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科目: 来源:重庆市西南大学附属中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050



  NASA has opened the door to the next generation of space discovery by announcing great plans for a base for humans to live on the surface of the moon forever.

  The project to build a base on the moon will begin soon after 2020, with astronauts living there within four years.

  The project comes after several excellent scientists and environmentalists asked humans to look beyond Earth to ensure the survival of the species (物种).

  Eventually, the moon will be a base for humans to explore the solar system and one day land on Mars.

  NASA began planning for the first moon landing since 1972 when George Bush, the US president, announced his new plan for space exploration four years ago.

  NASA has already talked about the design of the Orion spacecraft that will replace the old space shuttle fleet in 2010.

  The plan for the moon base, however, is the first detailed explanation of how NASA intends to prepare for the first manned exploration of deep space and a possible Mars mission within 30 years.

  Scientists also believe that the south pole on the moon contain rich natural gases such as the rare helium-3 that could be used as fuel for the generation of nuclear power.Besides, teams of astronauts living there for six months at a time would mine for hydrogen and oxygen to make water and possibly rocket fuel.


When was the plan to explore space first announced according to the passage?

[  ]


In 1972.


In 1950.


In 1968.


In 2020.


The reasons why NASA has begun the plan to explore space include the followings Except ________.

[  ]


to protect Earth


to explore deep space


to finish Mars mission


to show how powerful the USA is


In the future, when people fly to the moon, they will probably not bring with them too much ________.

[  ]










The passage mainly talks about ________.

[  ]


the USA's new plan for space exploration


how to build a base on the moon


why to ensure the survival of the species


where to get new natural resources


科目: 来源:重庆市西南大学附属中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050



  Would you like to know how to properly shake hands with strangers when necessary for the best impression?

  Then listen closely.I'll show you what certain handshakes mean and what you can do to give a handshake with the best impression.

  A person who is confident gives a firm handshake.

  Someone who is nervous or shy gives a wilted (畏畏缩缩) handshake.

  Now here are some wonderful tips to give an excellent handshake that makes people trust, respect or like you.

  1.Smile while shaking hands, but don't smile for too long becasue it might let the other think you are not smart.

  2.Make eye contact for around three seconds while shaking hands.Don't look too powerfully, nor too long into their eyes.

  3.If you're sitting down, stand up to show respect when shaking hands except when you're eating.Remaining seated while shaking hands may give the impression that you're not interested in them, and will probably get them angry.

  4.If you have sweaty hands, wipe out the sweat before shaking hands.

  5.Hold out your arm outward to show them your enthusiasm and confidence.

  6.Your palm should come in contact with their palm.It proves that you're not hiding anything.

  7.Don' t hold their hands too hard.Shake hands firmly, but don't give too much pressure.


Why is it important to give a stranger an excellent handshake?

[  ]


Because it can prove that you are a confident person.


Because it can show that you are not nervous or shy.


Because it can cause the stranger to trust, respect or like you.


Because it can tell the stranger that you are polite.


While shaking hands, you ________.

[  ]


should not look at the stranger


should smile for about five seconds


should do it firmly


should always look into people's eyes


What will probably get people angry when shaking hands?

[  ]


Sitting down.


Standing up.


Staying aside.


Remaining in sight.


Which statement is Not Right according to the text?

[  ]


A firm handshake shows your confidence.


It's all right to keep seated when people shake hands with you at dinner.


People will consider you enthusiastic if you have a sweaty hand.


Smile makes a good handshake.


科目: 来源:山东省青岛二中2011-2012学年高一下学期阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  “Eat local.” It's one way to reduce human effect on the planet.Eating local means to try to buy and consume foods that are grown in places close to home.However, most of the food sold at supermarkets is not locally grown or produced.Trucks and planes deliver these foods from hundreds or thousands of miles away.During the transportation, greenhouse(温室)gases are produced, causing global warming.So the shorter the distance your foods must travel, the less the harm is done to the environment.

