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科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2012届高三上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  TALLAHASSEE, November 27-Zach Bonner showed no sign of tiredness on Monday morning, as he spoke on the steps of the old State Capitol(州议会大厦), the end point of his 280-mile march from Tampa.The fourth-grader started walking to Tallahassee on Nov.3rd to raise awareness about homeless children.

  At 8∶30 am yesterday, Zach and his mother walked the final mile down Apalachee Parkway to the steps of the old Capitol with Zach's 20-year-old sister, Kelley, and a group of volunteers.

  “The hardest part was whenever it was pouring down rain,” said Zach, who turned 10 during his walk on Nov.17th.“I just put on my rain suit and kept walking through it.”

  Zach got the idea for his walk about a year ago after watching a TV program about Mildred Norman Ryder, the “Peace Pilgrim(朝圣者)” who walked more than 25,000 miles for nearly three decades.But it was a law that Congress passed in August, declaring November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, that persuaded Zach to undertake his project.

  When he first announced his plans to his family, “I thought he was crazy,” said his mother, who walked nearly the entire way with her son.“That's a long way to go…He said, ‘I've got to do something big.' Originally, he said he was going to go from Fort Lauderdale to Tallahassee.I said, ‘Well, maybe Tampa to Tallahassee might be a little easier.'”

  Zach's project raised not only awareness of youth homelessness, but also about $25,000 in donations(捐款)and supplies.Corporate sponsors(社团赞助者)provided meals and other resources for Zach and his family, who spent nights in a donated RV(recreational vehicle).


It can be inferred that Zach finished his 280-mile journey in ________.

[  ]


fourteen days


twenty-four days


twenty-eight days


thirty-two days


According to the passage, Zach started his long walk from ________.

[  ]






Fort Lauderdale




When did Zach determine to make the long journey?

[  ]


After he watched a program about Mildred Norman Ryder.


After he finished a walk from Fort Lauderdale to Tallahassee.


After a law on awareness of homeless youths was passed.


After his mother suggested he should do something big.


How did Zach's mother probably feel when hearing Zach's plans at first?

[  ]


Excited and interested.


Satisfied and pleased.


Disappointed and angry.


Surprised and worried.


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2012届高三上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  DANBURY-Cheryl Kunst knows a new restriction on teen drivers will help keep them safe, but she worries that it will affect the amount of time she can spend teaching her daughter to drive.

  The new restriction, which took effect Monday, limits the number of passengers that teenagers with learning permits are allowed to carry.Teenagers with a permit can only drive with the parent or licensed driver who is teaching them.

  “I understand the safety issues, but it will make it more difficult to get in the driving hours my daughter needs,” said the Danbury woman, who has been teaching her 16-year-old daughter, Sarah, to drive for the last month.“A lot of times I'll let her drive while we're doing errands(短差)and a friend or her little sister might be in the car.We won't be able to do that now.”

  David Scribner, who authored the state's graduated license laws, said despite the inconvenience, the new regulation will save lives.

  “The highest percentage of accidents with a young driver is caused by distractions(分心),” Scribner said.“It makes sense to prevent the distractions, especially when a teenager is learning to drive.It creates better conditions to learn under and will give the teenagers higher levels of self-confidence when driving.”

  Barry Thayer, director of the Thayer Driver Education Center on Padanaram Road, said, “I always warn parents that during the first or second hour of driving, there shouldn't be any other passengers in the car,” he said.“But after a few hours, it can work out fine.The new law sounds nice, but it has its disadvantages.My only concern is that it could mean parents won't be able to spend as much time on the road with their kids.”


Cheryl Kunst is worried that ________.

[  ]


the new restriction won't be carried out successfully


her daughter won't drive by herself


she has less time to teach her daughter to drive


her daughter won't be safe when driving


According to the new restriction, ________.

[  ]


teenagers without a permit should drive with their parents


teenagers with a permit can't carry their classmates


Sarah can't learn to drive from her mother any more


parents can teach their children to drive at any time


David Scribner thought that ________.

[  ]


teenagers should pay more attention when driving


teenagers should enjoy themselves in the car


parents should give their children more chances to drive by themselves


the new rule would save parents' driving time


The main idea of the passage probably is ________.

[  ]


Sarah is learning to drive with her mom's help


people are not satisfied with the new restriction


experts' worry about teenagers driving


people's opinions on the new rule


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2012届高三上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  Scores of farms across the country are opening up to overnight guests.The best have all the appeal of a first-rate inn(小旅馆)-plus here a moo, there a moo.

  Sure, you and your kids have a plan for the theme parks.In the meanwhile, why not make a little hay(干草)? Farm stays are fast becoming the great American alternative to the pre-packaged vacation.


  Rochester, Vt.; 802/767-3926; www.libertyhillfarm.com.Adults $75, teens $50, kids 12 and under $35, including breakfast and dinner; shared baths.

