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科目: 来源:山东省师大附中2012届高三4月冲刺考试英语试题 题型:050


  It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible.Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel.It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter.

  Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense.It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions.But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

  However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous.Typical examples are the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time.The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

  An experienced driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing total blockages that give rise to unpleasant feelings.Unfortunately, modern drivers can't even learn to drive, let alone master the roadmanship.Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give-and-take from all road users.It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.


The passage mainly talks about ________.

[  ]


traffic jams


road politeness


good manners


modern drivers


Troubles on the road are often caused by ________.

[  ]


the behavior of the drivers


traffic jams


great speed


terrible road conditions


According to the writer, a good driver should ________.

[  ]


be able to recognize politeness when he sees it


beat back when forced to face rude driving


encourage old ladies to cross the roads whenever they want to


join in traffic stream quickly however other people feel


The following statements are right EXCEPT that ________.

[  ]


some modern drivers are not good at driving


road politeness is good sense as well as good manners


a friendly driver should nod or wave thanks in answer to an act of politeness


it is also right to have a tiger in the driver's seat


It is not always right for drivers to ________.

[  ]


master roadmanship


recognize politeness when they see it


give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness


encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want


科目: 来源:山东省师大附中2012届高三4月冲刺考试英语试题 题型:050


  Of course, the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork, but that's only superficial.Besides, in decent restaurants, you can always ask for a pair of knife and fork, if you find the chopsticks not helpful enough.The real difference is that in the West, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.If you are being treated to a formal dinner and particularly if the host thinks you’re in the country for the first time, he will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.

  The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.Soup then will be served(unless in Guangdong style restaurants)to be followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings.If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you should say so in good time, for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at all.

  Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests.In formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks.This is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness.It is always polite to eat the food.If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the plate.

  People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.When you have had enough, just say so.Or you will always overeat!


What's the main difference on dinner table between China and West is ________.

[  ]


You have your own plate of food in West while in China everyone shares the dishes.


On Chinese dinner table, chopsticks replace knife and fork.


You’re treated to a formal dinner for the first time.


The host will do the best to give you a taste of many different types of dishes.


If you have a dinner in a Chinese home, in which order will the food be served in China?

a.a set of four cold dishes.

b.staple food such as rice, noodle or dumplings.

c.the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes.

d.serving soup.

[  ]










According to the passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


Chinese think it impolite for guests to leave food in the plate.


Chinese think it polite to put food into the plated of the guests with their own chopsticks.


People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.


Chinese all think it impolite for guests to ask for a pair of knife and fork.


The sentence, in passage 2,“you should say so in good time” means ________.

[  ]


you should say so early


you should say so happily


you'd better say so


you should say so kindly.


The “public chopsticks and spoons” are used for/to ________.

[  ]


show the politeness to the guests.


share the food together


show the genuine friendship and politeness


put food into the plates of their guests


科目: 来源:山东省师大附中2012届高三4月冲刺考试英语试题 题型:050


  Introductory Chemistry was taught at Duke University for many years by professor Bonk.One year, two guys took the class and did pretty well on all the quizzes and mid?terms.They each had a solid A.These two friends were so confident in going into the final that the weekend before finals week, despite the Chemistry final being on Monday, they decided to go to the University of Virginia to party with some friends.

  They had a great time there.However, with their hangovers(宿醉)and tiredness, they overslept all day Sunday and didn't make it back to Duke until early Monday morning.Rather than taking the final then, they found professor Bonk after the final and explained to him how they missed the final.They told him they went up to the University of Virginia for the weekend and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire on the way back and didn't have a spare.So they were late getting back to campus.

  Bonk thought this over and agreed that they could take the final the following day.The two guys, happily and relieved, studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Bonk had told them.He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet.He told them to begin.

  They looked at the first problem which was something simple about solution(溶解).It was worth 5 points.“Cool, ”they thought, “this is going to be an easy final”.They then turned the page.They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on it.The question contained only two words:(95 points)Which tire?


The two guys decided to go to the University of Virginia because ________.

[  ]


they were afraid of the final


there was a party there


they thought they can pass the final easily


the final would be held there


When did they take the final at last?

[  ]


On Sunday.


On Monday.


On Saturday.


On Tuesday.


From the passage we know ________.

[  ]


the two guys came back to campus late on purpose


Bonk wasn't strict with the two guys


Bonk didn't believe the two guys’ explanation


repairing the flat tire took the two guys a lot of time


After the final, they ________.

[  ]


must have the same scores


may apologize to professor Bonk


wouldn't be confident in their Chemistry


would feel happy and relieved


From the passage we can get a lesson that ________.

