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科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


Count Me Out

  Call me old-fashioned.Call me old.Call me what you want, but I refuse to become part of this new Internet world.

  I do not possess a computer at home or at the office.Actually, I stopped going to an office 35 years ago, when all communications were done with a pen, a typewriter, or, if the matter was of world-shaking importance, over the telephone.Likewise, if you like something advertised in a newspaper or magazine, you visited the shop selling it at the given address, or you phoned the number shown.Then you spoke to the fellow and asked for further details.

  Tell me what you think of the following ad that appeared the other day in the newspaper.It was for a cure for cancer and this is what it said:“Awareness is the key.Visit spfulford.com at the awareness site.” There was no address or telephone number for the site.So what do unfortunate people without a computer do if they are seeking a cure for their illness?

  There are, I am told, certain advantages in having access to the Internet.You can, for example, send love messages across the world or even get married to someone that you meet online.This bit doesn’t interest me; I have been happily married for 60 years.There are, of course, other activities for Internet users besides finding love.They can pay bills, order groceries, or discuss with their doctors.

  And this is by no means all.More amazing things are yet to come in the near future.I read a newspaper report recently that quoted Stephen Hawking, an important British scientist.“The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm,” he said.“But, as technology advances, computers will become more complex, and a time may come when the Internet may develop ‘consciousness.’ In other words, the Internet will be able to think, have feelings, and may well be able to act on its own.”

  If Professor Hawking is right, I may change my attitude to computers.As I grow older each day, I would like one of those that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibilities for all my mistakes.


What’s the meaning of the title “Count Me Out”?

[  ]


Get me out of the Internet world.


Computers are trying to take control of life.


Modern technology pushes old people away.


Do not expect me to be a supporter of the Internet.


According to Paragraph 2, the author thinks computers are _________

[  ]










What might the author like about the future computer?

[  ]


Taking blames.


Curing illnesses.


Delivering messages.


Responding to emotions.


科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  When other nine-year-old kids were playing games, she was working at a petrol station.When other teens were studying or going out, she struggled to find a place to sleep on the street.But she overcame these terrible setbacks to win a highly competitive scholarship and gain entry to Harvard University.And her amazing story has inspired a movie, “Homeless to Harvard:The Liz Murray Story”, shown in late April.

  Liz Murray, a 22-year-old American girl, has been writing a real--life story of willpower and determination.Liz grew up in the shadow of two drug--addicted parents.There was never enough food or warm clothes in the house.Liz was the only member of the family who had a job.Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just 15 years old.The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life.Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died, she decided to do something about it.

  Liz went back to school.She threw herself into her studies, never telling her teachers that she was homeless.At night, she lived on the streets.“What drove me to live on had something to do with understanding, My understanding was that there was a whole other way of being.I had only experienced a small part of society,” she wrote in her book Breaking Night.

  She admitted that she used envy to drive herself on.She used the benefits that come easily to others, such as a safe living environment, to encourage herself that "next to nothing could hold me down".She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University.But Liz decided to leave her top university a couple of months earlier this year in order to take care of her father, who has also developed AIDS."I love my parents so much.They are drug addicts.But I never forget that they love me all the time."

    Liz wants moviegoers to come away with the idea that changing your life is "as simple as making a decision".


The word “setback” in the first paragraph most probably means _________?

[  ]










What’s the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Liz’s Harvard Dream


Bitter Childhood of Liz


Liz’s Love for Her Parents


Liz’s Struggle for Her Life


What actually made Liz throw herself into her studies?

[  ]


Her parents’ addiction to drugs


Her mother’ s disease


Lack of food and clothes


Her mother’ s death


According to the passage, which is NOT true about Liz?

[  ]










科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books.While he never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing.He was the inventor of basketball.

  Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA.One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students.Because of heavy snow, the students could not go outside.He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.

  It was on the very last day that James came up with his idea.The “birth of basketball” is said to be on December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game.It was quite different from the basketball games of today.It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs.Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special “basketballs” through nets.

  Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the Games in Berlin.


Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?

[  ]


Teach P.E in school.


Write some books.


Work at a hospital.


Take part in the Olympic Games.


In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?

[  ]










Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?

[  ]


It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.


It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.


It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.


It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.


At the time of Dr Naismith’s death, which of the following was true?

[  ]


Basketball was already a worldwide game.


Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.


Basketball was an Olympic sport.


Basketball was still played using footballs.


科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Why should I teach my children history? That sounds like a stupid question to even ask.But, as I hear different home schooling teachers discuss history, I get the idea that there may be different reasons for teaching history.Let me briefly explain the three good reasons for studying history and two bad reasons for studying history.

  The major reason I see for studying history is that we can learn from the past.I am convinced that the world would be a much better place if more people understood the successes and failures of the past and the things that made these successes and failures.However, as the unfortunately true statement goes "the one thing we seem to learn from history is that we don't seem to learn from history." Perhaps at least in teaching history to my children I can do a small part in changing this.

  A second major reason for studying history is that it is hard to understand the current political climate in the absence of an understanding of its historical context.We cannot even understand why we are and where we are without history, much less(更不必说)try to figure out where we are going or how we should get where we want to be.

