




1. A         B          C

2. A         B          C

3. A         B         C 

4. A         B          C

5. A             B              C    



6. Mrs. Black is ____________ teacher.

A. a Chinese              B. a maths          C. an English

7. We went to the airport ____________.

A. by taxi                B. by bus           C. on foot

8. The girl wants to buy a ____________ for her friend’s birthday.

A. cake                   B. card             C. car

9. His telephone number is ____________.

A.023-68527049           B.023-62857409     C.023-68257409

10.I ____________ this morning.

A. stayed at home           B. went shopping    C. went out with Mother



11.A.English.             B. Maths.             C. Physics.

12.A.In the library.         B. In a hospital.        C. In a clothes shop.

13.A.Three.               B. Four.              C. Five.     

14.A.The girl in a red skirt.  B. The girl with glasses.  C. The girl near the door.

15.A.In New York.         B. In Paris.            C. In London.



16.Shirley Temple was born in ____________.

  A.1928                   B.1930             C.1938

17.Shirley Temple was a good ____________.

  A. writer and dancer     B. teacher and singer     C. actress and dancer

18.People in the USA lived ____________ life in the 1930s.

  A. an easy               B. a happy           C. a difficult

19.Shirley got ____________ on her eighth birthday.

  A.1,000 cakes            B.5,000 letters    C. dolls

20.Did Shirley make movies when she grew up?

  A. No.                    B. Yes.             C. It doesn’t say.




21.____________ man in black is from ____________ England.

  A. The, /             B. The, the          C.A, the         D.A, /

22.---You seem ____________. What’s wrong?

  ---My son hurt his leg this morning.

  A. worried            B. happy             C. glad           D. fine

23.---Is this your handbag?

  ---No, it’s not ____________. My handbag is red.

  A. yours              B. his               C. hers           D. mine

24.---Can you come to have dinner with me this evening?

  ---I’m afraid not. I ____________ take care of my grandmother. She is ill.

  A. can’t             B. have to           C. may            D. could

25.---You are really beautiful in that blue dress. Is it new?

  ---No. I ____________ it for a year.

  A. have bought        B. have had          C. bought         D. had

26. Many people enjoy the book Harry Potter  ____________ by JK Rowling.

  A. who writes          B. which is writing   

  C. was written         D. which was written

27.He coughed day and night. His wife asked him ____________ smoking.

  A. giving up          B. going on          C. to give up     D. to go on

28.There’s too much noise. ____________ of the two boys can fall asleep.

  A. All                B. Both              C. Neither        D. None

29.---What’s Tim doing at the moment?

  ---I think he ____________ a report.

  A. gives              B. was giving        C. is giving      D. has given

30.If I’m free, I’d like to spend ____________ holiday in the country.

  A. a two-day          B. two days’        C. two-day        D. two days

31.We needn’t buy any ____________. There are many in the fridge.

  A. fruit              B. meat              C. milk           D. eggs

32.This sweater is not as good as that one, but it’s much __________.

  A. cheap            B. cheaper           C. cheapest       D. the cheapest

33.He didn’t tell me _________________.

  A. which floor did he live                B. which floor he lives on             

C. which floor he lived on                D. which floor he lived

34.There is going to ____________ a football game on TV this evening.

  A. have               B. hold              C. be             D. has

35.I wonder if the foreign friends ____________for Shanghai next week.

  A. leave              B. leaves           C. left           D. are leaving

36.---____________ enjoyable it is to travel by air!


  A. How, So is it  B. How, So it is    C. What, So is it  D. What, So it is

37.____________ the music is not very popular, I enjoy it.

  A. If                 B. When              C. Until           D. Though

38.____________ people went to the concert that was held in Jinyun Square ____________ the night of April 25.

A. Thousands of, in           B. thousand, on

C. many thousand, in          D. Thousands of, on

39.He is very tired. You’d better ____________.

  A. not to wake him up                        B. not wake him up

  C. wake him up                             D. to wake him up

40.---Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?

  ---____________. The teacher says she can come to school tomorrow.

A.I hope not     B.I don’t think so    C. I’m afraid not   D.I think so



A little boy wanted to meet God, so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. On his way he saw an old woman      41      in the park. The boy sat down next to her. The old lady looked      42     , so he offered her a cake. She      43      it thankfully and smiled at him. Her smile was      44      pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he gave her a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was very happy! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never say a word. As it grew dark, the boy got up to leave.      45      he left, he gave her a kiss. She gave him her      46      smile ever.

When the boy      47      home, his mother saw the look of joy      48     his face. She asked him, “     49      made you so happy?” He replied, “I had lunch with God. She’s got the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen!” The old woman also returned to her home      50     . Her son asked, “Mother, why are you so happy?” She answered, “I ate cakes in the park with God. You know, he’s much younger than I expected.”

