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科目: 来源:上海市普陀区2011届高三一模英语试题 题型:051

Complete the following sentences using fewest words.

  What's your dream vacation?Watching wildlife in Kenya?Boating down the Amazon?Sunbathing in Malaysia?New chances are opening up all the time to explore the world.So we visit travel agents, compare packages and prices, and pay our money.

  We know what our vacation costs us.But do we know what it might cost someone else?It's true that many poorer countries now depend on tourism for foreign income.Unfortunately, though, tourism often harms the local people more than it helps them.

  It might cost their homes and lands.In Myanmar, 5,200 people were forced to leave their homes among the pagodas(佛塔)in Bagan so that tourists could visit the pagodas.

  Tourism might also cost the local people their livelihood and dignity.Local workers often find only menial(卑微的)jobs in the tourists industry.And most of the profits do not help the local economy.Instead, profits return to the tour operators in wealthier countries.When the Maasai people in Tanzania were driven from their lands, some moved to city slums.Others now make a little money selling souvenirs or posing for photos.

  Problems like these were observed more than 20 years ago.But now some non-government organizations, tour operators and local governments are working together to begin correcting them.Tourists, too, are putting on the pressure.

  The result is responsible tourism, or“ethical tourism.”Ethical tourism has people at its heart.New international agreements and codes of conduct can help protect the people's lands, homes, economies and cultures.The beginnings are small, though, and the problems are complex.

  But take heart.The good news is that everyone, including us, can play a part to help the local people in the places we visit.Tour operators and companies can help by making sure that local people work in good conditions and earn reasonable wages.

  They can make it a point to use only locally owned hotels, restaurants and guide services.They can share profits fairly to help the local economy.And they can involve the local people in planning and managing tourism.

  What can tourists do?First, we can ask tour companies to provide information about the conditions of local citizens.We can then make our choices and tell them why.And while we're abroad, we can:

  ★Buy local foods and products, not imported ones.

  ★Pay a fair price for goods and services and not bargain for the cheapest price.

  ★Avoid flaunting wealth.

  ★Ask before taking photographs of people.

  They are not just part of the landscape!

  Let's enjoy our vacation and make sure others do, too.

1.What's the main idea the writer intends to tell us in this passage?


2.Why does the author say vacations cost someone else in this passage?


3It can be learned from the passage that profits go back to richer countries through ________________.

4.In which aspect can they involve the local people?



科目: 来源:上海市嘉定区2011届高三一模英语试题 题型:051

Directions:Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

  Meeting people from another culture can be difficult.From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal.Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

  Different cultures emphasize the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree.For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust.Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in“small talk”, usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job.In many European countries-like the UK or France-people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.

  Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures.I once made a speech in Thailand.I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence.The people present just stared at me and smiled.After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much.In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

  Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems.Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly.We think that they are rude.In fact, this is just because their culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

  People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other.However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

1.What is a good way to develop better working relationship in France?


2.The author mentioned his experience in Thailand to show ________.

3.According to the passage, people from different cultures can understand each other better ________.

4.What is the passage mainly about?



科目: 来源:江西省鹰潭市2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:051


  [1]When I was in primary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class.I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned that day.

  [2]I was convinced that“I”was right and“he”was wrong-and he was just as convinced that ________ and“he”was right.The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson.She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.

  [3]In the middle of her desk was a large, round object.I could clearly see that it was black.She asked the boy what color the object was.“White,”he answered.

  [4]I couldn't believe he said the object was white, when it was obviously black!Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the color of the object.

  [5]The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where I had been.We changed places, and now she asked me what the color of the object was.I had to answer,“White.”it was an object with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint it was white.Only from my side was it black.

  [6]My teacher taught me a very important lesson learned that day:You must stand in the other person's shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective(看法)

1.What is the main idea of the text?(Within 8 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)

________ was unbelievable, for the object was obvious black.

3.What did the teacher ask the students while changing positions?(no more than 6 words)


4.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)


5.What does the word“it”(the underlined word in Paragraph 5)probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)



科目: 来源:江西省吉安市2011届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:051


  ________.Fifty years ago, only 4 not of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or older.Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65.The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways:education, medicine, and business.Quietly, the growing of America has made it a very different society, one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various ages.

  A person's age no longer tells you anything about his or her social position, marriage or health.There's no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family.The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn't as strong as it used to be.It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grandmother, o r a 70-year-old man who has become a father for the first time.Public ideas are changing.

  Many people say,“I am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age.”No one says,“Act your age”any more.We've stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(Within 12 words)


2.Please fill in the blank with proper words.(Please answer with no more than 2 words)

We no longer ________ when older people behave as young people.


3.Fill in the blank with proper word to complete the sentence.(Within 6 words)


4.What does“Act your age”mean?(within 10 words)


5.What does the underlined word“The social clock”probably refer to?(Please answer with no more than 3 words)



科目: 来源:江西省上高二中2010-2011学年高二下学期第五次月考英语试题 题型:051


  Walking is a popular form of exercises.It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness.Walking also gives many of the same benefits as other kinds of exercises.

