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科目: 来源:天津一中、益中2008-2009年高三年级三月考英语学科试卷 题型:051


  (1)The world’s first subway was built in London in 1863.At the time, the government was looking for a way to reduce traffic problems in the city of London.The poor areas of the city were so crowded with people that it was almost impossible for horse carriages(the taxis of those days)to get around.The city officials were interested in trying to make it possible for workers to live outside of London and travel easily to work each day.If people had a cheap and convenient way that they could depend on to get to and from work, they would relocate their homes outside of the city.This would help ease the pressure of too many people living in the poor parts of London.From these problems, the idea of the London Underground, the first subway system, was born.

  (2)The plans for building the Underground met with several problems and delays, but the first track was finally opened in January 1863.A steam train pulled the cars along the first underground track which was six kilometers(3.7 miles)long.About 30,000 people got on the subway the first day.Riders were treated to comfortable seats(standing up while the train was moving was not allowed)and pleasant decorations inside each of the cars.However, the smoke from the engine soon filled the air in the tunnels with ash and soot, as well as chemical gases.Fans had to be put in the tunnels later to keep the air clean enough for people to breathe.Even with its problems, riding the Underground did become popular.It carried nine million riders in its first year.

  (3)Modern subways have come a long way since the early days of the London Underground.Today there are 94 large underground rapid transit systems around the world.The busiest of these subway systems is the Tokyo Metro which opened in 1927.This efficient subway has two billion riders per year, and“pushers”work on the platforms during busy traffic hours to help push riders onto trains.At times, subway cars have been packed with up to 300 people!Shopping malls built in high traffic stations where riders move from one train to another have also helped the popularity of subways in Tokyo.Stations like the famous Ginza Sugo Eki Ginza Consolidated Station include underground department store, supermarkets, restaurants, and specialty shops.Shoppers never have to go above ground!

1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?(Please answer within 10 words)


2.What did the first London underground train have inside?(Please answer within 10 words)


3.What did the writer want to show using“pushers”to describe people working on the platforms in paragraph 3?(Please answer within 15 words)


4.What does the last sentence“Shoppers never have to go above ground!”mean?(Please answer within 10 words)


5.Besides department store, supermarkets, restaurants, etc, what other places can be put underground near the subway in your opinion?(list at least one, within 6 words)



科目: 来源:山东省菏泽一中2009届高三上学期第二次月考(英语) 题型:051


Anyone can write a diary.You get better at it as time goes on.Good journaling habits help make your thoughts more powerful.A philosopher once said,“the unexamined life isn’t worth living”.It is true.I believe that an unexamined and unrecorded life is in many ways a lost life.Writing a diary is necessary.When you keep a diary, try to avoid the fixed format own text and telling your own story of how things happened gives it a chance in the future to live again.The benefit of this is that not every picture can tell you the time, location and the feeling in your heaert in that moment.

1.What’s the best title of this passage?(Please answer within 10 words).


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

If you form the good habit of writing regularly, you may find that your thoughts become stronger and more effective.


3.Please fill in the blank in second paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.).


4.Would you like to keep a diary?Is it easy or difficult?(Please answer within 30 words).


5.translate the underlined sentence in the second pasage into Chinese.



科目: 来源:宁夏银川一中2009届高三第六次月考英语试题 全国通用 题型:051


  Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it.They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

    1   Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way.Others burst with anger, and scream and yell.But other people keep their anger inside.They can not or will not express it.This is called repressing anger.

  For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it.They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones(荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc.  2  

  Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous.They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

    3   They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about.If it is, they say,“  4   Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

  Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry.  5  

A.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.

B.They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

C.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.

D.Anger may cause you a cancer.

E.Do not express your anger while angry.

F.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.

G.Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.


科目: 来源:北京101中学2008-2009学年高一第二学段模块考试英语 题型:051


  Millions of people travel on New York City’s public transportation systems every day.On the way, many of them hear the sounds of New York’s underground music.The musicians belong to a group called“Music under New York,”but come from countries as far away as China and Chile.

  Valerie Zhmud is from Ukraine, where he was trained on the violin.Three days a week, he plays professionally at a restaurant, but sometimes he plays in Grand Central Station.He says he enjoys the crowd.“I love playing for people and making them feel good.They always say, ‘thank you, thank you’, so it’s really nice.”

  The program started in 1985 as part of a wider project called“Arts for Transit”.Every year, a group of judges select musicians from hundreds of applicants(申请者).Last year, the judges chose 26 out of 200 applicants.Lydia Bradshaw, who works for the New York City Metropolitan Transit System, says that the music improves the atmosphere.“It’s to encourage the use of mass transportation and improve the environment for travelers,”says Bradshaw.

