
一.    听对话


  1. (    )      2. (    )   3. (    )   4. (    )   5. (    )

二. 听对话,根据对话内容,判断第6―10小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)


  6. Bob has changed a lot.

  7. Now Tina has long hair.


  8. Jim and Alice have to stay at home on school nights.

  9. They are allowed to go out on Saturday nights.

  10. They are talking outside the classroom at the school.

三. 听对话,根据对话内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)


  11. What are the two speakers talking about?

    A. Joe’s problem.                 B. Mr. Andrews’ problem.            C. Mrs. Wilson’s problem.

  12. What is the relationship(关系)between the two speakers?

    A. Teacher and student.         B. Mother and son.                      C. Parent and teacher.


  13. How does Mary feel about her new neighbors?

    A. She doesn’t like them.

    B. She’s mad about their son.

    C. She feels silly to talk with them.

  14. Which of the following is Mary most worried about?

    A. Her children can not get enough sleep.

    B. Her new neighbors’ radio makes great noises.

    C. She doesn’t know how to deal with her neighbors’ son.

  15. What suggestion does the man make?

    A. Mary should call up her neighbors to complain.

    B. Mary should talk with her neighbors about the problem.

    C. Mary should try her best to get her children to sleep early.

四. 听短文,根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。短文读三遍。(共10分,每小题2分)



五. 单项填空(共18分,每小题1分)


  21. I love music, and _____________ father often takes me to the concert.

     A. I                            B. me                    C. my                   D. mine

  22. ―How do you study for a test?

    ―I study _____________ working with a group.

     A. by                  B. to                            C. in                            D. at

  23. Lisa has a red pen like this. So it must _____________ hers.

     A. is                           B. are                    C. be                     D. was

  24. ―_____________ T-shirt is this? Is it John’s?

    ―I don’t think so. It’s too small for him.

     A. Which                    B. What                C. Who                 D. Whose

  25. ―Where did you go last Sunday?

    ―Oh, we all _____________ to the Great Wall.

     A. go                  B. went                 C. have gone          D. will go

  26. ―Is this your ruler?

    ―No, it isn’t. Oh, I think it must belong to _____________.

     A. David                    B. David’s             C. Davids              D. Davids’

  27. ―Tom used to _____________ short and fat, didn’t he?

    ―Yes, he did. Now he’s tall and thin.

    A. do                    B. like                   C. have                 D. be

  28. ―Would you like to come to my party this Friday night?

    ―I’d like to, _____________ I have to study for a test.

    A. and                   B. but                   C. or                     D. so

  29. ―Hey, look at the man. He _____________ down the street.

    ―Oh, what’s happening?

    A. run                   B. runs                  C. is running                 D. will run

  30. Jack is good at math. But I think his English is much _____________ than his math.

    A. good                 B. better                C. best                         D. the best

  31. ―What would you do _____________ you had a lot of money?

    ―I’d give it to a village school.

    A. if                            B. when                C. because                    D. though

  32. Could you ask the driver _____________ for another five minutes?

    A. wait                  B. waited               C. waiting                    D. to wait

  33. ―I don’t like this kind of car. Do you like it?

    ―No. I don’t like it, _____________.

    A. too                   B. also                  C. either                       D. neither

  34. ―I’m not good at speaking. Can you give me some advice?

    ―You’d better _____________ aloud every day.

    A. read                  B. reads                 C. reading                    D. to read

  35. ―Have you ever studied with your partner in class?

    ―Yes, it really helps. I _____________ a lot that way.

    A. learn                 B. learned              C. will learn                 D. have learned

  36. ―Would you like to play football with us tomorrow afternoon?

    ―Sorry I can’t. I have _____________ homework to do.

    A. many                B. much                C. few                          D. little

  37. I’m not allowed to go out on school nights. But I _____________ go to parties on Friday nights.

    A. can                   B. should               C. must                        D. would

  38. Hurry up please, or we won’t _____________ the train.

    A. miss                 B. catch                 C. take                         D. ride

六. 完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)


The House with Golden Windows

    Mary lived in a small, poor house on a hill. When she was young,   39   would play in the small garden. There she was able to   40   a wonderful house high on the other hill ? and this house had golden windows, so shining that the little girl would   41   of how fantastic it would be to live in a house with golden windows instead of a common house   42   hers. Though she loved her parents, she still dreamed all day about how exciting it   43   feel to live there.

