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科目: 来源:宁夏银川一中2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


  Learning English online is an effective way to improve your English.But with any type of learning you need to be prepared.This passage will give you advice and tips on how to get the most out of your online lessons.


  This is an obvious point but also the most important one.A computer, a good Internet connection and a headset are what you will need to take classes online.A web camera is also pretty important.Make sure that your computer is turned on, that everything is plugged in correctly and that you have tested the connection.Doing this before the class means that you will be ready when the lesson starts

  Take the classes somewhere quiet.

    2   Trying to listen and participate(参与)in English classes is very difficult when there is noise around you.So find a quiet room and make sure that no one disturbs you while you are taking your lesson.


  When grammar or anything else is being taught, make sure that you understand it.You won't need to practice it at this time; just make sure that everything is clear.If you don't understand what is being taught, ask your teacher to explain it again.Your teacher will be more than happy to deal with whatever puzzles you.

  Practice speaking English.

  Every class is an opportunity to practice your English speaking with a native and qualified teacher.Try to allow the conversation to flow by listening and talking in a natural way.  4   The teacher should note the mistakes and correct them at a later time.


  Come to class feeling relaxed and excited.  5   Come into the class excited about learning English.You will be able to get more out of the class this way.

A.Review after the lesson

B.Make sure everything is ready.

C.Understand what is being taught.

D.Get away from everything that may be going on in your home

E.Language learning should be enjoyable especially in online classes.

F.You will meet many problems when you are learning English online.

G.This is your chance to speak English without worrying about too many mistakes.


科目: 来源:四川省成都市六校协作2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


In ancient China, there were many great thinkers and philosophers.Confucius is the philosopher(1)________ influence has been the greatest.Confucius stressed the importance of(2)________(kind), duty and order in society.Mencius was a thinker whose(3)________(teach)were very similar to those of Confucius.Mozi was another teacher who was very(4)________(influence).Mozi founded the philosophy called Mohism.In some ways his(5)________(believe)were similar to those of Confucius.But Mozi believed that all men were equal.His idea of love was different from the Confucian idea of kindness.


科目: 来源:四川省成都市六校协作2010-2011学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first(1)________ the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River.The Three Gorges Dam, which is the(2)________(big)construction project in China since the(3)________(build)of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and provide hydro-electric(4)________ for the central region of China.However, the project has flooded some of China's most famous(5)________(history)sites.


科目: 来源:四川省双流县中学2011届高中毕业班2月月考英语试题 题型:053


-Hello, I would like to speak to Mr.Lee.


-This is Linda, your old friend.

-Oh, how are you, Linda?  2  

-Mr.Smith wrote to me that you were coming to our city.May I see you at your hotel right away?

  3  .I have to check my schedule.Yes, that's all right.

-Great.I'll be there in half an hour.


-Oh, I almost forgot.What's your room number?

  5  .Please call me if you can't find me.

-I'll do that.See you later.


科目: 来源:吉林省长春市实验中学2011届高三下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


  The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs.  1   Some people are compulsive(难以自制的)shoppers.Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work.Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.

    2   Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more every day, but it's more than a common hobby for some of them.They have turned into shopaholics.They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it.They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don't need.Even though they don't have enough money, they buy everything they want.

  The question is:why do they have this addiction?There isn't a specific answer.Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better.They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something.  3  

  Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can bring out problems.Some of them can be psychological.If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot.  4   They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don't have.  5  

A.Once you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, it is difficult to get rid of.

B.Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity.

C.They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

D.However, in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.

E.People addicted to computer games consider the games as great ways to amuse themselves.

F.They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt(破产)and get sent to prison.

G.It can also cause financial problems.


科目: 来源:乌鲁木齐地区2011年高三第三次诊断性测试英语试题 题型:053


  It's not that hard to be a better writer.Seriously, it's especially true if you're starting as a non-writer who's just trying to be competent for day-to-day tasks.

  1.Have a Structure.  1   Your body should consist of paragraphs that are grouped according, to topic, each one dealing with a single element of your subject.

  2.  2   When you say a car runs“fast”, don't leave it at that.Show me how fast it is by; detailing the vehicle's top speed and acceleration, along with listing other cars it leaves in the dust.Do the same with every other significant modifier(修饰语)you use.

  3.Don't pad words.  3   Most of the time, this ends up turning what's essentially nice; writing into unreadable nonsense.You'll see this with heavy use of unnecessary adjectives and adverbs, along with useless phrases that can easily be cut off without losing meaning.

  4.Choose good words.Sometimes, the way your text reads comes down to word choice.Don't say“converse”when you can say“speak”; don't write“adjudicate”when you say“decide”.  4  

  5.Use a writing software.Notice that we didn't give any advice on grammar.That's because using a quality proofreading software can help you on that end.  5  

A.Try not to use adjectives and adverbs without providing an explanation.

B.Don't let anything keep you from it!

C.Many inexperienced writers tend to pad words to meet word count goals.

D.Regardless of what you do, your writing should have an introduction and a conclusion.

E.Basically, put your words to good use and find words that will make the experience easier for your readers.

F.Some ideas can be quite correct.

G.Sure, a few mistakes might slip in now and then, but a good tool will take care of most of them.


科目: 来源:2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题北京卷 题型:053


A.Rather Public speaking and critical thinking

What is critical thinking? to a certain degree, it’s a matter of logic(逻辑)-of being able to spot weaknesses in other people ‘s argument and to avoid them in your own, it also includes related skills such as distinguishing fact from opinion and assessing the soundness of evidence.

In the broad sense, critical thinking is focused, organized thinking –the ability to see clearly

their lationships among ideas.  1   the greatest thinkers, scientists, and inventors have often taken information that was readily available and put it together differently to produce new ideas.that, too, is critical thinking.

