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科目: 来源:2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试湖北卷英语 题型:050


  It was a simple letter asking for a place to study at Scotland's oldest university which helped start a revolution in higher education.A 140-year-old letter written by a lady calling for her to be allowed to study medicine at St Andrews University has been discovered by researchers.Written by Sophia Jex-Blake in 1873, the seven-page document, which urged the university to allow women to study medicine at the institution, was released yesterday on International Women's Day.

  The document was discovered buried in the university archives(档案)by part-time history student Lis Smith, who is completing her PhD at St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research.She said:“We knew that Sophia Jex-Blake and her supporters, in their effort to open up university medical education for women, had written to the Senatus Academicus(校评议委员会)at St Andrews in an attempt to gain permission to attend classes there, but we didn't know documentary evidence existed.While searching the archives for information about the university's higher certificate for women, I was astonished to come across what must be the very letter Jex-Blake wrote.”

  In the letter, Sophia and her supporters offered to hire teachers or build suitable buildings for a medical school and to arrange for lectures to be delivered in the subjects not already covered at St Andrews.Although her letter was not successful, it eventually led to the establishment of the Ladies Literate in Arts at St Andrews, a distance-learning degree for women.The qualification, which ran from 1877 until the 1930s, gave women access to university education in the days before they were admitted as students.It was so popular that it survived long after women were admitted as full students to St Andrews in 1892.

  Ms Jex-Blake went on to help establish the London School of Medicine for Women in 1874.She was accepted by the University of Berne, where she was awarded a medical degree in January 1877.Eventually, she moved back to Edinburgh and opened her own practice.


Sophia wrote a letter to St Andrews University because she wanted ________.

[  ]


to carry out a research project there


to set up a medical institute there


to study medicine there


to deliver lectures there


Lis Smith found Sophia's letter to St Andrews University ________.

[  ]


by pure chance


in the school office


with her supporters'help


while reading history books


Sophia's letter resulted in the establishment of ________.

[  ]


the London School of Medicine for Women


a degree programme for women


a system of medical education


the University of Berne


When did St Andrews University begin to take full-time women students?

[  ]


In 1873.


In 1874.


In 1877.


In 1892.


科目: 来源:2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试湖北卷英语 题型:050


  When my brother and I were young, my mom would take us on Transportation Days.

  It goes like this:You can't take any means of transportation more than once.We would start from home, walking two blocks to the rail station.We'd take the train into the city center, then a bus, switching to the tram, then maybe a taxi.We always considered taking a horse carriage in the historic district, but we didn't like the way the horses were treated, so we never did.At the end of the day, we took the subway to our closest station, where Mom's friend was waiting to give us a ride home-our first car ride of the day.

  The good thing about Transportation Days is not only that Mom taught us how to get around.She was born to be multimodal(多方式的).She understood that depending on cars only was a failure of imagination and, above all, a failure of confidence-the product of a childhood not spent exploring subway tunnels.

  Once you learn the route map and step with certainty over the gap between the train and the platform, nothing is frightening anymore.New cities are just light-rail lines to be explored.And your personal car, if you have one, becomes just one more tool in the toolbox-and often an inadequate one, limiting both your mobility and your wallet.

  On Transportation Days, we might stop for lunch on Chestnut Street or buy a new book or toy, but the transportation was the point.First, it was exciting enough to watch the world speed by from the train window.As I got older, my mom helped me unlock the mysteries that would otherwise have paralyzed my first attempts to do it myself:How do I know where to get off? How do I know how much it costs? How do I know when I need tickets, and where to get them? What track, what line, which direction, where's the stop, and will I get wet when we go under the river?

  I'm writing this right now on an airplane, a means we didn't try on our Transportation Days and, we now know, the dirtiest and most polluting of them all.My flight routed me through Philadelphia.My multimodal mom met me for dinner in the airport.She took a train to meet me.


Which was forbidden by Mom on Transportation Days?