  “Music under New York”also acts as a point of contact(联系)for the musicians, allowing people interested in them to get in touch with them and maybe even book them for shows.Jeremiah Lockwood started playing blues in the subway at a young age.Now he has a record deal.“It gives you a stage on which you can say anything you want to say.Also, you make an immediate connection with people.You have to attract the audience yourself,”he said.

  Catching their dollars may be harder, as busy New Yorkers often rush by.But for those who stop and listen, a great musical experience awaits.More than 100 musicians are now taking part in the program.

1.Which group do the musicians belong to?


2.Who select musicians from hundreds of applicants?


3.What’s the purpose of the program which is part of the project called“Arts for Transit”.


4.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



科目: 来源:2009届浏阳一中醴陵一中高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:051


  Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them deal with their environments better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation are those that may help in getting food or shelter, in providing protection, and in producing and protecting the young.That results in the evolution(进化)of more and more organisms(生物体)that are better fitted to their environments.

  Each living thing is adapted to its way of life in a general way, but each is adapted especially to its own special class.A plant, for example, depends on its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals.It depends upon its green leaves for using the sun’s energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These are general adaptations, common to most plants.In addition, there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.

  Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape, and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The coats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.

  Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may adapt in their structure, function, and genetics, in their development and production of the young, and in other aspects.An organism may create its own environment, as do warm-blooded mammals(哺乳动物), which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage, but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment that if conditions change, it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.


科目: 来源:2009届浏阳一中醴陵一中高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:051


  A landmark agreement on non-stop cross-strait charter(包机)flights for the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year holidays will see Taiwan business people working on the mainland and their families fly directly to and from Taipei and Kaohsiung for the first time in over 50 years.However, while the flights will be nonstop, they will still have to go through Hong Kong airspace.

  With the agreement, the planes that will carry mainland-based Taiwan business people home and back will start to take off on January 29, with a total of 48 round-trip charter flights continuing through to February 20.

  Considered to be a breakthrough in cross-strait relations and a step toward the end of the ban imposed on direct air links in 1949, when the People’s Republic of China was founded , the agreement signed this year has three advantages over the charter flights for mainland-based Taiwan business people allowed in 2003.

  First, it is the first time that two-way and nonstop charter flights are allowed across the Taiwan Strait in 56 years, with six airlines from both Taiwan and the mainland involved.In 2003, only Taiwan airlines were allowed to be engaged in the charter flights.

  Second, it is also the first time that the charter flights will go directly to Taiwan without stopping in Hong Kong.By comparison in 2003, the charter flights were not allowed to fly directly between Taiwan and the mainland.Instead, they had to make stops at a third destination, usually Hong Kong or Macao stretching a one-hour flight to about four hours.

  Third, the charter flights this year will connect Taipei and Kaohsiung with Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou , among which , Kaohsiung , Beijing and Guangzhou were not on the list of charter flights in 2003.

1.Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word “direct”.

2.How do the chart flights go?(回答词数不超过8个词)。

3.What is the best title of the article?(回答词数不超过6个单词)。


科目: 来源:天津市河东区2009届高三一模(英语) 题型:051


  In a recent business magazine article, a president said, Laughter in the workplace is a waste of time.This is a place to do business, not to laugh, some researchers, however, disagree with his words.As scientists have learned more about the brain, they’ve discovered that smiles and laughter stimulate the brain, which can help increase happiness and reduce pain.

  Why do we need laughter in our lives?Laughter is a powerful tool for 0Ilr health.In a number of studies that were carried out, it was shown that people who are more humorous have stronger immune systems(免疫系统)while people who feel stressed have weaker immune systems.Humor can help make your immune systems stronger

  Here are some tips to add more humor to your life:

  Laugh at yourself.Don’t take yourself too seriously.Have a positive attitude towards yourself and your worries will become lighter too.

  Don’t worry why people langh--just appreciate it.Be funny.Look for the humorous side of and otherwise difficult situation.

  Prepare a first-aid laughter source.11Iis could include books, cartoons, CDs or videos.Write down the amusing things that happen and save them for a sad day.

  Be open to silly things.Humor the child within yourself.

  Laugh with others for what they do, rather than what they are.

  Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine, so make time for humor now.

