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科目: 来源:东北三省2011届京海夏季大联考英语试题(卷A) 题型:050


  We bet that on cold wintry days, many of you love to stay in your warm home and, every now and then, come out into the kitchen for a snack.Unfortunately, plenty of creepy-crawly critters(爬行生物)like to do the same thing!

  Winter is the time when bugs(虫子)invade your house without an invitation.The season can be tough for such creatures.In winter the air is cold, the ground is hard and many trees have no leaves.So bugs do what they have to do to survive.

  Monarch butterflies head south to warmer climates.Ants crowd in deep underground colonies and eat food they have been storing all year.Many insects go into a deep sleep called diapause.There’re different kinds of diapause, but all are similar to hibernation, a time when bigger animals become inactive in the cold.Insects go into an inactive period, too, but it often isn’t when the temperature drops.

  They rely on more dependable signals in the environment.For example, many insects can tell how much sunlight there’s each day.They use that to tell themselves when to shut down.Bugs are cold-blood-ed, meaning that their inside temperature is the same as the outside.They can’t move much when it gets below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.So they search for any warm place.

  They’re looking for protection.These guys have been doing this for 300 million years, so they don’t really know they’re coming into your house.The home is a recent event in terms of their evolutionary behav-ior.They enter through tiny cracks or come in unnoticed on your clothes or shoes.Remember that they may be invading your homes for warmth and food, but they don’t care about humans.


What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

[  ]


To point out that humans like to stay at home in winter.


To mean that humans and bugs have the same living habits.


To mean that bugs will invade humans’ houses for their winter.


To put forward the idea that bugs are not welcome in winter.


According to the text, what is diapause?

[  ]


It is the same as the animals’ hibernation


It often appears in warm areas all the year.


It is done to keep bugs active in winter.


It is a deep sleep similar to hibernation.


According to the text, bugs invade humans’homes to ________

[  ]




look for enough food


seek for protection


show their evolutionary results


What is the main idea of the text?

[  ]


Bugs’life on cold wintry days.


Why do bugs invade your home in winter?


Good relations between humans and bugs.


What does diapause mean?


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  It is unavoidable.The muscles weaken.Hearing and vision fade.We can't run, or even walk, as fast as we used to.We have aches and pains in parts of our bodies we never even noticed before.We get old.

  It sounds miserable, but actually it is not.A study has found that by almost any measure, people get happier as they get older.

  The survey covered more than 340,000 people nationwide, ages 18 to 85, asking various questions about age and sex, current events, personal finances, health and other matters.The survey also asked about“global well-being”by having each person rank overall life satisfaction on a 10-point scale.Finally, there were six yes-or-no questions:Did you experience the following feelings during a large part of the day yesterday:enjoyment, happiness, stress, worry, anger, sadness.The answers, the researchers say, show“hedonic well-being,”a person's immediate experience of those psychological states.

  The results are good news for old people, and for those who are getting old.On the global measure, people start out at age 18 feeling pretty good about themselves, and then, life begins to throw curve balls.They feel worse and worse until they hit 50.At that point, there is a sharp turnaround, and people keep getting happier as they age.By the time they are 85, they are even more satisfied with themselves than they were at 18.

  In measuring immediate well-being-yesterday's emotional state-the researchers found that stress falls from age 22 onward, reaching its lowest point at 85.Worry stays fairly steady until 50, then sharply drops off.Anger decreases steadily from 18 on, and sadness rises to a peak at 50, falls to 73, then rises slightly again to 85.Enjoyment and happiness have similar curves:they both decrease gradually until we hit 50, rise steadily for the next 25 years, and then fall very slightly at the end, but they never again reach the low point of our early 50s.

  For people under 50 who may sometimes feel gloomy, there may be comfort here.The view seems a bit bleak right now, but look at the bright side:you are getting old.


The first paragraph serves as ________.

[  ]


an example


an introduction


a conclusion


a background


According to the survey, we can learn that ________.