[  ]


Having a car ride.


Taking the train twice.


Buying more than one toy.


Touring the historic district.


According to the writer, what was the greatest benefit of her Transportation Days?

[  ]


Building confidence in herself.


Reducing her use of private cars.


Developing her sense of direction.


Giving her knowledge about vehicles.


The underlined word “paralyzed”(in Para.5)is closest in meaning to “________”.

[  ]










Which means of transportation does the writer probably disapprove of?

[  ]










科目: 来源:2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试湖北卷英语 题型:050


  You've just come home, after living abroad for a few years.Since you've been away, has this country changed for the better-or for the worse?

  If you've just arrived back in the UK after a fortnight's holiday, small changes have probably surprised you-anything from a local greengrocer suddenly being replaced by a mobile-phone shop to someone in your street moving house.

  So how have things changed to people coming back to Britain after seven, ten or even 15 years living abroad? What changes in society can they see that the rest of us have hardly noticed-or now take for granted? To find out, we asked some people who recently returned.

  Debi:When we left, Cheltenham, my home town, was a town of white, middle-class families-all very conservative(保守的).The town is now home to many eastern Europeans and lots of Australians, who come here mainly to work in hotels and tourism.There are even several shops only for foreigners.

  Having been an immigrant(移民)myself, I admire people who go overseas to find a job.Maybe if I lived in an inner city where unemployment was high, I'd think differently, but I believe foreign settlers have improved this country because they're more open-minded and often work harder than the natives.

  Christine:As we flew home over Britain, both of us remarked how green everything looked.But the differences between the place we'd left behind and the one we returned to were brought sharply into focus as soon as we landed.

  To see policemen with guns in the airport for the first time was frightening-in Cyprus, they're very relaxed-and I got pulled over by customs officers just for taking a woolen sweater with some metal-made buttons out of my case in the arrivals hall.Everyone seemed to be on guard.Even the airport car-hire firm wanted a credit card rather than cash because they said their vehicles had been used by bank robbers.

  But anyway, this is still a green, beautiful country.I just wish more people would appreciate what they've got.


After a short overseas holiday, people tend to ________.

[  ]


notice small changes


expect small changes


welcome small changes


exaggerate small changes


How does Debi look at the foreign settlers?

[  ]










When arriving at the airport in Britain, Christine was shocked by ________.

[  ]


the relaxed policemen


the messy arrivals hall


the tight security


the bank robbers


Which might be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Life in Britain.


Back in Britain.


Britain in Future.


Britain in Memory.


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity,” said the American talk show host Oprah Winfrey.I’ve never watched her show, but when a self-made billionaire gives life advice it's probably worth listening to.

  Her point is that blind luck is very rare.You may have to be lucky to find a good job these days but that does not mean you should sit at home waiting for the opportunity to come to you.If you’re a Chinese, you may already be familiar with the tale of a farmer waiting by a tree stump(树桩)for a rabbit to run out and break its neck.

  A book by the UK psychologist Richard Wiseman, called The Luck Factor, argues we can all make ourselves luckier.It's not about going to a temple to burn some incense(香)hopes that the gods will give you good fortune; it's practical advice you can follow each day.

  Wiseman conducted an experiment as part of his studies.First he divided volunteers into two groups; those who said they were lucky in life and those who said they were not.He gave everyone a newspaper and asked them to look through it to count how many photographs it had inside.On average, the unlucky people took about two minutes to count the photographs while the lucky people took just seconds.Why? On the second page of the newspaper, a command, “Stop counting.There are 43 photographs in this newspaper,” was written in big letters.The unlucky people mostly did not spot the message.

  It's easy to compare this situation to a young person looking for jobs in a local paper.They might search so hard for one type of position that they miss an even better opportunity.People who are “lucky”, in fact, keep an open mind and don't go through the same routine every day.

