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科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三三模英语试题 题型:050


  Electric cars will not be really much cleaner than autos powered by mineral fuels until they rely less on electricity produced from usual coal-fired power plants.“For electric vehicles to become a major green alternative, the power fuel has to move away from coal, or cleaner coal technologies have to be developed,”said Jared Cohon, the chairman of a National Research Council report released on Monday.About half of US power is produced by burning coal, which gives off many times more of traditional pollutants than natural gas, and about twice as much of the main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.Nuclear and renewable power have to generate a larger portion of US power for electric cars to become much greener compared to gasoline-powered cars, Cohan, who is president of Carnegie Mellon University, said in an interview.Advances in coal burning, like capturing carbon at power plants for permanent burial underground, could also help electric cars become a cleaner alternative to vehicles powered by fossil fuels, he said.Pollution from energy sources did $120 billion worth of damage to human health, agriculture and recreation in 2008, and electricity was responsible for more than half of the damage, said the NRC report.

  Electric cars have their benefits such as reducing imports of foreign oil.But they also have hidden costs.Materials in electric car batteries are hard to produce, which adds to the energy it takes to make them.In fact, the health and environmental costs of making electric cars can be 20 percent greater than usual cars, the report said.

  The report estimated that electric cars could still cost more than gas-powered cars to operate and manufacture in 2030 unless US power production becomes cleaner.


Why are electric cars not clean enough?

[  ]


Because they run too slowly


Because they are too expensive


Because they rely on coal-fired power.


Because they give off more carbon dioxide.


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


electric cars will soon take the place of gas-powered cars


no one holds hope for electric cars at present


electric cars waste more energy than before


some people believe that electric cars are cleaner


The underlined word“them”refers to“________”.

[  ]


electric cars








Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to make electric cars cleaner?

[  ]


Developing cleaner coal technologies.


Making electric cars run faster.


Generating more unclear power.


Making advances in coal burning.


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三三模英语试题 题型:050


  Matches made over the Internet often do not last long because people end up choosing unsuitable partners and forming emotional bonds before meeting face-to-face, an Australian university researcher has found.

  Women may especially find Mr.Wrong, as they tend to be attracted by fine comments or clever emails, said psychologist Matthew Bambling from the Queensland University of Technology.

  “You can never assume things are the way they seem online,”Bambling said.“The fact that they can write a clever comment or a witty email doesn't mean they will be Mr.Right, that's for sure,”he said, adding some men use the concept of“netting”, sending emails to dozens of women and hoping one might respond.Bambling said you can find a partner online, but warned those using the Web to find love to be aware of the traps.“There's definitely an uncontrolled effect online,”he said, with people more likely to exaggerate their good points while hiding anything negative.“Few guys for example would say ‘look, I'm a middle aged alcoholic who's been married five times, pick me'.They're going to present themselves as a good catch.”He said it was easy for people to quickly invest too much emotionally in an online relationship because they don't see the full picture of the person they are emailing.

  Bambling said people can avoid many of the problems by meeting early in the actual relationship, rather than by getting to know each other only by email.He suggests couples arrange to meet over coffee after a few emails, which will help people from building up a fantasy image of their match.“The main thing to remember is to make real life contact as soon as possible if you are interested in someone, because then you will know contact as soon as possible if you are interested in someone, because then you will know if a relationship is a possibility.”He said.


Why were women quite likely to find Mr.Wrong over the Internet?

[  ]


Because they often judge a person by his appearance.


Because single women usually felt more lonely.


Because the emotional bonds were hard to break.


Because they were easily attracted by fine comments.


About the online relationship Bambling suggests we should be ________.

[  ]










The underlined word“exaggerate”in Paragraph 3 probably means“________”.

[  ]










What is suggested by Bambling for a better online relationship?

[  ]


Writing clever comments or emails to girls frequently.


Finding a partner online through one night respond.


Making real life contact before further development.


Investing much emotion in your partner.