  But how do you get local food if you live in a large city, hundreds of miles away from farms? Environmental health scientist Dickson Despommier and his students came up with the idea of a “vertical(垂直的)farm”.

  A vertical farm is a glass-walled structure that could be built as tall as a skyscraper(摩天大楼).Since the garden is built upwards, rather than outwards, it requires much less space than an ordinary farm.The world is quickly running out of room for ordinary farming.Vertical farms could be a key to this situation.Despommier imagines a 30-story building with a greenhouse on every floor.The walls of the building would be clear, to allow crops to get as much sunlight as possible.Depending on a city's water resources, Despommier thinks hydroponic(水培的)farming is another method for the vertical farm which needs no soil to grow plants.

  Despommier says the hydroponic greenhouses would use a system that would use a city's waste water and fill it with nutritions to make the crops grow.If this method works, it would provide food to a city and save millions of tons of water.

  The idea of a vertical farm has attracted the attention of government officials around the world.Scott Stringer, a government official from New York City, thinks the city is suitable for the vertical farming.“Obviously we don't have much land left for us, ” Stringer said.“But the sky is the limit in Manhattan.”

  Despommier admits that there is still a lot of work to do to make vertical farms a reality.“But I think vertical farming is an idea that can work in a big way, ” he says.


Why are people advised to eat local?

[  ]


Because it means convenience(方便)to people.


Because it can help people save a lot of money.


Because local food has more nutrition.


Because it is environmentally friendly.


Which is one of the vertical farm's benefits when compared with ordinary farming?

[  ]


It produces healthier food.


It does less harm to the cities.


It needs less space of the city.


It requires less transport costs.


By saying “the sky is the limit in Manhattan”, Stringer means ________.

[  ]


people can make full use of vertical space of Manhattan


there is a limit for using empty land in Manhattan


the height of buildings in Manhattan is limited


Manhattan can spread as far as possible


What can we learn about the vertical farming in the passage?

[  ]


No soil is needed to grow plants in a vertical farm.


It has solved the problem of the food shortage in a big way.


It is a 30-story building with a greenhouse on every floor.


Crops are mainly grown in the rainwater in a vertical farm.


科目: 来源:山东省青岛二中2011-2012学年高一下学期阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  When an official at the U.S.Open Pocket Pool(台球)Championship saw a 9-year-old girl playing at one of the tournament tables, he told her that spectators(观众)were not allowed to play.But much to his surprise, the girl was actually a competitor.That was nine years ago, and today, with five U.S.Open Women's titles behind her and a recently won world championship, no one is likely to mistake Jean Balukas for a spectator again.

  It doesn't seem too surprising that Jean became caught up in pool-her father owns a pool hall within walking distance of the family's home in Brooklyn.When she was just tall enough to see over the table, she fell in love with the game soon.Five years later Jean was ready to enter her first U.S.Open.She still remembers the letter the officials sent her reminding her that she wouldn't be allowed to stand on a box to play.

  As Jean improved, she found it increasingly difficult to play games at her father's pool hall.“If I'd beat one of the guys, his friends would laugh at them about losing to me, ” she says.Now Jean comes to the hall only weeks before a tournament when she plays Johnny Goon, her father's pool manager.

  That Johnny can beat her shows the gap that now exists in pool-as in other sports-between the top men and women competitors.“I'm supposedly the top woman player, but I'd have a hard time beating the number 50 man, ” says Jean.“If I was a boy and played pool, I'd be a nobody.”

  Jean thinks that women pool players still have a long way to go because pool has been a man's game for so long.“When they think of pool players, people have this picture in their head of gambling(赌博)and smoke, ” she says.

  Jean won four of the seven games in these two years.She was as surprised as anyone else at her performance, even though she was a New York City tennis champion and center for her high-school basketball team.Jean does not take full credit for her achievements, saying, “I think what I have in sports is a gift from God, and that's why I can get out there and do so well.”


We can learn from the first passage that Jean Balukas ________.

