 0  85964  85972  85978  85982  85988  85990  85994  86000  86002  86008  86014  86018  86020  86024  86030  86032  86038  86042  86044  86048  86050  86054  86056  86058  86059  86060  86062  86063  86064  86066  86068  86072  86074  86078  86080  86084  86090  86092  86098  86102  86104  86108  86114  86120  86122  86128  86132  86134  86140  86144  86150  86158  151629 

科目: 来源:广东省佛山市顺德区2011届高三高考热身英语试题 题型:050


  Caught Twittering of on Facebook at work? It’ll make you a better employee.An Australian study shows that surfing the internet for fun during office hours increases productivity.

  The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not.the study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said “workplace Internet leisure browsing(工作时的网络休闲)”, or WILB, helped to sharpen workers’ concentration.“People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration,” Coker said on the university’s website(www.unimelb.edu.au/).“Short breaks, such as quick surf of the Internet, enable the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a day’s work, and as a result, increase productivity,” he said.

  According to the study of 300 workers, 70 percent of people who use the Internet at work engage in WILB.Among the most popular WILB activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos on YouTube.

  “Many firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity,” said Coker.“That’s not always the case.”

  However, Coker said the study looked at people who browsed in moderation(适度), or were on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office.“Those who behave with Internet addiction tendencies will have a lower productivity than those without,” he said.


What does the passage mainly tell us?

[  ]


What we should do with our leisure time?


How to surf the internet for fun during office hours.


Why we should surf the internet for fun during office time.


Moderately surfing the Internet for fun during work can improve working efficiency.


Why can surfing the internet for fun during office hours increase productivity?

[  ]


Workers are tired of work and want to rest.


Workers can learn some work skills on the Internet.


It makes people relax and regain concentration on work.


It contributes to improving the relationship between bosses and workers.


All the following statements are true EXCEPT __________.

[  ]


The research was made by the University of Melbourne.


Most firms allow their employees to use the Internet for fun.


Most people in the research surf the Internet for fun during work.


Popular WILB activities are watching videos, shopping online and so on.


From the passage we can know that __________.

[  ]


The workers engaged in WILB aren’t fit for their work.


Brent Coker is a successful boss who can accept the research results.


Surfing the Internet long hours for fun won’t increase productivity.


Many firms’ preventing employees’ WILB contributes to high productivity.


Which section of a newspaper do you think the passage is taken from?

[  ]


Work and life


Health and diet




Science and technology


科目: 来源:山东省莱州一中2011届高三5月份适应性模拟(二)英语试题 题型:050


  You'd be forgiven for thinking that running after children each day would leave parents in the best shape of their lives.But a study has found that the mothers and fathers of young children are more unhealthy than their childless peers(同龄人).

  Mothers with young children are heavier and eat more calories and fatty foods, and consume more sugary dinks than chidless women, scientists said.And both sexes are less active than those in their age group without children.

  Parents often choose quick, easily preparesd foods that are high in fat and calories, and by choosing these foods they may in turn serve them to their children, forming a cycle of unhealthy diet.

  Dr.Berge, one of the study authors, said:“This isn't a study about blame, this is about spotting a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of , so they can offer solutions(解决办法).”

  According to the study , mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly, equal to about four chidless women.They also had an average of 2, 360 calories daily, 368 calories more than women without children, With that many calorise, women that age would need to be active to avoid to avoid gaining weight.

  Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories childless men and both had an average boby-mass index(指数), but fathersgot less physical activity-about five hours weekly , compared to almost seven hours among chidless men.

  The study has several limitations-there's no data on how many women reccently had babies.Ther's also no information on the number of single parents, who likely face diet and exercise challenges.Sarah Kriger, an American dietician who works with new mothers said some of the mothers may have had postpartum(产后)depression, which might affect their eating and exercise habits.


What does the author mainly aim to tell us in the passage?

[  ]


Childless couples live a much happier life than those with children.