41.A.sits           B. sitting             C. to sit           D. sat

42.A.hungry        B. angry              C. thirsty          D. tired

43.A.received       B. gave              C. accepted        D. refused

44.A.very          B. too               C. so              D. quite

45.A.Before        B. After             C. Since            D. Until

46.A.big           B. bigger            C. the biggest        D. biggest

47.A.got to         B. got               C. reaches          D. arrived in

48.A.in            B. with              C. at               D. on

49.A.Which        B. Where             C. What            D. Why

50.A.happily        B. happy             C. happiness        D. happier




Florence Nightingale was one of the world's great nurses. She was born in Florence , Italy on May 12,1820. When she was young, she wanted to be a nurse. The family had lots of money, so they thought it would be better if she didn't work. Nurses were not very well respected (尊重) at the time. But Nightingale went to Germany to learn to be a nurse.

During a war in 1854, Nightingale and a team of 38 nurses from England took care of soldiers near Turkey (土耳其). She was a very kind lady. The soldiers called her “The Lady With the Lamp”. In 1860, Nightingale opened the first nursing school. She died in 1910 in London, England. Nightingale's birthday became International Nurses Day in 1974. Every year on her birthday, May 12, people celebrate International Nurses Day to remember the love and help that she gave to so many people.


51.Nightingale was one of the world’s great doctors.

52.Her family members wanted her to be a nurse.

53.The first nursing school was opened by Nightingale.

54.Nightingale lived for 90 years.

55.Every year on May 12, people celebrate International Mother’s Day.




Here is a menu for a fast food restaurant. The prices are in American money, called dollars and cents. There are 100 cents in a dollar.








Main meals











Coca cola



Hamburger with cheese




Orange juice



Chicken burger







Vegetable burger







Side dishes











Ice cream, or chocolate







Apple pie(hot)



Chicken wings




Donuts or jam



56.From the menu, how much does a small hamburger cost?

  A. One hundred and eighty dollars.           B. Two dollars and thirty cents.

  C. Eighty cents.                          D. One dollar and eighty cents.
57.If you have only three dollars, what can you buy?

  A.A large salad and a large ice cream.

  B.A large chicken burger and a small cup of tea.

  C.A small vegetable burger and a large chocolate.

  D. An apple pie and a large hamburger with cheese.

58.Jam is a kind of ______________.

  A. main meals         B. side dishes      C. sweets        D. drinks

59. Which is not sold in this restaurant?

  A. Coffee.            B. Fries.           C. Hamburger.    D. Wine.

60.A thirsty boy will probably ask for _____________.

  A. coca cola          B. donuts          C. fries          D. a chicken burger


My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Sydney, Australia. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in the United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Rome, Italy. They speak English, French and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Russia, and Japan. Hans, their son, goes to school with students from China, South Africa and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, South African, American, Italian, and Canadian children all learning together in Italy!

61.Where is Peter from?

  A. Canada.         B. South Africa.       C. England.        D. Australia.

62.Their family is still in ____________.

  A. Italy             B. Australia         C. the USA       D. England

63.What are their children’s names?

  A. Peter and Susan.  B. Anna and Joe.      C. Hans and Flora.  D. Jane and Hans.

64.Which of the following is true ?

A. Peter and Jane work in Italy.

  B. Flora has friends from Japan, Canada and France.

  C. There aren’t any Italian children in the school.

  D. Jane is an English woman.

65.The school is ____________.

  A. big         B. small         C. difficult       D. international


CHINA will remember this great moment. At 9am on October 15,2003, the country sent up its first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V, into space at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre (酒泉卫星发射中心)in Gansu Province. Shenzhou V circled the Earth 14 times in about 20 hours. It landed successfully in Inner Mongolia early the next morning.
    Now China has become the third country in the world to send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union(前苏联) and the US. Yang Liwei, 38, is China's first spaceman. Yang, who comes from Liaoning Province, has been an air force pilot since 1983. He was chosen from 14 pilots after many difficult tests.
    Yang recorded everything he saw in space. What did the spaceship take with it? Flags and seeds(种子): a national flag, a United Nations’ flag, the Olympic flag and one kilogram of seeds for experiments.

66.Which of the sentences is true?

  A. Shenzhou V is the first spacecraft that China has sent into space.

  B. Shenzhou V was sent up into space at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre.

  C. Shenzhou V was sent up into space for the third time.

  D. Shenzhou V circled the earth 20 times for 14 hours.

67.Shenzhou V returned safely _______________.

  A. at 9am on October 15, 2003         B. at 6pm on October 16, 2003

  C. at around 6am on October 15,2003    D. at around 6am on October 16, 2003

68.Which wasn’t taken into space by Shenzhou V?

  A.A national flag.          B. An Olympic flag.

C.A United States’flag.      D. Some seeds.

69.Put the following sentences into correct time order(顺序).

a. China sent up its first manned spacecraft.

b. Yang passed many difficult tests.

c. Yang recorded everything he saw in space.

d. Shenzhou V landed safely.

e. Yang was chosen to be the first spaceman in China.

  A. a-b-d-c-e         B. d-e-a-b-c        C. b-e-a-c-d       D. e-d-b-a-c

70.The writer mainly tells us that ____________.

