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科目: 来源:安徽省省城名校2012届高三第一次联考英语试题 题型:050


  It was an exciting day when Thomas Finger looked inside the nose of a small black mouse.Finger had borrowed the animal from another scientist.It was not your average mouse.The mouse's genes had been changed so that the taste buds(味蕾)on its tongue turned green when you shined light on them-like a secret message written in secret ink.

  But no one had ever looked inside its nose.When Finger finally did look there with a microscope, he saw thousands of green cells.“It was like looking at little green stars at night,” says Finger,

  Seeing that green starry sky was Finger's first glimpse of a new world.If he and other scientists are right, we don't taste things just on our tongues.Other parts of our body can also taste things-our nose, our stomach, even our lungs!

  You might think of taste as something that you experience when you put chocolate in your mouth-or chicken soup, or salt.But for you to taste chocolate or chicken soup, special cells on your tongue have to tell the brain that they detected chemicals that are in the food.We have at least five kinds of these chemical-detecting cells(commonly called taste cells)on our tongues:cells that detect salt, sweet compounds(混合物), sour things, bitter things and savory(香的)things like meat or broth.

  It's these chemical-sensing cells that scientists are now finding all over the body.“I'll bet you that in terms of total number of cells,” says Finger, “there are more[taste cells]outside the mouth than inside the mouth.”

  This gives us clues about other functions the sense of taste has in our bodies.It could also help scientists find new treatments for certain diseases.


In which way is Finger's mouse different from a common one?

[  ]


Its nose has chemical-detecting cells.


Its tongue can change color.


Its tongue has more taste cells.


Its nose is green.


What Finger saw inside the mouse's nose is ________

[  ]


a kind of cell detecting salt


a kind of gene like a star


a surprising finding


a secret message


From the passage, we may conclude that Finger's finding ________

[  ]


helps find more functions of the sense of taste


helps find more functions of the tongue


will cause quarrels among scientists


will prevent some diseases


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Green stars in a mouse's mouth.


Taste cells.


New chemical-sensing cells.


Full-body taste.


科目: 来源:安徽省省城名校2012届高三第一次联考英语试题 题型:050


  Dozens of Chicago teenagers on Monday told a small group of elected officials about their need for summer jobs to save for college, pay for food and, in some cases, avoid homelessness.

  This summer, Illinois is facing the loss of 18,000 jobs for teenagers.The loss comes as teen unemployment in the state has reached a record-high rate of 27.5 percent.

  Experts say that the slow recovery and the high unemployment rate have forced older workers to take positions for younger workers.

  Jim Zeckhauser, the manager of a Chicago social service agency for troubled teens, said he used to be able to place dozens of teens in jobs before the financial crisis.This year, he has been able to place only about seven of the 34 teenagers he guides in summer jobs.“It's a struggle to find firms,” he said.

  Brent Weiss, owner of Uncle Dan's, an outdoor-gear retailer with locations in Chicago, Evanston and Highland Park, said he is more selective about the workers that he hires, acknowledging that he is more likely to hire college students than teens, and like many other small business he is doing more with fewer workers.

  Chicage-area small business say they are taking a wait-and-see approach to expanding their businesses and hiring more workers.They blame increasing gasoline prices and a lack of consumer confidence.

  Nationwide, teens ago 16 to 19 have seenthe biggest drop in employment during the past decade.In 2010, the employment rate for that age group was 26 percent, the lowest since Workld war II, according to a report by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University In 2000, employment rate for the same group was 45 percent.

  If the trend continues, only one in four teenagers will hold a job this summer, according to the report.Many of the unemployed will likely be black males living in low-income communities.


According to the passage, why do some Chicago teenagers want to take a job?

[  ]


To know more about the society.


to get some career experience.


To buy some new clothes.


To support their education.


Teen workers face competition from ________

[  ]


adult workers and foreign students


older workers and college students


younger workers and college students


foreign workers and high students


According to the passage, which of the following is not the cause of the low teen employment rate?

[  ]


High gasoline price.


The financial crisis.


A lack of teenager confidence.


