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科目: 来源:湖北省黄冈中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  The famous American gorilla(大猩猩)expert Diane Fossey had a completely new way to study gorillas-she pretended(假装)to be one of them.She copied their actions and way of life-eating plants and getting down on her hands and knees to walk the way a gorilla does.It was a new relationship.

  Diane Fossey was murdered in Rwanda in 1985 and her story was made into the popular film Gorillas in the Mist.It was a long way from King Kong, which is about a gorilla as a monster(a frightening animal), and helped to show a new idea:the real monster is man, while the gorilla is to be admired.

  Today there are thought to be around 48,000 lowland gorillas and maybe 400-500 mountain gorillas in the wild.From the Congo in West Africa, to Rwanda and Uganda further east, they are endangered(put in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged)by hunting and by the cutting down of their forest homes.

  Some time ago, I found in my letterbox a little magazine from the World Wide Fund for Nature.It had two photos side by side.One was of a young gorilla.“This is a species(物种)of mammal(哺乳类动物),” said the words below it.“It is being destroyed by man.We must save it for our own good.” The other photo showed a human baby.The words also read:“This is a species of mammal,” but then went on:“It is the most destructive(破坏性的)on earth.We must retrain it for its own good.”


The text mainly talks about ________.

[  ]


Diane Fossey


the gorillas in Rwanda


the protection of the gorillas


the film Gorillas in the Mist


We can learn from the text that ________.

[  ]


Gorillas in the mist was based on Fossey's experiences


lowland gorillas live longer than mountain gorillas


King Kong showed us that a gorilla is admirable


Diane Fossey was murdered by a gorilla


What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?

[  ]


Gorillas are man's close friends.


Both man and the gorilla need to be saved.


Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies.


Man should live peacefully with the gorilla.


科目: 来源:浙江省东阳市南马高中2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  There's an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels.Millions of us get up each morning already weary over the day holds.“I just can't get started.” People say.But it's not physical energy that most of us lack.Sure, we could all use extra sleep and a better diet.But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history.I can almost guarantee that if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.

  What you're seeking is not physical energy.It's emotional energy.Yet, sad to say life sometimes seems designed to exhaust our supply.We work too hard.We have family obligations(义务).We encounter(遭遇)emergencies and personal crises.No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue(疲劳), a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.

  And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives.Even as a child I observed people who were poor or disabled or ill, but who nevertheless faced life with optimism and vigor(活力).Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite

  an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit.Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of bed to write.But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share.It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.Unlike physical energy, which is finite(有限的)and diminishes(减少)with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing.So how do you get it? You can't simply tell yourself to be positive.You must take action.Here are six practical strategies that work.

  1.Do something new.

  Very little that's new occurs in our lives.The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge:It's like a tire(轮胎)with a slow leak(漏).You don't notice it at first, but eventually you'll get a flat.It's up to you to plug the leak-even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life.That's where Maura, 36, a waitress, found herself a year ago.Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline-a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives.Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life altering changes.She joined a gym in the next town.She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts.Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.Here's a challenge:If it's something you wouldn't ordinarily do, do it.Try a dish you've never eaten.Listen to music you'd ordinarily tune out.You'll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.

  2.Reclaim life's meaning.

  So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went stale(厌倦的).The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it.A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking.“I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something.” she says.“But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life.” Ivy's solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children.In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.

  3.Put yourself in the fun zone.

  Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived(缺乏的).High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation.A real estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients(客户).“I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like with a little tender loving care,” she says.“It's a challenge-and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun.” We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this:If you put just a bit of it into your day, you energy will increase quickly.

  4.Bid farewell(告别)to guilt and regret.

  Everyone's past is filled with regrets that still cause pain.But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from moving forward.While they can't merely be willed away, I do recommend you remind yourself that whatever happened in the past, nothing can change that.Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.

  5.Make up your mind.

  Say you've been thinking about cutting your hair short.Will it look stylish-or too extreme? You endlessly think it over.Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.Every time you can't decide, you burden yourself with alternatives.Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don't look back.

  6.Give to get.

  Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality:the more you give, the more you get back.This is the difference between emotional and physical energy with the latter.You have to get it to be able to give it.With the former, however, you get it by giving it.Start by asking everyone you meet, “How are you?” as if you really want to know, and then listen to the reply.Be the one who hears.Most of us also need to smile more often.If you don't smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you're sucking energy out of your relationship.Finally, help another person-and make the help real, concrete.Give a massage to someone you love, or cook her dinner, then, expand the circle to work.Try asking yourself what you'd do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient.After all, if it's true that what goes around comes around, why not make sure that what's circulating around you is the good stuff?


Laura Hillenbrand is an example quoted to show how ________ in life.

[  ]


physical energy can contribute to one's unsuccess


emotional energy can contribute to one's success


physical energy can contribute to one's success


emotional energy can contribute to one's unsuccess


The author believes emotional energy is ________.

[  ]


inherited and genetically determined


related to inherited and genes


not inherited and genetically determined


related to inherited and upbringing


Even small changes people make in their lives ________ their emotional energy.

[  ]


cannot help control


cannot help increase


can help control


can help increase


Ivy filled her life with meaning by launching a program to ________.

[  ]


help herself


teach herself


teach poor children


help poor children


The real-estate broker the author knows enjoyed ________.

[  ]


redecorating the houses


mentally redecorating the houses


the same day-to-day work


defining fun differently


科目: 来源:浙江省东阳市南马高中2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may scar a child's personality and predispose to emotional problems in later life.Some people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlby's work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails, and many people do believe this.But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion.

  Firstly, anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents found in modern societies does not usually exist in traditional societies.For example, we saw earlier that among the Ngoni the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alone——far from it.

  Secondly, common sense tells us that day care would not so widespread today if parents, caretakers found children had problems with it.Statistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out, and even if they were, the results would be certain to be complicated and controversial.

  Thirdly, in the last decade, there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care, and they have reported that day care had a neutral or slightly positive effect on children's development.But tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue.But Bowlby's analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effects.The possibility that such care might lead to, say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statistics.

  Whatever the long-term effects, parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with.Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappiness.At the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy, and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this time.The matter, then, is far from clear-cut, though experience and available evidence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants.


This passage primarily argues that ________.

[  ]


infants under the age of three should not be sent to nursery schools.


whether children under the age of three should be sent to nursery schools.


there is not negative long-term effect on infants who are sent to school before they are three.


there is some negative effect on children when they are sent to school after the age of three.


The phrase “predispose to”(Para.1, line 2)most probably means ________.

[  ]


tend to suffer


get into


get into dispose to


lead to


According to Bowlby's analysis, it is quite possible that ________.

[  ]


Children's personalities will be changed to some extent through separation from their parents.


children will be exposed to many negative effects from early day care later on.


early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children.


some long-term effects can hardly be reduced from children's development.


It is implied but not stated in the second paragraph that ________.

[  ]


traditional societies separate the child from the parent at an early age.


Children in modern societies cause more troubles than those in traditional societies.


A child did not live together with his parents among the Ngoni.


Children in some societies did not have emotional problems when separated from the parents.


The writer concludes that ________.

[  ]


it is difficult to make clear what is the right age for nursery school.


It is not settled now whether early care is reasonable for children.


It is not beneficial for children to be sent to nursery school.


It is reasonable to subject a child above three to nursery school.


科目: 来源:浙江省东阳市南马高中2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  No woman can be too rich or too thin.This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times.Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.The

  problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it.I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes.Consequently, I have been on a diet for the better-or worse-part of my life.Being rich wouldn't be bad either, but that won't happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars.Where did we go off the track? When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent? All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity's seven deadly sins.However, until quite recently, most people had a problem getting enough to eat.In some religious groups, wealth was a symbol of probable salvation and high morals, and fatness a sign of wealth and well-being.Today the opposite is true.We have shifted to thinness as our new mark of virtue.The result is that being fat –or even only somewhat overweight-is bad because it implies a lack of moral strength.

  Our obsession(迷恋)with thinness is also fueled by health concerns.It is true that in this country we have more overweight people than ever before, and that, in many cases, being overweight correlates with an increased risk of heart and blood vessel disease.These diseases., however, may as much to do with our way of life and our high-fat diets as with excess weight.And the associated risk of cancer in the digestive system may be more of a dietary problem-too much fat and a lack of fiber-than a weight problem.The real concern, then, is not what we weight too much, but that we neither exercise enough nor eat well.Exercise is necessary for strong bones and both heart and lung health.A balanced diet without a lot of fat can also help the body avoid many diseases.We should surely stop paying so much attention to weight.Simply being thin is not enough.It is actually hazardous if those who(or already are)thin think they are automatically healthy and thus free from paying attention to their overall life-style.Thinness can be pure vainglory(虚荣).


