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科目: 来源:山东省泰安市2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Does stress cause gray hair? Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color.In fact, it is an old wives tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying.Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives tale could be true.

  As one ages, the hairs on the head also age.In fact, just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear after a while.The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled.Hairs on the head grow and eventually die.They are replaced, but in the process something else happens.

  When new hairs are replaced, the color or pigment(色素)is also added to them.However, as one ages, this pigment becomes less and less available.At first, hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color.In time, they will lose all of their pigment and will be white.Many things are known to cause graying.and genetics is a very powerful factor.If one of your parents turns gray at an early age, there is a good chance that you will too.Some people begin the graying process in high school, while others may be over the age of forty.

  Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body.It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss.It would make sense that if it can cause these problems, perhaps it also may contribute to graying.However, there, is no sound evidence to support this.

  On the other hand, many medical professionals believe that there may be a link:between graying and a constant state of anxiety or, tension.Does stress cause gray hair? There is no scientific evidence to support the theory, but it is best to avoid stressful situations.


The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means ________.

[  ]


clever remarks


silly remarks


exciting remarks


disappointed remarks


The second paragraph mainly tells us ________.

[  ]


every part of body is replaced with age


hairs will grow weak but not die


skin becomes wrinkled with age


every part of body ages with age


What might play the most important role in the graying process?

[  ]


Genetics and the amount of sleeping time


The amount of food people eat and living environment


The amount of pigment and genetics


Genetics and the amount.of water people drink


According to the passage, continuous pressure may result in ________.

[  ]


a person's fatness


a person's fitness


a person's weight loss


a person's hair loss


From the passage we can infer that ________.

[  ]


stress causing gray.hair is still in question


gray hair has nothing to do with tension.


stressful situations Can be of benefit.


sound evidence has been found.


科目: 来源:山东省泰安市2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:050


  Yesterday I went to our local grocery store.I often go to their deli counter.and I understand that it can get a little confused for the workers.So normally none of them ever take the time to smile or seem overly friendly.But yesterday it was completely different.I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with a very welcoming smile by the young man behind the counter.He never sighed heavily or slumped back and forth like he didn't want to be there.He was all by himself and quite a long line.But not once did he act concerned about it.He just did his job efficiently anti acted very kind the entire time.

  I was so impressed that I approached the manager.I explained to her that I often visit the deli counter and I have never been greeted with such kindness.She agreed with me that he was a wonderful person and she thanked me for sharing my feelings with her.

  As I was walking away, I could hear her approaching the young man with, “I just got a wonderful compliment(praise)about you.”I couldn't hear everything she was saying, but I knew that she did thank him.I couldn't help but smile!

  Later I had to pass by the deli counter to get onions.There was no one there, except the diligent young man.He didn't say anything, he just smiled at me.I realized that I hadn't done a huge deed that day, but that small deed made a small difference to someone.I love seeing people smile.I just received my smile cards and I wish I had one with me that day.Maybe I will drop one off at the deli a different day! It's amazing how good I felt after that.

  So, friends, the next time you are in a grocery store, retail store, restaurant, or anywhere that someone is working hard, letting them know in some way can mean so much.I hope you get a smile out ofit like I did!


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


friendship between the writer and a young man


the power of a simple compliment


a grocery store


a diligent assistant


The writer found it was different yesterday because ________.

[  ]


the young man was very busy


the young man was concerned about so many customers


the writer was warmly greeted by a young man


the young man acted very kind all the time


The writer approached the manager to ________.

[  ]


thank him


say hello to him


complain about the service


praise the young man


The undedined sentence in Paragraph 4 implies that the writer will ________.

[  ]


smile to others at the deli one day


give one card to the young man one day


drop in at the deli one day


go to the deli for a job one day


What can we learn from the last paragraph?

[  ]


Praising others' hard work means nothing.


Helping others is always rewarding.


We should never hesitate to praise hard-working persons.


Not all good deeds deserve praise.


科目: 来源:山东省济南一中2012届高三5月冲刺仿真英语试题 题型:050


  How often do you sit still and do absolutely nothing.The usual answer these days is“never”.or“hardly ever”.As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down.But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Stress is fl natural part of everyday life.There is no way to avoid it, since it takes many and varied forms-driving in traffic, problems with personal relationships are all different forms of stress.Stress, in fact, is not the“baddy”it is often reputed to be.A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life.It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

  The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual.Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities.Others lose heart at the first sight of unusual difficulties.When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically.In fact we make a choice between “fight” or “fright” and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life and death.The crisis we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response.All the energy is shifted to cope with the stress.It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered.Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress.

