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科目: 来源:江西省上高二中2011-2012学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Researchers at San Diego Zoo have been studying what has been described as the “secret language” of elephants.They have been monitoring communications between animals that cannot be heard by human ears.

  The elephant's call will be familiar to most people, but the animals also give out growls(低吼).Their growls, however, are only partly audible(听得见的); two-thirds of the call is at frequencies that are too low to be picked up by our hearing.To learn more about the inaudible part of the growl, the team attached(附在……上面)a microphone sensitive to these low frequencies and a GPS tracking system to eight of the zoo's female elephants.The researchers could then relate the noises the animals were making to what they were doing.Matt Anderson, who led the project, told BBC News, “We’re excited to learn how they interact and contact with one another.”

  The team has already learned that pregnant females use this low frequency communication to announce to the rest of their long gestation(妊娠期)of over two years, in the last 12 days we see the low part of the growl, which we can't hear.This we believe is to announce to the rest of the herd that the baby is upcoming, ” said Dr Anderson.

  The researchers believe that this also warns the elephants to look out for coming danger.“You may think that a baby calf of about 300 pounds would not be as open to predation(捕食)as other species, ” he says.“But packs of hyenas(袋狼)are a big threat in the wild.”

  Female elephants are only in season for around four days every four years and these calls can be heard by males more than two miles away.


What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


The secret life of elephants.


The protection of wild elephants.


The communications between elephants.


The behavior of pregnant female elephants.


According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Matt Anderson is reporter for BBC News.


Baby calves can protect themselves from hyenas well.


Only 1/3 of elephants’ growls can be caught by our ears.


Researchers can't comprehend the “secret language” of elephants.


By using a sensitive microphone and a GPS tracking system, the researchers wanted to find out ________.

[  ]


where the elephants usually go


what the elephants’ growls really mean


how mother elephants raise baby calves


why female elephants are in season for four days


A pregnant elephant uses inaudible growls to ________.

[  ]


show the location where she is staying


ask for help when she losses her way


scare away the enemy


let others know she will have a baby


This passage is most probably taken from a ________.

[  ]


tourist guidebook


science magazine


geography textbook


personal diary


科目: 来源:江西省上高二中2011-2012学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Driving a car at high speed along a highway seems to be fun.You need only to follow the bright traffic(交通)signs beside the highways and it will take you to where you wish.

  But to a London taxi driver, driving is not an easy job.A taxi driver has to have not only good driving skills but also a good knowledge of the city of a London, from the smallest lane(小巷)to the most popular bar(酒吧)around.He has to be at the service of all kinds of passengers at all times.

  A certain London taxi driver told of his job as follows.

  During the night it is quite usual for him to stop two or three times for some refreshments(提神).He said.“I never drink when I'm working-I would lose my license.”

  He normally goes home between 2 and 3 O’clock in the night.There are times he has to stay longer and try to make more runs.He said, “That's the worst thing about working for yourself.If you don't make the money, no one is going to give it to you.”

  London taxi drivers not only 'take’ but also ‘give’.Every summer hundreds of children from London will go for a day at the sea-by taxi! Their rides are paid by the taxi drivers, and these fares(车费)all go to the ‘London Taxi Fund for Underprivileged Children.’ At the sea, they are met by the mayor, and a lunch party is also held in honour of the taxi drivers and the children.After a happy day running around the sea beaches and visiting the market, the children go home again-by taxi, and free of charge, of course!


To be a London driver is not easy because ________.

[  ]


he has to follow the bright traffic signs


he has to have good driving skills and know all the places in the city


he has to serve all kinds of passengers at all times


both B.and C


The London taxi drivers ________.

[  ]


work hard because on one would give them money for doing nothing


never stop driving in the city


only work between 2 and 3 o'clock in the night


are very rich


It can be inferred from the text that ________.

[  ]


the taxi driver works longer than is necessary


the more runs the taxi driver makes, the more he gets


the taxi driver doesn't like to work for others


the taxi drivers in the city go to the seaside to attend a party every year


London taxi driver ________.

[  ]


take money because they have to pay for the children's ride


go to the sea for a day in the summer


pay the fares for the poor children to the sea for a day once every year


give the poor children a free ride for a day at the sea once every year


The underlined words Underprivileged Children mean children ________.

[  ]


of low income families


who like to travel in taxi


who wish to go to sea but have no money


from London


科目: 来源:江西省上高二中2011-2012学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Walt Whitman was born in eighteen nineteen in New York City.During his long life, he watched America grow from a young nation to the strongest industrial power in the world.Whitman was influenced by events around him.But his poetry speaks of the inner self.He celebrated great people like President Abraham Lincoln.He also celebrated common people.