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三三模英语试题 题型:050


  My daddy doesn't know how to express love.It is my mum that makes everyone happy and calm in our family; while Daddy only works day and night, never looking us in the face.But Mum makes a wrongdoing list of us for Daddy scolding us.She was a spy!

  Once, I stole a candy.Daddy asked me to put it back and told the shopkeeper I would like to carry loads for her.Well, Mum told him I was jut a child.

  I broke my leg on the playground.It's still Mum that held me tightly in her warm arms.Daddy drove us right to emergency room.He was asked to move the car away for that space was for ambulance.Daddy got angry,“What do you think of it?A touring car?”

  On my birthday party, it was, again, my mum that took over the cake for me.And my dad was busy with blowing balloons and setting the table and doing the housework.

  While looking over our album, my friends always ask,“What does your father look like?”God knows.He photos others all the time.So there are many photos of my mum and me, pretty and lovely photos.

  And I still remembered the day when dad taught me riding.I asked him not to let his hands away, but he did the opposite.And I certainly fell onto the ground.I got angry and decided to get on the bike and rode.But he smiled again.

  Mum wrote every letter to me while I was in college.He, except checks, did write a letter, but extremely short, just a few words, saying,“Without your playing on the lawn, my son, my lawn grows prettier than before.”

  Every time I phoned, it seemed that he wanted to talk, but he would say,“I will get your mum.”

  On the day of my wedding, Mum cried as if we would never meet again, while dad went out with a nasal sound.

  From very young, I heard him saying,“Where have you been?”“When do you go home?”“Did you get oil for your car?”“…”Dad really knows nothing about showing love.Unless…

  Maybe he showed while I didn't notice.


From the first and second paragraphs, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


it was the daddy that was in charge of his children's education


the writer's parents loved their children, at the same time, they were strict with them


the children were all afraid of their father so they had to be cute


the writer's mom was like a spy who reported what the children did to the father


Why did the father get angry when he sent the writer to the hospital?

[  ]


Because he parked his car at a wrong place.


Because the parking space of the ambulance was very crowded.


Because the writer's injury made the father quite upset.


Because the person paid little attention to his son's serious injury.


According to Paragraph Six, we know the father ________.

[  ]


was not patient when he taught the writer riding


might want to see his child fall off the bike


used a wrong way of teaching his child riding


might want his son to learn riding through independent practice


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


The dad posted checks to the writer while he was in college.


The dad had no single photo of his own in the album.


The dad scolded the writer for having damaged the lawn.


The dad got excited when participating in the writer's wedding.


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三三模英语试题 题型:050


  Earlier this month, the United States Library of Congress named Katherine Paterson the national ambassador for young people's literature.

  She is only the second person to hold the position.She replaces writer Jon Scieszka, who had served since two thousand eight.

  The librarian of Congress, James Billington, said Miz Paterson“represents the finest in literature for young people”.He spoke of the importance of reading in the lives of America's young people.Miz Paterson has written more than thirty books.She is among only five writers to have won two Newbery Medals.These are among the most important children's book awards in the United States.

  “Bridge to Terabithia”won a Newbery Medal in nineteen seventy-seven.Her book“Jacob Have I Loved”won the award in nineteen eighty-one.

  Katherine Paterson's books for children are often quite complex.“Bridge to Terabithia”includes adult themes like depression and death.The book has caused debate because of its place on school library bookshelves.Some parents think it is too adult for young children.Miz Paterson says the idea for the book came from a real life experience.Her son's best friend died in nineteen seventy-four when she was struck by lightening.

  Katherine Paterson is seventy-seven.She began writing as a young mother with three children.But she says her interest in writing came as a surprise.As a child she had thought about becoming a Christian religious worker in foreign countries like her parents were.

  Katherine Paterson spoke to a gathering of children when she was named ambassador on January fifth in Washington.She said:“Read for your life.Read for your life as a member of a family, as a part of a community, as a citizen of this country and a citizen of the world”.


The Newbery medal is designed for ________.