  2   As the class goes on, for example, you will probably spend a good deal of time organizing your speeches.While this may seem like a purely mechanical(机械的)exercise, it is closely connected with critical thinking.If the structure of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking.If the stucture of your speech is loose and confused, chances are that your thinking is also discovered and confused.If, on the other hand, the stucture is clear, there is a good chance your thinking is too.Organizing a speech is not a matter of arraging the ideas your already have.  3  

What is true of organization is true of many aspects of public speaking.  4   As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, you will Improve your ability to think clearly and accutately.  5   As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class.You will be better able to assess the ideas of speakers in a variety of situations.

If you take full advantage of your speech class, you will be able to develop your skills as critical thinker in many circumstances.This is one reason public speaking has been regarded as a vital part of education since the days of ancient Greece.

A.it is an important part of shaping the ideas themselves.

B.This may seem like a lot of time, but the rewards are well worth it.

C.It may also help you to know that there is no such thing as a perfect speech.

D.It has often been said that there are few new ideas in the world, only reorganized ideas.

E.If you are wondering what this has to do with your public speaking class, the answer is quite a lot.

F.The skills you learn in your speech class can help you become a more effective thinker in a number of ways.

G.As you study the role of evidence and reasoning in speechmaking, you will see how they can be used in other forms of communication as well.


科目: 来源:2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题江苏卷 题型:053


When Should a Leader Apologize and When Not?

  Why Difficult?

  When we wrong someone we know, even not intentionally, we are generally expected to apologize so as to improve the situation.But when we’re acting as leaders, the circumstances are different.The act of apology is carried out not merely at the level of the individual but also at the level of the institution.It is a performance in which every expression matters and every word becomes part of the public record.Refusing to apologize can be smart, or it can be stupid.So, readiness to apologize can be seen as a sign of strong character or as a sign of weakness.A successful apology can turn hate into personal and organizational harmony-while an apology that is too little, too late, or too obviously strategic can bring on individual and institutional ruin.What, then, is to be done? How can leaders decide if and when to apologize publicly?

  Why Now?

  The question of whether leaders should apologize publicly has never been more urgent.During the last decade or so, the United States in particular has developed an apology culture-apologies of all kinds and for all sorts of wrongdoings are made far more frequently than before.More newspaper writers have written about the growing importance of public apologies.More articles, cartoons, advice columns, and radio and television programs have similarly dealt with the subject of private apologies.

  Why Bother?

  Why do we apologize? Why do we ever put ourselves in situations likely to be difficult, embarrassing, and even risky? Leaders who apologize publicly could be an easy target.They are expected to appear strong and capable.And whenever they make public statements of any kind, their individual and institutional reputations are in danger.Clearly, then, leaders should not apologize often or lightly.For a leader to express apology, there needs to be a good, strong reason.Leaders will publicly apologize if and when they think the costs of doing so are lower than the costs of not doing so.

  Why Refuse?

  Why is it that leaders so often refuse to apologize, even when a public apology seems to be in order? Their reasons can be individual or institutional.Because leaders are public figures, their apologies are likely to be personally uncomfortable and even professionally risky.Leaders may also be afraid that admission of a mistake will damage or destroy the organization for which they are responsible.There can be good reasons for hanging tough in tough situations, as we shall see, but it is a high-risk strategy.


科目: 来源:2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题陕西卷 题型:053


1.As awareness of the cenefits of humour increases, most of us want to get all the langhs we can.It seems that almost every day there is another new discovery about the power of humour to help us physically, mentally, cmotionally, and sp[iritually.Every system of the body responds to langhter in some important or positive way.

2.Many pcople mistakenly believe that we are born with a sense of humour.They think that when it comes to a sense of humour.“either you have got it or you don't.” This is

false! What is true, however, is that the ability to laugh and smile is actually something we are born with.For example, we laugh when we are tickled under the arm, even without thinking about how to react.

3.The parts of the brain and central nervous system that control laughing and smiling are mature at birth in human infants, but that is not the same thing as having a sense of humour.(After all, when a baby laughs in his small bed we don’t rush over and say, “That kid has a great sense of humour!”)Your sense of humour is something you can develop over a lifetime.Don’t be nervous before others and try to laugh at yourself-then you will make them laugh too.

4.Humour includes a lot more than laughing and joke telling.Many people worry needlessly that they do not have a good sense of humour because they are not good joke tellers.More than jokes, a sense of humour requires being willing and able to see the funny side of life’s situations as they happen.In fact, one of the best definitions(定义)of a sense of humour is “the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation.”

5.There may be a thousand different ways to express your sense of humour, but joke telling is only one of those ways.As more is discovered about how humour benefits our life, more people will be able to see and enjoy the humour when they are in a difficult situation.Life depends on air, food and water, but it is made easier to live with a good sense of humour.


科目: 来源:2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题陕西卷 题型:053


Tom:Hi, Cathy.  1  

Cathy:I have to finish my project on the history of the Internet.What about you?

Tom:  2   If it’s fine, we’ll go camping.Would you like to join us?

Cathy:I’d like to, but the deadline for my project is next Monday.

Tom:What a pity!   3  

Cathy:Yes, please.Can you suggest any good reference books?

Tom:You may want to read Origins of the Internet and The Digital Future.

Cathy:I’m reading the two books.  4  

Tom:Go to the Science Museum website, and you’ll find lots of up-to-date information.

Cathy:Good idea.Thanks for your help.

Tom:  5  

A.Never mind.

B.Don’t mention it.

C.Any other suggestions?

D.Will you come next time?

E.it depends on the weather

F.Anything I can do for you

G.What are you up to this weekeed?

