative ways to get to school may be taken.


What is the attitude of state officials towards the four-day school week according to paragraph 5?

[  ]


They are simply positive about its effect.


They are ready to change it if teachers or students are against it.


They are totally negative to it though it is passed.


It has taken three years before they finally support it.


According to Michael Grossman, what is the disadvantage of the four-day schedule?

[  ]


Students and teachers will have to work hard in class.


Parents will have to pay more for child care.


Teachers will get less pay for their work.


Students benefit less in the last hour of class.


By comparing all the American schools that took a four-day schedule for a period of time, we know that ________

[  ]


all the students give a warm welcome


the plan cannot save as much money as expected


there will be a long way to go for the schedule to be improved


most schools will go back to the traditional schedule


科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2009-2010学年度高三第一学期期中考试(英语) 题型:050


  Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the proper one and to praise or criticize others, as they are similar to or different from it.And unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted(被歪曲)one.Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages.It is only by traveling in a country and getting to know its people and their language, that one can find out what a country and its people are like.And how different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources!How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all!

  Differences between peoples do, of course, exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so.The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike, and some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs.With almost the whole of Western Europe belonging to the European Economic Community.(欧共体)and the increasing standardization this brings about, plus the much geater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem some truth in this ________ at least as far as Europe is concerned.However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has shown to more people than ever before that Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different animal from themselves.


The writer has made all of the following statements EXCEPT that ________

[  ]


there are differences between peoples


the increasing standardization is the result of the expansion of the EEC


there are more similarities than differences between peoples


the Englishman is some different animal from other people


This passage is mostly concerned with the topic of ________

[  ]


the advantages of the EEC


the viewpoints on cultures


foreign languages learning


the attitudes towards the ease of travel


Which of the following plays a more important role in identification(一体化), specially in Europe?

[  ]


The greater ease of travel nowadays than before


The uncontrollable movement to identification


The similarities in terms of way of life between cultures


The differences between European people and other nations


Which of the following is the writer’s own point of view?

[  ]


Every country tends to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it.


Differences between peoples will always continue to exist.


We are rapidly approaching the state that all different nationalities behave exactly alike.


Other people are not so different from ourselves as we thought to be.


科目: 来源:2008年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试、英语(海南卷) 题型:050



What can you do if you like to go on holidays with pets?

[  ]


Choose the holiday in Devon.


Go to the Snowdonia Centre.


Join the World Sea Trip of 2008.


Visit Acapulco and Hawaii.


In what way is the Snowdonia Centre different from the other two holidays?

[  ]


It provides chances of family gatherings.


It provides customers with good food.


It offers a sports lesson.


It offers comfortable rooms.


What is special about the World Sea Trip of 2008?

[  ]


You can have free meals on deck every day.


You can sleep on a ship and tour many places.


You will have chances to watch and act in a play.


You have to do your own packing and unpacking.