The slow economic recovery.


It can be inferred that workers in Chicago-area small businesses ________

[  ]


are busier


are paid higher


have more free time


received higher education


科目: 来源:安徽省省城名校2012届高三第一次联考英语试题 题型:050


  Some years ago I took on an assignment in a southern county to work with people on public welfare.What I wanted to do was show that everybody has the capacity to be self-sufficient(自给自足的), and all we have to do is to activate them.I asked the county to pick a group of people who were on public welfare, people from different racial groups and different family constellations.I would then see them as a group for three hours every Friday.

  The first thing I said after I shook hands with everybody was, “I would like to know what your dreams are.” Everyone looked at me in surprise

  “Dreams? We don't have dreams.”

  I said, “Well, when you were a kid what happened? Wasn't there something you wanted to do?”

  I began to ask other people about their dreams.One woman shared that she always wanted to be a secretary.I said, “Well, what stands in your way?”(That's always my next question.)

  She said, “I have six kids, and I don't have anyone to take care of them while I'm away.”

  “Let's find out,” I said.

  “Is there anybody in this group who would take care of six kids for a day or two a week while this woman gets some training here at the community college?”

  One woman said, “I got kids, too, but I could do that.”

  “Let's do it,” I said.A plan was created and the woman went to school.

  Everyone found something.The woman who looked after the children became a licensed babysitter.In 12 weeks I had all these people off public welfare.I've not only done that once, I've done it many time.


It can be inferred that people on public welfare ________

[  ]


don't have dreams


don't have homes


are well-educated


are unemployed


By talking with these people, the writer ________

[  ]


accepted them


changed them


surprised them


united them


Before going to school, the woman with six children ________

[  ]


took a part-time a job


was a housewife


worked as a secretary


was divorced


From the passage, we can conclude that ________

[  ]


each can realize a dream


we should live in a dream world


a good plan helps us succeed


we can help ourselves by helping others


科目: 来源:安徽省省城名校2012届高三第一次联考英语试题 题型:050


  Here's this week's list of five open jobs throughout the local area.Whether you're unemployed and need a job or you are just sick of the one you have, Roswell Patch wants to help.We know new jobs can be hard to come by these days, which is why we'll try to post a selection of jobs we've found in the area on the site each week.Happy hunting!

  Part-time Spanish Instructor-World Language Institute, Inc.-Roswell.

  World Language Institute, Inc.in Roswell is currently hiring a part-time, native-speaking Spanish instructor.Applicants must be able to pass a back groundcheck and drive a 15-passenger bus to pick up students from several schools, from 2 p. m.-6 p. m.Monday-Friday.The position pays ¥10 per hour.More information about the job is available online.

  Experienced Servers-Chill's-Alpharetta

  Chili's in Alpharetta is seeking experienced servers to add to its team.Qualifications will include being clean and neat and having great attitude and customer service skills.The pay is¥2.13, plus tips.Stop by the store to fill out an application.More information about this position is available online.

  Registered Nurese-North Fulton Regional Hospital-Roswell

  North Fulton Regional Hospital is looking for a RN/Registered Nurse to fill a 12-hour night shift.Applicants must be registered and previous hospital experience is preferred.More information about the position is available online.

  Software Engineer-ControlScan-Alpharetta

  ControlScan in Alpharetta is hiring a software engineer.Applicants should have five or more years of relevant experience, as well as advanced knowledge of computer technology.Pay is commensurate(相称)with experience.More information about the position can be found online.


Where can we most probably rend the passage?

[  ]


In a newspaper.


On a website.


In a magazine.


In a textbook.


What does the underlined word "sick" mean?

[  ]










World Language Institute, Inc.is looking for ________.

[  ]


a school bus driver.


a full-time teacher


a Spanish teacher


a Spanish manager


Who will mainly work at night?

[  ]


Jane, hired by North Fulton Regional Hospital.


John, hired by World Language Institute.Inc.


Robert, hired by ControlScan.


Sally, hired by Chili's.