  A. China is the first country to send a man into space

  B. China has successfully sent its first spaceman into space

  C. Yang Liwei had passed many difficult tests before he went into space

D. the former Soviet Union, the US and China have sent man-made spacecrafts into space


The Internet has become part of teenage(青少年)life. There’s a report on 3,375 students aged from 10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities. It says that 38 per cent of them believe they use the Internet often. While most of them get useful information and use the Internet to help in their studies, some are not using it in a good way. Many are playing online games too much. A few even visit Web sites they should not look at. Bad things can happen if young people spend too much time on the Internet.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook on good Internet behavior has started to be used in some Shanghai middle schools this term. It uses real examples to teach students all about good ways of using the Internet. It gives useful advice such as it's good to read news or find helpful information to study. Some students also make online friends. But if you are meeting a friend offline, let your parents know.
    Teachers and parents all think the book is a very good idea. It will teach students how to be a good person in the online world. It will be a guide for teens using the Internet and keep students away from bad sites.

71.The underlined word “it” means ____________.

 A. the book      B. the report     C. the Internet    D. useful information

72.From the report, about _________ students between 10-18 years old in the seven cities use the Internet often.

 A.3,375             B.1,280             C.2,100           D.3,000

73.What do most of the students do on the Internet?

A. To make online friends.             

B. To play online games.

 C. To get useful information to help in their studies.          

 D. To visit Web sites they should not look at.

74.Why do teachers and parents think the book is a good idea?

 A. Because it helps with the students’studies.

 B. Because it gives useful information for study.

 C. Because it is used in Shanghai middle schools.

 D. Because it teaches students how to be a good person in the online world.

75.Choose the best title for the passage(文章).

A. The Internet has become part of teenage life.

B. Students can’t use the Internet.

C. Be careful when using the Internet.

D. How to be a good person.





76.---Would you like some more fish, Kitty?


  A. Yes, I’d like a drink                 B. Just a little, please

  C. I’d like some meat                  D. I’d like to

77.---Excuse me, which bus goes to the TV Station?


  A. It’s about 2 kilometres away             B. OK, thank you 

  C. It takes about 15 minutes to get there      D.No.16 bus

78.---Could I borrow your CD player?


  A. That’s all right                    B. Of course. Here you are 

  C.I agree                           D. Sorry, but you can


  ---Size 8, I think.

  A. Can I help you                     B. What size do you want

  C. What colour would you like           D. What do you think of the sweater

80.---Is there anything serious with my leg?


  A.I don’t feel very well              B. All right 

  C. Nothing serious                  D. Never mind



A. When and where shall we meet?      B. On foot.     C. Let’s make it 8:30. D. Would you like to go with me?      E. May I speak to Li Yu, please?

(    ) A: Hello!      81    

B: Speaking.

(    ) A: Hi, Li Yu. This is Ji Wei. I am going to take pictures in Jinyun Mountain.


      B: Yes, I’d love to. How can we get there?

(    ) A:      83    

(    ) B:      84            

      A: We’ll meet in Tianqi Square at 9:00 o’clock on Sunday morning.

(    ) B: 9:00 o’clock? It may be a little late.      85    

A: Ok. See you then.



A: The summer holidays are coming soon.     86     are you going to do, Song Jia?

B: My parents are going to take me to Hainan      87      a visit.

A: Hainan? It’s a      88      of interest.

B: Yes. I love surfing. This time I can      89      in the sea.

A: That sounds cool! I’m sure you’ll      90      a wonderful time there.

B: Thanks. What     91     you, Hu Ming? You’re going on a trip,    92     you?

A: Yes, but I’m not sure      93      to go, maybe Beijing, Dalian or Harbin.

B:     94       yourself.

A: Thanks. I hope     95     .

86._____________ 87._____________ 88._____________ 89._____________ 90._____________ 91._____________92._____________93._____________ 94._____________    95._____________




96.She has studied English for three years.(改为一般疑问句)

   ____________ she ____________ English for three years?

97.We must water these young trees often.(改为被动结构)

   These young trees must ____________ ____________ often.

98.Is the Science Museum open at weekends?(改为宾语从句)

   Could you tell us __________ the Science Museum ___________ open at weekends?

99.To protect the environment is important. (同义句)

   It is important ____________   _____________ the environment.

100.This bag is not the same as that one. (同义句)

   This bag is _____________ _____________ that one.


根据内容提示,写一篇50-80字的短文。要求:书写格式正确,语句通顺,流畅,无语法错误。内容提要:第20个教师节即将来临,请你根据以下提示给你的英语老师Miss Zhang写一封感谢信,并表示节日的问候。主要内容包括:1.表示感谢  2.描述她的教学(如:讲故事,教唱歌,做游戏,举行晚会…;课堂生动有趣,使我们对英语产生兴趣,取得进步)。3.表达节日问候。

 Dear Miss Zhang,                                                          









                                                              Li  Nan     