  I teach my children history, for one more reason.I purchased a set of historical audio(录音机)tapes for our children.My seven-year-old son listened to them over and over.It was my hope that he would become inspired by the accomplishments of people like the Wright brothers to accomplish things by himself.I think that it is good that we celebrate the accomplishments of people like Martin Luther King Jr.if, in doing so, young people are called on to stand for the principles that he stood for and accomplish what he accomplished.I also think that by studying people like Adolph Hitler, people can learn to stand against the things that he stood for.


What message can we get from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?

[  ]


Many people aren't clever enough to learn well from the past.


Many people fail to make good use of history and make the same mistakes.


Many people feel it hard to understand history.


Many people have no interest in studying history.


In Paragraph 3, the author shows that history is useful because _________.

[  ]


it makes the current political situation go smoothly


it helps us realize the importance of historical events


it helps us understand why things are the way they are


it helps people accept the present situation where they live


What would be talked about in the following paragraph?

[  ]


How to teach history effectively.


Some negative reasons for studying history.


How to get more people to study history.


Some bad historical figures.


The main purpose of this passage is to _________.

[  ]


inspire the parents to teach their children history


show the importance of history in politics


explain the reasons why children study history


introduce the writer’s own way of teaching history


科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing.He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.

  One day he was walking along the shore.As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer.He smiled to himself at the thought that someone would dance on the beach.So he began to walk faster to catch up.

  As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

  As he got closer he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?”

  The young man paused, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish in the ocean.” “I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?” “The sun is up and the tide is going out, and if I don’t throw them in they’ll die.”

  “But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it.You can’t possibly make a difference!”

  The young man listened politely, then he bent down, picked another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one.”

  There is something very special in each and every one of us.We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference.And if we can know that gift, we will gain through the strength of our visions the power to shape the future.

  We must each find our starfish.And if we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be better.


One day, the wise man saw the young man _________

[  ]


dancing along the beach


walking with a dancer


picking up starfish for sale


trying to save as many starfish as possible


Near the end of the passage, “something very special” refers to _________

[  ]


the gifts from friends


the strength of making decision


our own starfish


the ability of shaping one’s own future


From the last two paragraphs, we can learn that ________

[  ]


the wise man realized something new and important


the wise man thought it was foolish of the young man to throw starfish into the ocean


the young man had the ability to make a difference


it is necessary for us to save starfish on the beach


The writer told this story in order to show us _________

[  ]


how and where we can write a good article


everyone can do something for the future


wise men are sometimes stupid


young people are actually wiser than old people


科目: 来源:河北省衡水中学2010-2011学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050



Which part of the China Pavilion should people go to if they are interested in the four great inventions?

[  ]


The ground floor.


The second floor.


The third floor.


The top floor.


What is the typical feature of the UK Pavilion?

[  ]


People can see it on line.


It is the largest national pavilion.


People can see 60,000 seeds here.


All the seeds are from the UK.


Which of the following can best explain the meaning of “a green pavilion”?

[  ]


A pavilion using green energy.


A pavilion painted in green.


A pavilion with more sunshine.


A pavilion with cleaner air.


科目: 来源:河北省冀州中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  The day was Thankful Thursday.It's a weekly tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago.Thursday has become our day to go out and make a positive contribution.On this particular Thursday, we had no idea exactly what we were going to do.At noon, I drove to a McDonald’s with my daughters because they kept complaining that they hadn’t had enough to eat at breakfast.There we saw some homeless people in the street and we bought lunch for them.

  We were about to complete when we found a small woman standing at the corner, asking for change.We handed her some food, and then started to head home.Suddenly from the mirror of the car, I saw the woman waving at us, so I had to turn around and stopped where the small woman stood.She walked to our car, and said, "Thank you, lady! No one has ever done anything like this for me before." I replied, "Well, I'm glad that we were the first." Feeling uneasy, and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, "So, when do you think you'll eat your lunch?"

  She just looked at me with her huge, tired brown eyes and said, "Oh honey, I'm not going to eat this lunch." I was confused, but before I could say anything, she continued."You see, I have a little girl of my own at home and she just loves McDonald's, but I can never buy it for her because I just don't have the money.But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald's!"

  I don't know if the kids noticed the tears in my eyes.So many times I had questioned whether our Acts of Kindness were too small to have effect on those poor people.Yet at that moment, I realized the truth of Mother Teresa's words:"We cannot do great things-only small things with great love."


According to this passage, the small woman was _________.

[  ]


too happy to stand at the corner


too eager to ask for more food


too poor to buy McDonald’s


too busy to care for her daughter


What can we know from the passage?

[  ]


The author finally realized what she did was of use to the poor.


The author would stop doing her acts of kindness to the poor.


The author’s daughters found their mother cried at the end of the day.


The author’s daughters would make friends with the woman’s daughter.


What would be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


No Pains No Gains


No Pleasure Without Pain


No Small Act of Kindness


No Sweet Without Sweat


科目: 来源:河北省冀州中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  In a book called Magnificent Obsession, by Lloyd C.Douglas, a description is given of people helping others but doing it secretly.When difficult problems worried an individual, friends nearby would meet to discuss possible solution without the individual knowing their actions.When a solution was agreed upon, one or two of the friends would carry out the plan and solve the problem secretly, to the great delight of the worried individual.The helpers would stand by privately, content with their success.No reward was given to the problem solvers, not even a sincere “thank you”, because they were never known.