    One day, she asked her mother if she could go for a bike ride outside. Her mother finally   44   her to go. The day was beautiful and she knew exactly   45   she was going! She rode her bike until she got near to the gate of the golden house across on the other hill. She was so   46   as she saw all the windows were simple and rather dirty, showing that the house stood derelict(遗弃).

    So sad she didn’t go any further and turned,   47   broken as she rode on her bike. As she went back she was surprised to see a little house with golden windows as the sun shone on her own   48  .

    She realized that she had been living in her golden house and all the   49   she found there was what made her home the ‘golden house’. Everything she dreamed was   50   there in front of her nose!

  39. A. she                 B. he              C. you                   D. I

  40. A. buy                 B. build          C. see                    D. make

  41. A. talk                 B. think          C. hear                  D. dream

  42. A. of                   B. as              C. like                   D. with

  43. A. might              B. must          C. may                  D. could

  44. A. invited            B. agreed        C. let                    D. allowed

  45. A. what               B. where        C. why                  D. how

  46. A. disappointed    B. excited       C. surprised           D. tired

  47. A. heart               B. life            C. way                  D. wish

  48. A. bike                B. mom          C. home                D. family

  49. A. fun                 B. love           C. hope                 D. change

  50. A. once               B. not            C. also                  D. right


七. 阅读理解(共22分,每小题2分)



Films in Grand Cinema This Week

Harry Porter(III)

American film

Director: Alfonso Guaron

Stars: Daniel Redeliffe, Rupert Glint, Emma

Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:30 pm.

Ticket Price: $ 4.5

Kungfu Hustle

Hong Kong film

Director: Zhou Xingchi

Stars: Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua

Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 pm.

Ticket Price: $ 5

A World Without Thieves

Chinese film

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Stars: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 4:30 pm.

Ticket Price: $ 6(Half for children)


American film

Director: Wolfgang Peterson

Stars: Julian Glover, Brian Cox

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 am.

Ticket Price: $ 5.5

  51. How many American films will there be in Grand Cinema this week?

    A. One                  B. Two                  C. Three                       D. Four

  52. If you want to see the film Harry Porter(III), you will pay ___________.

    A. $ 4.5                B. $ 5                   C. $ 5.5                        D. $ 6

  53. You are free on Saturday morning, so you can see the film ___________ in Grand Cinema.

    A. Kungfu Hustle                        B. A World Without Thieves

    C. Troy                                      D. Harry Porter(III)

  54. Your favorite star is Zhou Xingchi, so you have to see his film at ___________ on Friday.

    A. 9:30 am                   B. 4:30 pm            C. 6:30 pm            D. 9:00 pm


    The other day Roy Price went “home”to his sister’s house. It’s her home now; and it’s also the house he was born in, Pat, his sister, kissed him and said, “You haven’t changed much, Roy. Let me see, now ? when did we meet last?”

    “Thirty years ago,”he answered.“I came here for a week, do you remember? And I was right thirty then.”He added, “You’ve changed very little.”But it wasn’t true. Pat looked like an old lady.

    The next morning Roy walked through the small town alone. The place looked very different. There were lots of traffic signs beside the roads. There was a new car park, a new post office, a new… . He remembered suddenly that the bus used to stop anywhere: you just put up your hand and it stopped. One surprise followed another. But Roy’s biggest surprise was the people. He didn’t recognize(认识)anybody at all. He thought perhaps everyone here seemed old. He went into the post office and bought some stamps. “Where are all the children and young people?”he asked the postmaster. The old fellow looked up and answered, “Children? They’re in school, of course.”

    At lunch Pat said, “The town looks nice, doesn’t it?”

    “It’s all different, Pat. It used to be an exciting place, but now it’s full of old people. I don’t understand…”

    “There are a few newcomers, but the ones we knew are still here. You’re not young yourself, Roy, are you?”

