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科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三5月仿真模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  European Work Experience Program(E.W.E.P.)is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London.E.W.E.P.provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England,to gain work experience,to practice their English and to get a better insight into the British social and eulturallife.

  To apply you must meet the following requirements:

  *Preferred age:18 to 28 years old

  *Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.

  *Must have a good knowledge of English.

  *Due to work permit restrictions,European Work Experience Program Ltd will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

  European Work Experience Program Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation.A representative of E.W.E.P.will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24-hour help line service during your stay.The TOTAl fee for our services is £264.63(394.35 Euros).

  Should you require any further information,please contact us:

  European Work Experience Program Ltd

  Unit 1,Red Lion Court, Alexandra Road

  Hounslow,Middlesex,TW3 1 JS

  United Kingdom

  Tel:44 208 572 2993

  Fax:44 208 572 1114



What's the purpose of writing the text?

[  ]


To introduce a new program in England.


To attract more students to work in England.


To describe the working conditions in England.


To make clear the requirements for students working in England.


Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the program?

[  ]


To get a lot of work experience.


To improve their English rapidly.


To have better understanding of the British culture.


To make more money in Britain.


If you apply for the program.you________

[  ]


must be 18 to 26 years old


must be able to speak at least three languages


must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text


should have some working experience in a foreign country


You can get in touch with E.W.E.P.by the following ways EXCEPT by________

[  ]


making a teJephone call


sending the organization a fax


writing an e-mail to the organization


going there in person by air


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

[  ]


European Work Experience Program Was set up in the 19 th century.


You'll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the program.


You can get a 24-hour help from a representative during your stay.


You don't have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三5月仿真模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  It seems that some people go out of their way to get into trouble.That's more or less what happened the night that Nashville Police Officer Floyd Hyde was on duty.

  “I was on the way to a personal-inj ury accident in West Nashville.As I got onto Highway 40,blue lights and sirens(警笛)going,I fell in behind a gold Pontiac Firebird that suddenly seemed to take off quickly down the highway.The driver somehow flustered at the sight of me.He was going more than a hundred miles an hour and began passing cars on the shoulder.”

  But Hyde couldn't go after him.Taking care of injured people is always more important than worrying about speeders,so the officer had to stay on his way to the accident.But he did try to keep the Fi rebird in sight as he drove,hoping another nearby unit would be able to step in and stop the speeding car.As it.turned out,keeping the Firebird in sight was not that difficult.Every turn the Pontiac made was the very turn the officer needed to get to the accident scene.

  Hyde followed the Pontiac all the way to his destination。At that point he found another unit had already arrived at the accident scene.His help wasn't needed.Now he was free to try to stop the driver of the Firebird,who by this time had developed something new to panic about.

  “Just about that time,”Hyde says,“I saw fire coming out from under that car,with blue smoke and oil going everywhere.He'd blown his engine.Now he had to stop.”

  “After I arrested him,I asked him why he was running。He told me he didn't have a driver's license.”

  That accident cost the driver of the Firehird plenty-a thousand dollars for the new engine-not to mention the charges for driving without a license,attempting to run away, and dangerous driving.


The meaning of“flustered”in Paragraph 2 is related to________

[  ]










Why did the driver of the Firebird suddenly speed down the highway?

[  ]


Because he was racing with another driver on the road.


Because he realized he had to hurry to the accident scene.


Because he thought the police officer wanted to stop him.


Because he wanted to overtake other cars on the shoulder.


Which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Someone else was taking care of the injured person.


The Pontiac reached its destination at the accident scene.


Hyde knew where he was going by following the right car.


The policeman was running after a speeder on Highway 40.


The driver of the Firebird________

[  ]


took a wrong turn on the way


had some trouble with his car


was stopped by the police officer


paid for the expenses of the accident


What is probably the best title for the article?

[  ]


Losing His Way?


Going My Way?


Fun All the Way?


Help on the Way?