[  ]


had become well-known at the age of 9


had achieved great fame at the age of 18


was often asked to play with men players


was refused to play in the U.S.Open for her young age


The letter Jean received before her first U.S.Open ________.

[  ]


told her to arrive in time for the game


showed people's doubt about her ability


told her about the basic rules of the game


invited her to compete in the U.S.Open


Jean Balukas believed that women pool players ________.

[  ]


fall far behind men players


aren't suitable for a man's game


are impossible to beat any man player


have a bad reputation(名声)for gambling and smoking


By saying the underlined words in the last paragraph Jean meant that ________.

[  ]


women players had a long way to go


she wouldn't stop before her great achievement


she had much confidence in the game


she achieved her success because of her born gift


科目: 来源:山东省青岛二中2011-2012学年高一下学期阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  News that Microsoft was making a $44.6 billion bid to buy Yahoo was greeted with heated discussion by many Internet users on Friday.Here are some responses:

  Mark Galeassi of Kansas City, Missouri

  This is the best move for both parties.Yahoo has the ideas and Microsoft has the money to finally market these ideas correctly.Microsoft and Yahoo are a perfect fit and the deal will be good for consumers.

  Scott G New Jersey

  I was a Yahoo user for years along with Hotmail from Microsoft.Then Google came along:Google Earth, Google Toolbar and Gmail.Google is so innovative(创新的)with everything they do.Yahoo and Microsoft … sane old story … I don't think the merger(合并) will do anything for either company except improve the Yahoo shareholders'bank accounts.

  Michael Glosser of Estero, Florida

  Right now, Yahoo offers a lot of features and tools at no cost for all different levels of Internet users.Microsoft seeks nothing but profit.Undoubtedly, they'll do nothing other than find ways to start removing Yahoo's formerly non-priced features.Microsoft's greed will ruin the great thing that Yahoo currently is.

  Toni Suarez of Hacienda Heights, California

  Perhaps it would bring better high technology innovations to e-mail and help in researching and developing a better Internet!

  Antonio Simmons of Parkville, Maryland

  Microsoft purchasing Yahoo would be nothing more than an attempt from Microsoft to further impose upon the users their poor-quality software and obtain more wealth for the company.In my opinion, they will never be able to compete with Google because Yahoo and Microsoft's current search engines are too inferior(差的)to compete.Even if combined, they still lack.


Who is in favor of the merger of Microsoft and Yahoo?

[  ]


Antonio Simmons.


Michael Grosser.


Scott G.


Mark Galeassi.


In the opinion of Scott G, ________.

[  ]


the merger will contribute to Microsoft


Yahoo and Microsoft are lacking in innovation


Google is getting short of management experience


the merger will allow Microsoft to overtake Google


Michael Grosser is afraid that ________.

[  ]


the merger will cost Yahoo's free features


the merger will lead to Microsoft's defeating Yahoo


the increased competition will force Google out of the game


Internet users will have to buy Microsoft's expensive software


What is Antonio Simmons’ attitude towards Google?

[  ]










科目: 来源:山东省青岛二中2011-2012学年高一下学期阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a bestseller all over the world.It teaches people how to face changes in their lives.Now its author Spence Johnson has written a book just for teens.The book tells us that when facing change in our lives, like a new school or new friends, don't be afraid.Instead, use this change to make a better life.The book gives an example of a change at school.A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students.

  Several teens are talking about this.Most of them are unhappy and worried.But Chris is not.He laughs and tells a story about two mice, two "little people" and some cheese.

  The four are in a maze looking for the cheese.Here, cheese means something important in life, like moving to a new class or getting into college.But they find the cheese is gone.The mice realize that they can't change what has happened and have to find more cheese.This means finding different dreams.The little people, however, can't do this.They are afraid of change so they find no cheese.

  After Chris finishes the story, the friends understand one thing: to get more cheese, move in a new direction quickly.His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teens face, such as doing well at school or having good relationships or just feeling good about yourself.


What does the text mainly discuss ________ ?

[  ]


Never change in our life


Change when you like to do


Change with the changes


Pay attention to the changes


The underlined word "four"(paragraph 3)refers to ________.