[  ]


writers with best books for grown-ups


children with best books on adult themes


writers with best books for children


children with best books on nature


Which of the following is NOT true about the book Bridge to Terabithia?

[  ]


Its topics include depression and death.


It won a Newbery Medal in the 1980s.


Some people think it's for adults only.


The idea for it came directly from real life.


As a child, Katherine ________.

[  ]


had bad relations with her parents


showed great interest in writing books


hoped to take part in religious activities


began writing books with serious themes


The national ambassador for young people's literature as a position started in ________.

[  ]










科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三三模英语试题 题型:050


  A new study in West Africa shows how farm irrigation systems powered by the sun can produce more food and money for villagers.The study in Benin found that solar-powered pumps are effective in supplying water, especially during the long dry season.

  Sub-Saharan Africa is the part of the world with the least food security.The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more than one billion of the world's people faced hunger last year.Around two hundred sixty-five million of them live south of the Sahara Desert.Lack of rainfall is one of their main causes of food shortages.

  Jennifer Burney from Stanford University in California led the study.The research team helped build three solar-powered irrigation systems in northern Benin.

  The solar-powered irrigation systems produced an average of nearly two metric tons of vegetables per month.

  They sold the surplus(过剩的)produce at local markets.The earnings greatly increased their ability to buy food during the dry season which can last six to nine months.

  People in the two villages with the systems were able to eat three to five more serving of vegetables per day.But making the surplus available at markets also had a wider effect.

  The study compared the villages with two others where women farmed with traditional methods like carrying water in buckets.The amount of vegetables eaten in those villages also increased, though not as much.

  The researchers note that only four percent of the cropland in sub-Saharan Africa is irrigated.Using solar power to pump water has higher costs at first.But the study says it can be more economical in the long term than using fuels like gasoline, diesel or kerosene.And solar power is environmentally friendly.


People living in sub-Saharan Africa are short of food mainly because ________.

[  ]


it seldom rains there throughout the year


there is little farmland in the area


people there lack experience in farming


people know nothing about irrigation techniques


Which of the following is an advantage of Jennifer's irrigation systems?

[  ]


They are not affected by the weather.


They cost much less than traditional irrigation systems.


They have no bad effects on the environment.


They use less fuel than traditional irrigation systems.


We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.

[  ]


people in South Africa will soon be provided with enough food


the demand for fuels like gasoline will greatly decrease in Africa


people in sub-Saharan Africa don't take agriculture seriously


it's worthwhile to use the new irrigation systems on the while


People in the two villages owe all the following to Jennifer's irrigation systems EXCEPT that ________.

[  ]


they could buy more food during the dry season


they could eat more vegetables than usual every day


they could supply local markets with vegetables


they could provide people in other villages with food


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三二模英语试题 题型:050


  Solar energy for your home is comingIt can help you as a single home ownerIt can help the whole country as wellWhether or not solar energy can save your money depends on many thingsWhere you live is one factorThe type of home you have is anotherThings like insulation(绝缘)present energy costs and the type of system you buy are added factors

  Using solar energy can help save our precious fuelAs you know, our supplies of oil and gas are very limitedThere is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needsAnd when Mother Nature says that's all, the only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, like the sun

  We won't have to worry about the sun's running out of energy for another several billion years or soBesides begin an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as wellThe sun doesn't offer as many problems as other energy sourcesFor example, fossil fuel plants add to already high pollution levelsWith sola energy, we will still need sources of energy, but we won't need as muchThat means we can cut down on our pollution problems

  With all these good points, why don't we use more solar power?There are many reasons for thisThe biggest reason is moneyUntil now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unitThere were cheaper sources of energyAll this is changing nowSolar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricityExperts say that gas, oil and electricity prices will continue to riseThe demand for electricity is increasing rapidlyBut new power plants will use more gas, oil or coalAlready in some places the supply of electricity is being rationedSolar energy is now in its infancyIt could soon grow to become a major part of our nation's energy supply


Which statement best expresses the main idea?

