

本试卷第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷1至10页,第II卷11至12页。共150 分。考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,考生仅将答题卡交回。


   1 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、学校和考号填写在答题卡上。考试结束后,将答题卡交监考老师收回。

   2 第I卷的每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。黑度以盖住框内字母为准,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,在试卷上答题无效。

   3 答第II卷时,必须用黑色自己的签字笔按题号顺序答在答题卡上的黑色框答题区域相应为之内,未在对应的答题区域做答或超出答题区域做答均不得分,在试卷上答题无效






例:What is the man going to read?

   A  A newspaper      B A magazine          C A book(答案是A)

1 What is the man?

   A  A waiter         B A shop assistant       C A clerk

2 What is the man doing?

   A Giving an order     B Asking for            C Making a request

3 How does the woman go to work?

  A By bus             B By car               C By train

4 What’s the woman most probably going to do?

A Take a holiday       B Quit the job           C DO less work

5 What is the man talking about?

  A His feeling          B His performance        C His life




6 What is the man?

 A She is taking a taxi     B She is practicing driving  C She is having a driving test

7 What is the woman doing?

 A5:30pm              B 6:00 pm                C8:00pm


8 What time does the store close on weekdays?

 A A5:30pm              B 6:00 pm               C8:00pm

9 Why does the woman make the speech?

 A To attract more customers

 B To introduce the products

 C To advertise the new store


10 What does the girl have to do on Wednesday after school?

  A Practice the piano      B Play football           C Join in the science fair

11 Which movie showing is the girl going to see?

  A 4:30                 B 5:00               C 9:00

12 Who will go to the movie with the girl?

  A her father             B her neighbor           C Her friend


13 Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A At the airport          B In a restaurant          C At home

14 Home long will they stay in Rome?

  A A week               B Twenty days           C A month

15 What do we know about the man?

  A He is talkative         B He is nervous           C He is impatient


16 What does the man think about his work?

  A It is very good          B In a hotel             C In an apartment

17 Where does the man live now?

  A In his workplace.        B In a hotel             C In an apartment

18 What are the two speakers talking about?

  A The man’s life          B The man’s roommate     C The man’s working experience


19 What is she percentage of the class participation in the final results ?

  A50%                  B 30%                  C 20%

20 What is the speaker talking about?

  A The class rules         B The grading methods      C The exam instructions


第一节  单项提填空(共15小题:每小题1分,共15分)


例:It’s so nice to hear from her again.             ,we last met more than thirty years ago

A What’s more        B That’s to say       C In other words      D Believe it or not


21 It was a rather rating boring class:              the part about using data was quite useful

A and              B but               C for               D so

22 It’s too noisy here, Can we go somewhere            ?

A quietly           B more quietly        C much quiet        D quieter

23 Maria’s father is very striel with her and won’t allow             to fail

A her                B him               C herself             D himself

24 I like to keep fit, so I go swimming           I can

A as soon as          B as fast as            C as often as          D as far as

25 Once employed ,Simon          to Africa to do market research

A will be sent         B is sent              C has been sent        D was sent

26The photographs of MS, kerry ,                she often makes her family members her subjects ,are of great value

A for whom          B in which             C about which         D of whom

27 Oh! My god! A file seems         by mistake!

A deleted                     B to be deleted

C being deleted                D to have been deleted

28         the water run while you brush your teeth wastes water

A Don’t let           B Let                 C Not letting           D Letting

29 Several of today’s football games          because of heavy snow

A postponed                   B are postponed

C have been postponed           D have postponed

30 There is a danger           museums will attempt to entertain rather than educate

A why               B that                 C where               Dwhich

31             the noise ,Tony bent to look out of the window,           the curtains with one hand.

A To hear ,to part              B Hearing, parting

C heard ,parting               D To have heard ,to part

32―I’m not feeling well.

  ― I know. it’s the kind of illness        leaves you feeling low.