  I first came to China in 2002 when it was considered a rather strange thing to do.Like many foreigners, my plan was to teach English for one year.Seven years later, and still here, I’ve had many great opportunities such as writing for newspapers and magazines.I did not dream these would have been possible.I’ve also never been sick, had an accident, got into a fight or had problems with the police.Coincidence? After reading about Professor Wiseman's studies I think not.

  As Wiseman advises, I usually trust my own judgment.Your friends and parents may give you advice based on rational thinking, but it's important to consider how you feel about each choice you make.Your feeling acts as a warning for a potential problem.

  Finally, try to turn bad luck into good.Even if you do fall down and break a leg, the time spent at home can be used wisely to study English.


Which of the following proverbs most agrees with the writer's point?

[  ]


Make the best of a bad job.


Rome was not built in a day.


All is not gold that glitters.


A good heart conquers ill fortune.


What do you know about Oprah Winfrey?

[  ]


She became famous through her family background.


She is a British talk show host.


She became successful by her own effort.


She was very lucky and seldom suffered setbacks in her life.


The writer quoted the Chinese tale of a farmer in order to show ________.

[  ]


man can conquer nature


luck is in your own hand


bad luck can turn into good


you should not sit at home waiting for the opportunity to come to you


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  Recently there was a major discovery in the scientific research-the mapping of all DNA in a human gene(基因)is complete.Couple of years ago, this seems an impossible task for scientist to accomplish.All this progress in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away.Human cloning has always been a topic of argument,in terms of morality or religion.

  Taking a look at why cloning might be beneficial, among many cases, it is arguable that parents who are known to be at risk of passing a genetic limitation to a child could make use of cloning.If the clone was free of genetic limitations.Then the other clone would be as well.The latter could foe inserted in the woman and allowed to ripen to term.Moreover,cloning would enable women, who can't get pregnant, to have children of their own.

  Cloning humans would also mean that organs could be cloned, so it would be a source of perfect transfer organs.This, surely would be greatly beneficial to millions of unfortunate people around the world that are expected to lose their lives due to failure of single(or more)organ(s).It is also arguable that a ban on cloning may be unlawful and would rob people of the right to reproduce and limit the freedom of scientists.

  Arguments against cloning are also on a perfectly practical side.Primarily, I believe that cloning would step in the normal “cycle” of life.There would be a large number of same genes., which reduce the chances of improvement,and, in turn, development-the fundamental reason how living things naturally adapt to the ever-changing environment.Life processes failing to do so might result in untimely disappearance.Furthermore, cloning would make the uniqueness that each one of us possesses disappea.Thus, leading to creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes and, chances are, that those individuals would be regarded as “objects” rather than people in the society.

  Scientists haven't 100 percent.guaranteed that the first cloned will be normal.Thus this could result in introduction of additional limitations in the human “gene-pool”.

  Regarding such arguable topics in “black or white” approach seems very innocent to me personally.We should rather try to look at all “shades:of it.I believe that cloning is only legal if its purpose is for cloning organs, not humans.Then we could regard this as for “saving life” instead of “creating life” .I believe cloning humans is morally and socially unacceptable.


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


Genetic limitation will be beneficial for some women


A large number of genes will prevent us from developing


Prohibition of cloning might limit the freedom of scientists


First cloned humans might be normal according to scientists


What's the author's opinion on cloning?

[  ]


Cloning should be entirely banned


Cloning should be used in creating life


Cloning will take away the right to reproduce


Cloning is acceptable if it is used for cloning organs


Where can you read this article?

[  ]


In a story book.


In a magazine.


In a science fiction


In a brochure


Which of the following shows the structure of the passage

[  ]






科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  He's out there somewhere, an instant icon in the records of American conflict, the final big-game hunter.But a puzzle, too, his identity would be kept a secret for now, and maybe forever.

  He is the unknown shooter.The nameless, faceless triggerman who put a bullet in the head of the world's most notorious(臭名昭著的)terrorist, Bin Laden.