  Stress in some people produces stomach disorders, while others experience tension headaches.Since we cannot remove stress from our 1ires, We need to find ways to cope with it.


People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because ________.

[  ]


they are working harder than they used to


they are often too busy to find the time


they are not clear of how to relax by themselves


they are suffering from the effects of stress


What is implied but not stated in the passage?

[  ]


The art of relaxation can greatly help people bear stress.


People in primitive days know certain ways to deal with stress.


If one gets into the habit of relaxing every day he can overcome stress easily.


Stress can lead to serious health problem if one is exposed to it for too long.


The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggests that ________.

[  ]


stress is not always a bad thing for people


stress has a bad reputation of causing ill health


stress is not so terrible as people often believe it to be


stress is always harmful to people all the time


According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?

[  ]


Relaxation in life only benefits us mentally.


Different people can stand different amounts of stress.


All the stress can lead to poor performance.


Large amounts of stress is important to people's lire.


What is the writer's attitude to stress according to the passage?

[  ]


Stress as well as relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body.


Stress should not be rid completely from the life.


Stress produces both positive and negative effects on people.


People usually work better under stress if they are healthy.


科目: 来源:山东省济南一中2012届高三5月冲刺仿真英语试题 题型:050


  A baby born in India has been declared the world's seven billionth person by child rights group Plan International.Baby Nargis was born at 07:25 local time(01:55GMT)in Mall village in India's Uttar Pradesh state.Plan International says Nargis has been chosen symbolically as it is not possible to know where exactly the seven billionth baby is born.In addition to baby Nargis in India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Cambodia have all identified seven billionth babies.The United Nations estimated that on Monday 31 October.the world's population would reach seven billion.

  Populations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in Asia.At the same time, low birth rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortages.

  Population experts at the United Nations estimated that the world reached six billion in October 1999.They predict nine billion by 2050 and ten billion by the end of the century.China's population of one and a third billion is currently the world's largest.India is second at 1.2 billion.But India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billion people around 2025.

  India will also have one of the world's youngest populations.Economists say this is a chance for a so-called.demographic dividend.India could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populations.But economists say current rates of growth, although high, may not create enough jobs.Also, the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor quality.Another concern is health care.Nearly half of India's children under the age of five are malnourished(营养不良).

  Michal Rutkowski, the director of human development in South Asia at the World Bank, says reaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to action.He says, “I think the bottom line of the story is that the public policy needs to become really, really serious about sex equality and about access to services-to fight against malnutrition, and to provide for access to health services, water and schooling.”


What is true about the world's seven billionth person?

[  ]


Baby Nargis is not the only child chosen as the seven billionth baby.


Baby Nargis has been chosen carefully so it is exactly the seven billionth baby.


Three countries have all declared Baby Nargis as the seven billi011th baby.


The United Nations declared Baby Nargis as the world's seven billionth person.


Which of the following problems do many European countries worry about?

[  ]


Labor shortage.


Poor health care.


Not enough jobs.


Schooling of poor quality.


According to population experts, how long will it take for population to grow from six billion to nine billion?

[  ]


About 12 years.


About 40 years.


About 50 years.


About 110 years.


What does the underlined phrase“demographic dividend”in the fourth paragraph refer to?

[  ]


Possibility of lower birth rate.


Benefit gained by working young people.


Chances for more employment.


Disadvantages caused by aging population.


Which of the following public policies does Michal Rutkowski call on?

[  ]


To encourage late marriage.


To reduce world's population.


To gain economic equality.


To improve health and education.


科目: 来源:山东省济南一中2012届高三5月冲刺仿真英语试题 题型:050


  Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new baby.They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's stomach.

  Finally, Michael's little sister is born.But she is in serious condition.With alarm in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal(初生的)intensive care unit at St.Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.The days go by.The little girl gets worse.The pediatric(儿科的)specialist tells the parents, “There is very little hope.Be prepared for the worst.”

  Karen and her husband contact a local cemetery about a burial plot.They have fixed up a special room in their home for the new baby, but now they plan a funeral.Michael, keeps begging his parents to let him see his sister, “I want to sing to her, ”he says.