  This concept is popular today but in a different way.The phrase “pay it forward” is now used when one person helps another.However, the person helped may not be able to repay the person or group that helped them.So rather than return the favor to their helpers, they are supposed to help someone else in the future, which means they pay it forward.It is a sense of responsibility which makes us want to give back in equal measure to the one who has helped us.But, in this case, the responsibility turns to helping someone in the future.

  Suppose your elderly grandmother pays part of your schooling.She may tell you there is no need to repay her because it is a gift from someone who loves you very much.Nothing would please her more than to have you use her money to get a good education.

  You may never be able to repay her for such a gift.However, she not only gave you some money, but she provided you with an example that you should also help other people who need it.

  People with serious needs are everywhere.Many are children who need better clothes, more books and even better schools.Some are elderly people who can’t afford their medicine or a doctor’s care.Consider how you can “pay it forward” rather than pay money back to your grandmother.


The underlined word “pay it forward” means _________.

[  ]


to repay someone who has helped you


to pay someone else who needs help


to help someone who has helped you


to help someone else who needs help


What does the writer suggest with the example of “your elderly grandmother”?

[  ]


We should learn to respect our grandparents.


We should work hard to get a good education.


We should also lend a hand to other people in need of help.


We should never forget to repay people for their help.


From the passage we know _________.

[  ]


everybody needs help


more children need help than elderly people


it costs a lot of money to “pay it forward”


nowadays many people help others without being repaid


By writing the passage, the author wishes people in the world to be _________.

[  ]










科目: 来源:河北省冀州中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  It may help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.At some point in every speech, every speaker says something that is not understood exactly as he has planned.Fortunately, the moments are usually not obvious to the listeners.Why? Because the listeners do not know what the speaker plans to say.They hear only what the speaker does say.If you lose your place for a moment, wrongly change the order of a couple of sentences, or forget to pause at a certain point, no one will be any the wiser.When such moments occur, don’t worry about them, Just continue as if nothing happened.

  Even if you do make an obvious mistake during a speech, that don’t really matter.If you have ever listened to Martin Luther King’s famous speech-“I have a dream”, you may notice that he stumble(结巴)his words twice during the speech.Most likely, however, you don’t remember.Why? Because you were fixing your attention on is message rather than on his way of speech-making.People care a lot about making mistakes in a speech because they regard speech-making as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication.They feel the listeners are like judges in an ice-skating competition.But, in fact, the listeners are not looking for a perfect performer.They are looking for a well-thought-out speech that express the speaker’s ideas clearly and directly.Sometimes a mistake or two can actually increase a speakers’ attractiveness by making him more human.

  As you work on your speech, don’t worry about being imperfect.Once you free your mind of this, you will find it much easier to give your speech freely.


The underlined part in the first paragraph means that no one will _________.

[  ]


be smarter than you


notice your mistakes


do better than you


know what you are talking about


You don’t remember obvious mistakes in a speech because _________.

[  ]


your attention is on the content


you don’t fully understand the speech


you don’t know what the speaker plans to say


you find the way of speech-making more important


It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

[  ]


giving a speech is like giving a performance


one to two mistakes in a speech may not be bad


the listeners should pay more attention to how a speech is made


the more mistakes a speaker makes, the more attractive he will be


What would be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


How to Be a Perfect Speaker


How to Make a Perfect Speech


Don’t Expect a Perfect Speech


Don’t Expect Mistakes in a Speech


科目: 来源:河北省冀州中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  It is a matter of common observation that although incomes keep going up over the years,people never seem to become much better off! Prices are rising continuously.The condition is termed(称作)one kind 0f inflation, the money supply is becoming inflated so that each unit of it becomes less valuable.People have got used in recent years to higher and higher rates of inflation.

  What could be bought ten years ago for one dollar now costs well over two dollars.It seems that this rate of inflation is tending to rise rather than to fall.If in the real world our money incomes go up at the same rate as prices,one might think that inflation does not matter.But it does when money is losing value,it lacks one of the qualities of a good money---stability(稳定)of value.It is no longer acceptable as a store of value;and it becomes an unsuitable standard of deferred(延期)payments.Nobody wants to hold a wasting possession,so people try to get rid of money as quickly as possible.Inflation therefore stimulates people spending,and prevents people from saving.


What does inflation mean?

[  ]


People’s money becomes more valuable


The problem of employment will be solved.


It’s easier for people to find better paying jobs.


Money keeps losing its value.


From the passage.we can know inflation _________.

[  ]


seldom happens


is very common at present


is a must


has become less in recent years


According to the passage,if incomes and prices rise together _________

[  ]


the business will become better


money will hold its value


inflation won’t be a problem


inflation will remain to be a problem


In a period of inflation,people are likely to _________.

[  ]


put much money on the stock market(股市)


stop spending money


hold on to money as a dependable possession


spend money as soon as possible