Mothers will be unhealthy because of the postpartum deprdession


Couples of young children eat more fatty foods and lead unhealthier lives.


Fathers tend to eat high calorie foods because they should run after thrie children.


The underlined part “in the best shape” in the first paragraph means that a person _________.

[  ]


is busy and tires


has a most harmonious family


enjoys the most happiness


is in the most healthy condition


Which of the following is NOT mentioned about mothers with children?

[  ]


They are less active


They eat unhealthy foods


They may feel unhappy aftre having babies


They may lose their jobs aftre having babies


What Dr.Berge says in Paragraph 4 suggests that __________.

[  ]


Parents should pay more attention to their chidren


doctors should do something with parents'high-risk time period


the study has drawn attention of doctors and young parents


parents should not be blamde for having an unhealthy lifestyle


We can learn from the last paragraph that _________.

[  ]


the result of the study result in aan unscientific way


the study was carried out in an unscientific way


single mothers are surely facing quyite different situation


postpartum depression will help mothers to lead a healthier lirf


科目: 来源:山东省莱州一中2011届高三5月份适应性模拟(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Roslyn Hing School on long Island recently started a pilot program using iPads in some classrooms.

  A growing number of schools across the U.S.are multimedia, history through gamse and math with step-by -step animation(动画)of complex problems.

  As part of a pilot program, Roslyn High School handed out 47 iPads on Dec.20, 2010 to the students and teachers in two humanities(人文学科)classes.The school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1, 100 of its students.

  The iPads are to be used in class and at hom during the school year to replace texbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and tum in papers and homework tasks, and preserve a rocord of student work in digital files.

  “It allows us to extend the classes beyond these four walls.”said larry Reiff, an English teacher at Roslyn who now posts all his course mateials online.

  But educators are still divided over whether practices to give every student a laptop have made a difference academically.

  “Thre is very little evidence that kids learn more, faster of better by using these machines, ”said Larry Cuban, a retried professor of eduction at Staford University.“IPads are excellent tools to attract kids, but then the fieshness wears off and you eget int hard-core problems of teaching and learning.”

  But school leaders say the iPad is not just a cool new toy but rather a powerful and multifunctional tool with a number of applications, including thousands with educational uses.

  “If there isn't an application that does something I need , there will be sooner or later, ”said Mr.Reiff, who said he now used an application that includes all of Shakespare's plays.


The program of using iPads in class is _________.

[  ]


widely accepted by most schools in the United States


only an experimental one carried out in some schools


a compulsory one carried out by the U.S government


encouraged and organized by the iPad company


The underlined part “these four walls” in paragraph 5 refers to _________.

[  ]


school dormitory


school campus


teacher's office


school classroom


We can use iPads to do the following at school except ________.

[  ]


replace the school textbooks


keep digital record of homework


judge the teachers'teaching


communicate with teachers


The school leaders tink highly of the iPad mainly because it is.

[  ]


cool and interesting


powerful and helpful


multifunctional and expensive


attractive and vivid


We can infer from the passage that _________.

[  ]


most old teachers are against the pilot program


students have achieved a lot after using iPads


teaching will become less important with the help of ipads


iPads will be used is more and more schools in the US


科目: 来源:山东省莱州一中2011届高三5月份适应性模拟(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Ants have a reputation for strength, organization and teamwork.But researchers have now discovered that a key secret to the success of ants is their ability to identify the importance of age in the work place.

  A study of Gentral American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and stronger members are give the toughest job of cutting the rough the leaves they harvest.Their sharp young teeth do this job effectively, but as they get older their teeth become relatively worn and blunt

  But rather than being retired or abandoned by the group, the ageing ants are given a new role more suited to their physical abilities.They become carriers and transport the leaves back to the kingdom where they are harvested for food.

  The findings by researchers from the University of Oregon and the Oregong State University support previous research show in the survival of a leaf-cutter kingdom depends on the efficiency(效率)of is workers.