  Beth and Bob Kennett run a farm straight out of a storybook.You'll find Beth in the kitchen, rolling out dough(生面团)for a pie.Bob's busy with other work.Guests sleep in seven sunny bedrooms right in the farmhouse and can participate in any of the farm jobs.Maybe you and your kids won't be up at 6 am to meet the milk truck, but you can help with the milking twice a day, collect eggs, and pick sweet corn and wild blackberries in season.


  Durham, N.Y.; 518/239-6950; www.hull-o.com; Adults $110, kids 10-14 $60, 5-9 $50, 2-4 $35, under 2 free, including breakfast and dinner; private baths.

  It started in 1993 as a way to bring in some extra money at a time of falling milk prices.But soon after Frank and Sherry Hull opened their Catskill Mountains dairy farm to overnight visitors, they discovered they loved it.As you drive up, Sherry greets you on the porch(入口处)of the 1825 farmhouse with a cow-shaped cookie jar.Before long your kids are playing around with the cows, sheep, ducks, goats and getting ready for a hayride.


  Bourbon, Mo.; 573/732-4765; http://www.wine-mo.com; Doubles with private bath $75, $10 per additional person.Trail and riding fees extra.

  Climb on the back of the Ford pick up and catch up with the herd.One gentle cow named Cricket will even let the kids sit on her back.At the barn(牲口棚)Carol will introduce you to the horses-15 Missouri Fox Trotters-and lead you on a ride over the hills and down along the spring-fed Meramec River, where everyone swims.Grab a fishing pole and head back to the river.When you have your fill of the wild, try Carol and Dave's favorite restaurants, within 20 miles of the farm.


The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that ________.

[  ]


you can enjoy the best cuisine at the first rate restaurant


some farms provide country experiences as well as good accommodations


farm work is hard, but you can enjoy it a lot, playing with the animals


if you want to hear a cow's cry, please stay on a best farm


We can learn from the three ads that ________.

[  ]


Hull-O Farm was not built for overnight visitors


Frank and Sherry Hull run a farm out of a storybook


kids can sit on a gentle cow's back on Hull-O Farm


you can't milk a cow if you get up late on Liberty Hill Farm


The Browns have a 13-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter.If they stay on Liberty Hill Farm for one night, how much will they pay?

[  ]










Who will be most likely interested in the webpage?

[  ]


Kids who want to find pleasure in the theme parks.


People who expect to be employed on the farm.


Those who plan to have family vacations on working farms.


Researchers who are interested in raising cows on farms.


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  To what degree can a computer achieve intelligence(智力)? The answer to this question may lie in a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child and the Internet.

  If you ran into Smarter Child online, you would be surprised at this kid's huge memory.It can recite many facts.For example, Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season.

  He knows every word in the dictionary and the weather in every major city areas across the US.However, if you ask Smarter Child other questions, you get stranger answers.A question about Smarter Child's age returns, “One year, 11 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes, and 47 seconds!” Asking where he lives gets, “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

  Smarter Child uses the vast information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank.To answer questions about spelling, for instance, Smarter Child goes to American Heritage Dictionary online.For the weather, he visits www.intellicast.com.

  Some scientists believe that by joining the many systems of the Internet, an artificial being with the combined knowledge of, say, Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born.However if Smarter Child wants to think and learn on his own like the boy-computer David in the movie A.I., Artificial Intelligence, he must overcome two problems.

  The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files are labeled in different ways.That's why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather.It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it himself.

  Another problem is that while Smarter Child can process(处理)information more exactly and faster than any human, he lacks common sense-a basic grounding of knowledge that is obvious to any young child.


From the text we can infer that www.Intellicast.com is a website _________.

[  ]


which is specially designed to help Smarter Child


where we people can find Smarter Child


where weather forecasts are made


which is about artificial intelligence


It is probably most difficult for Smarter Child to _________.

[  ]


tell us how to spell a difficult word


tell us how the American government is run


provide us with a famous poem by Shakespeare


learn how to tell right behaviors from wrong ones.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


Smart Child has his own memory bank big enough for all kinds of information.


A.I.Artificial Intelligence is probably the name of a film about a boy-computer.


Smart Child can recognize different files and find information needed on his own.


We have similar product now which has the knowledge of Einstein, Nixon and Spears.


Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


A New Web Child


Smarter Child


The Future of Internet


Intelligence Development


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  In the Harry Potter films, Hermione Granger is better than her male friends and is considered the brightest pupil in her grade.Isn't it often the same in schools of our real world?

  “It's surprising but true that most of the top students have been girls since primary school.Girls are class leaders, club presidents and the top ones in exams,” said Wang Feixuan, 15, who studies at a Chengdu school.By any measure, Wang herself is a high-achiever.She is a top student, a team leader in her school's sports club and a winner in national English and IT competitions.