In the eyes of the author, an odd phenomenon nowadays is that ________.

[  ]


the Duchess of Windsor is regarded as a woman of virtue


looking slim is a symbol of having a large fortune


being thin is viewed as a much desired quality


religious people are not necessarily virtuous


Swept by the prevailing trend, the author ________.

[  ]


had to go on a diet for the greater part of her life


could still prevent herself from going off the track


had to seek help from rich distant relatives


had to wear highly fashionable clothes


In human history, people's views on body weight ________

[  ]


were closely related to their religious beliefs


changed from time to time


varied between the poor and the rich


led to different moral standard


The author criticizes women's obsession with thinness ________.

[  ]


from an economic and educational perspective


from sociological and medical points of view


from a historical and religious standpoint


in the light of moral principles


What's the author's advice to women who are absorbed in the idea of thinness?

[  ]


They should be more concerned with their overall life style.


They should be more watchful for fatal diseases.


They should gain weight to look healthy


They should rid themselves of fantasies about designer clothes


科目: 来源:浙江省东阳市南马高中2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  A woman from Japan was telling a friend about her trip to the United States.The woman had visited major businesses and investment companies in New York City and Chicago.

  “I studied English before I left home,” she said.“But I still was not sure that people were speaking English.”

  Her problem is easy to understand.Americans in business are like people who are in business anywhere.They have a language of their own.Some of the words and expressions deal with the special areas of their work.Other expressions are borrowed from different kinds of work such as the theater and movie industry.

  One such saying is “get your act together”.

  When things go wrong in a business, an employer may get angry.He may shout, “Stop making mistakes.Get your act together.

  Or, if the employer is calmer, he may say, “Let us get our act together.” Either way, the meaning is the same.Getting your act together is getting organized.In business, it usually means to develop a calm and orderly plan of action.

  It is difficult to tell exactly where the saying began.But, it is probable that it was in the theater or movie industry.Perhaps one of the actors was nervous and made a lot of mistakes.The director may have said, “Calm down, now.Get your act together.”

  Word expert James Rogers says the expression was common by the late 1970s.Mister Rogers says the Manchester Guardian newspaper used it in 1978.The newspaper said a reform policy required that the British government get its act together.

  Now, this expression is heard often when officials of a company meet.One company even called its yearly report, “Getting Our Act Together.”

  The Japanese visitor was confused by another expression used by American business people.It is “cut to the chase”.

  She heard that expression when she attended an important meeting of one company.One official was giving a very long report.It was not very interesting.In fact, some people at the meeting were falling asleep.

  Finally, the president of the company said, “Cut to the chase.”

  Cut to the chase means to stop spending so much time on details or unimportant material.Hurry and get to the good part.

  Naturally, this saying was started by people who make movies.Hollywood movie producers believe that most Americans want to see action movies.Many of their movies show scenes in which the actors chase each other in cars, or in airplanes or on foot。

  Cut is the director's word for stop.The director means to stop filming, leave out some material, and get to the chase scene now.

  So, if your employer tells you to cut to the chase, be sure to get to the main point of your story quickly.


After the woman visited the United States she might feel that ________.

[  ]


it's difficult to make money


It's easy to master English


her English was poor


people there weren't very friendly


In which situation could the words “get your act together” be used?

[  ]


Visitors make a tiresome and unpleasant trip to someplace.


Players perform badly in a match.


Audience is satisfied with the actor's performance in a movie.


A task is completed successfully


According to the text, the expression “get one's act together” ________.

[  ]


was first used by a Japanese business woman


was commonly read by readers in a newspaper in 1978.


originally came from a yearly report of a company


was forbidden to be used in the government policy


What do the sayings “get your act together” and “cut to the chase” have in common?

[  ]


their origins


Their meanings


Their uses


their popularities


The text is most likely to be found in a book about ________.

