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科目: 来源:河北省张家口市私立第一中学2012届高三高考预测英语试题 题型:053


  The person behind you constantly kicks the back of your seat.Your talkative seatmate doesn't understand your need for sleep.And the aircraft's bathroom is a total mess.These situations can make even a short flight unbearable.Hopefully you don't cause these unpleasant experiences for others.  1  

  Always recline(向后倾斜)your seat slowly.There's nothing worse than suddenly being hit in the knees by the seat in front of you.In addition, don't keep your seat reclined for the entire flight.Always keep it upright during mealtimes.And remember to put it in the upright position before going to the restroom(or anytime you leave your seat.)

    2   Wait until the meal is done and all the food trays(盘子)have been collected.It's hard for passengers to stand up to let you pass when they still have their food trays.And when using the bathroom.always clean up after yourself-the next user will be grateful!

  Keep your body-and your possessions-to yourself as much as possible so as not to crowd your in-flight seatmate(s).Share the armrest, especially on a long flight.Also, be careful not to kick or push on the seat in front of you.

  While some people enjoy chatting with other passengers during a flight, not everyone does.Some people may want to nap, read or work.  3  

  If you are traveling with someone and want to chat, keep your voices low.  4   People can still hear through your headphones if the volume is too high.

  When exiting the plane, if others are having trouble with their carry-on luggage.help them if you can.If you can't help, wait patiently, and don't push past people to get off the airplane.On your flight, remember the golden rule:  5  

A.Don't leave your carry-on in the aircraft.

B.If the conversation seems one-sided, you should notice it.

C.Treat others the way you want to be treated!

D.Avoid going to the bathroom during mealtimes.

E.Instead, you can set an example by following these common airplane


F.It is not polite to talk loudly in the aircraft.

G.If using electronic gadgets(小装置),keep the volume down.


科目: 来源:河北省张家口沽源一中2012届高三高考预测英语试题 题型:053


  Swimming cycling, jogging, skiing, dancing, walking or any of dozens of other activities can help your heart.  1  .Whether it is a structured exercise program or just part of your daily routine, all exercise adds up to having a healthier heart.Here are some tips for exercise success.

  ☆Choose activities that are fun and add variety.Develop several activities that you can

  enjoy.  2  

  ☆Wear comfortable, properly fitted shoes and comfortable, loose-fitting clothing appropriate for the weather and the activity.

  ☆Find a convenient time and place to do activities.  3  .If you miss an exercise opportunity, work activity into your day another way.

  ☆Use music to keep yourself entertained.

  ☆   4   Decide what kind of support you need.Do you want them to remind you to exercise? Exercise with you regularly or occasionally? Be understanding when you get up early to exercise? Spend time with the children while you exercise? Try not to ask you to change your exercise routine? Share your activity time with others.Ask your family members, friends or co-workers for help.

  ☆Don't overdo it, especially at first.You can slowly increase the time and intensity(强度)of your activities as you become more fit.  5  

  ☆Keep a record of your activities.Reward yourself at times.Nothing will inspire you more than success!

A.Try to make it a habit, but be flexible.

B.They all cause you to feel warm and breathe heavily without being out of breath.

C.Be an active role model for your children.

D.That way, exercise will never seem boring.

E.If you are overweight or have a high risk of heart disease, see your doctor for medical advice before exercising.

F.Surround yourself with supportive people.

G.Gradually, work up to exercising on most days of the week for 30-60 minutes.


科目: 来源:福建省福州三中2012届高三第五次月考英语试题 题型:053


What are the students' favorite jobs in the future?


The following is a report on the student's v________ on their


future job preference.________ seems to be some differences


between boys and girls.The most striking contrast ________ in teaching:


most girls would like to become teachers w________ few boys want


to do this job.________ (有趣的是), many boys want to do business


and still some want to become lawyers t ________ only a small part of


girls ________ interest in these two fields.The second largest group of


all the surveyed students expect to be ________(科学家).That is both boys


and girls are w________ to display their talents in this field.


And the third c________ for girls is to be interpreters or translators.




科目: 来源:黑龙江省鹤岗一中2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语 题型:053


  How to keep healthy? It's easy for us to catch a cold in winter and spring because the weather changes a lot in spring and it is too cold in winter.But if we take care in our life, all of us can keep healthy without any cold.

    1   This will stop germs(细菌)passing from one person to another.When you finish your work or before you eat, you'd better wash your hands.

    2   Use a tissue(纸巾), and then throw it into dustbins at once.When others around you are coughing, I advise you to turn your head away from the people so that their viruses won't reach you.