  As a young man, Whitman worked as a school teacher, a printer and a newspaper reporter.He was thirty-six years old when his first book of poetry was published.He called it Leaves of Grass.It has only twelve poems.The poems are written in free verse.The lines do not follow any set form.Some lines are short and some are long.The words at the end of each line do not have a similar sound.They do not rhyme.

  One of America's greatest thinkers and writers immediately recognized the importance of Leaves of Grass.Ralph Waldo Emerson praised Whitman's work.But most other poets and writers said nothing or denounced it.

  The America's Civil War began in eighteen sixty-one.During the war, Whitman worked without pay at army hospitals.He helped care for the wounded and dying soldiers.He sat beside these men for hours.He brought them food and wrote letters for them.After the Civil War, Whitman worked for government agencies.He watched the United States try to heal itself and increase democracy.To Walt Whitman, democracy was more than a political system or idea.It was a natural form of government for free people.Whitman believed democracy was meant to honor the rights of every person and the equality of all people.

  In eighteen seventy-three, Walt Whitman suffered a stroke.He spent the last few years of his life in Camden, New Jersey and wrote more poems.Whitman was poor and weak during the last few years of his life.He died in eighteen ninety-two.


Walt Whitman expressed his feelings by ________.

[  ]


singing songs


celebrating great people


writing poems


praising common people


Leaves of Grass was published in ________.

[  ]










The underlined sentence “But most other poets and writers said nothing or denounced it.”(in Paragraph 3)is most likely to tell us that ________.

[  ]


many great writers liked Whitman's poems very much


a lot of people agreed with Emerson


many poets and writers thought ill of Whitman's poems


few poets and writers didn't like talking to Whitman


It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that Whitman was ________.

[  ]


a brave soldier


a man of devotion


an honest official


a great politician


Which of the following is the right order of Whitman's life?

a.His first collection of poetry was published.

b.he taught in a school as a teacher when he was young.

c.He helped the wounded soldiers in the war.

d.He passed away in Camden, New Jersey.

e.He was born in new York City in 1819.

[  ]


e, c, b, a, d


e, b, c, a, d


e, b, c, d, a


e, b, a, c, d


科目: 来源:江西省上高二中2011-2012学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd.Take some time to find out about how one man, who was determined to change the way we treated our planet, didn't stop until he had made a difference.

  In 1963, Senator Gaylord Nelson wasn't happy with the earth's condition.He wanted to clean up the planet, solve pollution and environmental problems.A senator(参议员)is someone US citizens choose to help make laws, so Gaylord had a lot of power.He went to John F.Kennedy, the President at the time, with his ideas.The President agreed that the planets’ environment was a serious issue, so President Kennedy went around the country on a five-day tour to promote the idea of cleaning up the planet.People began making small changes but it wasn't enough.

  A few years later, Senator Nelson decided to put one day aside every year for the cause of saving the planet.On April 22, 1970, the first Earth day was celebrated.More than 20 million people took part in Earth Day activities in 1970.Since them, Earth Day has become an international holiday.People all over the world are doing something to make the earth a cleaner, better place.

  A rock band named Dramarama wrote a song about Earth Day in 1993 called What are We Gonna Do.Encouraging your family to recycle on a regular basis is a good way to help the earth.


Who is Gaylord Nelson?

[  ]


He is a lawyer.


He is the President of the USA.


He is a senator.


He is a rock singer.


What did President Kennedy do to promote the idea of cleaning up the earth?

[  ]


He named Gaylord Nelson senator.


he went around the country on a five-day tour.


He cleaned his office every day.


He decided to put one day aside for Earth Day.


Which of the following is better for us to do to help the earth?

[  ]


To work hard to be a senator.


To take a five-day tour around the world.


To take part in Earth Day activities every year.


To recycle on a regular basis.


Which of the following about Earth Day is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]


Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd every year.


Earth Day has become an international holiday since 1970,


Earth Day is celebrated by 20 million people every year.


Dramarama wrote What are We Gonna Do about Earth Day in 1993.


Which of the following events happened according to the order of time?

What are We Gonna Do was written.

②The first Earth Day was celebrated.

③Senator Nelson formed the idea of cleaning up the planet.

④Present Kennedy agreed to promote the idea.