  But why do so many girls outperform their male peers?

  In Sun Yunxiao's latest book Save Our Boys, he points out that the education system is “more suited to girls, who are good at memorizing and like to sit quietly and read.” Yet he also says that girls have to do so much more when they compete with males for honors, top universities and later good jobs.They can feel great pressure nearly every day.

  This seems to be the same in most countries in the world.Young women in the United States are also reported to feel the same pressure to be perfect.

  “Let's look at what we ask of our teenage girls,” says Professor Stephen Hinshaw in an interview.He thinks that it's no longer enough that a girl does well in school and is a caring friend.On the TV, on the Internet and everywhere, girls see images of impossible perfection.

  Today's young women must be good learners, good athletes, and fill their after-school lives with other activities.But they are also asked to have the styles and looks of popular stars.“Be pretty, sweet and nice.Be athletic, competitive and get straight.Be impossibly perfect.” Stephen Hinshaw sums up.


The passage suggests that _________.

[  ]


our society asks far too much of teenage girls


teenage girls shouldn't be so perfect at school


boys are always lazy ones rather than girls


American girls have less pressure than Chinese girls


According to the passage, it is true that _________.

[  ]


boys are less smart than girls throughout school life


boys usually don't have so much pressure as girls do


girls are all fond of the Chinese education system


girls are better at school because boys don't work hard


The underlined word “outperform” means _________.

[  ]










What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Impossibly Perfect Is Possible.


Why Are Girls So Perfect?


Perfect? Pressure Every Day!


Perfect:Boys or Girls?


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


Guitar Lessons for Guitar Players

  Playing the same things over and over again when you pick up the guitar? Teaching yourself for years but you hit a wall? Don't know what to do next? Whether you're a total beginner, or an old guitar player, we'll get you working on something you can benefit from.I'm a professional teacher, over 30 students at my studio in downtown Berkeley and several music schools in San Francisco, Alameda, and Mountain View.

  No matter what style you're into, I guarantee there are songs by your favorite bands that you could learn.

  Call at 510-333-9091 or e-mail at bluescho0147@gmail.com

  Dance Classes

  In Motion Dance Center in Martinez is now accepting registration(注册)for all fall dance classes.There are classes offered in Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Cheerleading.Classes run like the school year Sept through June.Prices are very reasonable at only $45 a month.That's for a one-hour class once a week for a month.This studio is known for their younger child program.We are always looking for talented instructors too.If you want more information call Deena at 925-229-5678.

  Qi Gong with Angie

  Qi Gong is the perfect activity for anyone, at any age.It combines gentle movement and meditation(冥想), breathing regulation and relaxation.The exercises are designed to reduce stress and anxiety and improve blood and energy circulation(循环)throughout the body, therefore increasing immune(免疫的)function, improving energy levels and sleep.

  Thousands of Qi Gong lovers around the world have experienced the extraordinary benefits of this gentle, ancient Chinese exercise form and are healthier and happier for it.Join us to experience the benefits for yourself!

  WHEN:Tuesdays from noon-1pm

  WHERE:Halanda Studio 1062 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

  COST:$12 per class drop-in(即到即学的)or $45 for a pre-paid set of 4 classes

  CONTACT:Angie at angie@lokahiacupuncture.com, 408-887-6000


The purpose of the first advertisement is to _________.

[  ]


build a bridge between guitar players


look for teachers for several music schools


attract guitar players to attend music classes


help guitar beginners to improve their techniques


Who will probably contact 510-333-9091?

[  ]


A music lover.


A Hip-Hop lover.


A dancer lover.


A Qi Gong lover.


Sarah and Jessey decide to attend the dance classes for six months.They each will have to pay _________.

[  ]










How much can you save if you pay for eight classes at one time before you join Halanda Studio?

[  ]










科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  What should you think about when trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work.A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career.A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work.So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school.On the other hand, you may not have any especially strong subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard.Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value.A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details.This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.

  Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work.You may be good at metalwork or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer, think what you gained from it.If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers.You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example.Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in a part-time job.

  Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself.You may be all thumbs when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures.It is better to face any weakness than to pretend they do not exist.Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background.You should not be apologetic(认错的)about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.


What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


The importance of working hard at school.


Choosing a career according to one's strengths.


How to face one's weakness.


The value of school work.


The writer thinks that a student have a part-time job is probably _________.

[  ]


a good way to find out his weak points


one of the best ways of earning extra money


of great use for his work in the future


a waste of time he could have spent on study


From the passage we learn that if a student's school performance is not good, he _________.

[  ]


should pay more attention to learning skills and developing abilities


will be regretful about his bad results


may also do well in his future work


should restart his study in school


The underlined phrase “be all thumbs”(in Para 3)probably means “_________”.