  Get more fresh air.Germs like staying around in dry and warm rooms.  3   Don't stay too long in the places with too many people.

  If flu is going round house or school, you should try to stay away from those who are iIl.  4  

  Boil your toothbrush for about a minute.This kills germs.  5   If you have used the toothbrush for three months or so, throw it away and buy a new one.

A.Have a shower everyday

B.Wash your hands often

C.Don't use your hands when coughing

D.Don't go out often when you are coughing

E.Besides, don't use the same toothbrush too long

F.In this way, you won't get sick for these people

G.So you'd better stay in the places with more fresh air


科目: 来源:河北省张家口市第二中学2012届高三高考预测英语试题 题型:053


  In many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and many societies would not exist without them.  1   But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers who are taken seriously, not only by government but also by car manufacturers.

  The Human Science and Advanced Technology Institute at Loughborough in the UK is part of an international research program.  2   That will mean much saving, no accidents and better use of roads.The super-intelligent car in the future will drive itself.  3   Instead, we will have a choice of cars and change them as frequently as we change our clothing.

  According to Dr.David Davis, who leads the research team, these predictions are based on the rising cost of the car culture, which had blocked up our cities, polluted our air, and caused more deaths than both world wars put together.

  Davis says, cars will be fitted with some intelligent devices(装置)to regulate(调节)the distance between one car and another.  4   computers are much safer drivers than people, so cars in a road train will be able to drive much closer together than cars driven by people.

  By 2010, Dr.David Davis believes, car technology will give motorists a clear view of the road, whatever the weather conditions, by projecting an image of the road ahead on to the car's windscreen.  5   Cars will be connected by an electronic tow bar to the car in front to form “road-trains”.“The front vehicle in such a train burns the normal amount.”says Davis.“but all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount, and so produce about ten percent of the pollution.”

A.The team there believes that by 2030 all cars will be computerized.

B.They believe that cars will become more important in 20 years.

C.And it will not be owned by one individual.

D.And by 2030, cars will travel in line, linked to each other electronically.

E.So the idea that in 20 years’ time, no one will own cars may be hard to believe.

F.Every driver will use less fuel in the car he owns.

G.The car will automatically speed up, or slow down, to match the speed of the car in front.


科目: 来源:河北省怀安县柴沟堡一中2012届高三高考预测考试英语试题 题型:053


  Riding a London subway, a person from China will notice one major difference: In London, commuters(乘车上下班的人)do not look at each other.  1  That's not rudeness-people are just too busy to bother looking.

  Busy doing what, you ask? Well, they're certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet reflection.Nor are they reading a book.  2  Today the only acceptable form of book on the London Underground is an e-book.

    3  Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, over 40,000-yes, that's 40,000-“apps”(programs downloaded for the iPhone)have been designed.

  Commuters love them because they are the perfect time-filler.One “app”, called iShoot, is a game that features tanks.Another one, Tube Exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination.ISteam clouds the iPhone screen when you breathe into the microphone,  4  

  For those without an iPhone, another Apple product, the iPod, may be the distraction of choice.It's not just teenagers who “plug in” to their music-iPods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.

  And if games, e-books and music aren't enough to keep you occupied.Then perhaps you would prefer a film? The development of palm DVD technology means many commuters watch their favorite TV show or film on the way to work.


A.Modern Londoner are fancy victims.

B.New technology has replaced quiet habits.

C.In fact, eye contact is avoided at al times.

D.Apple must earn a fortune from London commuters.

E.You can then write the “steam” on your phone screen.

F.Technology is changing the way London commuters spend their traveling time.

G.With this distraction, it's amazing that people still remember to get off the train.


科目: 来源:湖南省长望浏宁四市县区2012届高三5月联考试题英语试题 题型:053

Directions:Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

  Loneliness is all about feeling isolated, but it's actually quite common.In general, there are three different types of loneliness.

  The first kind of loneliness is temporary.It is the most common type but usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation, such as, family problem, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, it usually does not last for more than a year.The third kind of loneliness is chronic(the opposite of “temporary”).Being the most severe, it usually lasts for more than two years and is often connected with serious illnesses.

  An important factor in loneliness is a person's social contacts.Through social contacts, we get emotional support and guidance from our parents and teachers and share similar interests and activities with our friends.However, some lonely people almost make no contacts with people around them and feel apart from those who they supposedly know well.They just see themselves as outsiders.On the other hand, some lonely people may have enough social contacts, but they rarely enjoy the contacts and question their popularity, thinking of themselves as someone powerless.So loneliness is closely related to the quality of those social relationship in addition to the quantity.