[  ]


Something about Solar Energy and Pollution


Solar Energy


Energy and Pollution


Energy and Money


Solar energy can help us save ________

[  ]


the earth and nature resources


mother nature


the sun


our precious fuel


Which of the following statements is correct?

[  ]


Energy from coal would not pollute our living environment


Energy from natural gas would not pollute our living environment


Energy from the sun would not pollute our living environment


Energy from oil would not pollute our living environment


Solar energy is in its infancy, ________

[  ]


but it will be considered as an important part of our nation's energy supply


yet we will build more power plants


and the supply of electricity will be rationed


but we don't need practice energy rationing now


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三二模英语试题 题型:050


  Runners in a relay race pass a stick in one directionHowever, merchants passed silk, gold, fruit, and glass along the Silk Road in more than one directionThey earned their living by travelling the famous Silk Road

  The Silk Road was not a simple trading networkIt passed through thousands of cities and townsIt started from eastern China, across Central Asia and the Middle East, and ended in the Mediterranean SeaIt was used from about 200BC to about AD1300, when sea travel offered new routesIt was sometimes called the world's longest highwayHowever, Silk Road was made up of many routes, not one smooth pathThey passed through what are now 18 countriesThe routes crossed mountains and deserts and had many dangers of hot sun, deep snow and even battlesOnly experienced traders could return safe

  The Silk Road got its name from its most prized productSilk could be used as money to pay taxes or buy goodsBut the traders carried more than just silkGold, silver, and glass from Europe were much found in the Middle East and AsiaHorses traded from other areas changed farming practices in ChinaIndian merchants traded salt and other valuable goodsChinese merchants traded paper, which produced an immediate effect on the WestApples traveled from central Asia to RomeThe Chinese had learned to graft(嫁接)different trees together to make new kinds of fruitThey passed this science on to others, including the RomansThe Romans used grafting to grow the appleTrading along the Silk Road led to world-wide business 2,000 years before the World Wide Web

  The people along the Silk Road did not share just goodsThey also share their beliefsThe Silk Road provided pathway for learning, diplomacy(外交), and religion


It's probable that traders along the Silk Road needed ________

[  ]


to remember the entire trade route


to know the making of products


to receive certain special training


to deal with a lot of difficulties


The Silk Road became less important because ________

[  ]


it was made up of different routes


silk trading became less popular


sea travel provided easier routes


people needed fewer foreign goods


New technologies could travel along the Silk Road because people ________

[  ]


learned from each other


shared each other's beliefs


traded goods along the route


earned their living by traveling


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


The Silk RoadPast and Present


The Silk RoadEast Meets West


The Silk RoadRoutes Full of Dangers


The Silk RoadPathways for Learning


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三二模英语试题 题型:050


  Far from the land of Antarctica, a huge shelf of ice meets the oceanAt the underside of the shelf there lives a small fish, the Antarctic cod

  For forty years scientists have been curious about that fishHow does it live where most fish would freeze to death?It must have some secretThe Antarctic is not a comfortable place to work and research has been slowNow it seems we have an answer

  Research was begun by cutting holes in the ice and catching the fishScientists studied the fish's blood and measured its freezing point

  The fish were taken from seawater that had a temperature of1.88℃ and many tiny pieces of ice floating in itThe blood of the fish did not begin to freeze until its temperature was lowered to2.05℃That small difference is enough for the fish to live at the freezing temperature of the ice-salt mixture

  The scientists' next research job was clearFind out what in the fish's blood kept it from freezingTheir search led to some really strange thing made up of a protein(蛋白质)never before seen in the blood of a fishWhen it was removed, the blood froze at seawater temperatureWhen it was put back, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point

  Study showed that it is an unusual kind of proteinIt has many small sugar molecules(分子)held in special positions within each big protein moleculesBecause of its sugar content, it is called a glycoproteinSo it has come to be called the antifreeze fish glycoprotein, or AFGP


What is the text mainly about?

