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科目: 来源:2010年高一“每周一练”系列(16)英语试题 题型:050


  Separate lives, similar dreams

  As we know, some children live in the countryside, and some live in the city.Their lives are a little different, but they also have many of the same dreams.


The survey was done among the ________ between in the countryside and the city.

[  ]










About ________ of children in the countryside have good eyesight, but only ________ of children in the city have good eyesight.

[  ]










Which of the following is not included in the survey?

[  ]


Ideal jobs


After-class activities


Ways of learning


Results of tests


A classroom in the countryside often has ________ according to the survey.

[  ]










Which of the following is WRONG according to the survey?

[  ]


Children in the countryside often go to school on foot.


Children in the city often have too much homework to do.


Children in the countryside often have lots of chores to do.


Children in the city are difficult to find ideal jobs.


科目: 来源:2010年高二“每周一练”系列(16)英语试题 题型:050


Dog Translation Products Coming to U.S.

  A Japanese toy maker declares that they have developed a gadget that translates dog barks into human language and plans to begin selling the gadget——under the name of Bowlingual——in U.S.pet stores and gift shops this summer.

  Tokyo-based Takara Co.Ltd.says about 300, 000 of the dog translator gadgets have been sold since it was on sale in Japan late last year.It is forecasting far bigger sales once an English language translation for dogs comes to America in August.The United States is home to about 67 million dogs, more than six times the number in Japan.

  “We know that the Americans love their dogs so much, so we don’t think they will mind spending $ 120 on this product,”the Takara marketing manager said during an interview at a recent pet products conference in Atlanta.

  Regarded as one of the coolest inventions of 2002 by Time magazine, Bowlingual is made up of a 3 - inch long wireless microphone that is fastened(绑/系)to a dog collar and sends out sounds to a small console(控制台)that is connected to a database(数据库).The console divides each bark into six emotional types——happiness, sadness, disappointment, anger, threat and desire——and shows common phrases, such as“You’re ticking me off,”that fit the dog’s emotional state.

  Takara says it has spent millions of dollars developing the gadget in cooperation(合作)with famous sound experts and animal behaviorists.

  One thing that does appear certain is that the markets for animal translation products will likely remain a dog’s world since Takara has no plans to develop a similar gadget for cats.“They are too unpredictable(反复无常),”the marketing manager said.


This passage mainly tells us that Bowlingual ________.

[  ]


was invented in Japan


has developed quickly


will be sold in America


sells well for its price


The underlined word“they”in the last paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]










When was this passage most probably published?

[  ]


In the winter of 2002.


In the spring of 2003.


In the summer of 2002.


In the autumn of 2003.


From the passage, we can see that Takara Co.Ltd.is ________ the sale of its new product.

[  ]


proud of


satisfied with


confident of


worried about


科目: 来源:2010年高二“每周一练”系列(16)英语试题 题型:050


  As a child, I remember listening to a song called“Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen.”When I visited the city last year, that song kept running through my head.It got me wondering:Just what is wonderful about Copenhagen?

  It’s not a place filled with world-famous tourist sites.But it does have a charm(魅力)that makes you want to linger.You can sample the food, visit the castles and museums, and learn about the life of the Danes.

  Stoget, the world’s longest pedestrian(人行道)mall, runs through the center of the old city.This string of lively street and squares makes walking a treat.I happily explored the mall, looking in the windows of shops and cafes.I followed Stoget from the square in front of the city hall to Nyhavn.Here, old houses painted bright colors look out over a picturesque harbor filled with sailing ships.Denmark’s beloved storyteller Hans Christian Andersen lived here when he wrote his first stories.

  From Nyhavan, I continued heading north.I wanted to see Copenhagen’s symbol, the statue of the Little Mermaid(美人鱼).She was set up in honor of Hans Christian Andersen’s famous story.As I continued my city tour, one thing impressed me all the bicycles.I learned that half the population of Copenhagen rides bikes every day.Only 20 percent of Copenhageners own cars because there is a 180 percent tax on them.That certainly keeps the city free of traffic jams and heavy pollution! It’s easy to join all the bicyclists pedaling(骑车)through the streets, too.The city provides free bicycles that anyone can use.The cycling around the castles and parks made a relaxing end to a full day.As darkness fell and the parks’ lights began to twinkle, I watched families enjoying themselves.

  So what is wonderful about Copenhagen? Just about everything.


