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科目: 来源:上海中学、复旦附中等八校2011届高三联合调研英语试题 题型:050

Reading Comprehension

Black Boxes

  Although they are called“black boxes”, aviation recorders are actually painted orange.This distinct color, along with the strips of reflective tape attached to the recorders' exteriors, helps investigators locate the black boxes following an accident.These are especially helpful when a plane lands in the water.There are two possible origins of the term“black boxes”; Some believe it is because early recorders were painted black, while others think it refers to the charring that occurs in post-accident fires.

  In addition to the paint and reflective tape, black boxes are equipped with an underwater locator beacon(ULB).If you look at the picture of a black box, you will almost always see a small, cylindrical object attached to one end of the device.This cylinder(圆筒)is actually a beacon.

  If a plane crashes into the water, this beacon sends out an ultrasonic pulse that cannot be heard by human ears but is readily detectable by sonar and acoustical locating equipment.There is a sensor on the side of the beacon that looks like a bull's eye.When water touches this sensor, it activates the beacon.

  The beacon sends out pulses at 37.5 kilohertz(kHz)and can transmit sound as deep as 14,000 feet(4,267 m).Once the beacon begins“pinging”, it pings once per second for 30 days.This beacon is powered by a battery.In rare instances, the beacon may get snapped off during a high-impact collision.

  In the United States, when investigators locate a black box, it is transported to the computer labs at the National Transportation Safety Board(NTSB).Special care is taken in transporting these devices in order to avoid any(further)damage to the recording medium.In the lab, investigators download the data from the recorders and attempt to recreate the events of the accident.This process can take weeks or months to complete.In the United States, black-boxes manufacturers supply the NTSB with the readout systems and software needed to do a full analysis of the recorders' stored data.

  A team of experts is usually brought in to interpret the recordings stored on a black box.This group typically includes a representative from the airline, a representative from the airplane manufacturer, an NTSB transportation-safety specialist and an NTSB air-safety investigator.This group may also include a language specialist from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and, if needed, an interpreter.This board attempts to interpret 30 minutes of words and sounds recorded by the black box.This can be a painstaking process and may take weeks to complete.

  The black box is an invaluable tool for any aircraft investigation.It is often the lone survivor of airplane accidents, and as such provides important clues to the cause that would be impossible to obtain any other way.As technology evolves, black boxes will continue to play a tremendous role in accident investigations.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


Aviation recorders are known as the black boxes.


Some people believe that the black box got its name because it was painted black.


Some people believe that the black box got its name because of its colour after the accident.


It is only the distinct orange colour that helps investigators locate the black boxes after an accident.


What can activate the underwater locating beacon(ULB)?

[  ]


A bull's eye.




A sensor on the side of the beacon.


Acoustical locating equipment.


How many people are needed at least to interpret the recordings stored on a black box?

[  ]










Which word can best describe the process of interpreting recordings on a black box?

[  ]










科目: 来源:上海中学、复旦附中等八校2011届高三联合调研英语试题 题型:050

Reading Comprehension

Tui Na and Your Emotional Health

  In Traditional Chinese Medicine the body, mind and spirit cannot be divided and so the unique whole-body treatment in Tui Na can also be a useful treatment correcting any imbalances in the body's energy before symptoms and disease can develop.It also works to restore emotional harmony as well as physical health.This is why after a Tui Na treatment many people“feel good”.Many people in China use Tui Na regularly to keep healthy and to deal with some specific illnesses.

  Tui Na is performed on the clothed body and the patient is either lying on a couch or sitting on a chair.Therapists using a variety of strokes or movements will control the intensity and direction of pressure in an exact way.The unique rolling movement in Tui Na is one of the most difficult strokes to learn and students have to practice sometimes for many months on a rice bag before they are allowed to practice on the human body.


  Tui Na is of course very useful for treating stress.

  It distributes the energy around the whole body.It is believed that Tui Na moves the strong energy in the tense muscles to the weaker areas, thus making a more balanced body.When your Qi(energy in the body)flow is balanced you feel relaxed and comfortable.Tui Na is especially useful for stiff shoulders and tense neck muscles.


  In Traditional Chinese Medicine each major organ is linked to an emotion.By balancing the energy in the organ, the relevant emotion will be calmed.When your emotions are out of control, you would usually turn to your doctor or perhaps a psychotherapist.But perhaps some people would not like to be seeing a psychotherapist or feel nervous about discussing their problems with others.With Tui Na one does not need to tell the therapist anything one does not want to.The treatment of Tui Na can deal with the problem itself-although if one does need to talk, then the safe space is there to do so.An active dialogue between the therapist and the patient will help to get a better effect.