A that                  B which            C what             D不填

33 The bear            that way ―you can see its tracks in the snow.

A when       B had gone         C what             D will go

34Why did she steal  things          she could easily afford to buy them?

A when       B since            C in ease            D so that

35 I can’t stand living in a bus city where people are always in a rush and            to move to another place.

A intended    B intending         C to intend           D intend

第三节 完型填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,共30分)


Robin asked us to share inspiring favorite words that other people had spoken. As I rolled through ideas in my head. My   36    kept relearning  to an event from my youth.

The words spoken were not  37  in their delivery .The person who received them wasn’t me. And, the life-changing event  38 to someone else. But I remember it very well. My friend Evonne was a skinny little girl. We weren’t best friends. But we were 39 .We  40  a classroom every year from 2nd through8th grade. Hing school got us into other groups of fellow students and we kept up our friendship 41 .But then the  42 happened during our senior year that changed her life 43  

Mrs. Lee was Evonne’s and my senior advisor. I don’t remember one word the woman spoke to me during consulting .However .I do remember what she said to Evonne .On one particular day, Evonne ,the teary-eyed 17-year old girl   44  Mrs. Lee’s office . She cried , “She might as well have told me I was 45 .She told me ‘You are not college material ’ Can you believe she said that?” Evonne  46  Then the still tiny ,but determined young woman made a brave 47  . “I’ll show her ”…and then she   48 !

Evonne’s head  49 . down in her studies the rest of that year. Following graduation she found employment and began 50  her way through coilege .She liaished her 4 years and  51  to graduaie school (研究生院),Not very years Not very many years later I heard that she had a PHD and became a professor at university in Tennessee

52      words don’t always make someone cleeide to invest (投资) in themselves so wisely.

Whenever I think of the inspiration and motivation that  53  Evonne . I am also  54  that there are many others who are discouraged by the 55 of our words. My story today is in honor of my old friend. Evonne.

36 A opinions        B intentions             C thoughts            D dreams

37 A accurate        B ridiculous             C moving             D inspiring

38 A stuck           B ridiculous             C turned              D added

39 A close           B near                  C casual             D unique

40 A entered         B owned                C spared             D shared

41 A loosely         B cautiously             C willingly            D totally 

42 A situation        B accident               C condition           D incident

43 A always          B forever               C temporarily          D totally

44 A escaped         B locked                C shut               D left 

45 A stupid          B simple                C sensitive            D selfish

46 A begged          B appealed              C questioned          D commanded

47 A statement        B comment              C judgment           D arrangement

48 A nobbed          B tried                  C would             D did

49 A kept            B nosed                 C bent               D turned

50 A changing        B finding                C working            D coming

51 A wandered        B headed                C immigrated         D rushed

52 A Eneouraging      B Negative              C Appropriate         D Abstract

53 A persuaded        B proved                C pushed             D created

54 A told             B informed               C reminded           D advised

55 A carelessness       B seriousness            C firmness             D vividness





W need a logo (标识) that will be the perfect symbol of our great new Wheelsville Skate Park. We would like you to design an appropriate logo that can be used on stationery. business cards posters . and T-shirts . A well-designed logo will provide an opportunity for young artists to receive recognition as well as great prizes. If you are interested ,here are the things you need to know:


Design must be original

Design can include no more: than two colors in addition to black and white

Artwork should be reproducible at various sizes from business cards to posters

The words “Whitesville Skate Park ” must appear in the logo


Contestants are required to be 18 years old or younger on May 15

Logo should he be submitted on ×11 paper. Do not fold

Contestants need to include a one-page written explanation describing the key features of the design


Mail entries will be accepted between April 10 and May 15. Entries must be postmarked no later than May 15

Eleetronie submissions must be transmitted no later than May 15

Winning designs will be posted on our website at www.wheelsville.skatepark.com on May 20


First Prize: Digital camera , one-year pass to Whitesville Skate I ark .and two T-shirts bearing

         The prize-winning logo

Second Prize: Six- mouth pass to Whitesville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo

Honorabl Mention : One free ticket to Whitesville Skate Park and a T-shirt with the prize-winning logo to two contestants from grades K-5 ,tow contestants from grades6-8. and two contestants  from grades 9-12


Whitesville Skate Park Logo Contest

Riverside Recreation Center

1295 New Rockford Hwy

Riverside, VA 23226


56 Which question is answered in the first paragraph?

  A Who are the judges?            B What prizes are offered?