  Loneliness is tough, but something can be done to cope with it.First, take time to accept that you are suffering from loneliness.Then, contact your old friends or visit relatives to spend quality time with others.Besides, pick up a hobby to reduce your feelings of loneliness, such as taking up needle work, joining craft classes, or attending lectures.You can also beat loneliness by volunteering at a nursing home, hospital, church or pet rescue organization.This not only helps you get in touch with people from all walks of life, but also makes you feel good about yourself.In a word, if you take a correct attitude towards loneliness and get involved with people around you, you are sure to get over it.


科目: 来源:湖南省长望浏宁四市县区2012届高三5月联考试题英语试题 题型:053

Directions:Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

  To upcycle something is to take a used object and change it to a new function.

  Recycling usually breaks down the material that an object is made from   1   it is made into something else.By that means it wastes plenty of energy.  2   recycling, upcycling just uses something in a new way without reprocessing   3   material it's made from.In addition to being   4   energy-saving, another major benefit of upcycling is   5   it reuses items made of materials which couldn't be dealt with by traditional recycling methods.When something is upcycled, nothing,   6   very little, is thrown away, with every component part having a potential use.

  An upcycled product is generally   7   higher value than the materials or objects which are used to create   8  , like metal ring pulls becoming pins or earrings, low-value coins becoming cufflinks(袖扣), and so on.


科目: 来源:广东省湛江一中2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053




A.Groovy Movies

  Tune in every Friday night at 7 p.m.and Sunday at 6 p.m.for fun-filled successful movies that the whole family can enjoy!

B.Ready or Not

  Follow the ups and downs of life with best friends Amanda Zimm and Busy Ramone as they deal with adolescence, boys, family, school and friends.The series began with the girls in the seventh grade but later progressed to the eighth and the ninth grades.

C.Are You Afraid of the Dark?

  A group of kids calling themselves “The Midnight Society” sit around a campfire sharing scary stories.Creepy, but never excessively frightening, common subjects include haunted houses(鬼屋), what goes on behind the neighbor's walls, and other things that go bump at night.

D.The Secret Show

  The Secret Show is about secret people doing secret things.Special agents Victor Volt and Anita Kningt work for U.Z.Z, protecting the world against the evil forces of T.H.E.M.Victor and Anita manage to save the world-or large part of it.

E.Serious Amazon

  Serious Amazon follows eight young adventurers as they face the dangers of the Peruvian Amazon, exploring the habitat and meeting the inhabitants who rely on the river for their survival.Living with the local tribes, they help with various projects, including building an enclosure for rare red uakari monkeys(红秃猴).


  Mr.Bean, one of the world's most popular comedy characters, is back, but this time he's a cartoon hero , appearing in a new series of animated adventures! Rowan Atkinson provides his voice for these happy animated adventures.


1.Tom is a brave young boy.He loves to watch horrible movies in his spare time.Now it's summer holiday and he wants to watch one of this kind of programs which can somewhat scare other people.

2.Mary is 14 years old this year.She likes watching shows on TV.Because she is now passing into adolescence, her mother asks her to watch some TV programs which can help her deal with problems girls at her age will meet.

3.Mike dreams to be an adventurer when he grows up, so he is fond of watching programs from which he can learn some skills and knowledge on how to explore a new place.Since he has no classes this weekend, he decides to watch such a program.

4.George likes watching programs about secret agents.He feels excited when the agents achieve their goals at last.So every week, he is sure to watch one of these kinds of program.

5.Jane likes watching comedies in her spare time.She is crazy about the characters that are lively and funny.When she is watching her favorite TV programs, nothing can tear her away from the sofa.


科目: 来源:广东省湛江一中2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


  My friend Vernon Davies kept birds.One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week.He asked me to feed   1   birds for him and said that he would leave the key   2   his front door in my mailbox.

    3  (fortunate), I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vernon was going to return.What was worse,   4   was already dark when I arrived at his house.I soon found that the key Vernon gave me could not unlock either the front door   5   the back door.I was getting desperate.I kept thinking of   6   Vernon would say when he came back.

  I was just going to give up   7   I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open.I found a barrel and pushed in under the window.As the barrel was very heavy, I made a lot of noise.But in the end, I managed to climb   8   and open the window.

  I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone   9  (shine)a torch up at me.I looked down and saw a policeman and an old lady, one of Vernon's neighbours.“What are you doing up there?” said the policeman.  10  (feel)like a complete fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr Davies' birds.”