How the major organs rule your emotions

  Each major organ-the heart, the stomach, the spleen, the liver, the bladder, the kidneys, the lungs, etc.-is linked to a relevant emotion.

  The heart is linked to joy, excitement and sadness.If the heart is out of balance, the patient may dream a lot at night and often forget something important in the day.

  The stomach and spleen are connected with too much thinking or worrying-over anxiety.When the stomach is out of balance there is often a lack of energy.The patient often feels very tired and has no interest in doing anything at all.

  The liver and gall bladder are linked to anger.In Chinese Medicine the eyes are connected with the liver, and many people who suffer from anger often suffer from eye problems.The gall bladder rules decision-making and too much energy here can lead to rashness, while if there is too little it can bring about indecision.Where there is a history of depression, the therapist would look to the liver.

  The bladder and kidneys are linked to fear of all kinds, from simple anxieties and phobias to vague fears and worries.

  The lungs are connected with feelings of grief and sadness.When there is a history of grief, the therapist would look to the lungs.

  Tui Na is used in almost all the hospitals in China and very popular among Chinese people.It is a useful and valuable method of restoring Qi balance, when emotional and physical health is out of balance.Tui Na is one of the remaining secrets of Chinese Medicine.


According to the passage, which statement is TRUE about Tui Na?

[  ]


Tui Na is a whole-body treatment and can't be divided into different parts.


Tui Na can be used to balance the diseases before they can develop in the body.


Tui Na can bring back not only physical health but also emotional health.


Tui Na only makes people“feel good”but do not actually cure disease.


How can the emotion be calmed?

[  ]


By linking the organ to an emotion.


By telling the therapist anything one does not want to.


By discussing their problems with others.


By balancing the energy in the relevant organ.


When the stomach is out of balance, ________.

[  ]


the patient will have a stomachache


the patient will have a lot to worry about


the patient will have nothing to do


the patient will not feel like doing anything


科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  It's interesting that the arrival of snow has different effects on people in different countries.For some countries it is an important happening to celebrate each year, while for others a catastrophe(灾难)or even a wonder.

  But there are countries between these two kinds that normally expect snow some time over the winter months, but never receive snow regularly or in the same quantities every year.Britain is one of them, for which the arrival of snow quite simple creates problems.Within hours of the first snowfalls, however light, roads are blocked, trains and buses have to stop in the middle of the way.Normal communication is affected as well:telephone calls become difficult and the post immediately takes more time than usual.And almost within hours there are also certain shortages(短缺)-bread, vegetables and other things-not because all these things can no longer be produced or sent to shops, but mainly because people are frightened and go out and store up with food and so“just for fear that something bad should happen”.

  But why does snow have this effect?After all, the Swiss, the Austrians and the Canadians don't have such problems.It is simple because there is not enough planning and preparation.We need money to buy equipment to deal with snow and ice.To keep the roads clear, for example, requires snow-ploughs(扫雪机)and machines to spread(撒)salt.The reason why a country like Britain does not buy snow-ploughs in that they are only used for a few days in the year, and that money could be more useful for other things such as hospitals, education, helping the old, and so on.


According to the writer, Britain is a country ________.

[  ]


which has regular snow


which is not well prepared for snow


for which snow is a catastrophe


for which snow is a wonder


The arrival of snow in Britain affects all of the following, except ________.

[  ]






food supplies


service quality


After a few hours' snowing there are often some shortages of food because ________.

[  ]


shops have closed down


people buy as much as they can


farmers cann't produce any more


people eat more vegetables in winter


The underlined words“two kinds”mean the countries ________.

[  ]


which have snow either as a yearly happening to celebrate or as rare weather.


which either have heavy snow or light snow


to which snow either causes problems or no problems


which either have snow-ploughs or no snow-ploughs


科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Should airlines charge overweight passengers more if they need extra seats?Yes, according to three quarters of travellers in a poll.

  A survey by the travel website Skyscanner found that 76 percent of people believe airlines should charge a“fat tax”.Only 22 percent of the 550 people questioned disapproved of introducing extra payments to overweight passengers.

  The poll was conducted after a heated debate that started after Air France was misreported earlier this month to be planning an extra charge for the passenger unable to fill into a single seat.