[  ]


Mice and little people








In our lives, we should learn from ________.

[  ]




little people




Spence Johnson


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


The author is Britain.


There are three terms in every school.


Most teens don't understand Chris' story.


The book tells teens how to face changes in their lives.


科目: 来源:山东省青岛二中2011-2012学年高一下学期阶段性质量检测英语试题 题型:050


  Animal experts in Croatia say a bear has learned how to trick people to let him in by knocking at the door.

  They believe the 220-kilogram brown bear probably learned the trick while nudging(轻推)a door to get it to open.

  Experts have a guess that the nudging was mistaken by the owners for knocking and that the bear, pleased by the result, repeated the trick.

  The Loknar family from Gerovo in western Croatia said the bear had knocked at their door three times and they were now refusing to answer the door.

  “We jumped of the window as he came in through the door and went into the kichen to take some food for the first time.”Mum Nevenka Loknar told a reporter from a local newspaper.“I opened the door and saw him standing there and I didn't believe my eyes at first, then I ran for it as he walked in as if it was the most normal-thing in the world.”

  Bears are a common thing in the woods around here, but no one has ever heard of a bear that knocks at the door.

  Mum Nevenka Loknar said, “The bear is so intelligent.It's incredible.We’ve tried to put up lots of obstacles to stop him coming in, like a wire fence but he still gets through.I wouldn't be surprised if he knew how to use wire cutters(钢丝剪).”


According to experts in Croatia, how did the bear learn the trick?

[  ]


By knocking at the door several times.


By accident.


By learning from the owner of a family.


By imitation.


What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 5 refer to?

[  ]


Eating at the kitchen.


Knocking at the door.


Walking into the house.


Answering the door.


It is ________ in Gerovo that a bear knocks at the door.

[  ]




a troubling problem




an exciting experience


Mum Nevenka Loknar was surprised that the bear ________.

[  ]


didn't attack her family


knew how to use wire cutters


jumped across her wire fence three times


was clever at getting through the obstacles


科目: 来源:广西桂林市第十八中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  WENZHOU(Xinhua)-The train collision in east China's Zhejiang Province has killed 39 people and left 192 others injured as of Sunday night, said a spokesman with the Ministry of Railways.

  A total of 132 people are still being treated in hospitals, said Wang Yongping, spokesman with the ministry at a press conference.Eleven people remain in critical condition, said Cheng Jinguo, head of the health bureau in the city of Wenzhou, where the collision happened Saturday night.Cheng said at the press conference that 52 people who suffered slight injuries had been discharged from hospital.Wang expressed condolences(哀悼)to the concerning families and sincere apology to all the passengers.

  The train's black box has been discovered and the ministry is investigating the cause of the crash, Wang said the ministry will make public the cause of the accident as soon as the investigation is done and publish the names of the killed and injured.

  He said the crash has caused large number of casualties and great property losses.The ministry will find out the cause through thorough investigation and take effective measures to prevent similar accidents.

  Despite the accident, the spokesman said the ministry is still confident in the high-speed train."China's high-speed train is advanced and qualified.We have confidence in it, " he said.

  The damaged rails have been repaired and were ready to restart operation but the reopening was delayed by the stormy weather, according to Wang.Wang did not provide the exact time when the line would start operating again.

  The accident occurred at about 8:30 p.m.Saturday on a bridge near Wenzhou when bullet train D301 rear-ended(追尾)D3115, which reportedly lost power after lightning strike.


According to Cheng Jinguo, ________ people who had been slightly injured had been recovered and left hospital.

[  ]










What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


The operation was restarted the next day.


There was a thunderstorm when the trains crashed.


The cause of the collision was made clear.


Similar accidents would be avoided in later operations.


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


The Railway Ministry is investigating the cause with the help of the "black box".


Bullet train D301 hit the train D3115 that stopped ahead of it due to lack of power.


Bullet train D3115 was forced to stop as a result of human interference.


The operation of the line would be restarted with the stormy weather over.