  C What is the logo used for?       D When is the contest over?

57 The passage tries to encourage readers to enter the contest by        

   A explaining the rules            B offering  rewards

   C relating interesting details       D showing sample logos

58 What can we learn about the contest from the passage?

A All the closings are required to arrive by May 15

B The designers can use at least four colors in the logo

C The list of the winners will be published in the newspaper

D The size of the designs should be changeable for a particular use

59 Look at these results from an internet search . Which website would be most helpful for designing a logo  for this contest?

 A Make Money By Designing Logos      B logo Design Company

 C Before and After: A Logo Design History D Designing Logos: A Gnide




Picking  tomatoes

 For as long as I can remember . Grandma’s plentiful tomato garden has been a sign of summer’s end. Each September. Just as the decreased heat of the sun suggests cooler days, Grandma requests my help in her tomato garden. She convinces me she cannot pick tomatoes without my youthful eyes and quick mind .She says we need to examine each tomato and agree on its readiness for picking .While Grandma’s request for my help in the tomato garden is always the same ,her desire for my help seems to increase  each year.

  Grandma has eyes for finding even the tomatoes hidden by undergrowth and other tomatoes, I however, just turn circeles looking for the ones I think Grandma will like, I spot what looks like a tipe tomato , head in its didrection, and then get sidetracked by another that appears to be equally ripe, I usually end up watching Grandma and trying to stay out of her way, which seems the only way my eyes end mind are useful,.

   There we are, lost in the tomato vines(藤), Grandma’s eyes are always knowing, and tey are no different in vegetable garden, From afar she spots what looks like a ripe tomato, As she walks, loward the garden, she evaluates the tomato for asecond time, but from a different angle, I already know it will end up in the basket with the pile of others, Grandma has carefully chosen , However, Grandma acts as if she needs a final look to be sure, She calls me to her side, kneels beside the wine while enjoying the warmth of the fading sunlight on her face, and graspe the gomato in her hand, She turns each round, red ball toward the sunlight before hiscounecting it from the vine with a half-hearted smile.

  She then looks at me. I nod my head and smile, Grandma assumes I smile in agreement with her tomato selectionm, I know I smile, instead , at her,

60.Why does Grandma adk the author to go to the tomato garden with her?

A ,He can help pick more tomatoes

B He can learn the hardship of labor.

C She enjoys staying with hin while working

D She tries to share the happiness of harvest with him

61. The second paragraph shows that the author,

A is an indfficient tomato picker

B really has youthful eyes and quick mind

C has spent a lot of time gardening with Grandma

D is a naughty child trying to be out of Grandma’s sight

62. In the last paragraph ,the author smiled to Grandma becausse he         

A realizes her can intentions

B feels very hppy to pick potatoes for her

C confirms that her choice of tomato is great

D appreciates her skill in finding ripe tomatoes

63. What can we infer from the story?

A The grandechild will become more skillful at gardening than Grandma

B Grandma will develop more patience in working with the grandchild

C The grandchild will gradually become more independent of Grandma

D Grandma’s need for the grandchild’s company will grow over time



    The word “parkour’comes from a French phrase roughly translated as “military obstacle course(军事障碍课程).” All first glance parkour looks like an extreme sport, and it certainly has many of the same qualities of an extreme sport , However, it is considered by many traceurs as more of an anrt and exercise, which allows for individual expression and also prmotes, inner strength and personal growth,