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Long before they became doctors, lawyers, CEO’s or real estate developers, they played in garage bands and maybe even dreamed of becoming rock stars.That’s why they signed up for Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy Camp.

  For nearly a week, the mostly middle-aged “campers” had practiced in the West 54th Street studios.They came from as far away as London and Tokyo and as close as Long Island and downtown New York to prepare for their moment of onstage glory.

  “I feel like I’m 18 again,” said Jerry Goldberg, a 60-year-old investment banker and guitar player, whose family was in the audience.” I admit that I felt a little uncertain when I first got here, but this has turned out to be a wonderful experience, one of the greatest of my life.”

  Everybody has two businesses, their own business and show business.This can be a life-changing experience for them.Mr.Daltrey, who has appeared at several fantasy camps, was asked why he keeps coming back.

  “I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be doing this, that it's bad for my image,” he acknowledged.“But that’s rubbish.Look, it’s all so positive, and everybody is having so much fun.So what’s bad about that?”

  Jeff Munger, a drummer and rancher(农场主)said.“I’m at a point in my life where I’m going to spend my money on things I’m passionate about, and I’m absolutely crazy about music.”

  Most of the campers are successful executives or professionals:a founder of the Oracle Computer Company, a businessman whose father invented the Big Mac, a plastic surgeon, presidents of health care and seafood companies.


This text is mainly about _________.

[  ]


a music course for the elderly people


a pop club for professional musicians


a rock music camp for music lovers


a studio for wealthy businessmen


What do the middle aged campers have in common?

[  ]


They are all interested in charity.


They are all passionate about music.


They are all retired business people.


They were all rock stars when they were young.


According to the text, Mr.Daltrey _________.

[  ]


once played in a garage band


has come with his family


has joined in the camp a couple of times


is very careful about his image


We can infer from the text that the campers _________.

[  ]


enjoy their regular jobs


come from different countries


do part-time jobs


have a great many fans


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Employees are being flooded with too much information that has little to do with their work, according to a new survey.

  On average, white-collar workers spend 51 percent of their work time receiving and processing information.Only one third of it was relevant to their work, the survey found.Information overload for white collar workers has become a global issue.The huge amount of information has already affected their efficiency in management as well as their performance at work.

  Buried with e-mails

  Every morning, a secretary at the human resources department of an auto parts company opens her e-mail box, only to find it crammed with at least 50 unread mails.For her, even scanning through these e-mails every day takes at least half an hour.Some of her colleagues are not so lucky-they have to read at least 100.

  Bothered with calls

  Telephone calls are also causing a problem.More than 40 percent white-collar workers chose mobile phones as the preferred way to communicate important and urgent business matters.

  Talking saves time and energy over the clicking, reading and replying to e-mails, but phone calls are also more distracting(分心的).While answering a call, a clerk is likely to put away a much more important task at hand and start the business being talked about on the phone.

  Solution? Not yet.

  Many companies start with providing staff with better computers, better Internet access and more advanced gadgets(装置).For example, staff members above a certain level in one company will be provided with a blackberry phone for easier access to their e-mails.The company has also organized many lectures on efficient ways of e-mail management.Yet most white-collar workers think their companies can do more.


What does the new survey find about white-collar workers?

[  ]


They spend 51% of their work time on meetings.


Only half of the information they receive is useful.


Over 60% of them prefer to use the telephone.


Some of them have to read at least 100 e-mails every day.


Telephone calls cause a problem because _________.

[  ]


they take up the time to receive and send e-mails


they are often not answered


they are mostly not about business


they may lead to the changing of work schedule


How do some companies try to solve the problem of information overload?

[  ]


They start to give staff a pay rise.


They plan to employ more people.


They provide employees with more advanced equipment.


They organize lectures on how to reduce stress.


What is the major issue discussed in this text?

[  ]


Poor management leads to inefficiency at work.


Junk mail is causing big trouble.


White-collar workers suffer from information overload.


Better computers are in need in workplaces.


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  If teens could reduce the salt they take in every day by 3,000 milligrams(mg), they would cut their risk of heart disease and stroke(中风)greatly in adulthood, researchers say.