  Skyscanner co-founder Barry Smith said the so-called“fat tax”was very sensitive issue for airlines that would need to act carefully so as not to alienate(疏远)overweight passengers.

  “On one hand, it's not unreasonable for airlines to charge passenger extra if they take up more than one seat.On the other hand, many would argue that it should be the responsibility of airlines to adjust their seat sizes, enabling them to suit all passengers,”he said in a statement.

  Some people in the poll said it was airlines' responsibility to make seats for all sizes of passengers, while the others suggested that the charge should be calculated on the weights of passengers plus their luggage.

  In the United States, Southwest Airlines and United Airlines have a policy where an overweight passenger needs to buy a second seat and can claim a refund(退款)if the plane is not full.This followed complaints from neighbouring passengers.

  The Supreme Court in Canada ruled that overweight people travelling on airplanes cannot be forced to buy second seats.


The survey carried out by Skyscanner mainly discusses ________.

[  ]


whether airlines should change seats to suit all passengers


whether passengers should pay taxes for their luggage


whether an overweight passenger can take a second seat by paying more


whether airlines should charge an overweight passenger for another seat


How many people voted“yes”in the survey carried out by Skyscanner?

[  ]










The website Skyscanner carried out the survey because ________.

[  ]


there were too many complaints from passengers


airlines were under pressure from people against their plan


most passengers were not satisfied with the services of airlines


opinions were widely divided on a misreported plan of Air France


What's Barry Smith's attitude towards the“fat tax”?

[  ]










科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Danielle Steel, America's sweetheart, is one of the hardest working woman in the book business.Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time, she can work on up to five.Her research alone before writing takes at least three years.Once she has fully studied her subjects, ready to dive into a book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk.

  Danielle Steel comes from New York and was sent to France for her education.After graduation, she worked in the public relations and advertising industries.Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for.Her achievements are unbelievable:390 million copies of books in print, nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels, and a series of“Max and Martha”picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problem of death, new babies and new schools.Her l998 book about the death of her son was shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out.Twenty-eight of her books have been made into film.She is listed in the Guinness Books of World Records for one of her hooks being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.

  Not content with a big house, a loving family, and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource and has kept in touch with them by e-mail.While she is often compared to the heroines(女主人公)of her own invention.,her life is undoubtedly much quieter.But if she does have anything in common with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable(独特的)style.There is only one Danielle Steel.


Danielle Steel is different from other writers in that(因为)________.

[  ]


she can write several books at the same time


she often does some research before writing a book


she is one of the most popular American women writers


she can keep writing for quite a long time without a break


One of Danielle Steel's achievements is that ________.

[  ]


some TV plays were based on her books


her picture books attracted a lot of young men


one of her books became a best-seller in 1998


she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records


We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel ________.

[  ]


lives an exciting life


values her readers a lot


writes about quiet women


is pleased with her achievements


科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  If you want to get kids outside to appreciate nature, get some fresh air, or for some plain old fun, here's where to start.

  Get out there.The best way to experience nature and all that it offers is to get outside.You won't get all the great benefits of connecting with nature through any book or movie.

  Keep it simple.You don't need to plan anything complex, or spend a lot of money.Some of our best“finds”have been from our own yard.Last summer we found our first salamander(蝾螈)in our yard.We had never seen one in our area before and it was really cool.We watched its behavior, looked it up on the internet to find out what kind it was, what it ate and where it spent its time.My son even took its picture to school to show and tell something about it to his classmates.He got so much more involved in finding out more about it because we actually had found a real live one in our yard.What a great teachable moment!

  Don't pretend to know what you don't know.You can teach a child to appreciate nature by exploring with him/her.It's not about naming everything you come across.No matter how many years of study I've had in the field of natural science, there will always be things I don't know.If you come across something you can't identify, just say,“I don't know.Let's look it up together.”

  Get excited about their discoveries.Yes, even bugs, worms and dirt.The more exhilaration you show, the more likely they are to head out and explore more.Fostering(培养)a sense of curiosity in a child is one of the greatest gifts you can give him/her.


The main purpose of the author is to tell us ________.

[  ]


how to get kids to explore nature


the advantages of exploring nature


the wonders connected with nature


how to get kids interested in exercise


If a parent comes across something he doesn't know, he should ________.

[  ]


leave it to his kid to explore alone


tell his kid directly that he can't identify it either


gather as much information about it as possible in secret


tell his kid that he has seen it before but can't remember its name


Which of the following is against the author's idea?