[  ]


be poor at doing things


be skillful in doing things


be not interested in certain things


be easily bored in doing things


科目: 来源:福建省安溪一中、惠安一中、养正中学2011-2012学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:050


  Everybody has had at least one experience from which he knows the meaning of life.This time, which took place several years ago, but seems as if it just happened.

  On an afternoon several years ago, my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's dress and picked out a beautiful skirt.“Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago.She never wore it.She was saving it for a special occasion.” he said.I guess this was the occasion:it was the funeral(葬礼)of my sister, after her unexpected death.

  He took the shirt and put it on bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the funeral.Then he closed the drawer and turned to me, “Don't ever save anything for a special occasion.Every day you're alive is a special occasion.”

  I'm thinking about his words, and they've changed the way I live my life.I'm spending more time with my family and friends and less time in committee meetings.Whenever possible, life should be a kind of experience to enjoy, not to suffer.“Someday” and “one of these days” are losing their importance on my vocabulary.If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing I want to see and hear and do it now.

  Ever since that day, I have been trying very hard not to put off, hold hack or save anything that would add laughter and color to our lives.Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath, truly is a gift.So cherish every day and find the true meaning of your life.


Why did Jan buy the beautiful skirt but didn't wear it?

[  ]


She waited for a special occasion to wear it on.


She wanted to keep it for someone else.


She saved it till she grew up.


She would give it to herself as a gift some day.


What does the underlined word “cherish” mean?

[  ]










From his experience, the author learns that _________.

[  ]


everybody can have a happy life through efforts


every day in our lives is worth cherishing


enjoying ourselves is the most important thing in our lives


everybody will have some things left to do after his death


Which is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


What Is the Meaningful Life Like?


My Sister Jan


Every Day Is a Gift


The Most Important Time in Your Life


科目: 来源:甘肃省陇东中学2012届高三第四次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  LONDON---Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent fast-forward.

  Their full school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough.But Hangner also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.

  Often,the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 p. m.There is just time for a quick supper before homework

  In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line.

  Parents take their children from activity to activity in order to make their future bright.It seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.

  "Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress, "says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota.

  Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom.It's a very serious problem.

  Many children attend after-school clubs by necessity.But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities.They include sports, language, music and math classes for children as young as four.

  "There is a new parenting trend under way which says that you have to tap all your child's potential at a young age; otherwise you will let him down," says Terry Apter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist(青少年精神病专家).“It isn't entirely new:there have always been pushy parents.But what was previously seen as strange behavior is now well accepted.”


From the second paragraph of this passage we can find that _________.

[  ]


Hanger wastes much time helping her children's lessons


Hanger doesn't spend much time on her full time job


Hanger is interested in sports and music


Hanger busies herself by following a trend


British parents, as the writer described in this passage, _________.

[  ]


treat their children as sports players


pay no attention to their children's lessons


bring up their children in a simple way


give their children little time to develop freely


The writer's opinion of after-school clubs is that _________.

[  ]


activities in the country are too competitive


children should attend four clubs at a time


some clubs lead to competitive pressures


clubs should have more subjects for school children


The last paragraph tells us that in Britain ________.

[  ]


parents used to take their children to every club.


parents used to be wise on how to raise children


parents have all benefited from children's clubs.


parents have come to know the standard of education


科目: 来源:甘肃省陇东中学2012届高三第四次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  It's 2035.You have a job, a family and you're about 40 years old.Welcome to your future life.

  Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror, “Turn red,” you say.Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red.Tiny preprogrammed electronic are rearranged in your shirt to change its color.Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe that you are 40.You look much younger.With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150 years old.You're not even middle-aged.

  As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour your breakfast cereal into a bowl, you hear:“To lose weight, you shouldn't eat that, ” from your shoes.They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box and find out the nutrition details.“Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?” A list of possible foods appear on the counter as kitchen checks its food supplies.

  “Ready for your trip to space.You ask your son and daughter.” In 2005 only specially trained astronauts went into space-and very few of them.Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacation.Your best friend even works in space.Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, “The doctor said you need these for space travel.” Thanks to medical advices, vaccination(疫苗)shots are a thing of the past.Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines.With the berries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.

  It's time for you to go to work.Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors.“My office.Autopilot,” you command.Your car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the highway.You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper.The latest news downloads and fills the viewer.Looking through the pages, you watch the news as video films rather than read it.


What changes the color of your shirt?

[  ]


The mirror


The shirt itself


The counter


The medicine


How do the shoes know that you shouldn't eat the breakfast cereal?

[  ]


By pouring the breakfast into a bowl


By listening to the doctor's advice


By testing the food supplies in the kitchen


By checking the nutrition details of the food


The strawberries the children eat serve as _______.

[  ]










How is the text organized?

[  ]


In order of time


In order of frequency


In order of preference


In order of importance