  He's likely between the ages of 26 and 33, says Marcinko, founder of the “SEALs Team 6” that many believe led the attack on Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.He'll be old enough to have had time to hurdle the extra training tests required to join the counter-terrorism unit, yet young enough to stand the body-punishing harshness of the job.The shooter's a man, it's safe to say, because there are no women in the SEALs.And there's a good chance he's white, though the SEALs have stepped up efforts to increase the number of minorities in their ranks, Marcinko and Smith say.

  He was probably a high school or college athlete, Smith says, a physical specimen who combines strength, speed and wisdom.“They call themselves 'tactical athletes, ’” says Smith, who works with many future SEALs in his Heroes of Tomorrow training program in Severna Park.“It's getting very scientific.”

  Marcinko puts it in more conventional terms:“He'll be ripped,” says the author of the best-selling autobiography “Rogue Warrior.” “He's got a lot of upper-body strength.Long arms.Thin waist.Flat stomach.”

  On this point, Greitens departs a bit.“You can't make a lot of physical assumptions,” says the author of “The Heart and the Fist:The Education of a Humanitarian, the Making of a Navy SEAL.” There are SEALs who are 5 feet 4 and SEALs who are 6 feet 5, Greitens says.In his training group, he adds, there were college football boys who couldn't hack it; those who survived were most often men in good shape, but they also had a willingness to show their concerns in favor of the mission.

  The shooter's probably not the crew-cut(平头), neatly shaven ideal we’ve come to expect from American fighting forces.“He's bearded, rough-looking, like a street naughty boy,” Marcinko supposes.“You don't want to stick out.” Marcinko calls it “modified grooming standards.”

  His hands will be calloused(长老茧), Smith says, or just rough enough,” as Marcinko puts it.And “he's got frag in him somewhere,” Marcinko says, using the battlefield shorthand for “fragments” of bullets or explosive devices.This will not have been the shooter's first adventure.Marcinko estimates that he might have made a dozen or more deployments(部署), tours when he was likely to have dealt with quite a number of dangerous situations, getting ready any time for explosive devices or bullets.


Which of the following is most likely to be the title of the passage?

[  ]


Who shot Bin Laden?


What do the SEALS do?


How can boys be SEALS?


What SEALS are like?


From the passage we can know that the writer ________.

[  ]


knows clearly what the shooter is like


doubts whether Bin Laden is dead


is certain that the shooter is a man


is not sure of the shooter's gender


We can say for sure according to the passage that ________.

[  ]


the shooter will eventually be revealed in the Press


the writer is a person who is curious about the shooter


the writer is a detective who tries to arrest the shooter


the shooter is a strong man with a pair of rough hands


Which of the following are the names of writers mentioned in the passage?





[  ]










科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  Here's this week's list of four open jobs throughout the local area.Whether you're unemployed and need a job or you are just sick of the one you have, Roswell Patch wants to help.We know new jobs can be hard to come by these days, which is why we'll try to post a selection of jobs we’ve found in the area on the site each week.Happy hunting!

  Part-time Spanish Instructor-World Language Institute, Inc.-Roswell.

  World Language Institute, Inc.in Roswell is currently hiring a part-time, native-speaking Spanish instructor.Applicants must be able to pass a background check and drive a 15-passenger bus to pick up students from several schools, from 2 p.m.-6 p.m.Monday-Friday.The position pays $ 10 per hour.More information about the job is available online.

  Experienced Servers-Chill's -Alpharetta

  Chili's in Alpharetta is seeking experienced servers to add to its team.Qualifications will include being clean and neat and having great attitude and customer service skills.The pay is $ 2.13, plus tips.Stop by the store to fill out an application.More information about this position is available online.

  Registered Nurese-North Fulton Regional Hospital-Roswell

  North Fulton Regional Hospital is looking for a RN/Registered Nurse to fill a 12-hour night shift.Applicants must be registered and previous hospital experience is preferred.More information about the position is available online.