  Karen makes up her mind.She will take Michael whether they like it or not.If he doesn't see his sister now, he may never see her alive.

  She dresses him in an oversized suit and marches him into ICU.He looks like a walking laundry basket, but the head nurse recognizes him as a child and shouts, “Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.Never disturb patients here.”The mother rises up strongly and said, “He is not leaving until he sings to his sister! ”

  Karen leads Michael to his sister's bedside.He gazes at the tiny infant losing the battle to live.And he begins to sing.In the pure hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sings:“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray…”Instantly the baby girl responds.The pulse rate becomes calm and steady.

  The next day, the very next day, the little girl is well enough to go home! Woman's Day magazine called it“the miracle of a brother's song.”The medical staff just called it a miracle.Karen called it a miracle of God's love!

  Never give up on the people you love.


What may the underlined words“the infant”refer to?

[  ]


The baby.








What do we know about the little sister after she was born?

[  ]


She was driven to St.Mary's shop.


A doctor came to see her in her house.


She was very thin and couldn't speak.


She was in great danger.


Why did Karen firmly let little Michael see his sister in ICU?

[  ]


Because he could make his sister alive.


Because his sister would be sent to a far hospital.


Because his sister was going to die soon.


Because his father wanted to take him away.


What do we know about the head nurse?

[  ]


The head nurse was careful.


The bead nurse was rude.


The head nurse was responsible.


The head nurse had no sympathy.


What is the general idea of the text?

[  ]


A boy's singing saved his sister's life.


The little girl is well enough to go home.


Michael's little sister is born with a serious disease.


No children are allowed to enter the intensive care unit.


科目: 来源:山东省济南一中2012届高三5月冲刺仿真英语试题 题型:050


  In America, Virginia Beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort:brilliant beaches, a lively boardwalk, plenty of restaurants and nightspots, and amusement rides sure to appeal to kids.Many believe Virginia Beach is at its best in the off-season, when the town is less crowded but the weather is still mild.

  Meanwhile, some safety tips should be followed, enjoying the happiness and excitement the beach offers.

  The number l safety tip concerns ocean safety:pay attention to Flag conditions posted on the lifeguard stands.Lifeguards post a red flag to warn when the ocean water is dangerous.Take them seriously! Tourists from land-locked regions are particularly easily attracted by the magic of the waves.However, a calm ocean can become risky without warning.Make sure you swim near a lifeguard.Swimming without lifeguard protection is almost five times as great as drowning at a beach with lifeguards.

  Never swim alone.Many drownings involve single swimmers.When you swim with someone else, if one of you has a problem, the other may be able to get help, including signaling for assistance from others.

  Don't fight the current.The facts show that some 80% of rescues by lifeguards at ocean beaches are caused by currents.These currents are formed by surf and gravity, because once surf pushes water up the slope of a beach, gravity pulls it back.This can create concentrated rivers of water moving offshore.If you are caught in a rip current, don't fight it by trying to swim directly to shore.Instead, swim parallel to shore until you feel the current relax, then swim to shore.Most rip currents are narrow and a short swim parallel to shore will help bring you to safety.


When coming to Virginia Beach, children can enjoy the happiness of ________.

[  ]


walking on the road made of wood


joining the nightspots


having interesting rides


skiing in the sea


Many people believe the best time to visit Virginia Beach may be ________.

[  ]


after autumn school term beginning


in the slimmer vacation


during the Christmas holiday


in the cold winter


Swimming in the sea you'd better not swim ________.

[  ]


with a friend


within the sight of the lifeguard


with the current


as far as you like


From the passage, we can know ________.

[  ]


one in five persons swimming in the sea is drowned


if one with lifeguard were drowning, five persons without lifeguard would be


some 80%people drowning by the currents are rescued by lifeguards


some 20%drowning by the currents are rescued by life guards


The passage mainly tells us ________.

[  ]


some safety tips when swimming in the sea


the happiness and excitement the beach offers


Virginia Beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort


the dangers for tourists from land-locked regions to swim in the sea


科目: 来源:山东省济南市2012届高三5月针对性训练(三模)英语试题 题型:050


  Batteries are included, but the charger's not.The Nokia E-Cu concept phone doesn't need to plug in, it charges from any heat source.Designer Patrick Hyland says it can even work off the warmth of your pocket.The first time “it would take approximately seven hours to reach full charge, then after that it's continuously charging by keeping the phone in areas between 86 degrees and 104 degrees Fahrenheit.” That's one hot pocket.?