  “Cutting leaves is hard work, ”said Dr.Robert Schofield, who led the research team.“Much of the cutting is done with a V-shaped blade(刀片)between teeth on their jaws.This blade starts out as sharp as the sharpest razor blade that humans have developed.”But over rime the teeth become blunter and the cutting job slows down.The team estimated that, because of this age-related wear, a colony(蚁群)spent twice the energy cutting leaves than it would if all the ants had sharp blades.Its findings support the idea that wear and break can be significant problems for insects as well as larger animals.

  Like humans, leaf-cutter ant recognize that older members of the group can still make a worthwhile contribution to society.“This stud shows an advantage of social living that we are familiar with, ”said Dr.Schofield.


The younger and stronger ants do the toughest job because _________.

[  ]


they can transport the leaves effectively


they have a sharp blade to cut leaves


other members are busy with other work


they can finish the job in a better organized way


The underlined word “blunt” in the second paragraph can be replaced by _________.

[  ]


quite loose


less sharp


quite fragile


more dirty


What happens to the ants when they become old?

[  ]


They no longer have work to do.


They keep doing the same work.


They have to leave and live on themselves.


They are given a new worthwhile job.


It can be learned from the passage that _________.

[  ]


Dr.Schofield is the first to research leaf-cuttre ants


older ants are more powerful in carrying leaves


large animals can also suffer from some kind of wear


leaf-cutter ants are the most lever ants in the world


What can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


The key secret to the success of ants


The developed structure of ant colony


The most challenging job for leaf-cutter ants


No V-shaped blade, no success of ants


科目: 来源:山东省莱州一中2011届高三5月份适应性模拟(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Become a professional dog trainer, dog walker or pet sitter with our expert education adn lifetime business support.

  Top Dog Trainers School will teach you everything you need to know about running your new business.A diploma from Top Dog Trainers School will take you into an enjoyable careet with animals.

  ◆ We help you create a profitable and successful business from the bottom up with little overhead costs.

  ◆ We have 10 years lf animal care experience.

◆ W  e run a Dog Training business making over$150, 00per year.

  ◆ You will leam how to rank your website at the top of search engines.

  ◆ Hands-on experience with animals and customer relations.

  ◆ We guide you through business insurance, taxes, licenses, and more.

  Dog Trainers Course

  In this 2 week course you will be taught how to run a profitable and enjoyable dog training business.

  You will have hands on experience training and caring for at least 12 dogs ofall sorts ranging in size from a toy poodle to an Anatolian Shepherd.

  You will leam about all available training techniques and equipment so you can provide personalized training for four customers.

  We will train you how to run classes and private in-home lessons.

  How to run a safe and secure kennel(狗舍)including advance animal health care.

  Dog Walkers and Pet Sitters Course

  In this 1 week course you will have experience caring for over a dozen dogs, parrots, chickens, ducks, cats, and horses.

  We will teach you the secrets of successful dog walkers with hours of dog , parrots, chickens, ducks, cats, and horses.

  We will teach you the secrets of successful dog walkers with hours of walking experience.

  We will teach you how to wash dogs and horses.

  We will teach you how to properly care for cats and birds.


Top Dog Trainer School aims to _________.

[  ]


help people to be excellent experienced walkers


teach people how to do business successfully


help people to start a career related with animals


eam some money by giving diplomas to its leamers


We can infer from the passage that the Anatolian Shepherd, compared with a toy poodbl, is _________.

[  ]


much more expensive to buy


much smaller in size


more difficult to care for


more troblesome in training


Which of the following is not a peomise made by the dog trainer school?

[  ]


To start your ownbusiness with affordable money.


To make a fortune after the training in the school.


To have wide experience in animal care.


To find a satisfactory job in this school.


Through the courses you will learn _________.