[  ]


he is wise that is honest


he who makes no mistakes makes nothing


one never loses anything by politeness


think twice before you do


科目: 来源:山东省师大附中2012届高三4月冲刺考试英语试题 题型:050


  Charlie Boswell has always been a great hero.He has inspired thousands of people to rise above circumstances and live out true meaning of life.

  He was blinded during World War Ⅱwhile rescuing his friend from a tank that was under fire.He was a great athlete before the accident.In order to prove his talent and determination, he decided to try a brand new sport, a sport he never imagined playing, even with his eyesight-golf! Through determination and a deep love for the game he became the National Blind Golf Champion! He won that honor 13 times.

  One of his heroes was the great golfer Ben Hogan, so it truly was an honor for Charlie to win the Ben Hogan Award in 1958.

  Upon meeting Ben Hogan, Charlie was respectful and stated that he had one wish and it was to have one round of golf with the great Ben Hogan.Mr.Hogan agreed that playing a round together would be an honor for him as well, as he had heard about all of Charlie's accomplishments and truly admired his skills.

  “Would you like to play for money, Mr.Hogan? ” asked out Charlie.

  “I can't play you for money, it wouldn't be fair! ” said Mr.Hogan.

  “Aw, come on Mr.Hogan…$ 1, 000 per hole! ”

  “I can't, what would people think of me, taking advantage of you and your circumstance? ” replied the sighted golfer.

  “Chicken, Mr.Hogan? ”

  “Okay, ” replied the embarrassed Hogan, “but I am going to play my best! ”

  “I wouldn't expect anything else, ” said the confident Boswell.

  “Now that you’re on.Mr.Boswell, you name the time and the place! ”

  The very self-assured Boswell responded, “10 o’clock … tonight! ”


Why didn't Mr.Hogan want to play Charlie for money?

[  ]


He was worried he would lose the match.


He thought it was unfair for Charlie.


He didn't care about money.


He preferred chicken to money.


According to the text, what does the underlined word “self-assured” probably mean?

[  ]










It can be inferred from the text that ________.

[  ]


Mr.Hogan was not good at playing golf


Charlie did well in other sports before playing golf


Mr.Hogan didn't try his best to play


Charlie Boswell was born blind


What was the result of the match?

[  ]


Charlie won.


Hogan won.


Neither of them won.


Not mentioned.


Which of the following can best describe Charlie?

[  ]


Competitive and generous


Energetic and reliable


Careful and considerate


Confident and smart


科目: 来源:安徽省芜湖一中2012届高三第六次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Q My daughter is a junior in high school and has been on an individualized education program since fourth grade.She plans to go to college and intends to finish with a master's degree.Her performance is fairly good, but test scores are very low.She has held many leadership and volunteer positions.We have been advised to have her write an essay about how her learning disability is a barrier that she has overcome.Will that help or hurt her chances for admission?


  A First let me answer the question on low standardized test scores (ACT/ SAT).There are hundreds of colleges that are “test optional” which means students can choose not to release their test scores in the application process.Admission decisions at these colleges for students who do not submit their test scores are made based on other factors.A list of test optional colleges can be found at fairtest.org.It is important, however, to make sure that the college is the right fit academically regardless of the test optional policy.

  You also asked if your daughter should write about her disability and if this would hurt her chances of being admitted.Please know that colleges do not deny admission based on disability.“Disclosing” a learning disability in a personal statement within the college application can certainly help.By writing a personal statement, students can potentially demonstrate, for example, their understanding of the challenge they face.They might also demonstrate an improved grade trend in that subject area, and show interest in more complex courses in spite of this disability.More importantly, a student disclosure can show self-confidence, motivation and an understanding of the disability.



What do we know about Deborah's daughter?

[  ]


She is applying for a master's degree.


She is very active in her high school.


Her disability prevents her studying well.


She has difficulty overcoming her learning disability.


According to Ms.Kravis, what can Deborah do about her daughter's low test scores?

[  ]


Keep them secret


Explain the reasons


Stress other aspects


Work hard to improve


What is Ms.Kravis' attitude toward one's declaring his/ her learning disability?

[  ]










According to the text, Ms.Kravis is probably ________

[  ]


an editor


a school leader


a psychological


an educational expert


科目: 来源:安徽省芜湖一中2012届高三第六次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Global emissions(排放)of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning jumped by the largest amount on record in 2010.Emissions rose 5.9 percent in 2010, according to an analysis released on Sunday by the Global Carbon Project.

  Scientists said the increase was almost certainly the largest absolute jump in any year since the Industrial Revolution.The increase solidified a trend of ever-rising emissions that will make it difficult, if not impossible, to stop severe climate change in coming decades.