[  ]


people at the age of 85 are happier than they were at 18


one's immediate emotional state reaches its lowest point at 85


in general getting old is the bright side of one's life


people feel worst at the age of 50 almost by any measure


The underlined sentence“life begins to throw curve balls”means ________.

[  ]


people at 18 starts to enjoy more ball games


people's emotional state begins to become better


people's sense of happiness starts to drop


people start to lose interest in sports as they age


The best title for the passage would be ________.

[  ]


Happiness May Come With Age


It Is a Great Thing to Get Old


50-The Lowest Point in One's Life


Global Well-being and Immediate Well-being


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Facebook, the world's largest social network, announced in July 2010 that it had 500 million users around the world.The company has grown at a rapid pace, doubling in size since 2009 and pushing international competitors aside.Its policies, more than those of any other company, are helping to set standards for privacy in the Internet age.

  The company, founded in 2004 by a Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, first began servicing Harvard students and then all high school and college students.It has since developed into a broadly popular online destination used by both teenagers and adults of all ages.In country after country, Facebook is making itself as the leader and often replacing other social networks, much as it defeated MySpace in the United States.

  But it has also come to be seen as one of the new giants of the Internet, challenging even Google with a vision of a web tied together through personal relationships and recommendations.In a major expansion, Facebook has spread itself across other websites by offering members the chance to“Like”something-share it with their network-without leaving the web page they're on.

  In November 2010, Mr.Zuckerberg introduced Facebook Messages, a new unified messaging system that allows people to communicate with one another on the Web and on mobile phones regardless of whether they are using e-mail, text messages or online chat services.

  Like other social networks, Facebook allows its users to create a profile page and set up online links with friends.However, it has made itself different from competitors, partly by providing a special design and limiting how users can change the appearance of their profile pages, which becomes what many analysts see as the“default platform”(默认平台)of a new age of information organized around personal relationships.


We can infer from the first paragraph that ________.

[  ]


In 2009 Facebook had about 500 million users.


Facebook's competitors have already broken.


Facebook is the largest network in the world.


Facebook has its own unique advantages.


Facebook spread itself mainly by ________.

[  ]


using the latest mobile phone techniques


allowing its users to create a profile page


taking advantage of other websites


providing e-mail, text message or online chat services


The author mentions Google in the third paragraph in order to ________.

[  ]


tell readers Facebook has a long way to go in this field


set up an example for Facebook's further development


show Facebook's incredible development and achievements


indicate Facebook will certainly beat Google one day


The passage mainly talks about ________.

[  ]


the latest techniques applied by Facebook


the rapid development of Facebook


Facebook's great founder-Mark Zuckerberg


the history of Facebook as the largest network


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  A good place to start is Stumptown Coffee Roasters in the Ace Hotel.It's always busy, and for a reason:it serves some of the best coffee anywhere.It's also one of the city's most handsome coffee bars, a great place to linger.

  Stumptown is strategically close to the Marc Jacobs show at the Armory on Lexington Avenue at East 26th Street.Also close by is the coffee bar at Maialiano, the restaurant on the ground floor of the Gramercy Park Hotel.If your expense account can weather it, you could go to Eleven Madison Park, a temple to fine dining that offers some of the most expensive coffee in New York; ask for a place at the bar, ask for the Chemex and settle in for the show.

  New York's coffee scene is exploding, even in once-desolate neighborhoods.Here's a shortlist that will serve you no matter where you are in Manhattan.

  Bluebird Coffee Shop(East Village), sunny and adorable; get the cortado and the brown butter ginger cookie.

  Culture Espresso Bar(Midtown), always busy, and always excellent.

  Everyman Espresso(Union Square), a tiny coffee bar in the lobby of an off-Broadway theater; one of the few places that makes AeroPress coffee.

  Gimme(NoLIta), small and crowded, a classic European-style espresso bar.

  Peels(the Bowery), a serious coffee bar and build-a-biscuit breakfasts, and just across the street from Billy Reid.

  RBC NYC(TriBeCa), an extensive collection of gadgets and beans, coffee shop for coffee nuts.