[  ]


life attitude


travel journals


successful business


language culture


科目: 来源:河南省偃师市高级中学2011-2012学年高一第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  You have heard of Webster Toys.Webster has made good, safe and interesting toys for more than a hundred years.We sell them, and children play with them in different countries from Australia to Canada, from Japan to Italy.Now we are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East(远东地区).He must be between the age of thirty and forty.He must have some years of experience of selling toys in world markets.He can speak good English and at least one other language of the Far East.

  The person we are looking for will live in India and work there in our office, but he travels for about six months in a year in other countries and importantly, he must know how to sell in our old markets and where to find new ones.He must know how to make more money than ever before, for himself, and for Webster.

  Webster wants someone who can stand on his own feet.If you think you are the right person we are looking for, please write to Mr.Roger Bradshaw at our headquarters(总部).

  Webster Toys Inc.

  Church Mill, Watford



Webster is _______

[  ]


a kind of good, safe and interesting toys


a person who makes toys for children


a person who lives in India and speaks good English


a company that makes and sells toys for children


Webster writes this passage because _______.

[  ]


they need a person who can sell more toys for them


they need a person who comes from the Far East


they need a person who can make more toys for them


they need a person who knows children very well


You can most probably read this passage _______.

[  ]


in a book


in a dictionary


in a newspaper


in a novel


The underlined sentence “who can stand on his own feet” means “_______”.

[  ]


who cannot sit down or lie down


who can live on his own


who can do business all by himself


who can stand when working


科目: 来源:河南省偃师市高级中学2011-2012学年高一第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don't give friendship back.That is why some friendships don't last long.To have a friend, you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest; be generous; be understanding.

  Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to trust one another.If you do not tell the truth, people usually find out.If a friend finds out you haven't been honest, you may lose friend's trust.Good friends always count on one another to speak and act honestly.

  Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grows.You do not have to give your lunch money or your clothes.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you.By sharing them, you help your friend know better.

  Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so you can understand the problem later.

  No two friendships are very exactly alike.But all true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends, you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding.


Some friendships don't last very long because ________.

[  ]


there are too many people who want to make friends.


some people receive friendship but don't give friendship back.


those who give others friendship receive friendship from others.


they don't know friendship is something serious.


According to the passage, honesty is ________.

[  ]


something countable


the base of friendship


as important as money


more important than anything else


Which of the following isn't mentioned in the passage?

[  ]


Always tell your friends the truth.


Sharing your mind with your friends is of great value.


Discussing your problems with your friend often helps to solve the problem.


A friend who gives you his lunch money is a true friend.


科目: 来源:河南省偃师市高级中学2011-2012学年高一第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  There is one thing that everyone wants more than anything else.Some people try to get it by making money.They think that when they have enough money to buy such things as houses, farms, and cars, they will have the one thing that everyone wants.

  Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing.They study all their lives in search of it.Still others think that if they have power,they will find this thing.They keep telling themselves:When I am a boss,I will no longer have to search for this thing.

  What is it that everyone wants more than anything else?What is it that all of us keep working and striving for(奋斗)each day?It is happiness.

  Happiness is a strange thing.It does not mean the same to all men.What will make One man happy may not make another man happy.Some men say that happiness comes from helping others;other men say that happiness comes from making life more pleasant for everyone.What do you mean when you say:“That makes me happy.”

  Read what different people have said about happiness.Perhaps you will learn something that will bring you peace of mind, comfort, money or it may be what you search for-happiness.


The main idea of the above article is ________.

[  ]


happiness means the same to everyone


happiness is the thing that everyone wants most of all


money makes one happy,so does helping others


Both A and C.


Other people believe that if they know enough they will find this thing.This sentence means ________.

[  ]


other people think if they know enough they will find enough money and that will make them happy


other people think it true that enough knowledge will bring them enough money


other people hold the opinion that the more they know the happier they will become


other people hold the opinion that if they become knowledgeable enough, they will feel happy


When I am a boss,I will no longer have to search for this thing.This sentence means “________”.

[  ]


When I have power,I will have happiness


Being a boss is more important than feeling happy


When I become a boss,I will never search for happiness


Boss and this thing mean the same to boss and I


What will make one man happy may not make another man happy.This sentence means “________”.