1.What is the best tide for this passage?(please answer within 8 words)

2.List three suggestions that might help you add humor to your life according to the passage.(Please answer within 15 words)

3.According to the passage.how do people benefit from laughter?(within 10 words)

4.Please explain the underlined part“Have a positive attitude”in English(No more than 5 words)

5.According to the passage, why humor can help people healthy?(within 15 words)


科目: 来源:山东省潍坊市2009届高三一模考试(英语) 题型:051


  Judgment of character can be influenced by somehting as simple as the temperature of a drink held in our hands.according ot a US study published today.

  Researchers form Yale University conducted experiments that showed that people perceive(认知)others as more generous and more attentive if they have just been holding a hot cup of coffee, and that the inverse is true for cold drinks.

  A second study found that people are more likely'to give somethine to others if they held.something warm, and more likely take something for themselves if they something cold, In the study.published in the current issue of the journal Science, the research team built on earlier studies that show the physical distance between indivduals also influences social judgment about others.

  The experiment suggests that the warmth of an object or the distance that is felt between people means more than simple metaphors(暗喻).Both instances, researchers said, are literal examples of trust first experienced between motehr and child during infancy.

  “When we ask whether someone is a warm person or cold person.they both have a temperature 0f 98.6(Farenheit,37 Celsius),”said Yale psychology professor John Bargh, who co-authored the study with Lawrence Williams at the University of Colorado.“These terms indirectly explains the primitive experience of what it means to be warm and cold·''

  “Physical temperatures affect not just how humans see each other,but also how humans behave,”said Bargh,“The power of temperature on character assessments has been backed up by recent brain imaging studies.”He added.“Physical warmth call make us see others as warmer people, ________ cause us to be warmer,more generous and trusting as well

  The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

1.What is the main idea ofthe passage?(Please answer within 15 words.)


2.List two aspects that affect social judgment about others.(Please answer within 10 words.)



3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(PleaSe answer within 6 words)


4.Mlich sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Recent studies on brain imagin ghas supported temperature's effect on judgment of character

5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.



科目: 来源:山东省日照市2009届高三模拟考试(英语) 题型:051


  Most cancers don't develop overninght or out of nowhere, Cancer is largely predictable, and the end result of a decades-long process.Just a few simple changes in your daily life can significently reduce your risk.Here are some great tips.

1.Eat more broccoli,but steam it rather than microwaving it.

  Broccoli is a caner-preventing super food, one you should eat frequently, But take note; a Spanish study found that microwaving broccoli destroys 97 percnet of the vegetable's caner-protective substance.So steam it, eat it raw, or add it to soups and salads.

2.Pop a calcium supplement with vitamin D.

  A study out of Dartmouth Medical School suggests that the supplements reduce the risk of colon cancer,

3.Add garlic to everything you eat,

  Garlic contains a substance that may stimulate(促使)the immune(免疫)system's natural defenses against cancer, and may reduce tumor growth, Studies suggest that garlic can reduce the risk of stomach cancer by as much as 12%.

4.Every time you go to the bathroom.stop by the kitchen for a glass of water.

  A major study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 1996 found that men who drank sex 8-ounce glasses of water every day cut their risk of bladder(膀胱)cancer in half.Another study linked the amount of water women drank to their risk of colon cancer, with heavy water drinkers reducing their risk up to 45 percent,

5.Take up a tea habit,

  The healing powers of green tea have been valued in Asia for thousands of years, In the West, new research shows that ________ as well as heart disease, Some scientists believe that a chemical in green tea called EGCG could be one of the most powerful anticancer chemicals ever discovered.

1.What'S the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 8 words.)


2.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(Please answer within 10 words.)


3.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

A slight adjustment to our everyday life may free US of various cancers.


4.For what purpose does the writer mention several studies in the passage?(Please answer within l0 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in Part 4 into Chinese.



科目: 来源:安徽安庆市2009年高三模拟考试(二模)英语试题 题型:051



  There has been much disagreement over children's education in recent years.One of the questions is whether children benefit more from boarding in schools or from going to day schools and staying with their parents after school.It is becoming a matter of concern for more and more people, especially for parents with only one child.

  The people who are in favor of children going to boarding schools point out that a boarding school is an ideal place for building up children's independence, which they seldom learn from their parents at home.Children who have the experience of going to boarding schools will come up with their own ways to problems they meet with instead of turning to their parents or others for help.What's more, these children usually enjoy team work than the little emperors' in many one-child families.They are generally more used to competing with others and will find it easier to fit modern society, which is full of competition when they grow up.

  On the other hand, those who are against children going to boarding schools argue that these schools are usually much more expensive than ordinary day schools.Usually children from rich families gradually develop a sense of pride toward those from other families.And children at boarding schools have less time to be with their parents, which may lead to a gap between them and weaken family ties.