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三5月仿真模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Eating a diet high in processed food(加工食品)increases the risk of depression,research suggests.What's more,peopie who ate plenty of vegetables,fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression,the University College London team found.

  Data on diet among 3,500 middle-aged civil servants(公务员)were compared with their emotional state five years later,a British journal reported.They split the participants into two types of diet--those who ate a diet largely based on whole food,which inc!udes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish,and those who ate a mainly processed food diet,such as sweetened desserts,fried food,processed meat,refined grains and high fat dairy products After accounting for factors such as gender,age,education,physical activity,smoking habits and chronic(慢性的) diseases,they found a significant difference in the future depression risk with the different diets.

  Those who ate the most wholefood had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who ate the least wholefood.By contrast,people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate a diet low in processed foods.

  Study author Dr.Archana SinghManoux pointed out there was a chance the finding could be explained by fl lifestyle factor they had not accounted for.

  There was a paper showing a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression,but the problem with that is if you live in Britain,the likelihood(可能性)of you eating a Mediterranean diet is not very high.

  Dr.Andrew McCulloeh,chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation,said,this study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health.

  He added people's diets were becoming increasingly unhealthy.The UK population is consuming less nutritious,fresh produce and more saturated(含饱和脂肪酸的)fats and sugars.


The text is mainly about________

[  ]


the increasingly unhealthy diet of the UK population


the link between processed food and depression


the relationship between physical and mental health


fl healthy diet largely based on wholefood


What do we know about the participants?

[  ]


They are of different ages from young to old.


They have been eating fl less heal thy diet these years.


Most of them prefer wholefood to processed food.


Those who ate wholefood generally were happier in the long term.


What can we learn from what Dr.Archana Singh Manoux said?

[  ]


It is difficult for most British people to have a Mediterranean diet.


The Mediterranean diet is the most healthy in the world.


Many studies have been done on the Mediterranean diet before.


The Mediterranean diet is not good for depression.


Dr.Andrew McCulloch agrees that________

[  ]


our diets are closely related to our mental health


the present study needs more facts and other information


the UK population will become ill in the near future


more saturated fats and sugars should be taken in


Why might the author have written this text?

[  ]


To tell people what a healthy diet actually is.


To prove people's diets are increasingly unhealthy.


To encourage people to cut down on proceased food.


To introduce some experts on the research team.


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三5月仿真模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  The bicycling craze came in when we were just about at the right age to enjoy it.At first even“safety”bicycles were too dangerous and improper for ladies to ride, and they had to have tricycles.My mother had(I believe)the first female tricycle in Cambridge;and l had a little one,and we used to go out for family rides,all together;my father in front on a bicycle.and my poor brather Charles standing miserable on the bar behind lny mother.I found it very hard work.pounding(轰隆隆行进)away on my hard tyres;a glorious,but not a pleasurable pastinle.

  Then, one day at lunch, my father said he had just seen a new kind of tyre,filled up,with air,and he thought it might be a success.And soon after that everyone had bicycles,ladies and all; and bicycling became the smart thing,and the lords and ladies had their pictures in fhe papers,riding along in the park,in straw hats.

  My mother must have fallen off her bicycle ptetty often,for I remember seeing the most appalling cuts and bruises(青肿)on her legs.But she never complained,and always kept these accidents to herself.However,the great Mrs.Phillips,our cook,always knew all a hout them;as indeed she knew practically everything that ever happened.She used to draw us into the servants' hall to tell us privately:“Her Ladyship had a nasty fall yesterday;she cut both her knees and sprained her wrist.But don't Iet her know I told you.”So we never dared say anything.Similar little accidents used to occur when,at the age of nearly Seventy,she insisted on learning to drive a car.She never mastered the art of reversing(倒车),and was in every way an unconventional and terrifying driver.Mrs.Phillips used then to tell us:“Her Ladyship ran into the back of a milk-cart yesterday;but it wasn't much hurt”;or“A policeman stopped her Ladyship because she was on the wrong side of the road;but she said she didn't know what the white Line on the road meant,so he explained arld Let her go on.”Mrs.Phillips must have had an excellent Intelligence Service at her command,for the stories were always true enough.