   It introduces us to complete freedom from obstacles, and it is this freedom that makes parkour very qppealing in strict control of modern societym It is method that’s available tous at any time to deal with the obstacles facing us, both metal and physical, No obstacle, no barrier can stop the tranceur,:they continue moving forward in spite of , and in harmony with these,

While parkour does allow for a great deal of originality , there are certain methods commonly used when practicing it, The traceur choose his/her own path through the environment to create unique and flowing movement, adapting ot and using anything in his pathm When many techniques or rmoves used to overcome obstacles are linked together in an efficient and continuous waym it is known as a “run”, If you see somoeone that looks like they’re running from the police, but there is no one running afterm it’s probably parkour,

This idea of the chase represents and expreses the movement of parkour quite well, In fact , it is the form of movemnent that our ancient ancestors may have used to hunt for food, or escape from animals on the plains of Africa , In adapting instantly to whatever comes forth wihtout thinking about it, we naturally flow over and around all obstacles. In practicing parkour, we are reviving and developing that ancient instinet(本能)

The attitude behind parkour also combines the mentality of a child at paly , That unlimited imagination and energy combined with a complete ignoring of social practices epitomizes(成为…的缩影)the traceur, Others look at a rail or wall and see a barrier; we look at it and see a launch pal. And her, let’s not forget that we do this because it’s fun! The world is our jungle gym, le’s go play!

64. The underlined word in paragraph 1means            

A parkour participants    B, fitness experts

C sports psychologists   D, extreme sports lovers

65.Paragraph 4 is written to          

A show the way to develop ancient instinct    B introduce the evolution of parkour

C distinguish parkour from ancient instinct    D explain the origin of parkour

66. What do we know about parkour according to the passage?

A It is an activity dating back to ancient times,’

B People need to go past anything in the way while doing it .

C It’s difficult to do without the aid of professional equipment

D People need military trainning before taking part in it,

67. People may show interest in parkour because           

A they can get freed from rutine activities and tasks

B it helps them ot do their job efficiently in future

C they can develop both physically and mentally

D it has its roots in their childhood experience




   All over htea net, people dicussed about lack of clearness in HT(印度理工学院)admission proccdures and selection standard, Others were angry that HT is not the only way to go anyomore;they are facing tough competition from engineers graduating from other cooeges, Figures, they clained,, were a proof that HT si losing control on the minds and hearts of the country’s youth, Students are less and less interested in being Htians anymore, According to them, there is no considerable proof to prove their superiority over others,

   If we are talking about a past and persent track record of the achievements of HT and Thians, Wike(维基百科)offers some good information on successful Htians.

   Well, the trens again turned back in 2008. Around 3.2 lakh(十万)students appeared for HT JEE(joint Entrance Examinations), showing a ddramatic rise in the number of applications since 2007. According to Hindustan Times , 3.95lakh applications have been recived for the academic year 20092010 again highlighting a significant increase in the number of HT JEE applicants, The total number of seats available will be around 7,000, So on an average, 56 students will be competing for the same seat, Thus, it si not likely that the popularity of HT is decreasing

HT has always encouraged free thinking and have offered a support system that allows students to give wings to their dreams. It is this characteristic of HT educational system that has given a liberating feeling to many promising intelligent people, Htians have made their mark in almost everything- be it technology, engineering , entreprencurship, writing or politics,

It is this air of HT carmpus that marks Htians nso food of it, It is this unlimited farming of intelligence and excellence that draws so may yougsters to HT, The numbers may dwindle or increase; it is the determination and attitude that true Htians to extraordinary heights,

  Askiitions com offers you free interaction with Htinasm who can tell you about their first-hand experiences at one of the HT campuses they graduated from , They can offer you insight of what makes HT so special, If you need HT advisers willing to help you, askiitians, com offer these serivices for free.

68.Which of the following may the author agree with?

A HT has greater advantage in developing students’ potential

B HT tries to make its admission procedures easy to understand

C HT has lost popularity in the minds and hearts of young people.