  Software Engineer-ControlScan-Alpharetta

  ControlScan in Alpharetta is hiring a software engineer.Applicants should have five or more years of relevant experience, as well as advanced knowledge of computer technology.Pay is commensurate(相称)with experience.More information about the position can be found online.


Where can we most probably rend the passage?

[  ]


In a newspaper.


On a website.


In a magazine.


In a textbook.


What does the underlined word "sick" mean?

[  ]










World Language Institute, Inc.is looking for ________.

[  ]


a school bus driver.


a full-time teacher


a Spanish teacher


a Spanish manager


Who will mainly work at night?

[  ]


Jane, hired by North Fulton Regional Hospital.


John, hired by World Language Institute.Inc.


Robert, hired by ControlScan.


Sally, hired by Chili's.


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  At Dallas/Fort Worth Airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measure sunlight.They dim immediately when it's sunny and brighten when a passing cloud blocks the sun.

  A wall of windows at a University of Pennsylvania engineering building has built-in blinds(百叶窗)controlled by a computer program that follows the sun's path.Buildings are getting smarter and the next generation of building materials is expected to do even more.

  Windows could catch the sun's energy to heat water.Sensors that measure the carbon dioxide breathed out by people in a room could determine whether the air conditioning needs to be turned up.

  Many new materials and technology have been designed in the last 15 years.They are now being used in a wave of buildings designed to save as much energy as possible.They include old ideas, like “green roofs”, where a belt of plants on a roof helps the building keep heat in winter and stay cool in summer, and new ideas, like special coating for windows that lets light in, but keeps heat out.

  As technologies such as sensors become cheaper, their uses spread.

  The elevators(电梯)at Seven World Trade Center, which is under construction in New York, use a system that groups people traveling to nearby floors into the same elevator, thus saving elevator stops.People who work in the building will enter it by swiping(刷)ID cards that will tell the elevators their floor, readouts will then tell them which elevator to use.The building also has windows with a coating that blocks heat while letting in light.

  More new building materials and technology are in development.A Philadelphia building firm is now working on “smart wrap” that uses tiny solar collectors to catch the sun's energy and transmitters(传输器)as wide as a human hair to move it.They are expected to change the face of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.


________ will be developed and used in the construction industry.

[  ]


“Green roofs” that cool or heat buildings


“Smart wrap” that catches the sun's energy


Sunlight-measuring sensors that control lights


Window coating that lets light in, but keeps heat out


The elevators at Seven World Trade Center are special because they can ________.

[  ]


send people to floors with fewer stops


teach people how to use their ID cards


make people stay very cool in summer


help people go traveling in the building


The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]


a human hair


smart wrap


the sun's energy


a transmitter


What might be the most suitable title for the text?

[  ]


Buildings Are Becoming Smarter


Buildings Are Getting More Sunlight


Buildings Are Lacking in Much Energy


Buildings Are Using Cheaper Materials


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  Diamonds may be a girl's best friend.But some women show great interest in colorful beads(珠子)from Uganda made of recycled paper.The beads are sold by a nonprofit organization called BeadforLife.

  BeadforLife began as a chance meeting between three American women on a trip to Uganda and a local jewelry maker.Millie Grace Akena was rolling paper beads near her home.She made paper beads as a hobby.But there was no real market in her country.

  Torkin Wakefield says she and her daughters Devin and Ginny brought some of the beads back home.Immediately people started admiring the beads.The three Americans started BeadforLife in 2004.Nearly 700 women have taken part.

  The group says its beaders earn an average of more than 2, 000 dollars a year in the program.This is five times what they earned before.The beads are sold across Uganda and in Boulder, Colorado.They are also sold online and at jewelry shows called bead parties.“Because they have meaning, because these are gifts that help people, when folks in America and beyond buy our beads, they feel a sense of generosity.They feel a direct connection, like they can really take part in getting rid of poverty.” Torkin said.