Women did not ride bicycles at first betause________

[  ]


bicycling demanded too much hard work


bicycling was considered unsafe and unladylike


they preferred to ride tricycles


tricycles could carry young children as well


How did the writer feel about tricycles?

[  ]


They were very hard to ride.


Riding tricycles was an enjoyble arnusement.


They were not as fast as bicycles.


They were not proper for women to ride.


Cycling became popular when________

[  ]


the writer's father popularized it


air-filled tyres began to be used


noble people started enjoying it


newspapers had pictures of cyclists


The writer admired Mrs.Phillips because________

[  ]


she was the best cook they had ever had


she was in command of all the setvants


she could keep secrets


she had an outstanding ability to gather information


The writer's mother often had car accidents because________

[  ]


she could not control the car well


she was very old then


she ignored the traffic signs


she behaved too proudly


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三下学期考前仿真模拟题(一)英语试题 题型:050



  Ammie was only 18 months old when she had an accident that scarred her for life.While her mother was away for a moment , the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling water all over her body.

  An ambulance was called and rushed the baby to nearby hospital.About 20 percent of Ammie's body had been burned and all of her burns were third degree.The doctors could tell immediately that Ammie's best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow Royal hospital.

  There , using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie's body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts(植皮手术)to close her wounds and control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours.Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent(经历)12 more operations to repair her body.

  When she started school at the age of 4 , other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn't play with her.“I was the only burned child in the street , the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some children refused to become friends with me because of that.”

  Today , age 17 , Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars ; pain is a permanent part of her life, she is still awaiting two further operations.Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims.

  Ammie's parents have been a great support to her.“They told me of people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie.“They taught me to cope with other people's reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and loved.” Ammie's positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns charities(慈善机构), helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars.

  Now she is a member the Scottish Burned Children's Club.“Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones.She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald Todd, chairman of the club.

  This month , Ammie will join some younger children on a summer camp.“I'll show them how to shrug________off________ unkind stares from others , ” she says.Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops(无袖上衣), and she plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too.“I don't go to great lengths to hide my scars , ” she says.“I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.”


Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital because________

[  ]


it was the nearest hospital to her home


it was the only hospital curing her burns


surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts


it was a local hospital excellent at treating burns


How many operations will Ammie have to receive altogether ?

[  ]










The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to ________

[  ]










Which of the following best describes Ammie ?

[  ]


Shy, pessimistic and discouraged.


Strong-minded , optimistic and helpful.


Fashionable , sensitive and easygoing.


Careful , confident and intelligent.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Ammie had an accidents and had to do many operations.


Ammie was a brave gire after the accident.


Ammie helped many younger patients.


Ammie has a positive life through many operations.


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三下学期考前仿真模拟题(一)英语试题 题型:050



  Whitney Houston, who died on February 11, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California, is being remembered across the globe as a trailblazer(开拓者).Among all of Houston's outstanding achievements, including a total of more than 400 career a wards , her most significant achievement was her record-setting string of seven Number One singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.It broke the previous record of six set by The Bee Gees and The Beatles.The string began on October 26 , 1985 with her Grammy-winning hit “Saving All My Love For You,” and ended on April 23, 1988 with her R&B ballad “Where Do Broken Hearts Go.” It was the fourth single from her album“Whitney”to go to Number One, also a record for a female artist.She sold more than 170 million albums worldwide and co-produced and recorded songs for one of the best-selling soundtracks(声带)of all time, The Bodyguard.

  Whitney Houston was born the daughter of famed gospel(福音)singer Cissy Houston in Newak , New Jersey.Dionne Warwick was her cousin and Aretha Franklin her godmother.She began as a gospel singer and pianist in her mother's church and sometimes performed alongside her in nightclubs.At age 15 , Whitney sang backup on Chaka Khan's “I'm Every Woman,” a tune she later performed on The Bodyguard soundtrack.