What can be the best title of the passage?

[  ]


Trains Crashed Causing Deaths and Damage.


Terrible Weather Leading to Trains' Collision.


Investigations upon Trains' Collision.


Confidence in Development of High-speed Trains.


This passage is most likely to be taken from ________.

[  ]


a science fiction


an essay


a travel brochure


a newspaper


科目: 来源:广西桂林市第十八中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Believe it or not, in the near future people won't just wear a chicken feather suit at Halloween or for fancy dress.Chickens, which have long provided food for dinner, will also be used to make our clothes as well.Last Monday, a report by the University of Nebraska in the US said in the future it should be possible to use chicken feathers and rice straw to make clothes.

  “All those wasted agriculture products don't have to be wasted anymore, ” researcher Yiqi Yang said.

  New technology will change these by-products into something similar to wool, linen, or cotton.Because producing synthetic fabrics(合成纤维)causes pollution, scientists wanted to find a cheaper and environmentally friendly replacement.They turned their eyes to the millions of tons of rice straw and chicken feathers that are widely and cheaply available worldwide.Moreover they don't cause pollution like petroleum-based fibers(石油合成纤维).

  Chicken feathers are mostly made up of the same kind of protein found in wool.A sweater made from chicken feathers would feel just like a wool sweater.It would be lighter in weight and warmer, too.

  According to Yang and his team, rice straw, on the other hand, can produce a fabric that looks and feels similar to cotton or linen.The process is also environmentally friendly.The total production cost of rice fiber is about 50 cents per pound, while cotton now sells for about 60 cents a pound.

  Maybe some day in the future you will wear fabulous clothes like these.


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


In the past, chicken feathers and rice straw were not very cheaply available.


At present, chicken feathers and rice straw are useless for producing synthetic fabrics.


The environmentally friendly products will take the place of the non-environmentally friendly ones.


Scientists have not made any progress in the environmentally friendly products.


What are the main advantage of the new clothes made of chicken feathers and rice straw?

[  ]


They are mostly made up of the same kind of protein found in wool.


The clothes will be widely used in every field in our daily life.


The process of producing the clothes does not cheap at all.


A sweater made of the new clothes would be lighter in weight and warmer.


The underlined part “fabulous” in the last Paragraph probably means “ ________ ”.

[  ]










科目: 来源:广西桂林市第十八中学2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Since my retirement from teaching music in 2001, I have spent a good deal of time painting as an artist.I actually began drawing again in the summer of 1995 when my father died, so perhaps I was trying to recover from the loss of my father, or maybe it was just that it brought back memories of him.In any case, I drew pen and ink animals and landscapes much influenced by Krenkel and St.John for five years.

  For some strange reason, I had been waiting until my retirement to start doing watercolors again, but as soon as I walked out of the school door for the last time I picked up my brushes and rediscovered Andrew Wyeth, who quickly became my favorite artist.I had looked through all the art books I had on my shelves and found his watercolors to be the closest to how I thought good watercolors should look.So I painted landscapes around Minnesota for three years and tried out many other types of painting.However, watercolors remained my first choice, and I think I did my best work there, showing my painting at a number of art exhibitions.

  Art is now together with my piano playing and reading.There is a time for everything in my world, and it is wonderful to have some time doing what I want to do.As Confucius once said, "At seventy I can follow my heart's desire."


What is the text mainly about?

[  ]


Learning to paint in later life.


How to paint watercolors.


An artist-turned teacher.


Life after retirement


The author started drawing again in 1995 because ________.

[  ]


he hoped to draw a picture of his father


he couldn't stop missing his father


he had more time after retirement


he liked animals and landscapes


We can infer from the text that the author ________.

[  ]


had been taught by Krenkel and St.John


painted landscapes in Minnesota for 5 years


believed Wyeth to be the best in watercolors


started his retirement life at the age of seventy


How does the author probably feel about his life as an artist?

[  ]


Very enjoyable.


A bit regretful.


Rather busy.


Fairly dull.

