精英家教网> 试卷> 题目



第一部分 听对话回答问题,读两遍。

1.M:Do you know the girl in red?

W:Yes, she is my sister, Mary. She was born in the Year of the Rat. She is clever and smart.

2.M: I really want to be a basketball player. And you?

W: Oh, I’m going to be a policewoman when I grow up.

3.M: What a sunny day last Saturday!

W: Yes, and we all had a great time in the park!

4. M: I don’t like cats, they are lazy and they always sleep in the day.

W: But they are working while we are sleeping at night.    

5.M: We’ll take an exam tomorrow. I have to to stay up late to get ready for it tonight.

  W: You’d better go to bed early so you can stay awake in the exam.

6.M: Excuse me. What’s the time by your watch?

  W: It’s half past five. But my watch is five minutes fast.

7. M: Open your mouth. Now show me where it hurts.

  W: Here on the right, especially when I eat something cold or hot.

8. M: How did your sister do in her exam, Rose?

  W: She is a top student and she came first.

9. M: What kind of drink do you prefer, milk or coffee?

  W: Neither. I’d like a cup of tea.

10. W: My parents help me with my study at home every day.

   M: You’re lucky. My parents are too busy to help me. So I often ask my friends for help if I have problems.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题,听两遍。


M: Hi, Kathy! What are your plans for the coming summer vacation?

W: I’ve no idea. Maybe I will spend it abroad.

M: Which country would you like to go to?

W: I’m not sure. I just want to relax because I feel very tired these days.

M: If I were you, I would go to Switzerland. It’s really a nice place.

W: I don’t think so.

M: What about Hawaii? There is lots of sunshine there all the year round.

W: Sounds interesting. Of course I could practice English as well. Thanks for your suggestion.

M: My pleasure.                


W: Excuse me, could you tell me how far it is from our school to the zoo?

     M: Sure. It’s only 15 minutes’ walk.

W: How can I get there? I’m new here, you know.

     M: Well, walk along School Road to the traffic lights.

W: And then?

M: Then turn left and you’ll be on Green Street. There is a hotel on the corner and the zoo is right next to the hotel. You can’t miss it.

W: Thanks a lot for your help. By the way, could you tell me where I can get a cup of coffee?

M: Er… You can get it in the zoo.

W: Many thanks.

M: You’re welcome.                              


  Do you know that these days even American students take more exams than before? Do you feel nervous about exams? Yes? Never mind. You’re not alone! Let’s see what students do to make themselves feel less stressed.

  Kitty is only 11. She said, “The best way to get ready for exams is to go over what I have learnt as carefully as possible before the exam.”

  Alyssa is 12. She told us, “When I get nervous during a test, I stop and take some deep breaths. It usually helps.”

  Lily is 13. She said, “Before exams I always tell myself that I can do it. If I meet a difficult problem, I usually move on and come back to it again after finishing everything else.”  

一 听力  

1-5  ACABC     6-10  BABCC  

11-12  BA       13-15  BCC          16-20  BACAB


21-25 CCDAA        26-30 CCABC        31-35 ACCAA


36-40  BDACC        41-45  DDAAC       46-50  DACBC



51-55 ABCDA       56-60 BCBAD         61-65 BDBDA


66. safety    67. accidents   68.crossing   69. strangers    70. need

71. directions  72. with    73. carefully      74. bad     75. protect


76. 25

77 In Camden Market

78. She made candles of all shapes and sizes.

79 Some of her school friends.

80. He helped her by lending her some money.



81. awake    82. heat    83. matches   84. carelessness  85. absent

. B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。

86.playing   87. hardly    88.likes    89.unhappy   90.is divided

C. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。

91. ideas       92. result    93.paint    94. tired    95.dark

96. choose     97. rather    98. life     99.while    100.easily