[  ]


the secrets of how to train the horses


how to take care of some pets and birds


how to search for business chanses on the internet


how to keep your customers' houses clean and healthy


We can resd the passage in the _________ part of a newspaper.

[  ]










科目: 来源:山东省烟台市2011届高三适应性练习(一)英语试题 题型:050


  You'd be forgiven for thinking that running after young children each day would leave parents in the best shape of their lives.But a study has found that the mothers and fathers of young children are more unhealthy than their childless peers(同龄人).

  Mothers with young children are heavier and eat more calories and fatty foods, and consume more sugary drinks than childless women, scientists said.And both sexes are less active than those in their age group without children.

  Parents often choose quick, easily prepared foods that are high in fat and calories, and by choosing these foods they may in turn serve them to their children, forming a cycle of unhealthy diet.

  Dr.Berge, one of the study authors, said:"This isn't a study about blame, this is about spotting a very high-risk time period for parents that doctors should be aware of, so they can offer solutions(解决办法)."

  According to the study, mothers ate more fatty foods and drank about seven sugary drinks weekly, equal to about four childless women.They also had an average of 2,360 calories daily, 368 calories more than women without children.With that many calories, women that age would need to be active to avoid gaining weight.

  Fathers ate about the same amount of daily calories as childless men and both had an average body-mass index(指数), but fathers got less physical activity-about five hours weekly, compared to almost seven hours among childless men.

  The study has several limitations-there's no data on how many women recently had babies.There's also no information on the number of single parents, who likely face diet and exercise challenges.Sarah Krieger, an American dietician who works with new mothers said some of the mothers may have had postpartum(产后的)depression, which might affect their eating and exercise habits.


What does the author mainly aim to tell us in the passage?

[  ]


Childless couples live a much happier life than those with children.


Mothers will be unhealthy because of the postpartum depression.


Couples of young children eat more fatty foods and lead unhealthier lives.


Fathers tend to eat high calorie foods because they should run after their children.


The underlined part "in the best shape" in the first paragraph means that a person _________.

[  ]


is busy and tired


has a most harmonious family


enjoys the most happiness


is in the most healthy condition


Which of the following is NOT mentioned about mothers with children?

[  ]


They are less active.


They eat unhealthy foods.


They may feel unhappy after having babies.


They may lose their jobs after having babies.


What Dr.Berge says in Paragraph 4 suggests that _________.

[  ]


parents should pay more attention to their children


doctors should do something with parents' high-risk time period


the study has drawn attention of doctors and young parents


parents should not be blamed for having an unhealthy lifestyle


We can learn from the last paragraph that _________.

[  ]


the result of the study result is not completely convincing


the study was carried out in an unscientific way


single mothers are surely facing quite different situation


postpartum depression will help mothers to lead a healthier life


科目: 来源:山东省烟台市2011届高三适应性练习(一)英语试题 题型:050


  Roslyn High School on Long Island recently started a pilot program using iPads in some classrooms.

  A growing number of schools across the U.S.are using the iPad as the latest tool to teach Kafka in multimedia, history through games and math with step-by-step animation(动画)of complex problems.

  As part of a pilot program, Roslyn High School handed out 47 iPads on Dec.20, 2010 to the students and teachers in two humanities(人文学科)classes.The school district hopes to provide iPads eventually to all 1,100 of its students.

  The iPads are to be used in class and at home during the school year to replace textbooks, allow students to correspond with teachers and turn in papers and homework tasks, and preserve a record of student work in digital files.

  "It allows us to extend the classes beyond these four walls," said Larry Reiff, an English teacher at Roslyn who now posts all his course materials online.

  But educators are still divided over whether practices to give every student a laptop have made a difference academically,

  "There is very little evidence that kids learn more, faster or better by using these machines," said Larry Cuban, a retried professor of education at Stanford University."IPads are excellent tools to attract kids, but then the freshness wears off and you get into hard-core problems of teaching and learning."