  Whitney signed with Arista in 1983 and released her self-titied debut album two years later.The New York Times called her first effort, “an impressive, musically conservative showcase(展示)for an exceptional vocal talent(声乐天才).” She continued to achieve similar praise for subsequent albums, while her fast-growing fan base put her into the world-class entertainer.In 1998, she released her most musically-diverse album to date, “My Love Is Your Love.” The title track became her third best-selling single ever.

  The past 10 years were filled with highs and lows.While Whitney's contract at Arista Records was renewed for $100 million, album sales began to slide.Her 14-year marriage to singer Bobby Brown ended in 2007 , she canceled concerts and interviews , and accusation arose of drug abuse.Her final album “I Look To you,” sold more than two million copies and reached the Number One spot in 2009.


What's Whitney Houston's most outstanding achievements?

[  ]


Selling more than 170 million albums worldwide.


Her 400 career awards.


Her vocal talent.


Her record-setting string of seven Number One singles.


According to the text, Houston________

[  ]


was born in a gospel singer family


released her famous album at the age of 15


sold the most of the albums worldwide


Whitney first signed with Arista in 1985


What was Houston accused of ?

[  ]


Her divorce with Bobby Brown.


Her conflict with her former husband.


The canceled concerts and interviews.


Drug abuse.


When did Whitney release her first self-titled album?

[  ]


In 1983.


In 1985.


In 1989.


In 1987.


What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

[  ]


Whitney's success.


Whitney's achievements.


Whitney's best singles.


Whitney's music talents.


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三下学期考前仿真模拟题(一)英语试题 题型:050



  Many rural areas in the United States have no doctor.Some medical schools are trying different ways to treat the problem.One idea is to educate doctors in smaller communities and hope they stay.Dr.William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program at the University of Kansas in the Midwest.

  “We need more doctors.There's somewhere like a quarter of all of our physicians in Kansas who are sixty years of age or older.So we need to be replacing physicians, too.”Says Dr.William Cathcart.He also says medical students from rural areas now typically study in Wichita or Kansas City, two of the biggest cities in Kansas.They say, “You know, I really have every intention of coming back to rural Kansas,”but they meet a soul mate, they get married, their soul mate happens to be from a big city and we never see them again.They get captured in the big city.Hopefully, if we train them in smaller communities, they can meet the future spouses here , they can network here, and they have those connections which can hopefully be lifelong.

  The program is based in Kansas' tenth largest city , Salina, home to about fifty thousand people.Salina is about a three-hour drive from Kansas City, past fields of corn, soybeans and cattle.

  Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people.She attended the University of Kansas, or KU, as an undergraduate.One reason why the chose the Salina program is because of the size.There are only eight students-the smallest medical school in the country.Classes are taught by professors in Salina or on a video link from Kansas City or Wichita.

  Students who complete the four year program will then do their residency training in a small community in the surrounding area.One place a resident might work is the Clay Center Clinic, where Dr.Kerry Murphy is a family physician.

  Rural doctors generally serve older, poorer patients.Going into a specialty in a big city can mean better working hours and more money to pay off student loans.

  The Salina program will pay tuition for each year that students practice in a rural area in Kansas.


What does the underlined word “spouses”in Paragraph 2 mean?

[  ]


Wives husbands.








The reason why the medical students don't want to go back to rural areas is that________

[  ]


they don't like to live in the rural Kansas


there are not many girls in the rural Kansas


they found their soul mates in cities


the life in rural Kansas is so hard


From the text we learn that________

[  ]


Salina has a population of 500,000


a quarter of all physicians in Kansas are too old for the ideal doctors


William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program in rural Kansas


Educating more doctors in cities can settle the problem


Why did student Claire Hinrichsen choose the Salina program?

[  ]


Because she found her soul mate in rural Kanas.