  Based on the results of a computer modeling analysis, researchers found that a 3,000 mg reduction in sodium()by teenagers could reduce hypertension by 30 percent to 43 percent when they become adults.

  Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that may have no symptoms for years, but can eventually cause serious health conditions, including heart attack and stroke.

  Other benefits over time as teens hit 50 years of age include a 7-12 percent reduction in coronary heart disease(冠心病), an 8-14 percent reduction in heart attacks, and a 5-8 percent reduction in stroke.

  Fast food typically contains too much sodium.One bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos has 310 milligrams.Pizza is one of the biggest problems for teens when it comes to sodium, according to data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

  “The additional benefit of lower salt intake early is that we can hopefully change the expectations of how food should taste, ideally to something slightly less salty,” says Dr.Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, the lead author of the study and associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

  “Most of the salt we eat is not from our salt shaker(盐瓶), but salt that is already added in food that we eat.” she added.


Which is a benefit of a low sodium diet according to the text?

[  ]


No risk of heart disease.


Smaller chance of stroke.


Low blood pressure.


Slightly more heart attacks.


According to the text, 3,000 mg less salt intake daily will reduce hypertension by _________ in adulthood.

[  ]










What does Dr Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo mean in the last two paragraphs?

[  ]


A lower sodium diet can get teenagers used to less salty food.


A good eating habit can help teens have less junk food.


Teens should avoid pizzas and other salty foods.


We can add more salt from our salt shaker to the food.


Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

[  ]


Teens Cutting Salt for Healthier Adulthood


Diet and Health


Sodium Brings Health Concerns


A Cause of Hypertension


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  As the forceful king of Macedonia(马其顿), Alexander the Great overthrew the Persian Empire, becoming a hero that would survive centuries after his death.

  Born in 356 B.C., Alexander III was the son of Philip II and Olympias.Alexander’s parents wanted him to receive the finest education, and arranged for him to study under Aristotle, regarded as one of the greatest scholars.

  Alexander’s father was a strong leader.Philip II built an impressive army and established the Macedonian kingdom; he was even planning to attack Persia shortly before his death.

  In 336, Philip was murdered by one of his guards.Although it was obvious that the guard had a personal hatred, there are clues that other people were related to it.

  After Alexander was cleared as a suspect, he succeeded his father without opposition, and killed those said to be responsible for his father’s murder, as well as all rivals.He was then just 20 years old.He then prepared to attack Persia.

  In the spring of 334, Alexander led the army made up of nearly 50,000 soldiers into Asia, which is called “the most powerful military expedition ever to leave Greece”, He soundly defeated the Persian army at the Granicus River, sending a strong message to Darius III, leader of the Persian Empire.

  In 333, Alexander faced Darius at Issus, a mountain pass.The Macedonian army was greatly outnumbered but able to work the narrow mountain passageway to their advantage.Darius managed to escape.Continuing down the Mediterranean Coast, Alexander took every city in his path.

  In 332 Alexander declared Egypt to be part of the Greek Empire and was crowned Pharaoh(法老).

  When Alexander left Egypt in 331, he defeated the Persians again and was crowned leader of Asia.

  In 323, however, Alexander developed a fever on the way back home and died 10 days later at Babylon.He was just 33 years old.


What can we know about Philip’s death?

[  ]


He was killed by someone intending to take power from him.


Alexander sent someone who hated Philip to kill him.


His death was related to his plan of fighting Persia.


The murder might be organized by a group of people.


The Macedonian army could defeat the Persians at Issus mainly because _________.

[  ]


Darius didn’t command his army in the battlefield


Macedonian soldiers were more than the Persian soldiers


Macedonian soldiers could fight better at the mountain pass


Macedonia was more powerful than the Persian Empire


In which order did Alexander do the following things?

a.Totally overthrew the Persian Empire.

b.Defeated the Persian army at Issus.

c.Was crowned Pharaoh of Egypt.

d.Defeated the Persian army at the Granicus River.

e.Became the leader of Macedonia.