  He's put a thermogenerator(热偶电池)inside the phone that transforms heat into electric potential energy.To better conduct the heat to that little power plant in your pocket, the E-Cu(E for energy, Cu for copper)is coated by copper backing with heat sinks like those normally used to keep electronics from overheating.

  Nokia doesn't have current plans to build the phone, so for now it remains a concept.But Hyland says he's open to anyone who wants to cooperate.

  For Americans this technology would certainly be convenient.It would also save a bit on energy bills and waste.“Annually, unwanted phone chargers produce 51, 000 tons of waste in addition to the greenhouse gases created by the production of the electricity needed to charge them, ” Hyland says.So a charger-free phone is also a green phone.Though adapting our plug?in habits would help a group of people, most cell phone related energy use comes from leaving your charger plugged in all day unnecessarily.

  The real potential for charger-free cell phone technology is what it could enable places where plugging in isn't an option, like rural areas in the developing world.

  Cell phones are spreading faster than power lines and bringing with them countless opportunities, aid and health advances.A phone like the E-Cu, if it ever comes to be, would enable all manner of expanded aid and development by phone projects.Let's hope Patrick finds a partner.


What do we know about the E-cu phone?

[  ]


It doesn't have a battery or a charger.


It is properly marketed and sells well.


It's continuously charging from any area.


It has a highly conductive copper cover.


What's the function of the underlined part “heat sinks” in Paragraph 2?

[  ]


To give off heat.


To measure heat.


To turn up heat.


To supply heat.


A charger-free phone is friendly to the environment becasue.

[  ]


it is just a concept


it is self-chargeable


it brings convenience


it is no waste of money


From the last two paragraphs we can know that.

[  ]


Patrick is not ready to cooperate with others


power lines spread every corner of the world


phone projects may help solve the energy crisis


phones like the E-Cu have huge potential benefits


What is the best title of the text?

[  ]


Designer Patrick Hyland


Nokia Concept Phone on Sale


Charging Your Phone from Pockets


Benefiting from Phone Technology


科目: 来源:山东省济南市2012届高三5月针对性训练(三模)英语试题 题型:050


  The television news feature about Ben Heckmann, an eighth grader from Farmington, Minn., was breathless in its praise.“At 14, he has accomplished something many adults can't achieve, ” the reporter said.“Ben is a twice-published author.” But Ben's two “Velvet Black” books, describing a fictional rock band, were not picked from a pile of manuscripts(手稿)by an eagle eyed publisher.They were self-published, at a cost of $400 by Ben's parents.

  Over the past five years, print-on-demand technology and a growing number of self?publishing companies whose books can be sold online have inspired writers of all ages to avoid the traditional gatekeeping system for determining who could call himself a “published author.”

  The mothers and fathers who foot the bill say they are simply trying to encourage their children, in the same way that other parents buy equipment for a promising baseball player.But others see self-publishing as a lost opportunity to teach children about hardship and perseverance.Mr Robbins, a critic, thinks it is wonderful to start writing at a young age, but worries self-publishing sends the wrong message.“There are no prodigies(神童)in literature, ” he said.“Literature requires experience, in a way that mathematics and music do not.” Alan Rinzler, a publishing industry veteran, suggested parents hire a professional editor like him to work with their child to tear a manuscript apart and help make it better.

  Ben's father, Ken, said Ben's ambitions “weren't to knock Harry Potter off the list, ” but “to get that good feeling inside that you’ve done something.”

  Ajla Dizdarevic, 12, who has self?published two books of poetry, has been on television and in local newspapers.Being a published author, she said, “was always a dream of mine.” Her new dream: three books by age 15.


Which of the following is true of Ben?

[  ]


His manuscripts were favored by the publisher.


His self-published books were well received.


He has achieved something unusual for his age.


He was thought little of by the public media.


What makes it possible for writers of all ages to self-publish their works?

[  ]


The rapid increase of online readership.


The increasing number of publishers.


The immediate access to marketing agencies.


The development of printing and publishing.