[  ]










科目: 来源:广东省广州市2012届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Many psychologists in the early twentieth century believed that humans use only 10 percent of their brains, and even the great Albert Einstein once wrote that most people use only a small portion of the grey matter between their ears.It's a theory that has often been put forward in television documentaries; magazines, advertisements and books over the past century.

  But nearly all scientists now agree the 10 percent theory is completely unfounded.In fact, they question how this figure was ever arrived at in the first place and what areas of the brain are supposed to be unneeded.The theory supposes that if 90 percent of the brain were removed, a person would Still be able to function normally, while in reality it is known that damage to even a small area of the brain can result in extremely serious physical injury different activities and that many areas of the brain are used at the same time for some complex activities or thought processes.

  Throughout the course of one day, most.areas of the brain are active at some time, even during sleep.The 10 percent theory suggests that certain areas o' the brain are not used, but scans slow activities throughout the entire brain and not in any separate part.The final argument against the 10 percent theory is the fact that doctors carefully map the brain before removing brain cancers so that they don't affect other essential areas.

  From an evolutionary point of view, it's highly unlikely butt our comparatively larger brains would have evolved from our ancestors if the extra areas were not needed.In fact, there is absolutely no evidence support the 1p percent theory.


How did the 10 percent theory get such widespread popularity?

[  ]


It was promoted in various types of copular media.


Albert Einstein argued strongly in support.


It was proven in scientific research.


Few people could prove it wrong.


The underlined word "unfounded" is chest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










Which of the following is true according to the writer?

[  ]


We use less than 10% of our brains.


Most brain disorders affect the same part of the brain.


The brain is less active during times of sleep.


The 10 percent theory does not make evolutionary sense.


What can we infer from the passage?

[  ]


People today use more of their brain than in the past.


Scientific opinion about the topic of brain use is equally divided.


Our understanding of the brain has changed greatly in the past decades.


Modern scientists have a complete picture of how the brain works.


What is the main purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To present two sides of brain theory.


To criticize the 10 percent theory.


To explain how brain works.


To describe the history of brain research.


科目: 来源:广东省广州市2012届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  The dirty, homeless man sat on the pavement, staring at the atones.He thought back more than twenty years to when he was a boy living in a small red brick house on this very street.He recalled the flower garden, the swing his dad made, and the bike he had saved up for months to buy.

  The man shrugged impatiently, for the brightness of those pictures hurt him, and his memory travelled on another ten years.He had a job by then, plenty of friends and started to come home less.He did not really want to remember those years, nor the day when, because o' debts, he had gone home planning to ask for money.He felt embarrassed, but he knew exactly where his dad kept the money.When his parents stepped out of the room, he took what he wanted and left.

  That was the last time he had seen them.Ashamed, he went abroad, and his parents knew nothing about the years of wandering or time in prison.But locked in his cell he often thought of home.Once free, he would love to see his parents again, if they were still alive, and still wanted to see him.

  When his prison time was up, he found-a job, but couldn't settle.Something was drawing him home.He did not want to arrive penniless, so he hitchhiked most of the long journey back.But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt.Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them?

  He spent most of that day sitting under a tree.That evening he posted a letter which, although short, had taken him hours to write.It ended with:

  I know it is unreasonable of me to suppose you want to see me...so it's up to you.I'll come early Thursday morning.If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom.If it's there, I'll come in; if not, I'll wave good-bye and go.

  And now it was Thursday morning and he was sitting on the pavement at the end of the street.Finally he got up and walked slowly toward the old house.He drew a long breath and looked.

  His parents were taking no risks.________________

  The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.


Why did the man shrug impatiently(paragraph 2)while he was thinking of his childhood?

[  ]


The thoughts made him angry.


He felt he had wasted time.


He was anxious to go home.


The sweet memory caused him much pain.


Why did it take him hours to write the letter?

[  ]


He doubted if his parents still lived in that house.


He had much news to tell his parents.


He felt ashamed to ask for forgiveness.


He was longing to return home and felt excited.


In what order did the following events take place?

a.He took the money from his parents.

b.He bought a bicycle with his savings.

c.He was sentenced to prison.

d.He wrote the letter home.

e.He sat on the pavement.

f.He hitchhiked back home.

[  ]


b, a, c, d, e, f


b, a, c, f, d, e


a, c, b, d, f, a


a, d, b, c, e, f


Which of the following best fits into paragraph 8?

[  ]


Every inch of the house was covered in white.Sheets, pillowcases and table clothes had been placed on every window and door, making it look like a snow house.


The house before him was just as he remembered: the red bricks, the brown door and nothing else.