  Saturdays Surf(SoHo), surf store with limited-edition sneakers and a coffee bar.

  Third Rail(Washington Square Park), one of the city's best t coffee bars, and one with cozy and quiet environment.

  Whitney Museum of American Art(Upper East Side), a new coffee cart on the garden level of Breuer's Brutalist masterpiece.

  Our coffee map offers more choices within Manhattan.Or, if you have an iPhone, you can download the Filter, a free guide to coffee throughout New York City from our site.


What does the underlined word“weather”in the second paragraph mean?

[  ]










If I want to find an uncrowded cafe, which of the following may be my best choice?

[  ]


Stumptown Coffee Roasters




Culture Espresso Bar


Third Rail


Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Gimme offers a classic European-style espresso.


Third Rail is located in Washington Square Park.


You can watch a show over a cup of coffee in Eleven Madison Park.


Peels' location is just across the street from Billy Reid.


The text is most probably taken from ________.

[  ]


a magazine


a website


a newspaper


a tourist guidebook


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  The public has responded with active support for an NPC deputy's proposal(人大代表提案)to extend the Spring Festival holiday from 3 days to 10.More than 78 percent of about 27,600 respondents voted in favor of the idea of Li Jing, who is also the mayor of Meishan city in Southwest China's Sichuan province.

  Li said the Spring Festival holiday was too short for family reunions, especially for the nation's 220 million off-farm workers.With hundreds of millions of people on the move during such a short time, the holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and holds back tourism, he added.

  He suggested the holiday be extended and cover the three connected weekends, which means the public could take a total of 16 days off and the floating population could spend the Lantern Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the Spring Festival, with their families.People would then have enough time to fully enjoy the traditional holiday with their families, Li said on Friday.

  Most online voters agreed that extending the holiday will reduce the burden on public transport and strengthen family ties.“The Spring Festival is an occasion for family reunions and should be longer than the National Day holiday,”one responder said in an online post.“Every year, I wish I could spend more time at home for the Spring Festival, but I always have to go back to work.I hope the NPC will approve this proposal.”

  Most of the about 10 percent who opposed the idea referred to difficulties readjusting to work after the break.Some pointed out that office morale was generally low during the first week after the holiday.“After the six-day holiday, many people come back to work feeling absent-minded,”one respondent said.

  Another 10 percent said lawmakers should carefully study the influence before they make any decisions on holidays.


We could have ________ days off during the Spring Festival if Li Jing's proposal is passed.

[  ]










Who will benefit most from this proposal if passed?

[  ]


NPC deputies


Online voters




Floating population


Some people disagree with this proposal because longer holidays will ________.

[  ]


make it harder for us to concentrate on work again


put more pressure on public transport system


hold back the development of nation's economy


only benefit off-farm workers but do no good to other citizens


How is the text mainly developed?

[  ]


By analyzing the causes.


By giving examples.


By following time order.


By finding similarities.


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第七次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Lisa was running late.Lisa, 25, had a lot to do at work, plus visitors on the way:her parents were coming in for Thanksgiving from her hometown.But as she hurried down the subway stairs, she started to feel uncomfortably warm.By the time she got to the platform, Lisa felt weak and tired-maybe it hadn't been a good idea to give blood the night before, she thought.She rested herself against a post close to the tracks.

  Several yards away, Frank, 43, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, found a spot close to where the front of the train would stop.They were deep in discussion about a house they were thinking of buying.

  But when he heard the scream, followed by someone yelling,“Oh, my God, she fell in!”Frank didn't hesitate.He jumped down to the tracks and ran some 40 feet toward the body lying on the rails.“No!Not you!”his girlfriend screamed after him.

  By the time Frank reached Lisa, he could feel the tracks shaking and see the light coming.The train was about 20 seconds from the station.

  It was hard to lift her.She was just out.But he managed to raise her the four feet to the platform so that bystanders could hold her by the arms and drag her away from the edge.That was where Lisa briefly regained consciousness, felt herself being pulled along the ground, and saw someone else holding her purse.