  The burning of coal represented more than half of the growth in emissions, the analysis found.In the United States, emissions dropped by a remarkable 7 percent in the year of 2009, but rose by over 4 percent in 2010, the new analysis shows.

  “Each year, emissions go up, and there's another year of negotiations, another year of indecision,” said Glen P.Peters, a researcher at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research.“There's no evidence that this path we've been following in the last 10 years is going to change.”

  Scientists say the rapid growth of emissions is warming the Earth and putting human welfare at long-term risk.But their increasingly urgent pleas that society find a way to limit emissions have met sharp political resistance in many countries because doing so would involve higher energy costs.

  The new figures show a continuation of a trend in which developing countries have surpassed (超过) the wealthy countries in their overall greenhouse emissions.In 2010, the burning of fossil fuels and the production of cement (水泥) sent more than nine billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere, the new analysis found, with 57 percent of that coming from developing countries.

  On the surface, the figures of recent years suggest that wealthy countries have made headway in stabilizing their emissions.But Dr.Peters pointed out that, in a sense, the rich countries have simply exported some of them.

  The fast rise in developing countries has been caused to a large extent by the growth of energy-intensive manufacturing industries that make goods that rich countries import.“All that has changed is the location in which the emissions are being produced,” Dr.Peters said.

  Many countries, as part of their response to the economic crisis, invested billions in programs designed to make their energy systems greener.While it is possible, the new numbers suggest they have had little effect so far.


Many governments in the world resist limiting emissions because ________

[  ]


it is not the best way to solve such problems


they don't realize the risks of carbon emissions


it would probably harm human welfare in the long run


they are unwilling to accept higher energy costs


According to Glen P.Peters, We can learn that ________

[  ]


the rapid growth of emissions contributes to potential risks for humans


rich countries actually take more responsibility for the growth of emissions


human beings will follow the same path of negotiations in the next 10 years


some countries negotiate together yearly whether to reduce the amounts of emissions


Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


Emissions in the United States dropped by about 7 percent in 2010.


Developing countries will produce less emissions with economic development.


There is a long way to go for many countries to limit the fast growth of emissions.


Over 50 percent of the growth in emissions resulted from the burning of fossil fuels.


The text mainly talks about ________

[  ]


an analysis released by the Global Carbon Project


the record jump in carbon dioxide emissions


the possible climate change in future decades


the main harm of greenhouse gases


科目: 来源:安徽省芜湖一中2012届高三第六次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states.They wanted to buy lottery tickets.The tickets cost only $0.9 each.But that small spending could bring them a reward of $90 million.That was the second largest lottery jackpot(积累奖金)in history.

  More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing.Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80.The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million.But that little chance certainly didn't affect ticket sales.In the last few days before the drawing, tickets were selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second.

  Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action.Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people.It allows them to dream about wealth they'll probably never have.

  But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized (合法化的)gambling.Some critics note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets.There are also many addicts who take the game seriously.They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets.Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.

  Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes.The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens.But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice(恶习), under the name of social progress.

  No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans.


The main idea of the passage is that ________.

[  ]


lotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys them


playing a lottery is just like investing in the stock market


a lot of people buy lottery tickets, but lotteries cause disagreement


lotteries are just legalized vice


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Politicians like lotteries because they don't have to pay extra tax.


The popularity of lotteries in America actually is social progress.


Some critics don't like lotteries because many poor people waste their money on them.


People love the lottery because it is a stock market.


In just one hour in the last few days, the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling________.

[  ]


$1.62 million


$90 million


$9.6 million


$87 million


People who are addicted to playing lotteries should ________.

[  ]


join a club


kick the habit


win the Pennsylvania


save every cent


科目: 来源:安徽省芜湖一中2012届高三第六次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Filmmakers Michele dive into an eerie (怪诞的) world.The usually colorful corals are a ghostly white.Most of the fish, crabs, and other animals have disappeared.The reef is sick and dying.

  Coral reefs are often called “the rainforests of the sea” because of their abundance of life forms.A great diversity of animals finds food and shelter in every crack and crevice.

  Today's reefs are about 10,000 years old.Found in sunny, shallow water in warm seas all over the world, reefs are made up of the hard shells of millions of corals.As corals live and die, they create a giant, rocky honeycomb.Only a thin top layer is living coral.

  A reef grows only about as fast as your fingernails-three-quarters of an inch a year.But coral reefs are huge, and in time a healthy reef can be thousands of miles long.

  Millions of people around the world rely on reef fish and other animals for food.And reefs provide protection from storms at sea.Without thousands of miles of reefs surrounding coastal areas, many beaches and even whole islands could be destroyed by the pounding of powerful ocean waves.