Because she likes to work as a doctor.


Because she grew up in a town of 6,000 people.


Because she likes the size of the program.


What is the purpose of the passage?

[  ]


To make it known that it lacks doctors very much in rural Kansas.


To introduce a program handling the lack of doctors in rural Kansas.


To train students to become doctors for rural Kansas.


To meet the demands of doctors for many rural towns in Kansas.


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2012届高三下学期考前仿真模拟题(一)英语试题 题型:050



  India is traditionally a tea-drinking country.But, it is now gaining a new taste for coffee.This has led international coffee companies to consider opening businesses in the huge market.Local business people are also hoping to profit from the country's tea-drinking habits.They want to open new stores that offer tea.

  It is ten thirty in the morning in India.Two cafes are within meters of each other, near a college in New Delhi.And they are selling a lot of tea.Their main customers are undergraduate students.

  “We have a lot of break between classes, so whenever we get time, we just go and we enjoy ourselves.It's a lot of fun , especially when you are with people you enjoy spending time with.”

  In the past ten years , cafes have become increasingly popular in India.The country's huge young population have quickly taken to the coffee culture.

  Coffee stores have spread from major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai to smaller towns.Coffee use has doubled in the last ten years.It is the success of this market that has gained the attention of companies like the American-based coffee chain Starbucks.The company will open its first store in India later this year.Other companies like Lavazza and Costa Coffee are already there.

  Yet, the growth of coffee will not reduce the popularity of tea.Indians drink eight times more tea than coffee.They have been drinking tea for more than one hundred and fifty years.India is one of the world's biggest producers of tea, which is known locally as “chai”.Outside homes and offices, it is mostly sold by small businesses on the street.


Why do international coffee companies consider opening businesses in India?

[  ]


India consumes very little coffee.


India has a large population.


People in India now prefer coffee to tea.


Indians come to like the taste of coffee.


Which one is correct about undergraduate students?

[  ]


They only have tea in the cafes.


They are the main customers in the cafes.


They like enjoying coffee with friends in cafes.


They like to go to the cafes to escape lessons.


What can we learn about coffee in India?

[  ]


Coffee is consumed more than tea in India now.


Coffee is much more welcomed by young Indians than tea.


Coffee consumed today doubles that of ten years ago.


The growth of coffee will reduce the consumption.


Which statement is wrong according to the passage?

[  ]


Coffee stores have spread to small towns in India.


Some foreign coffee companies are trying to open Indian coffee market.


Local people worry about losing profit on tea.


Indians drink eight times more tea than coffee.


What is the text mainly about?

[  ]


Undergraduate students are main coffee consumers in India.


Indians mainly consume both tea and coffee.


India is traditionally a tea-drinking country.


India is becoming a big new coffee consuming country.


科目: 来源:山东省青岛市2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  Have you ever intended to be fully absorbed in your work but found yourself distracted (走神) by e-mail, the Internet and other things throughout the day? According to the survey made by a famous university in the USA, most people have the experience.

  "People often lose their concentration when they are bored, of course, but also when they are engaged in challenging tasks," says Peter Bregman, the head of the survey."They sometimes have a feeling to escape from what's difficult or boring, so they jump out," he says.The part of the brain devoted to attention is connected to the brain's emotional center.Any strong emotion -quarrels with colleagues, problems at home -can interrupt our attention.Studies over the last decade have shown that too much work to do at a time can easily lead to distraction.

  Refocusing is hard for many people.Robert Epstein suggests the following, "Stop and listen to some soft music for a few minutes.Find a good friend or a teacher and say out your matter on your mind.Go for a short walk or take a deep breath, where you breathe in deeply, count to five slowly, hold it and breathe out very slowly." This can "blow out all the tension and the unwanted in your mind to restore your focus."