  55. The house Roy was born in is now his ___________ home.

    A. mother’s                  B. sister’s                            C. new                  D. own

  56. In the eyes of Roy, the small town looked ___________ and people seemed ___________.

    A. different, old            B. different, young        C. old, young         D. old, new

  57. In the passage the writer mainly wants to tell us that ___________.

    A. people in the small town were old like Roy’s sister

    B. Roy hasn’t changed much but his sister has changed a lot

    C. Roy’s hometown has changed a lot since he left 30 years ago

    D. Roy didn’t recognize anybody because he had been away for 30 years


    E-mail is one of the biggest threats(威胁)to your home computer. By understanding how E-mail works, and by taking some steps in how you deal with reading and writing messages, you can keep this threat out of your computer. When you exchange E-mail with someone else, the messages sent between you and that person pass through several computers before they reach their places. Imagine this conversation as it is taking place in an Internet“room”, a very, very big room. Anyone, or more exactly, any program can probably understand what is being said, because most Internet conversations are not hidden(隐藏)in any way. As a result, others may be listening in, capturing what you send, and using it for their own good.


    E-mail-borne viruses(病毒)often arrive in attractive, fantastic appearances, much like the beautiful ads we receive by way of traditional mail that is made to sell us something. By beautiful appearances, an infected(感染)E-mail message seems to be something we want to read from someone we know, not a mean virus ready to destroy or damage our computers.

    There are some steps that you can take to help you decide what to do with every E-mail message with an attachment(附件)that you receive. You should only read a message that passes all of these tests:

    1)The Know Test: Is the E-mail from someone that you know?

    2)The Received Test: Have you received E-mail from this sender before?

    3)The Expect Test: Were you waiting for E-mail with an attachment from this sender?

    4)The Meaning Test: Do the topic line of the E-mail massage and the name of the attachment both have meanings?

    5)The Virus Test: Is the E-mail infected?

  58. Which of the following is the main idea of the first paragraph?

    A. We should not exchange our E-mail with someone else.

    B. It is dangerous to read and write E-mail message sat home.

    C. We should learn how E-mail works to take care of our computers.

    D. Our chats on computers are usually going on in a big Internet room.

  59. What does the underlined word“capturing”probably mean?

    A. taking               B. hiding        C. receiving           D. destroying

  60. As the Internet is open to anyone, we should ___________.

    A. not read and write messages in our home computers

    B. not allow nice advertisements to reach our computers

    C. stop our conversations while someone is listening in it

    D. be careful with the attractive E-mails sent by strangers

  61. What is the passage mainly talking about?

    A. The threats of E-mail.                           B. The safety of home computers.

    C. The E-mail-borne viruses.               D. The steps to receive E-mail messages.

八. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。(共8分,每小题2分)

    You may have learned English for some years. It’s only natural that all of you want to be able to read some English books or magazines without the teacher’s help. Just think of what fun it will give you to finish reading an English story or a whole book by yourself, and how great you will feel if you read even more.

    But it is common that many people begin hopefully to read in a foreign language, but stop half way in disappointment because of some difficulties.

    It is important to choose books that are suitable(适合)for the reader. Then what books are suitable for you to choose?

    Well, I think you should first choose books neither too difficult nor too easy but suitable for you. Then when you are reading, you should never let new words take too much of your attention from the main idea of the story. Just do the job as you often do in your own language. While you are reading, try to guess the meaning of the new words, and to decide which of the key words you could guess and which you have to look up in your dictionary.

    If you follow the suggestion above, you will be successful in reading any foreign languages.

    What fun it will give you to finish reading an English   62   or a book by yourself.

    You should first choose books neither too difficult nor too   63   but suitable for you.

    In the passage, the writer teaches us   65   by ourselves.


九. 词汇(共10分,每空1分)



  1. Last weekend I met my friend Bill. He has changed a lot. He used to be __________, __________, and __________. Now he’s tall and quiet.

  2. He used to play __________, __________ and __________. Now he prefers swimming.

  3. We talked for a while and both of us agreed that students should be allowed to __________, __________, __________ and __________.

十. 口语交际(共5分,每空1分)


    A: Hello!

    B: Hello?   1   Mrs. Green?

    A: Yeah. Who’s that?

    B:   2   Li Hua speaking. I called to ask for help with my English.

    A: I’d be glad to help. What’s the problem?

    B: I read very slowly.

    A: Well, I have an idea that may help.   3   read more easy story books.

    B:   4  . I’ll try that.

    A: Also, I think reading after tapes can help a lot.

    B:   5   for your advice.

    A: You’re welcome. Goodbye.

    B: Bye-bye.

十一. 单句表达(共5分,每句1分)



  1. Tony, be, a quiet boy


  2. he, like, studying English


  3. but he’s, too shy, speak in class


  4. I’ll, try one’s best, to help him


  5. I think, talk in pairs, can help


十二. 书面表达(共15分)