[  ]


e, d, b, c, a


d, e, a, c, b


e, b, d, c, a


d, a, c, e, b


According to the passage, we can infer _________.

[  ]


Aristotle taught Alexander how to defeat other nations


Alexander was happy about his father’s death


Persia is tougher to defeat than Egypt


Macedonia soon declined after Alexander died


科目: 来源:重庆市重庆一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  It is six o’clock in the morning.You are asleep in my left arm and I am learning the art of one-handed typing.Your mother, more tired yet more happy than I’ve ever known her, is sound asleep in the room next door.

  When you’re older we’ll tell you that you were born in Hong Kong in the lunar year of the pig.“It's a boy, so lucky,” our neighbours told us.They said you were the first baby to be born in the block this year.This, they told us, was good Feng Shui, in other words, a positive sign.Naturally your mother and I were only too happy to believe that.

  Your coming has turned me upside down and inside out.I am pained by the memory of each suffering child I have come across on my journeys as a journalist.To tell you the truth, it’s nearly too much for me to even think of the children being hurt and abused and killed.

  Last October, in Afghanistan, when you were growing inside your mother, I met Sharja, aged twelve, motherless, fatherless, guiding me through the grey ruins of her home.Everything was gone, she told me.

  There is another memory of Rwanda, and the churchyard where I found a mother and her three young children huddled(蜷缩)together where they’d been beaten to death.The children had died holding on to their mother.

  Daniel, these memories explain some of the protectiveness I feel for you, and the occasional moments of blind terror when I imagine anything bad happening to you.


We can see that this text is written to _________.

[  ]


the author’s wife


the author’s neighbour




a suffering child


The author mentions some of his painful memories because _________.

[  ]


he wants his son to care for others


he feels more pain thinking about them as a father


he hopes to forget the tragedies he witnessed


his experience has affected his mental health


The underlined word “blind” in the last paragraph means _________.

[  ]


unable to see




not clear


not based on reason


Which of the following words best describes the author’s feeling when typing this text?

[  ]










科目: 来源:湖南省长沙一中2012届高三上学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Predicting when an earthquake or volcanic eruption will take place is extremely difficult, even with the advanced technological equipment available to modern scientists.There are some people, however, who believe they can sense when a major geological(地质学上的)event is coming.They claim to be "earthquake sensitive".

  Sensitivity to the earth's movements, according to those who say they have it, is revealed in different ways.Some say they are unusually clumsy and keep dropping things and having small accidents just before a big event.Others suddenly have a strong desire to eat popcorn, and don' t know why.Though it may sound crazy, they say it tells them that a big earthquake is less than 24 hours away.

  The most common sign of an approaching disaster among earthquake sensitive people is said to be a bad headache.Arguably the first person to connect her own headaches to coming geological events was an American woman called Charlotte, King.She became famous for her prediction of the eruption of Washington's Mr.St.Helens on May 18, 1980, when she was accurate to within 12 minutes of the actual event.

  King was tested by doctors and scientists and found to possess unusual hearing abilities.She could hear sounds in frequencies that most human beings cannot, and claimed to have been hearing such sounds since 1976.Three years later, she noticed that when the sounds changed in pitch or rhythm, giving her unpleasant headaches, a large earthquake would be reported within 72 hours.


It is stated in the first paragraph that there may be _________.

[  ]


people who are able to detect earthquake activity


people who are developing new methods of preventing earthquakes


new machines to help earthquake sensitive people make predictions


new machines that will soon be able to accurately predict earthquakes


Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Charlotte King


A magical ability


Human vs Machine


Earthquake and volcanic eruption


Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a sign of an approaching earthquake?

[  ]


A very loud noise.


A painful headache.


An urge to eat popcorn.


A tendency to drop things.


Charlotte King became well known because she _________.

[  ]


timed an earthquake to within 12 minutes


correctly predicted a big volcanic eruption


can make sounds other people cannot hear


is smarter than many doctors and scientists


What enables Charlotte King to predict a geological event?

[  ]


The headache.


The frequency of a sound.


Her special hearing ability.


The pitch or rhythm of a sound.