What is the purpose of referring to the song in the 1st paragraph?

[  ]


To arouse the interest of the readers in the city of Copenhagen.


To show the readers that Copenhagen is a wonderful city.


To express the puzzled feeling of the author.


To ask the readers to find out what is wonderful about Copenhagen.


The word“linger”in the 2nd paragraph is most close to ________

[  ]










The underlined sentence“makes walking a treat”in the 3rd paragraph means ________

[  ]


You can find various food in this string of lively street and squares


You will meet many people when walking along the string of lively street and squares


Walking will be a great pleasure because of the string of lively slmet and squares


The string of lively strict and squares make people eager to walk along


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Copenhagen is a city with lots of places of interest.


Stoget is the biggest pedestrian mall in the world.


The government of Copenhagen does encourage people to ride bicycles.


Nyhavn is a city hall where Hans Christian Anderson once worked.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Pupils are ordered not to wade into ankle-deep water unless teachers first carry out a full risk assessment and put“proper measures in place”.

  Staff are expected to check rivers, ponds and the sea for currents and rocks before allowing children to dip their feet.

  Guidance issued to schools warns that any“impromptu(事先无准备的)water-based activities”could pose dangers to children.

  The recommendations were outlined in a document-available to all 21,000 schools in England-to help teachers organize more school trips.Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families is intended to cut red tape(官样文章)and give staff practical tips.

  But the guidance caused argument after teachers were presented with a series of orders surrounding swimming and the use of minibuses.

  It said:“Swimming and padding or otherwise entering the waters of river, canal, sea or lake should never be allowed as an impromptu activity.The pleas of young people to bathe-because it is hot weather, for example, should be resisted where bathing has not been prepared for.”

  “In-water activities should take place only when a proper risk assessment has been completed and proper measures put in place to control the risks.”

  Teachers are urged to check the weather, currents, weeds, rip tides, river or sea beds and breakwaters before allowing children into the water.No child should be able to swim deeper than waist height, the guidance added.

  Margaret Morrissey, from campaign group Parents Outloud, said:“Wading out into the ocean is one thing but there’s nothing wrong with padding where the waves break.”

  “Part of children’s learning is to walk along the water’s edge and get your feet wet.There are dangerous currents further out and you stay at the edge.”

  She added:“I want to see schools and youth groups taking advantage of opportunities that learning outside the classroom can provide.”

  But the Department for Children, Schools and Families said teachers had to plan activities carefully.

  “We are not banning padding,”said a spokeswoman.“We have seen cases in the past where things have not been planned and assessed for the risk.Unplanned activities around water can be dangerous.”


Guidance issued to schools in England gives the information that ________.

[  ]


school trips to oceans are forbidden in the country


school swimming pools should be surrounded with fence


school staff must plan water-based activities carefully


school children shouldn’t have a walk along river banks


Advice from the Department for Children, Schools and Families shows us that ________.

[  ]


they are strongly against the guidance


they are fond of the outline of the guidance


they don’t understand the aim of the guidance


they want the guidance to become more useful


To the guidance, Margaret Morrissey holds the opinion that ________.

[  ]


oceans are dangerous place for children to visit


young people should be encouraged to learn outside


children should learn padding in rough ocean alone


schools should stop students from walking along beaches


Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


No padding on school trips, children told.


No walking along the rivers, teachers told.


No swimming after school, parents told.


No learning out of school, students told.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Watching bison up close is fascinating, like watching a grass fire about to leap out of control.With their huge, wedge-shaped heads and silver-dollar-size brown eyes, the 2,000-pound animals are symbols of another place and time.More than 100 bison now roam the 30,000-acre American Prairie Reserve in eastern Montana-the first time they’ve inhabited that region in a century.Direct descendants of the tens of millions of bison that once populated the Western plains, they represent an epic effort:to restore a piece of America’s prairie to the national grandeur that Lewis and Clark extolled two centuries ago.During that famous expedition across the Western states to the Pacific, the two explorers encountered so many bison that they had to wait hours for one herd to pass.

  In order to protect what’s here and reintroduce long-gone wildlife(something the World Wildlife Fund is helping with), the American Prairie Foundation began purchasing land from local ranchers in 2004.It now owns 30,000 acres and has grazing privileges on another 57,000.Its goal over the next 25 years is to assemble three million acres, the largest area of land devoted to wildlife management in the continental United States.