A colourful blanket was over the front door.On it, in large letters, was written, "Welcome home, son


A police car was parked in the drive way, and two officers stood at the front door.


The best title of the passage is ________.

[  ]


Sweet Memory


White Handkerchief


Abandoned Son


Leaving Home


科目: 来源:广东省广州市2012届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  When movie star Scarlett Johansson was photographed naming in Los Angeles recently, she attracted a lot of attention; for the 27-year-old actress was wearing Vibram FiveFingers, so called because they look more like gloves than shoes, with a space for each toe.

  Strange though they may look, these so-called barefoot shoes, which reproduce the effect of barefoot running but with less pain, are just one brand in a range of minimalist footwear.These super-thin sports shoes are causing a stir in the world of running and fitness.Why? Because some experts believe they could make you a better, more efficient runner and that traditional trainers could be doing you more harm than good.

  "Wearing a shoe that has lots of cushioning and support affects the way your body naturally moves and studies suggest that this carries a higher risk of injury, " explains Matt Wallden, an athlete performance expert."But with barefoot shoes, the foot can actually feel the firmness and shape of the ground, which allows your body to respond effectively.'"

  But before you rush out to invest in minimalist footwear, be careful.These kinds of shoes are not meant for everyone, or at least not straight away.

  "Ordinary sports shoes with support are good for beginners whose bodies are not used to the impact of running, " explains Patrick Davoren, former Olympic athlete."It you are not in great condition, then running in minimalist footwear may cause injuries and will turn a lot of people off exercise and running.

  If you are currently injured, and figures show that in any given year 65% of all runners are, it can be tempting to try anything that promises to get you back on the road, trail, or beach.But barefoot running is not a method of treating injury nor is it a magical way of suddenly turning you into a great athlete.

  Even if you're used to running, when you start using minimalist shoes you should build up your distance gradually.Start off'by doing just 10% of what you'd normally run and increase the distance by no more than 10% every week.And a word of warning-you may never have soft feet again


The Vibram FiveFingers are shoes ________.

[  ]


specifically designed for women


that have lots of cushion inside


safest for people who enjoy sports


that are much thinner than normal sports shoes


The underlined word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ________.

[  ]










According to Matt Wallden, the new shoes ________.

[  ]


make feet more sensitive to the running surface


will produce immediate improvements


force your body to move less naturally


increase the chances of getti ng hurt


The author suggests that new users of Vibram FiveFingers should ________.

[  ]


run in the shoes every day at top speed


begin with a shorter running distance than normal


occasionally run barefooted to harden their feet


make sure they are already very fit before using them


Where would you probably read this article?

[  ]


A travel book.


A movie website.


A sports magazine.


A science journal.


科目: 来源:广东省广州市2012届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Beatrix Potter was a great English writer and artist, best known for her children's books featuring animal characters such as in the children's classic-The Tale of Peter Rabbit.

  Beatrix was born into a rich London-based family where she was tutored by very strict private teachers and so spent her youth isolated from other youngsters.

  During her youth she had a lot of pets and spent vacations in Scotland and also the Lake District.It was at the Lake District that she developed a love of wildlife.She studied the area's natural wonders carefully and painted them continuously.But her old-fashioned, Manchester-born parents discouraged her intellectual improvement, thinking it inappropriate for a young lady.However, her study and watercolour paintings of wild mushrooms made her widely respected within the field of biology.

  In her 30's, Beatrix Potter wrote the remarkably successful kid's book, The Tale of Pew Rabbit.Close to that time she became secretly engaged to her publisher Norman Warne.This caused a great disagreement with her parents, who did not approve of Beatrix getting married to somebody of lower social status.Sadly, Warne died before the marriage ceremony.

  Ultimately Beatrix Potter began writing and also illustrating(绘图)kid's books full-time.Using profits from her books, Beatrix grew to become economically independent of her parents and was eventually in a position to buy Hill Top Farm in the Lake District.She extended the property with additional purchases of neighbouring land over time.In her 40's, Bestrix married William Heelis, a local lawyer.She ended up becoming a sheep breeder and farmer while continuing to publish as well as illustrate books for children.In all she authored 23 publications.

  Beatrix died on December 22, 1943, and left the majority of her property to the National Trust.Her books carry on selling well globally, in many different languages.Her stories have been retold in numerous formats including a ballet, movies, and cartoons.