Some parents pay the self-publishing bill for the purpose of.

[  ]


offering opportunities


giving encouragement


helping avoid hardship


showing love and care


Alan Rinzler suggests that children should.

[  ]


be forbidden to write books


start writing at an early age


be professionally guided


learn from experience


According to the last part, some children self-publish works just to.

[  ]


earn more money


achieve their dreams


gain self-confidence


satisfy their parents


科目: 来源:山东省济南市2012届高三5月针对性训练(三模)英语试题 题型:050


  Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment, one that will require thousands of first-time offenders-whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit-to install(安装)in their cars blood-alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition.The devices work like this-A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car's ignition.If the result is higher than the legal limit, the car will not start.The device also requires random “rolling retests” once the driver is on the road.

  Virginia's current law requires only repeat drunken-driving offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their car.

  The new law, which takes effect in July, will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times, and offenders will have to pay about $480 for a typical six-month installation.

  The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders.Such groups as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia's 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5, 500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving.Ignition interlock devices, they say, reduce repeat offenses.But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08, and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.

  Del.Sal R.Iaquinto, who sponsored the bill, had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devices: “How much does a life cost? ” “Blowing into a tube for six months, you will remember that, ” Iaquinto said.“And you?re not likely to offend again.”


The ignition probably refers to the part in a car where.

[  ]


the alarm goes off


the car is fueled


the key is placed


the engine starts


Who are required to install the blood alcohol devices according to the current law?

[  ]


The repeat drunken-driving offenders.


The first time drunken-driving offenders.


Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.


The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.


Some groups support the new law because.

[  ]


the government can be financed to build roads


some traffic deaths and injuries may be avoided


lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again


the court system is forced to work more effectively


The debate aroused by the measure suggests that.

[  ]


justice has long arms


punishment is the key to all


no law is absolutely perfect


prevention is better than cure


According to Del.Sal R.Iaquinto, the new law is.

[  ]










科目: 来源:山东省济南市2012届高三5月针对性训练(三模)英语试题 题型:050


  When Russell Lyons volunteered for the first time, he read “Goodnight Moon” to a class of San Diego preschoolers.And it wasn't reading-he'd memorized the book and was reciting it out loud.He was 4.Still, he said it felt good up there, in front of the other kids, lending a hand.He wanted more of that feeling.

  Thirteen years later, he's getting a lot of it.He's on a five-month road trip across America-not sightseeing, but volunteering.

  The University City resident has spent time at an animal reserve in Utah, a women's shelter in St.Louis, a soup kitchen in New York, a retirement home in Tucson.This week he's in Los Angeles, at a program that supports disabled youth.

  “I just like helping people and feeling that something I do is making a difference, ” he said.He resists the idea that his “Do Good Adventure” is all that unusual.It bothers him that the media often describe young people as lazy, self-centered and materialistic.So he sees his trip as a chance to make a statement, too.“About 55 percent of teens do volunteer work, higher than the rate for adults, ” he said, according to a 2002 study.“Not everybody knows that.”

  Of course, some teens do volunteer work because it looks impressive on their college applications.Lyons said he mentioned his trip on his submissions.But charity work is a habit with him.Even before the cross?country trip, he was volunteering about 200 hours a year at various places.He's made sandwiches for homeless families in Washington D.C.He's taught math to fifth-graders in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

  He gets some of that drive from his mother, Leslye Lyons, who has been involved in nonprofits for much of her life.She was there when her son “read” to the preschoolers-a memory of hers “that will never go away.”


What did Russell Lyons think of his first volunteering?

[  ]










The third paragraph is meant to.

[  ]


indicate Russell Lyons is working as a volunteer


introduce some tourist attractions across America


appeal for volunteers to offer help to those in need


show volunteers are needed in all parts of America


According to Paragraph 4, Russell Lyons is against the idea that.

[  ]


what he has done is common


most teens do volunteer work


young people don't work hard


adults prefer to be volunteers


Russell Lyons has been doing volunteer work because.

[  ]


it is necessary for college applications


he ought to keep his promise to Mom


he likes the feeling of being praised


it has become a natural part of his life


What does the last paragraph suggest?

[  ]


Leslye Lyons is too busy to look after her son.


Russell Lyons is greatly influenced by his mother.


Leslye Lyons almost earns no money all her life.


Children are always important to their parents.