  Take more control by structuring your time and becoming more aware of your behaviors."Setting the phone alarm to go off every hour is my way of creating awareness," Mr.Bregman says."You have to inform yourself that you've lost focus in order to do something about it." Starting the day with a to-do list is also important, such as when to eat, when to go to the gym or take a walk.But if it's overly ambitious, you will put yourself in a state of anxiety, which makes it hard for the brain to concentrate."Choosing three or four things as your priority (优先) for the day allows your brain to settle down and focus," he says.


According to the passage, which is NOT the reason why some people can be distracted from their work?

[  ]


They don't want to be devoted to their work.


They are disturbed by the Internet and other things.


They can't find interest in their work.


They feel their work is too hard for them.


Which incident might not interrupt your attention?

[  ]


You were scolded by your teacher.


You had words with your good friend.


You went to school at six as usual.


Your mother and father had a quarrel.


According to Robert Epstein, how can we refocus on what we should do?

[  ]


Listen to rock music for some time.


Turn to your good friends or teachers for help.


Run around the playground for some time.


Take a breath from time to time.


What's the meaning of the underlined word "restore" in the passage?

[  ]










Why does the writer set the phone alarm to go off every hour?

[  ]


To blow out all the tension.


To become more aware of his behaviors.


To make a to-do list.


To remind him when to eat, when to go to the gym or take a walk.


科目: 来源:山东省青岛市2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050



  George Zimmerman's first court appearance before a Florida judge came on Tuesday in connection with the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.The case has caused a national debate in the United States about race, self-defense laws and gun control.

  It was the first time the public had gotten to see and hear from George Zimmerman.The judge said he had found probable cause to move ahead with the case and told Zimmerman he would be formally charged on May 29th.

  Zimmerman turned himself into authorities on Wednesday night, just before special prosecutor (检举人)Angela Corey announced the charge against him.

  Corey told reporters she would fight for Trayvon Martin.

  "It's the victims and justice that we work tirelessly for " Corey said.

  Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defense after spotting the teenager in a gated community where Martin's father lives.He told police Martin attacked him during a conflict.The shooting caused a national cry led by Martin's parents who insisted their son was murdered.They also accused Zimmerman of targeting their son because he was black.

  "We just wanted an arrest and we got it," Trayvon Martin's mother Fulton said.

  Many in Sanford, Florida -the city where the shooting took place-welcomed the charge.

  "All of us were wanting this to move on and get to this process where it is now into the justice system," one man said.

  "It was long overdue (迟到的) and I am glad they decided to do something," another said.

  Police did not initially charge Zimmerman with a crime because of a Florida law that says a person has a right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force.Prosecutor Corey say:

  '' I'm prepared to argue the issue if Zimmerman uses the self-defense law in court''.

  Mark O'Mara, Zimmerman's lawyer, would not make his plan public, but he said his client (委托人) was worried about the trial.

  "If found guilty of the second-degree murder charge, Zimmerman could face up to life in prison.", O'Mara said.


Why did the case draw so much attention around U.S.A?

[  ]


Because George Zimmerman was very cruel when he killed Trayvon Martin.


Because Trayvon Martin's father was a famous lawyer.


Because the case was related with race, self-defense laws and gun control.


Because George Zimmerman would be sentenced to life in prison.


What's Angela Corey's attitude towards this case?

[  ]


She showed sympathy for the black people.


She wanted to defend justice for the victims.


She hated George Zimmerman very much.


She was against self-defense.


Which of the relationships is NOT true?

[  ]


Zimmerman shot Martin during a conflict.


Mark O'Mara was Zimmerman's lawyer.


Sybrina Fulton was Martin's mother.


Angela Corey was the judge of the case.


Which of the following statements is the Fact?

[  ]


Zimmerman turned himself into authorities before he was charged.


Zimmerman would be put into prison.


Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense in a gated community.


Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin because he was black.


From the passage we can know ________

[  ]


all people welcomed the charge in the city where the shooting took place


Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin's mother couldn't agree on how the thing happened


Mark O'Mara was willing to make his plan public


police did not charge Zimmerman with a crime at last