  Already, herds of elk, deer, and pronghorn antelope roam the grasslands, where visitors can camp, hike, and bike.Cottonwoods and willows are thriving along streams, creating habitats for bobcats, beavers, and other animals.

  Not everyone shares APF’s vision.Some residents of Phillips County(pop.3,904)worry that the area could become a prairie Disneyland, overcrowded with tourists.But the biggest obstacle is the ranchers themselves, whose cattle compete with prairie dogs and bison for grass and space.

  “People like me have no intention of selling their ranches,”says Dale Veseth, who heads the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance of 35 families in Phillips County and whose family has been ranching here since 1886.“They’ve been a labor of love through the generations.”Instead, he wants APF to pay or subsidize ranchers to raise bison.This would be far less costly for the foundation, he argues, than buying the land directly.


If you go to the American Prairie Reserve in eastern Montana, you will see ________.

[  ]


the burning fire moving across the grassland


hundreds of bison travelling through the prairie


tens of millions of bison occupying the farmland


groups of experts examining the dead bison


What measures have been taken to protect the wildlife by APF?

[  ]


They have borrowed much money and developed new habitat.


They have hired many farmers to raise bison on their farms.


They have turned grassland into Disneyland to attract tourists.


They have bought large land from farmers for bison to live on.


The underlined word“subsidize”in this passage means ________.

[  ]


give money to


borrow money from


provide land to


exchange land with


Which would be the best title for this passage?

[  ]


The exciting scenery in eastern Montana


Great changes in raising bison in America


The return of the American prairie


The challenge in protecting the grassland


科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  The days of the hunter are almost over in India.This is partly because there is practically nothing left to kill, and partly because some steps have been taken mainly by banning tiger-shooting to protect those animals which still survive.

  Some people say that Man is naturally a hunter.I disagree with this view.Surely our earliest forefathers, who at first possessed no weapons, spent their time digging for roots, and were no doubt themselves often hunted by meat-eating animals.

  I believe the main reason why the modern hunter kills is that he thinks people will admire his courage in overpowering dangerous animals.Of course, there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the important thing, and that the chief pleasure lies in the joy of the hunt and the beauty of the wild countryside.There are also those for whom hunting in fact offers a chance to prove themselves and risk death by design; these men go out after dangerous animals like tigers, even if they say they only do it to rid the countryside of a threat.I can respect reasons like these, but they are clearly different from the need to strengthen your high opinion of yourself.

  The greatest big-game hunters expressed in their writings something of these finer motives.One of them wrote:

  “You must properly respect what you are after and shoot it clearly and on the animal’s own territory(领地).You must fix forever in your mind all the wonders of that particular day.This is better than letting him grow a few years older to be attacked and wounded by his own son and eventually eaten, half alive, by other animals.Hunting is not a cruel and senseless killing-not if you respect the thing you kill, not if you kill to enrich your memories, not if you kill to feed your people.”

  I can understand such beliefs, and can compare these hunters with those who hunted lions with spears and bravely caught them by the tail.But this is very different from many tiger-shoots I have seen, in which modern weapons were used.The so-called hunters fired from tall trees or from the backs of trained elephants.Such methods made tigers seem no more dangerous than rabbits.


There is no more hunting in India now partly because ________.

[  ]


it is dangerous to hunt there


hunting is already out of date


hunters want to protect animals


there are few animals left to hunt


The author thinks modern hunters kill mainly ________.

[  ]


to make the countryside safe


to earn people’s admiration


to gain power and influence


to improve their health


What do we learn about the big-game hunters?

[  ]


They hunt old animals.


They mistreat animals.


They hunt for food.


They hunt for money.


What is the author’s view on the tiger-shoots he has seen?

[  ]


Modern hunters lack the courage to hunt face-to-face.


Modern hunters should use more advanced weapons.


Modern hunters like to hunt rabbits instead of tigers.


Modern hunters should put their safety first.


科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Warning:reading too much Cinderella to your daughter may damage her emotional health in later life.A paper to be developed at the international congress of cognitive psychotherapy in Gothenburg suggests a link between the attitudes of women abused by their parents and early exposure to the wrong sort of fairy tales.It says girls who identified with Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast were more likely to say in destructive relationships as adults.