D HT should shape its future to face the challenges from other colleges,

69. The data in Paragraph 3 shows that                

A around 3.2 lakh students applied for HT in 2007

B the selection stamland in HT is flexible in those years

C an increasing number of students compete in HT JEE

D 56% of the applicants will enter HT for the academic year 2009―2010

70.According to the passage, what do we know about Htians’a

A They are assessed on their deternination and attitude

B They are promised to gain great achievement in the future,

C Their success owes much to the exlucational system in HT

D They each are excellent in fields ranging from technology to politics’

71.Why does the author mention the website askitians , com in the last paragraph?

A To persuade people to apply for HT

B To offer access for people to judge his argument

C To explain why HT slands out among many colleges,

D To show true Htisans successful experiences dircelty



Suppose you discovered an unusual animal, one not described in amy persent zoology book

How would you begin ot identify a creature that may ? or may not ?exist? Or suppose you came upon an animal that scientisets thought had died thousands of years ago, These are exactly the kinds of puzzling situations that crypto-zoologists deal with wvery day,

Caypto comes from the Greek words kryptos, which means hidden , and zoology, the study of animal. Of course, crypto-zoologists must acquire a thorough and complete knowledge of all kinds of animals, bothe living and extinct, such as dinosaurs, In addition, they must be able to tell the difference between a real discovery and a case of mistaken identity,

You may have heard of people who calim they’ve seen the Loch Ness Monstor or Bigfoot, Most crypto-zoologist doubt that proof of either Nessic of Bigfoot will everbe found, But they have many discoveries of less impressive creatures, like the pseudoryx, to investigate(调查)

The pseudoryx, from the Vietnamese rain forest, looks like a goat, but it is really more closely related to the ox . The evidence for the pseudoryx was piceed together from the villagers’ collection of bones, and hides. Even though the researchers could not find an actual pseudoryx, a talented Vietnamese taxidermist was able to reconstruct a model from the parts the researchers brought to him , Scientists also analyzed the genetic material from a pascudoryx’s bones, Their analysis confinned that the pascudoryx was certainly a unique new specics, unlike any that had been indentified before.

Other crypto-zoologists are presently working to prove the existence of a small ape called the orang-pen-dek on the island of Suunatra, Still others are looing into sightings of the moa, a flightless bird which was thought to be extinct for hundreds of years

New typec of animals are continuing to be discovered The crypto-zoologist is constantly analyzing the facts and trying to solve the mysteries, For every mystery that si solved, a new one is likely to appear.,

72. From the second paragraph , we know that            

A crypto-zoology is a science coming from Greece

B doing researing in crypto-zoology is a demanding task

C crypto-zoologists try to cetermine whether animals really exist

D crypto-zoologists are skillful at distingushing between theory and assumption

73. Which of the following is true about the parts collected

A An artificial copy was made from the parts collected

B Evidence from villagers helped to find a real pseudoryx

C The genetic material is compared with that of a goat and an ox

D It’s doubtful whether pscudoryx is different from the existing animals

74. What is the best title of the passage?

A Uncovered truth in animals

B Looking for unknown animals

C Crypto-zoology-a new field of science

D Crypto-zoologists ?the detectives in science

75. The examples of animals in the passage are used to          

A appeal readers to solve mysteries

B show how crypto-zoologists work

C inform people that manhy animals are in great danger

D show the importance of perserving the balance of nature





假设你叫李华,准备去英国学习语言。在网络上你看到the Big Ben School of English 的招生广告,你很感兴趣。请根据下列提示给该校负责人Mr.Williams发邮件咨询以下事宜:

n         班额、师资

n         住宿条件

n         课余活动

n         费用所涵盖的项目

注意:1. 信的开头已为你写好


Dear. Mr. Williams

   I saw your advertisement for language courses in London and I am writing to find out more about the courses you offer,




I ‘m looking forward to your reply


LI Hua

第二节 开放作文


In an English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the class how you understand it,.