[  ]


When one man feels happy, another man will feel sad


What will make one man happy may make another man happy also


Different people hold different opinions about happiness


Both A and B


科目: 来源:江西省赣州市(十一县市)2011-2012学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  A growing number of health, hunger, and sustainable(可持续的)agriculture groups today announced plans for Food Day-a nationwide campaign to change the way Americans eat and think about food.Food Day will encourage people around the country to sponsor or participate in activities that encourage Americans to “eat real” and support healthy, affordable food grown in a sustainable, humane way.

  Organizers hope Food Day will inspire Americans to hold thousands of events in schools, college campuses, houses of worship and even in private homes aimed at fixing America's food system.A Food Day event could be as small as a parent organizing a vegetable identification contest at a kindergarten class-or as massive as a rally(集会)in a city park, with entertainment and healthy food.Health departments, city councils and other policy makers could use Food Day to launch campaigns, hold hearings, or otherwise address communities food problems.

  The campaign will advocate progress toward five central goals:

  ·Reducing diet-related disease by promoting healthy foods.The American diet is too low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and too high in fatty meat, soft drinks and salty packaged and restaurant foods-contributing to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths each year.

  ·Supporting sustainable farms and stopping subsidies to agribusiness.Billions of federal dollars a year would be better spent helping environmentally conscious family farmers than huge agribusiness operations.

  ·Expanding access to food and alleviating hunger.Far too many Americans don't know where their next meal is coming from, or have access to fresh produce in their neighborhood.

  ·Reforming factory farms to protect animals and the environment.Farming of animals can and should be done without cruelty, and without degrading the quality of life.

  ·Curbing junk-food marketing to kids.Food companies should not be targeting children with foods that promote tooth decay, obesity and other health problems.


What is the best title of the text?

[  ]


Food Day Campaign


Eat Real and Keep fit


How to Observe Food Day


Food Problems in the USA


What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

[  ]


Food problems are not easy to deal with.


Food Day events should be held in public places.


Kindergarten kids are unable to identify vegetables.


People are invited to create their own Food Day events.


One of the aims of Food Day is to ________.

[  ]


target children with junk food


operate more agribusiness


increase access to food


cancel a series of events


The underlined word "curbing" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “_______”.

[  ]










We can infer from the text that ________.

[  ]


Food Day will not help preserve natural resources.


Food Day can be an opportunity to solve food problems.


Food Day has so far achieved all the central goals.


there are different ideas and views about Food Day.


科目: 来源:江西省赣州市(十一县市)2011-2012学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  Scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin C was a serious problem in the past when fresh fruits and vegetables were not available during the winter in many parts of the world.It was especially common among sailors in the days when only nonperishable(不易腐烂的)foods could be stored aboard ship.The symptoms of the disease include gradual weakening, pale skin, muscle pain, loss of teeth, internal bleeding, fainting and then lung and kidney trouble.Eventually, the sailor “went to Davy Jones's locker”(naval slang for dying).

  More than half the crew of Vasco da Gama died from scurvy on his first trip(1497-1499)around the Cape of Good Hope.In 1747 the Scottish naval surgeon James Lind treated scurvy-ridden sailors with lemons and oranges and obtained dramatic cures.In 1795 the British navy began to distribute regular amount of lime juice during long sea voyages, a measure that was largely successful in preventing scurvy.

  Scurvy was probably the first disease to be definitely associated with a dietary deficiency.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may yet result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing.These elements are called “vitamins”.Quite a number of such substances are known and they are given letters to identify them, A,B,C,D, and so on.Different diseases are associated with deficiencies of particular vitamins.

  The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally supplied by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruits and green vegetables.It is only when people try to live on a very restricted diet, saying during extended periods of religious fasting(斋戒), or when trying to lose weight, that it is necessary to make special provision to supply the missing vitamins.


Which of the following sentence can express the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Deficiencies of Vitamin C may cause serious disease.


Fresh fruit and green vegetable contain enough nutrition that is necessary for a healthy body.


Vitamins play an important role in people's health.


A good mixed diet normally supplies sufficient vitamins for us.


To avoid vitamin-lacking disease like scurvy, it's better for us ________.

[  ]


not to eat much salted meat


to have more fresh fruits and vegetables


to supplement our diet with various vitamin pills


to develop a good dietary habit


The information in the passage would most likely be of interest to a student of ________.

[  ]










Which of the following best describes the author's tone?

[  ]










The underlined word “deficiency” probably means ________.

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