[  ]


The yard is a good place to explore.


Parents should explore together with their kids.


The best way to appreciate nature is through reading.


It's very important to arouse kids' curiosity about nature.


The underlined word“exhilaration”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Some kids start to drink alcohol(酒精)at a young age.They think it is part of becoming an adult.They also think drinking is not that bad because so many people do it.They feel it is not as bad as taking drugs.It is easy for kids to get liquor(酒精饮料)by using fake identification(伪造证件).

  Parents may start to notice a change in their child's behavior if the child starts drinking.Kids who drink sometimes stop doing things they normally liked to do.They may keep telephone calls and meetings a secret and not want anybody to touch their things.They act moody(喜怒无常)and do not have the same eating and sleeping habits.

  Parents need to stay involved in their kids' lives.They should talk to their children about their problems to be aware of any change.

  Parents can be the best protection.Children who get a lot of love can feel good about themselves.It helps them resist(抵抗)doing bad things even when other kids are doing them.Parents can help set a good example by not drinking and driving.They can have firm rules in the home that everyone follows.

  Give the children good ideas on how to say“no”to drinking, even when they are at a party.Try not to overreact or panic if the child tries alcohol.How you handle it can affect their attitude.It may be helpful to talk to other parents about setting up curfews(宵禁令)and rules about parties or other events.


Which of the following is NOT the reason why some kids have an early start of drinking?

[  ]


They want to show their maturity(成熟)by drinking alcohol.


Drinking alcohol is much cooler than taking drugs.


They are affected by many other people around them.


They can get liquor easily.


According to the passage, what changes may happen to the kids who start drinking?

[  ]


Nothing serious will happen to them.


They keep the same eating and sleeping habits.


They can control their moods quite well.


Sometimes they act secretly.


According to the writer, if parents find their children try alcohol, they had better ________.

[  ]


punish them at once


ask the police for help


ask their children's friends for help


set up curfews and rules about parties or other events with other parents.


Which is the main subject discussed in the passage?

[  ]


Teen health


Teen education


Teen drinking


Parents' worries


From the last sentence of the first paragraph, we can see ________.

[  ]


if you are not an adult, you can't buy liquor according to the law


the children can buy liquor without using fake identification.


there isn't any ban on buying liquor for children


using fake identification is allowed.


科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  One night in February 1962, John H.Glenn.Jr.flew over Australia.The man in the Mercury capsule was alone, but friendly voices reached him by radio.On the dark land 100 miles below, he saw a sprinkling of light.They marked the city of Perth, where people had turned on their lights as a greeting to him.In Friendship Ⅶ, Glenn radioed,“The lights show up very well.Thanks for everybody for turning them on.”His capsule raced on to the east.

  During his three orbits of the earth, Glenn could always reach one of eighteen tracking stations.Some of them were on ship at sea.Others were in the United States.Many of the stations had been built with the help of other countries.These countries allowed Americans to bring in radio equipment and set it up.Without the help of such lands as Nigeria(尼日利亚), Zanzibar(尚巴西,坦桑尼亚领土的一部分), and Mexico, there would have been breaks in the worldwide radio network.

  John H.Glenn.Jr.was the first America to orbit the earth.For his flight, the tracking network(跟踪网络)covered 60,000 route miles.Five hundred men worked in the stations along the route.Since his flight, the network has grown.Today, it covers more than 100,000 route miles and has about one hundred stations.One-third of these stations are outside of the United States.


This passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


talking to ships at sea around the world


breaks in the worldwide network


the first American to orbit the earth


a satellite which fell into the ocean


From the passage we can see that ________.

[  ]


Friendship Ⅶ stopped in Perth, Australia


all tracking stations are inside the United States


radio equipment is important in space flight


many people could see Glenn in his capsule when he made the flight


During his flight Glenn could always ________.

[  ]


see lights turned on the ground


reach ships at sea


reach one of the tracking stations


arrive at Mercury in his Friendship Ⅶ


Why did people in Perth turn on the lights?

[  ]


They wanted guide him to land.


It was too dark for them to see in the room.


They wanted to see the Friendship Ⅶ.


They wanted to greet Glenn.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned?

[  ]


Countries must work together to track satellites.


There are now about 70 tracking stations in the United States.


The tracking network covers many more route miles now than before.


Nobody has orbited the earth besides Glenn.