  But school leaders say the iPad is not just a cool new toy but rather a powerful and multifunctional tool with a number of applications, including thousands with educational uses.

  "If there isn't an application that does something I need, there will be sooner or later," said Mr.Reiff, who said he now used an application that includes all of Shakespeare's plays.


The program of using iPads in class is _________.

[  ]


widely accepted by most schools in the United States


only an experimental one carried out in some schools


a compulsory one carried out by the U.S.government


encouraged and organized by the iPad company


The underlined part “these four walls" in Paragraph 5 refers to _________.

[  ]


school dormitory


school campus


teacher's office


school classroom


We can use iPads to do the following at school except _________.

[  ]


replace the school textbooks


keep digital record of homework


judge the teachers' teaching


communicate with teachers


The school leaders think highly of the iPad mainly because it is _________.

[  ]


cool and interesting


powerful and helpful


multifunctional and expensive


attractive and vivid


We can infer from the passage that _________.

[  ]


most old teachers are against the pilot program


students have achieved a lot after using iPads


teaching will become less important with the help of iPads


iPads will be used in more and more schools in the US


科目: 来源:山东省烟台市2011届高三适应性练习(一)英语试题 题型:050


  Ants have a reputation for strength, organization and teamwork.But researchers have now discovered that a key secret to the success of ants is their ability to identify the importance of age in the work place.

  A study of Central American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and stronger members are given the toughest job of cutting through the; leaves they harvest.Their sharp young teeth do this job effectively, but as they get older their teeth become relatively worn and blunt

  But rather than being retired or abandoned by the group, the ageing ants are given a new role more suited to their physical abilities.They become carriers and transport the leaves back to the kingdom where they are harvested for food.

  The findings by researchers from the University of Oregon and the Oregon State University support previous research showing the survival of a leaf-cutter kingdom depends on the efficiency(效率)of its workers.

  "Cutting leaves is hard work," said Dr.Robert Schofield, who led the research team."Much of the cutting is done with a V-shaped blade(刀片)between teeth on their jaws.This blade starts out as sharp as the sharpest razor blade that humans have developed." But over time the teeth become blunter and the cutting job slows down.The team estimated that, because of this age-related wear, a colony(蚁群)spent twice the energy cutting leaves than it would if all the ants had sharp blades.Its findings support the idea that wear and break can be significant problems for insects as well as larger animals.

  Like humans, leaf-cutter ants recognize that older members of the group can still make a worthwhile contribution to society."This study shows an advantage of social living that we are familiar with," said Dr.Schofield.


The younger and stronger ants do the toughest job because _________.

[  ]


they can transport the leaves effectively


they have a sharp blade to cut leaves


other members are busy with other work


they can finish the job in a better organized way


The underlined word "blunt" in the second paragraph can be replaced by _________.

[  ]


quite loose


less sharp


quite fragile


more dirty


What happens to the ants when they become old?

[  ]


They no longer have work to do.


They keep doing the same work.


They have to leave and live on themselves.


They are given a new worthwhile job.


It can be learned from the passage that _________.

[  ]


Dr.Schofield is the first to research leaf-cutter ants


older ants are more powerful in carrying leaves


large animals can also suffer from some kind of wear


leaf-cutter ants are the most -lever ants in the world


What can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


The key secret to the success of Ants


The developed structure of ant colony


The most challenging job for leaf-cutter ants


No V-shaped blade, no success of ants


科目: 来源:山东省烟台市2011届高三适应性练习(一)英语试题 题型:050


  Become a professional dog trainer, dog walker or pet sitter with our expert education and lifetime business support.

  Top Dog Trainers School will teach you everything you need to know about running your new business.A diploma from Top Dog Trainers School will take you into an enjoyable career with animals.

  ◆We help you create a profitable and successful business from the bottom up with little overhead costs.

  ◆We have 10 years of animal care experience.

  ◆We run a Dog Training business making over $150,000 per year.

  ◆You will learn how to rank your website at the top of search engines.