  Lisa thought she'd been robbed.A woman held her hand and a man gave his shirt to help stop the blood pouring from her head.And she tried to talk but she couldn't, and that was when she realized how much pain she was in.

  Police and fire officials soon arrived, and Frank told the story to an officer.Jennifer said her boyfriend was calm on their 40-minute train ride downtown-just as he had been seconds after the rescue, which made her think about her reaction at the time.“I saw the train coming and I was thinking he was going to die,”she explained.


What was the most probable cause for Lisa's weakness?

[  ]


She had run a long way.


She felt weak and tired in the subway.


She had done a lot of work.


She had given blood the night before.


How did Frank save Lisa?

[  ]


By lifting her to the platform to get others' help.


By robbing her of her purse to make her conscious.


By pulling her along the ground and holding her purse.


By holding her hand and dragging her away from the edge.


What did Jennifer think of herself in the whole matter?

[  ]










The passage is intended to ________.

[  ]


warn us of the danger in the subway


tell us about a subway rescue


show us how to save people in the subway


report a traffic accident as a warning


科目: 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday.There are so many interesting places to visit, and if you enjoy seeing more than just the city center, there's no better way to explore than by car.



What cost does a car hirer have to pay for?

[  ]


Insurance against damage to the car


Insurance against injury to the driver


The cost of maintenance of the car.


The cost of repairs to the car.


Which of the following does not agree with the car hire conditions?

[  ]


The cost of petrol has to be paid by the driver.


You can't get back your booking fee if you cancel your car hire.


You cannot get a car without booking in advance.


Full payment takes place two weeks before you use the car.


If you hire a car for three days or more, ________.

[  ]


you are guaranteed and expensive new car


you are guaranteed an enjoyable holiday


you are offered a specially fast car


you are offered a car at a special price


科目: 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Are you working on your typing skills to make you become a more efficient worker?That may be all for nothing as Intel believes that we will be able to manage our computers with our brains by 2020.

  Intel and its research partners are studying how the brain acts when it thinks.For example, scientists have found that people's brains react in a similar way when they are asked to think of a bear.Through some equipment that can also find this sort of brain activity, Intel thinks that it will be able to read and translate this into an input system tanks to an implantable chip in the brain.

  “We are trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves.”Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau told Computerworld.“Eventually people may be willing to be more devoted to brain implants.”Even if thinking about a bear isn't enough to show that you want to copy something, Intel still thinks that there is a future in suing your brain instead of the keyboard.“If we can get to the point where we can find specific words, you could mentally type,”he added.“You could compose characters or words by thinking about letters flashing on the screen.”

  While this may all sound impractical or even inconvenient for present time, Intel thinks that it's possible.

  “I think human beings are very adaptive,”said Andrew Chien, vice president of research and director of future technologies research at the Intel Labs.“If you had told people 20 years ago that they would be carrying computers all the time, they would have said,‘I don't want that.’Now you can't get them to stop.There are a lot of things that have to be done first but I think implanting chips into human brains is possible.”

  Make good use of your mouse and keyboard set-up before they're old-fashioned.


What can be known about Intel from the passage?

[  ]


it is researching how our brains manage our computers.


it is working on how to improve people's typing skills.


It is finding how the brain reacts when it thinks of a bear.


It is studying the relation between what the brain thinks and how it acts.


From what Dean Pomerleau said, we can learn that ________.

[  ]


brain implants are not accepted now


people have no interest in the research


mentally typing will probably be a real fact


new things need a long time to be accepted


What Andrew Chien said can prove that ________.

[  ]


everything is possible in the world


man has great power to face difficulties


society is changing from time to time


man is very good at accepting new things


What does the last paragraph implay?

[  ]


Everything should be used to the full.


Mouses and keyboards won't exist in the future.


Our brains can take the place of computers.


Some new kinds of mouse and keyboard will appear.