  Such is her reputation, and that of the characters from her publications, that many Beatrix Potter statues have been created.These tiny Beatrix Potter statues which include pretty much all the actual characters in her publications have become highly valued by art collects and fans of her literature throughout the world.


What can we learn about Beatrix Potter's early life?

[  ]


She learned drawing skills from her tutors.


She was very sociable and outgoing.


She was greatly inspired by the beauty of nature.


She was encouraged to think creatively and independently.


Why did Beatrix Potter's parents oppose the idea of her marriage to Norman Warne?

[  ]


They did not believe she was mature enough to get married.


They thought Warne was only interested in Beatrix Potter's wealth.


They believed that the couple's characters were mismatched.


They considered Warne to be too common for their daughter.


According to the passage, which part of the UK did Beatrix Potter love most?

[  ]






The Lake District.




In which of the following areas did Beatrix Potter show an interest during her life?

[  ]


Writing, biology, farming.


Drawing, nature, ballet.


Movies, farming, drawing.


Writi ng, mushrooms, travel.


What is the function of the last two paragraphs of the passage?

[  ]


To describe the consequences of Beatrix Potter's death.


To present the lasting cultural influence of Beatrix Potter and her works..


To show the changes in attitude towards Beatrix Potter's works over the past years.


To criticize the commercialization of Beatrix Potter's characters since her death.


科目: 来源:山东省济宁市金乡一中2011-2012学年高二3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Paul was a good athlete when he was a middle school student.He liked running and jumping and won some medals at the sports meetings.So he was tall and strong.Suddenly war broke out and the young man joined the army.He was sent to the front and killed several enemy soldiers.Two years later, he returned to his home town and found a job at the police station.People had known about his bravery by then and they all liked the polite young man.

  One day a few young men had drunk too much before they came in a cinema.They danced and sang there and the film couldn't be shown.Paul was ill that day and went to the hospital.When he was passing there, the young men were beating an old man.He went to stop them and they began to fight.He caught them all and sent them to the police station.Since then all the bad men in the town were afraid of the brave policeman.

  It was a summer evening.The weather was hot and few people could stay indoors.Paul was on duty and sat by the telephone.Suddenly in rushed a beautiful girl with a book in her hand.She stood there, shaking in her shoes.

  “What's the matter, Madam? ”asked Paul.

  “I wish you could protect me, Sir, ”answered the girl.

  “Protect? ”Paul said in surprise.“For what? ”

  The girl showed the book to Paul.The young man understood at once: it was a

book about Ghosts(鬼)!


Paul won some medals because ________.

[  ]


he was a middle school student


he was tall and strong


he kept doing morning exercises


he was good at running and jumping.


Paul was ________ after he joined the army.

[  ]


a good athlete


a brave soldier


a polite policeman


a brave policeman


Paul sent the young men to the police station because ________.

[  ]


they made some trouble at the cinema


they drank much in the restaurant


they wouldn't see the film


they wanted to fight with him


科目: 来源:山东省济宁市金乡一中2011-2012学年高二3月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Robert was born in a small town in England.His father has a farm and can supply him enough money to finish university where he's studying law.The young man studies hard and hopes to be a famous lawyer.

  Last Monday their term was over.Robert said to his father on the telephone that he was going to travel in a small country during his summer holiday.His father agreed to his plan and posted some money to him.So he started four days ago.Their plane landed at the only airport of the country safely.He took a taxi and got to a hotel in the center of the capital.He felt hungry and tired.So he had a dinner and then a good sleep.This morning he was all right and was going to visit some places of interest.He met an English visitor while he was having breakfast and the man told him to be careful of thieves.

  Robert thanked the man and left.But he thought he was smart(机灵的)and strong and he decided to have a try.He brought out a piece of paper and wrote on it, “A pig has stolen my wallet(钱包)! ”Then he put the note into his empty wallet.After that he put the wallet into a pocket and set off.He did all carefully and hoped to find out who would steal it.

  “Everything went well, ”Robert thought to himself after he had returned to the hotel.He brought out his wallet and put his money into it again.He had a look at the note.To his surprise, it was rewritten.It said, “Your uncle has touched your wallet! ”


Robert can study in the university because ________.

[  ]


he wants to be a lawyer


his father is a rich farmer


he's smart and strong


he keeps his wallet well


Robert went to the small country to ________.

[  ]


make fun of the thieves


catch some thieves


visit the places of interest


have a nice meal and a good sleep there


The English visitor thought ________.

[  ]


there were a lot of thieves in the city


Robert could deal with the thieves


it was dangerous to travel in the city


Robert had to take good care of himself