科目: 来源:陕西省师大附中2010-2011学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is not only the queen of the United Kingdom, but she is also the queen of other 16 countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Jamaica.Her face is seen on stamps and coins all around the world.

  Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in London on April 21st 1926.Her parents were George, the Duke of York, and Elizabeth, the daughter of the Earl and Count-ness of Strathmore.As a child, Princess Elizabeth lived with her parents and younger sister in London and Windsor.Every summer, she traveled to Scotland to visit her mother's parents.She was interested in all sorts of sports, but her favorites were horse riding and swimming.She was also fond of acting, art and music.

  As princess Elizabeth grew older, she started to play a part in British public life.When she was 14, she broadcast a radio message to all the children of Britain and the Common-wealth(共和国).Two years later, she carried out her first public engagement, and started to go on official tours shortly after that.After a tour to South Africa in 1946, she married Philip Mountbatten.The couple had four children:Prince Charles, born in 1948, Princess Anne, born in 1950, Prince Andrew, born in 1960 and Prince Edward, born in 1964.

  After her father died, Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth in a ceremony held in London in 1953.As a queen, she has many duties, and leads a very busy life.She travels throughout the world, meeting the leaders of other countries, and attends a large number of official functions.She also holds a meeting every week with the British Prime Minister.Every year, on Christmas Day, she broadcast a message to the people of British and the Commonwealth, talking about her hopes for the future.

  Queen Elizabeth has been on the throne for more than 40 years and has become one of the most famous women in the world.Lots of people in British believe that she tries hard to understand her people and be a good queen.More than her title, this quality has earned her much love and respect.


Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ ________

[  ]


is queen of 17 different countries.


is queen of Australia and the USA


is queen of 16 different countries


is only queen of the United Kingdom.


As she grew older, Princess Elizabeth ________.

[  ]


stopped playing a part in British public life.


broadcast several radio message


went on many tours to South Africa


started to take part in British public life.


Queen Elizabeth's four children are called ________.

[  ]


Prince Andrew, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne


Prince Edward, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Charles


Princess Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward


Prince Charles, Prince Philip, Prince Edward and Princess Elizabeth


Today, Queen Elizabeth ________.

[  ]


does not lead a very busy life


holds a meeting every fortnight with the British Prime Minister


rarely leaves the UK


is always busy carrying out her royal duties.


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth in 1960.


She talks about her hopes for the future every day.


She has been on the throne for more than forty years.


Lots of people in Britain depreciate her.


科目: 来源:宁夏银川一中2011届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


Sightseeing Tours in Germany

  Germany has a variety of cities each with its own characteristics, from the busy city of Berlin, to the ancient city of Cologne, to the Bavarian capital of Munich.Thankfully, these major German cities offer sightseeing tours that offer the opportunity to better explore the surrounding regions and the country's most historic sites.

  Berlin on Bike

  Berlin on Bike takes visitors through the German capital via five bicycle tours, all with guides.Regular tours include the Wall Tour and Berlin's Best, with stops at some of the city's most famous landmarks, such as the Reichstag explores what life was like in East Berlin under Communist Rule.The cost of the tour includes the bike and helmet rental, and tourists may choose to continue renting their bikes once the tour has ended.


  Munich City Sightseeing Tour

  The Munich City Sightseeing Tour transports travelers throughout the city via an open-air, double-decker bus.Passengers can hop on and off at various stops throughout the day.This tour includes stops at such sites as the Munich central train station, the 1972 Olympic Stadium Park, Munich's opera house and Karlsplatz, the gate to the historic city.The bus features a narrated tour guide and offers an English-language option.


  Nice City Tours-Cologne

  Nice City Tours offers three tours of Cologne, available to private or business groups in a variety of languages.The old Town Tour runs for two hours and includes a guided tour of the Cologne Cathedral and some of the city's old squares.The Brewery Pub Tour explores some of the city's most beloved breweries and pubs, and details the history behind Kolsch, Cologne's resident beer.Finally, the Old Town and Rhine Tour begins by visiting some of old town's most historic sites and ends with a ride down the Rhine River.



The similarity of the three tours lies in that they all include ________.

[  ]


bus tours


English service


three routes


guide's service


If you take a great interest in beer, which tour might be suitable for you?

[  ]


The Wall Tour


The Brewery Pub Tour


The Old Town Tour


The Munich City Sightseeing Tour


Where can you probably see this passage?

[  ]


In a textbook.


On a website.


In an encyclopedia.


In a journal.