科目: 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Car-free neighborhoods exist all over Europe.A quarter of households in Britain live without cars.Vauban in Germany is one of the largest car-free neighborhoods in Europe.If you live in the district, you are required to confirm once a year that you do not own a car-or, if you do own one, you must buy a space in a multi-storey car park on the edge of the district.

  Vehicles in most of the European car-free areas are physically stopped from entering the streets where people live.Exceptions are made for emergency vehicles and removal vans but not for normal deliveries.A few parking spaces nearby are available to buy(usually around one space for every five homes)and a few are reserved for car club vehicles.Cycling is a vital means of transport.

  Car-free areas of this kind exist in Amsterdam, Vienna, Hamburg and so on.There is even a small one in Edinburgh.

  There is another form of car-free development.Recently we have overlooked its potential.Most pedestrianzed(步行)city or neighborhood centers in Britain are almost entirely commercial.But a few farsighted councils have brought back housing and residents, without cars or parking, into city centers that would otherwise be deserted after 6 pm.

  Car-free UK was set up to improve European-style car-free development in this country.We are not anti-car, but pro-choice.We have recently run public meetings in London to set up a new car-free association for London, which is beginning to look at areas of the city from which traffic could be removed.We know considerable potential demand exists for traffic-free housing in London, and probably in a number of other major cities.


Vehicles can only enter the car-free areas if ________.

[  ]


they come for special reasons


they are proved to be up to standard


they own a parking space nearby


they are permitted by the residents


If you live in the district, you have to ________.

[  ]


leave your car at the edge of the district


avoid driving a car except in emergency


let people know every year that you do not own a car


confirm that you haven't driven a car for a whole year


We learn from the last paragraph that ________.

[  ]


car-free areas have not been set up in London


it's still difficult to promote car-free development in London


traffic-free housing in London is in great demand


traffic is a big problem in car-free areas


The author of the passage is probably ________.

[  ]


a resident of a car-free area


a promoter of car-free area


a resident who wants to move into a car-free area


a reporter covering news about car-free development


科目: 来源:辽宁省沈阳二中2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Sitting on the peaceful coast of Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, watching the sun move quietly into the sea, you shouldn't forget that Charles Darwin(1809-1882)arrived here in 1835.He stayed on the islands for five weeks, observing various animals.This finally inspired his famous work, On the Origin of Species.You can certainly follow Darwin's footsteps and enjoy a trip from four to seven days to the islands.

  The islands are certainly a paradise for wildlife, as there are no natural killers on the islands and the number of boats and visitors is under government control.Though you cannot walk freely as Darwin did about 200 years ago, each day is as impressive as it could be.

  The most well-known animals of the Galapagos is the giant tortoise, which can be seen moving slowly around the highlands of Sanra Cruz, the second largest island in the archipelago(群岛).Some of these creatures are so old that they might have been seen in their youth by Darwin himself.

  Despite strict control over activities and timing, your stay on the Galapagos will be remembered as a chain of incomparable pictures:diving with sea lions that swim and play within inches of you; feeling small sharks touch your feet as you swim; and, most magically, seeing a whale and her baby surface with a great breath of air.

  Travelling between the islands and observing the wildlife that so inspired Darwin, you will feel as though you are getting a special view of an untouched world.At night you will sleep on board the ship, leaving the wildlife in complete occupation of the islands, which are as undisturbed now as they have been since the beginning of time.


What do we know about Darwin's visit to the islands?

[  ]


He studied different creatures on the islands


He completed his famous book on the islands


He was touched by the geography of the islands


He was attracted by well-known animals of the islands


Your stay on the islands will be most impressive mainly because of ________.

[  ]


The beautiful sea views


Darwin's inspiring trip


a closer view of animals


various daring activities


From the passage, we can learn that ________.

[  ]


you can visit Galapagos Islands whenever you like


some of the tortoises on the islands are nearly two hundred years old


tourists can put up on the islands at night


animals on the island form a perfect natural food chain


Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A Unique Attraction for wildlife Lovers


Calapagos as a Paradise for Adventures


Charles Darwin as a symbol of Galapagos


A successful Example of wildlife protection