[  ]


The terrible conditions in the Antarctic


A special fish living in freezing waters


The ice shelf around Antarctic


Protection of the Antarctic cod


Why can the Antarctic cod live at the freezing temperature?

[  ]


The seawater has a temperature of1.88℃


It loves to live in the ice-salt mixture


A special protein keeps it from freezing


Its blood has a temperature lower than2.05℃


What does the underlined worditin Paragraph 5 refer to?

[  ]


A type of ice-salt mixture


A newly found protein


Fish blood


Sugar molecule


What doesglycolin the underlined wordglycoproteinin the last paragraph mean?

[  ]










科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三二模英语试题 题型:050


  Michelle Obama is the first lady of American fashion, appearing on the cover of the March issue of Vogue

  Every first lady since Lou Hooverexcept Bess Trumanhas been appeared in the high-fashion magazine, but MrsObama is only the second to appear on the coverShe appears wearing a silk dress by Jason Wu

  Vogue's editor Andre Leon Tally recalled his interviews with MrsObama ahead of US president Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony(就职典礼).“One of the best experiences of my life.”“She is so easily reached, natural and normal.”he said

  MrsObama described her role asMom in chiefto 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha.“I'm going to try to take them to school every morning, as much as I can,she said.“But there's also a measure of freedomAnd clearly there will be time I won't be able to drop them off at allI like to appear in my kids' schoolI want to know the teachers; I want to know the other parents.”

  Being in Vogue, though, the chat finally turns to clothes.“I'm not going to pretend that I don't care about it,she said.“But I also have to be very practicalSomeone will always not like what you wearpeople just have different tastes.”

  Most cover models have their clothes chosen for them by Vogue, or at least editors work as advisersNot this time.“She doesn't need any helpShe loves fashion and knows what works for her,Talley said.“She has never had a talk with me about,What do you think?'orHow does this like?'And I'm glad for that.”


From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 we know ________

[  ]


every first lady has appeared on the cover of Vogue


only Bess Truman has appeared on the cover of Vogue


only two first ladies have appeared on the cover of Vogue


only MrsObama has appeared on the cover of Vogue


From the forth paragraph we know MrsObama ________

[  ]


loves their daughters very much


likes to do housework very much


likes to do all for her husband


has nothing to do after daughters go to school


From the last paragraph we know MrsObama ________

[  ]


is a woman of kindness


has her own sense of beauty and idea


herself is a clothes designer and model


doesn't like to be watched changing clothes


Which of the following is the best title?

[  ]


First ladies of Vogue Cover Model


First Lady Michelle Obama Read Vogue Too


First Ladies Like to be Vogue Cover Model


First Lady Michelle Obama Is Vogue Cover Model


科目: 来源:甘肃省天水一中2010届高三二模英语试题 题型:050


  One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read

  For washing the car                 $5.00

  For making my own bed this week           $1.00

  Going to the provision shop              $0.50

  Playing with little sister               $0.25

  Taking out the rubbish                $1.00

  Getting a good report card              $5.00

  And for sweeping the common corridor         $2.00

  Total                       $14.75

  His mother looked at him standing there expecting paymentI could see a thousand memories flashed through her mindSo she picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote

  For nine months I carried you, growing inside me      No Charge

  For the nights I sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you No Charge

  For the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose     No Charge

  When you add it all up, the full cost of my love       No Charge

  Well, when he finished reading, he had big tears in his eyesHe looked at his mother and said,Mummy, I love you.”Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on thebill”“All paid.”


What's the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Part-time Job


Mother's Love, No Charge


Payment for House Work


Greedy Mother


The write wrote the passage in order to ________

[  ]


show that children should be paid for their housework


show that children should not be paid for their housework


show a clever way of teaching children


tell children how to spend their spare time


How do you think of the mother in the passage?

[  ]










From the last passage we know that ________

[  ]


the boy got all the money he wanted


the mother was unwilling to give the money to the boy


the boy realized that it was not right to ask for money for the housework


the mother was angry with what the boy said