  “Let's say a grazing animal like the parrot fish is overfished,” Michele explains.“Without them, the kind of algae (海藻) that the fish feed on could grow like weeds and take over the reef.The competition for space and sunlight could then starve the coral.”

  Nearly 27 percent of the world's coral reefs have been lost or damaged.But there is hope.Many reefs around the world-including the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the reefs off the Florida Keys in the United States-are now protected areas where scientists study how to keep reefs healthy.They determine how many and which kinds of fish can be taken for food without hurting the reef's delicate balance.

  There is hope, too, that people will learn to be good partners to the reefs.“We want our film to inspire people to help coral reefs,” says Michele.“For me, even though I may not go back to the South Pacific, just knowing the reefs are there and thriving brings a sense of contentment (满足) to my spirit.”


What is the main purpose of the author in writing the passage?

[  ]


To describe what coral reefs are.


To tell people to protect coral reefs.


To introduce a film to people.


To ask people to visit coral reefs.


From the passage we can infer that ________

[  ]


coral reefs grow very fast


there are few huge coral reefs


coral reefs appear mostly in deep water


it takes a long time to make a coral reef


By mentioning the parrot fish, Michel wants to tell us ________

[  ]


coral reefs need sunlight to survive


the biggest enemies of reefs are weeds


the parrot fish feed on a kind of algae


it is easy to destroy coral reefs


What is the author's attitude towards the protection of reefs?

[  ]








Pessimistic (悲观的).


科目: 来源:安徽省芜湖一中2012届高三第六次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Sometimes, something that is considered to be negative turns out to be an advantage on the job.Though he is only l8 years old and blind, Suleyman Gokyigit is among the top computer technicians and programmers at InteliData Technologies Corp., a large software company with several offices across the United States.

  "After our company united with another one last October, two different computer networks were driving us crazy," recalls Douglas Braun, the InteliData president."We couldn't even send e-mail to each other.” In three weeks Mr Gokyigit created the software needed to connect the two networks."None of the company's 350 other employees could have done the job in three months," says Mr.Braun." Suleyman can 'see' into the heart of the computer.”

  Mr.Gokyigfi's gift, as Mr.Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to form an idea of the inside of a machine."The computer permits me to reach out into the world and do almost anything I want to do," says Mr.Gokyigit

  The young programmer is at home with hardware as well, thanks partly to a highly developed sense of touch.Mitzi Nowakowski, an office manager at InteliData, remembers how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year."Through feel, Suleyman can find the position of connectors, pins and wires much faster than most other people with sight," he says.

  Much of the student programmer's speed comes from his ability not to be interrupted while at the computer.When typing, he listens carefully to the synthesizer (合成器).His long, thin fingers fly over the keyboard."Nothing seems to shake his attention," says Mrs.Nowakowski, his boss.

  Mr.Gokyigit is the only company employee who is available 24 hours a day."We consider him our top problem solver." says Mr.Braun.


According to Mr.Braun, Suleyman ________.

[  ]


can work wonders on computer


is the best technician in the world


has done a hard job in three months


has united InteliData Technologies Corp.with another computer company


The underlined part "is at home with hardware" ( paragraph 4 ) means ________.

[  ]


is good at dealing with computer hardware


is fond of computer hardware


works with computer hardware at home


feels comfortable when working with computer hardware


Suleyman was quick while at the computer mostly because of ________.

[  ]


his blindness


his attention on the synthesizer


his long, thin fingers


his ability not to be interrupted


What does the text mainly tell us?

[  ]


Computer technicians are more likely to be gifted.


One's disadvantages may prove to be advantages.


The disabled can also play an important role in society.


Top computer scientists have unusual abilities to form ideas of computers.


科目: 来源:湖北省黄冈中学2012届高三5月模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Many of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all.

  We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year; but we know all about the killers and destroyers.People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier.And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over them as conquerors.

  It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized.Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage(野人) is good, but it is not to be civilized.Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficiently-this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done-is not being civilized.People fight to settle quarrels.Fighting means killing, and civilized people ought to be able to find some way of setting their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won.And not only has it won, but because it has won, it had been in the right.For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might(权利) is right.


The author thinks that the conquerors and generals and soldiers ________.

[  ]


only appear glorious in history books


are greater than any other people


are not as great as described in history books


do not really help civilization forward


As it is indicated in the passage, the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier is put on the highest pillars in the great cities of the world mainly because ________.

[  ]


people respect them very much


they fought bravely to protect their cities


people think they fought too brutally(野蛮地)


they conquered many cities and countries


What is the writer's attitude towards the countries that ruled over a large number of other countries ?

[  ]










The author says that civilized people________.

[  ]


should not have any quarrels to settle


should not fight when there are no quarrels to settle


should settle their quarrels without fighting


should settle their quarrels by killing the other side