  ◆Hands-on experience with animals and customer relations.

  ◆We guide you through business insurance, taxes, licenses, and more.

  Dog Trainers Course

  In this 2 week course you will be taught how to run a profitable and enjoyable dog training business.

  You will have hands on experience training and caring for at least 12 dogs of all sorts ranging in size from a toy poodle to an Anatolian Shepherd.

  You will learn about all available training techniques and equipment so you can provide personalized training for your customers.

  We will train you how to run classes and private in-home lessons.

  How to run a safe and secure kennel(狗舍)including advance animal health care.

  Dog Walkers and Pet Sitters Course

  In this 1 week course you will have experience caring for over a dozen dogs, parrots, chickens, ducks, cats, and horses.

  We will teach you the secrets of successful dog walkers with hours of dog walking experience.

  We will teach you how to wash dogs and horses.

  We will teach you how to properly care for cats and birds.


Top Dog Trainer School aims to _________.

[  ]


help people to be excellent experienced walkers


teach people how to do business successfully


help people to start a career related with animals


earn some money by giving diplomas to its learners


We can infer from the passage that the Anatolian Shepherd, compared with a toy poodle, is ________

[  ]


much more expensive to buy


much smaller in size


more difficult to care for


more troublesome in training


Which of the following is not a promise made by the dog trainer school?

[  ]


To start your own business with affordable money.


To make a fortune after the training in the school.


To have wide experience in animal care.


To find a satisfactory job in this school.


Through the courses you will learn _________.

[  ]


the secrets of how to train the horses


how to take care of some pets and birds


how to search for business chances on the internet


how to keep your customers' houses clean and healthy


We can read the passage in the _________ part of a newspaper.

[  ]










科目: 来源:吉林省毓文中学2011届高三阶段综合测试英语试题 题型:050


  Two hours from the tall buildings of Manhattan and Philadelphia live some of the world’s largest black bears.They are in northern Pennsylvania’s Pocono Mountains, a home they share with an abundance of other wildlife.

  The streams, lakes, meadows, mountain ridges and forests that make the Poconos an ideal place for black bears,have also attracted more people to the region.Open spaces are threatened by plans for housing estates and important habitats are endangered by highway construction.To protect the Poconos’ natural beauty from irresponsible development, the Nature Conservancy(大自然保护协会)named the area one of America’s “Last Great Places”

  Operating out of a century-old schoolhouse in the village of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, the conservancy’s bud Cook is working with local people and business leaders to balance economic growth with environmental protection.By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area.

  Altemose’s family has farmed in the Pocono area for generations.Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.As a result, his family’s land can be protected from development and the Altemoses will be better able to provide a secure financial future for their 7-year-old grandson.

  Cook attributes the Conservancy’s success in the Poconos to having a local presence and a commitment to working with local residents

  “The key to protecting these remarkable lands is connecting with the local community,” Cook said.“The people who live there respect the land.They value quite forests, clear streams and abundant wildlife.They are eager to help with conservation effort.

  For more information on how you can help The Nature Conservancy protect the Poconos and the world’s other “Last Great Places,” please call 1-888-564 6864, or visit us on the World Wide Web at www.tnc.org.


The purpose in naming the Poconos as one of America’s “ Last Great Places “ is to _________.

[  ]


gain support from the local community


protect it from irresponsible development


make it a better home for black bears


provide financial security for future generations


We learn from the passage that _________.

[  ]


the population in the Pocono area is growing


wildlife in the Pocono area is dying out rapidly


the security of the Pocono residents is being threatened


farmlands in the Pocono area are shrinking fast


What is important in protecting the Poconos according to Cook?

[  ]


The setting up of an environmental protection website


Support from organizations like The Nature Conservancy


Cooperation with the local residents and business leaders


Inclusion of farmlands in the region’s protection program


The passage most probably is _________.

[  ]


an official document


a news story


an advertisement


a research report