  The jewelry costs between five and thirty dollars.BeadforLife reported sales in its last budget year of more that 3.5 million dollars.It says for every ten-dollar necklace sold, the beader gets two dollars and forty-three cents in money or materials.It says more than 90% of earnings are reinvested in community development projects in Uganda.Torkin Wakefield estimates that BeadforLife has helped more than 8, 000 people this way.

  So what about Millie Grace Akena, the jewelry maker? Mrs Wakefield says she has gone on to organize a small group of women who work with her, and they sell their beads to a religious group.


According to the passage, BeadforLife is an organization that ________.

[  ]


provides poor people worldwide with free education


mainly encourages people to learn to earn a living on their own


has attracted many businessmen to invest in beading


supports community development projects in Uganda


When Torkin Wakefield brought the beads to America, ________.

[  ]


she didn't know people would like them


she wanted to make a fortune out of them


people showed great interest in them at once


she was thinking of how to find investors


According to Paragraph 4, the beads are popular because ________.

[  ]


people think buying them is a good way to help the poor


they are of good quality and can be kept for a long time


they symbolize the most important thing in people's life


they look even more beautiful than diamonds


Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Mrs Wakefield makes a great contribution to developing countries.


BeadforLife makes beads out of recycled paper.


BeadforLife uses paper beads to improve people's lives.


Mrs Wakefield's career takes off thanks to paper beads.


科目: 来源:江苏省泰州中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题(人教版) 题型:050


  Flying across the globe, whether on business or for leisure, is usually effortless-you just have to book your ticket, pack your bags and show up at the airport with your passport.You board the plane and several cocktails and movies later, you arrive at your destination, and hopefully, your baggage does too.Here are some tips on how to be a clever traveler.

  Easy check-in

  Avoid the queue and check yourself in by using the MAS Web Check-In(malaysiaairlines.com)in the comfort of your own home or office.Passengers can now check in online anytime from 24 hours to 90 minutes ahead of the scheduled departure time.This is available for flights departing from all MAS stations-except Paris, Kunming, Xiamen and Bandar Seri Begawan-to all MAS destinations.You can even select preferred seats online.

  Bag hygiene

  No, we’re not talking about the cleanliness of your bags! It's the aviation talk for a bag that doesn't carry any old baggage tags with barcodes that could confuse the baggage sensor(传感器).

  If you find yourself arriving in Sydney while your bag lands in Tokyo, it could be because of your old baggage tag.Another reason why bags go missing could be the printing quality of the barcode; bags are misdirected because the sensors can't read the codes correctly.

  Less is more

  Most airports around the world now set a weight limit of 32kg per piece of baggage.This will not only help protect the airline workers’ health, but also be easier for you to carry your bags around.

  Avoid packing dangerous goods or placing valuables inside your check-in luggage.Ensure that locks are properly secured as a lot of baggage locks are found caught between the conveyor belts(传送带).Smaller and softer bags are usually placed inside a tray at check-in to protect the locks from contact with the conveyor belt.


According to the passage, airplane passengers ________.

[  ]


can check in without going to the airport


have to check in 90 minutes earlier


are required to check in on the MAS web


can select their favorite seats when getting aboard


What's the meaning of the underlined word “hygiene” in the passage?

[  ]










Why does baggage sometimes go missing according to the passage?

a.The bags are too old and dirty.

b.The sensors can't read the barcodes correctly.

c.The old tag is still on the bag.

d.The bags are too heavy to check.

[  ]


a, b


b, c


c, d


b, d


Which of the following statements is TRUR about check-in baggage?

[  ]


Each piece can weigh 30 kg at the most.


Smaller and softer bags should be separated from other ones.


Valuable things should be kept inside a tray.


Bags containing dangerous things can be caught on the conveyor belts.