  Regular, brisk walks helps a person's body work better.Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs.The heart pumps blood through the body.It gets more rest between beats.Walking also seems to help protect the heart from heart diseases.The lungs work better because they take in and use oxygen more effectively.Walking can help ________, too.A quick fifteen-minute walk burns as many calories as jogging the same distance in half the time.Walking causes very few injuries.So there is also a lower“dropout”rate among walkers than among runners.People are more likely to continue a walking program.This gives a better chance for success.

  Walking offers some mental benefits, too.It seems to make people feel better.Many walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks.Others say they have a better attitude about life.

  Walking offers many of the same physical and mental benefits as other forms of exercise, but walking offers some special advantages, too.

  ★Almost everyone can walk.There are no special lessons of coaching.To become a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther and more often.

  ★People can walk almost anywhere.There are no special playing fields or courts for walking.Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields and malls are excellent places for walking.

  ★People can walk almost anytime.A person doesn't need a team or a partner for walking.There is no“season”for walking.Most walkers walk in all kinds of weather.

  ★Walking doesn't cost anything.There are no special fees for walking.Good walking shoes and comfortable clothes are the only equipment that a walker needs.

  Walking offers a form of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone.With a little time and effort, people can rediscover a valuable form of exercise and improve their fitness.

1.What's the best title of the passage?(within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Compared to running, more people can continue walking as a form of exercise.


3.Please fill in the blank in the 2nd paragraph with proper words or phrases.(within 10 words)


4.Among the special advantages of walking, which one do you think is the most important?Why?(within 30 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



科目: 来源:山东省实验中学2011届高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题 题型:051


  [1]When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-thinking people worried about how to feed the hungry.Now, in much of the world, the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and ________.

  [2]Thanks to rising agricultural productivity, lean years are rarer all over the globe.According to the UN, the number of people short of food fell from 920 million in 1980 to 799 million 20 years later, even though the world's population increased by 1.6 billion over the period.This is mostly a cause for celebration.Mankind has won what was, for most of his time on this planet, his biggest battle:to ensure that he and his offspring had enough to eat.But every silver lining has a cloud, and the result of prosperity is a new trouble.

  [3]Fatness is the world's biggest public-health topic today-the main cause of heart disease, which kills more people these days than AIDS, malaria, war, the major risk factor in diabetes(糖尿病), heavily connected with cancer and other disease.Since the World Health Organization labeled fatness an“epidemic”(流行病)in 2000, reports on its fearful results have come thick and fast.

  [4]Will public-health warnings, combined with media pressure, persuade people to get thinner, just as they finally put them off tobacco?Possibly.In the rich world, sales of healthier foods are booming and new figures suggest that over the past year Americans got very slightly thinner for the first time in recorded history.But even if Americans are losing a few ounces, it will be many years before the country solves the health problems caused by half a century's dinning to overload.And, everywhere else in the world, people are still piling on the pounds.That's why there is now an agreement among doctors that governments should do something to stop them.

1.What is the main idea the writer intends to tell us in this passage?(please answer within 8 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in the meaning to the following one?

While it is good that mankind has no trouble having enough to eat, a side-effect arises.


3.Why does the author compare smoking with the fatness problem in this passage?(please answer within 20 words)


4.In the First Paragraph, the two sentences show a striking contrast.What can be filled in the blank to complete the sentence?


5.Please translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.



科目: 来源:江西省八所重点中学2011届高三联合考试英语试题 题型:051


  [1] Medical research is leading American education officials to consider having high school classes start later in the morning.The research says that teenagers are more awake later at night than adults are.When staying up late at night, the teenagers have problems learning early in the morning.

  [2]Researchers in the state of Rhode Island measured the amount of the hormone(荷尔蒙)melatonin(降黑素)in people's mouths at different times of the day.Melatonin causes people to feel sleepy.

  [3]They found that melatonin levels rise later at night in teenagers than they do in children and adults.It remains at higher levels in teenagers later in the morning.They said this shows that teenagers have difficulty learning early in the morning.Yet most school systems in the United States begin high school classes at about seven o'clock.

  [4]A few school districts have made some changes.In 1996, school officials in Edina, Minnesota, changed the start of classes from seven thirty to eight thirty.Two years later, the nearby city of Minneapolis did the same.Teachers there reported that students were no longer sleepy in class and were happier.Staying in school later in the day did not seem to be a problem for students who had jobs after school either.

  [5]Health experts say that teenagers need between eight and nine hours of sleep a night.Students ________ are likely to be late for school, fail to do their homework, fall asleep in class and have trouble taking part in class discussions.

  [6]Some people, however, don't support a later start time because they say that it would limit the time for practicing sports after school.However, the Minnesota schools found that this did not hurt school sports competitions.

  [7]More American school districts are discussing the possibility of changing high school start times.Researchers and teenagers say that they cannot make the change quickly enough.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 8 words.)


2.Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 8 words.)


3.Complete the following statement with proper words.(Please answer within 5 words)If they go to bed very late at night, teenagers ________ early in the morning.


4.Do you think the change is necessary?Why?(Please answer within 15 words.)