  The theory was developed by Susan Darker Smith, a psychotherapist at the University of Derby.She interviewed 67 female abuse survivors and found that 61 put up with severe abuse because they believed they could change their partners with patience, composition and love.The same view was taken by male survivors who had been abused as children.Hardly any of the women in a control group, who had not experienced abuse, thought they could change their partners in this way.

  These women and men said they would leave a relationship rather than put up with abuse from a partner.Ms Darker Smith found the abused women were much more likely to identify with Cinderella and other submissive female characters in fairytales, who were later rescued by a stranger prince or hero.

  Although most girls heard the stories, damage appeared to be done to those who adopted the characters as role models.“They believe if their love is strong enough they can change their parents’ behaviors,”she said.“Overexposure in children to stories that emphasize the transformational qualities of love may make women believe they can change their partners.”For example, they might never have understood the obvious flaw in the story of Rapunzel, who remained locked in a high tower until rescued by a knight on a white horse, who broke the door down.“The question,”said Ms Darker Smith,“is why she did not break the door down herself.”


The passage is especially intended for ________.

[  ]


parents with young daughters


girls who like reading fairy stories


girls who think they can change their partners


parents with grown-up daughters


Cinderella, Rapunzel and Beauty in Beauty and the Beast are similar in that ________.

[  ]


they all married some princes


they all changed their partners with love


they were all abused by their partners


they all put up with abuse


Which of the following statements is true of the women in a control group?

[  ]


They don’t believe in fairy tales.


They don’t believe in the transformational qualities of love.


They have also experienced abuse.


They survived abuse.


What does the underlined word“submissive”in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?

[  ]










科目: 来源:黑龙江省哈九中2010届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  MEXICO CITY:A jetliner from the beach resort of Cancun was briefly hijacked as it landed in Mexico City on Wednesday.The hijackers released all passengers shortly before federal police stormed the plane, and the crew emerged unharmed moments later.

  Police, who did not fire a single shot, led as many as eight handcuffed men away from the airplane, which was isolated at the end of a runway in an area designed for emergencies.The hijackers’ motive was unclear, though Mexican news media initially identified them as Bolivians demanding to speak with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

  US, French and Mexican citizens were among the 112 passengers and crew on Aeromexico Flight 576, according to a US official who had been briefed on the situation.The official was not authorized to discuss the case and spoke on condition of anonymity.

  Mexico’s transportation and communications secretary, Juan Molinar, said there was no bomb on the airplane, although some passengers said one of the hijackers held a package that resembled an explosive device, and a bomb squad(拆弹小组)was later seen near the airplane.

  He did not immediately identify the hijackers or speculate on their motive.

  “Various people who participated in the act have been detained and we are investigating,”Molinar said.

  The attorney general’s office said it was opening an investigation into terrorism and kidnapping but did not specify how many people could be charged.

  Mexican news media initially reported the hijackers were Bolivian, but Bolivia’s ambassador to Mexico, Jorge Mancilla, said Mexican authorities had no evidence that was the case.Mancilla said sources told him they could be Colombian or Venezuelan.Several passengers told reporters they did not notice a non-Mexican accent.

  Passenger Rocio Garcia told the Televisa network that the pilot made an announcement after landing in Mexico City that the airplane was being hijacked.Passengers said the hijackers never communicated with them directly.

  “These were scary moments,”she said.

  She said she saw one of the hijackers whom she described as a well-dressed, older man.

  “He looked fine, like a normal passenger,”she said.

  Passenger Daniel Hernandez said he saw a hijacker carrying a Bible.


From the first paragraph we can conclude that ________.

[  ]


the hijackers just wanted to play a trick on the police


the hijackers didn’t prepare for their action


the hijackers surrendered before the police fired


the hijackers lost their way at the last moment


From what Juan Molinar said we can learn that ________.

[  ]


police were still trying to identify a possible bomb


passengers succeeded in stopping the explosion


a frightening bomb was found later on the airplane


several Mexicans were involved in the hijacking


What may be the first step taken when the hijacked plane landed?

[  ]


They gave a sudden attack at the hijackers.


They kept the plane away from other planes.


They asked the crew to control the hijackers.


They abandoned the plane at the end of the runway.


The hijackers, as some passengers described, ________.

[  ]


were good at bargaining with the police


were all well-dressed American old men


all came from Colombia or Venezuela


stayed calm and appeared noble, educated


科目: 来源:贵州省兴义市精华中学2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  When you are in another country, it is important to know the language, but it is equally important to know how to communicate nonverbally, before saying anything by making gestures.According to a pioneer in nonverbal(无需语言的)communication, only 30 to 35 percent of our communication is verbal.When people don’t know the language, the most common way to communicate is through gestures.However, many gestures have different meanings, or no meaning at all, in different parts of the world.

  In the United States, for example, nodding your head up and down means“yes”.In some parts of Greece and Turkey, however, this motion can mean“no”.In Southeast Asia, nodding your head is a polite way of saying“I’ve heard you”.

  In ancient Rome, when the emperor wanted to spare someone’s life, he would put his thumb up.Today in the United States, when someone puts his/her thumb up, it means“Everything is all right”.However, in Sardinia and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there.

  In the United States, raising your clasped hands above your head means“I’m the champion”or“I’m the winner”.It is the sign prizefighters make when they win a fight.When a leading Russian statesman made this gesture after a White House meeting, Americans misunderstood and thought he meant he was a winner.In Russia, however, it is a sign of friendship.

  In the United States, holding your hand up with the thumb and index finger in a circle and the other three fingers spread out means“Everything is OK.”And is frequently used by astronauts and politicians.In France and Belgium, it can mean“You’re worth nothing.”

  There are other nonverbal signals that that people should be aware of when they go to another country, such as the distance to maintain between speakers.Americans usually feel comfortable when speaking with someone if the distance between them is about eighteen inches to arm’s length.Anything closer makes them feel uncomfortable.

  When talking to Americans, it is also important to make eye contact.If you look down when talking to an American, he/she may feel that you are embarrassed, afraid, or trying to hide something.

  In addition to knowing how to communicate nonverbally in a country, it is important to know what you and he cannot discuss.In the United States, there are certain topics to avoid when you first meet someone.For example, don’t ask people their age, weight, religion, marital status, how much money they earn, or how much something costs.You can talk about work, the weather, traffic problems, sports, food, new, of the day, where one lives, consumer subjects(computers, car repairs, and so forth), and travel or vacation plans.

  These few examples illustrate that your actions can speak louder than your words.In a particular cultural contest, what you say and what you don’t say are equally important.


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


People all over the world only communicate verbally.


Most of our gestures have no meaning at all.


Some people think that 65 to 70 percent of our communication is nonverbal.


Gestures are the most common way to communicate.


Please paraphrase the clause“…your actions can speak louder than your words”.

[  ]


Your deeds are better than your words.


What you do is better than what you say.


You try to show your best manners.


You are better understood by your gestures than through your words.


The main idea of the passage is that when you are in another country, ________.

[  ]


it is unimportant to know the language


it is important to know what you can talk about to a foreigner


to know how to communicate nonverbally is as important as to know the language


to communicate the rough gestures is more important than to know the language


科目: 来源:贵州省兴义市精华中学2010届高三第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  The Fourth:“21st Century Cup”National English Speaking Competiton is to be held in Shanghai.

  Organizers:China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.

  Co-ordinater:China University English Speaking Association(CUEAS).

  Co-sponsors:English Speaking Union(ESU), Lotus Software(Chian)Co.Ltd, Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Education, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.

  Date:March 26(Friday), 2008.

  Place:Hilton Shanghai.

  Competition Format:Each student will present a prepared speech on the giving topic, followed by a three-minute off-hand speech and a three-minute question and answer period with the judges.

  Prepared speech period:Six minutes.

  Q & A period:Three minutes.

  Speech topic:People and Nature:In search of harmony in a new age+your personal opinion.(Topic for the off hand speech will be given on the day of competition).

  Prizes:Besides books and certificates, the top two winners will be offered scholarships to travel to the annual international English-speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 2008.The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group.The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes.All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one-year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL).


The main purpose of this passage is ________.

[  ]


to invite you to take part in the competition.


to tell you some information of the competition


to help to improve your spoken English


to show you how to win the competition


Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?

[  ]


Where and when it will take place.


Its program.


What each winner will be offered.


The number of its competitors


Suppoes you get the sixth place, you’ll ________.

[  ]


travel to London for free


become a one-year member of IATEFL


get some money, some books and a certificate


get a chance to study in Singapore


An“off-hand speech”is ________.

[  ]


a speech not longer than three minutes


a speech without preparation


a speech with a piece of paper in hand


a speech which is well prepared