5.What does the word“this”(line 3, paragraph 6)probably refer to?(no more than 4 words)



科目: 来源:甘肃省兰州一中2010-2011学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:051


  In a recent business magazine article, a president said, laughter in the workplace is a waste of time.This is a place to do business, not to laugh, some researcher, however, disagree with his words.As scientists have learned more about the brain, they've discovered that smiles and laughter stimulate the brain, which can help increase happiness and reduce pain.Why do we need laughter in our lives?Laughter is a powerful tool for our health.In a number of studies that were carried out, it was shown that people who are more humorous have stronger immune systems while people who feel stressed have weaker immune systems.Humor can help make your immune systems stronger.

  Here are some tips to add more humor to your life.

  Laugh at yourself.Don't take yourself too seriously.Have a positive attitude towards yourself and your worries will become lighter, too.

  Don't worry when people laugh-just appreciate it.Be funny.Look for the humorous side of otherwise difficult situation.

  Prepare a first-aid laughter source.This could include books, cartoons, CDs or videos.Write down the amusing things that happen and save them for a sad day.

  Be open to silly things.Humor the child within yourself.

  Laugh with others what they do, rather than what they are.

  Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine, so make time for humor now.

1.What is the best title for this passage?(please answer within 8 words.)


2.List three suggestions that might help you add humor to your life according to the passage.(Please answer within 15 words.)


3.According to the passage, how do people benefit(受益)from laughter?(Please answer within 20 words.)


4.Please translate the sentence underlined into Chinese.


5.According to the passage, why humor can help people keep healthy?(Please answer within 15 words.)



科目: 来源:湖南省湘西自治州2011届高三第一次质量检测英语试题 题型:051

Directions:Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.Write your answers on your answer sheet.

  Chinese cuisine(菜肴)is widely known and enjoyed in the world.But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East-the ancient custom of“tonic food.”

  Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one's well-being, or stave off sickness, particularly at times when one is more likely to fall ill.For instance, it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame-oil hot pot every day for the first month after giving birth.It was believed that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, stimulate sweating, and warm the body.

  In fact, some Western theories of health are similar to the beliefs in Chinese tonic food, although each takes a different path toward the very same goal.Western medicine actually recommends some of the exact same ingredients that make up tonic foods.Sesame oil can provide lots of calories, and chicken meat is particularly high in protein.Any Western doctor should be happy to suggest such a Chinese dish after childbirth.

  The elderly, weak, and young can also benefit greatly from tonic foods, especially during the winter.Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach, are seen as“hot,”while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as“cold.”One should be careful not to eat too much of either“hot”or“cold”food.However, how much“hot”or“cold”food one should eat depends on the time of the year, how the food is prepared and what it is prepared with, and the individual's health.

  “Warm”or“cool”tonic foods are strongly recommended.The choices for“warm”and“cool”foods range from simple sea cucumber to the delicacy of bird's nest soup, depending on the individual's economic circumstances.

  The concept of tonic food is far from losing credibility, either with Westerners or practitioners of modern medicine.For example, up until two years ago, tonic foods were added to the meals served at a renowned hospital.

1.What attitude do the young in the East hold towards“tonic food”?(不超过5个词)

2.Why are some Western theories of health considered similar to the Chinese beliefs in tonic food?(不超过11个词)

3.List four factors deciding the amount of tonic food.(不超过20个词)

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?(不超过6个词)


科目: 来源:湖南省浏阳一中2010-2011学年高二第一次阶段性考试英语试题 题型:051

Directions:Reading the following passage.Answer the questions accroding to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.

  Xu Hui is very excited.The Senior 1 student in a middle school in Beijing will go to Japan with his parents during the Spring Festival.

  “Overseas touring has always been a dream for me,”he said happily.

  Nowadays, Chinese people enjoy longer holidays, such as the three“Golden Week Holidays”(the Spring Festival, May Day and National Day).They have more time to travel.Rising incomes also make more ordinary Chinese people travelling abroad.

  Nearly 7 million Chinese travelled overseas in 2001, according to the National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局).The most common problem travellers face is how to choose the best routes(路线).

  By the end of 2002, Chinese citizens were allowed to travel to 19 foreign countries and regions at their own expense.

  The top 10 places included Hong Kong, Macao and Thailand.European countries are also becoming increasingly popular.

  Experts suggest Chinese travellers should consider choosing the right travel agencies and finding the best price.The China Consumers' Association offered tips to consumers on choosing the right travel agencies to help prevent a relaxing vacation from turning into a disaster.

  “Price should not be the only most important factor in choosing a travel agency,”said Zhang Yuanchao, CCA vice-secretary general.Consumers are advised to choose large State travel agencies with good reputations.

  Zhang's association dealt with more than 5, 000 complaints about travel agencies last year.And the majority of the complaints were about random changes in travel routes, bad tour guides, and forced shopping.

  Travellers were warned to look carefully at their contracts with agencies and to buy travel insurance.

1.How many reasons are given in the article as to why ordinary Chinese people are traveling abroad more today?(No more than 2 words)


2.List two factors Chinese travellers should consider while choosing a travel agency.(No more than 3 words)


3.What is the most possible result of choosing a bad travel agency?(No more than 12 words)


4.What would be a good title for this passage?(No more than 6 words)


